
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): A * you3 yi4si interesting/ enjoyable


Grade E word(s):

有意思 [you3 yi4 si5] interessant (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 30.34 Komposita

头版上有些有意思的消息. There's something interesting on the front page.
当一个人一旦认为自己是有意思的时候,他就不再是有意思的人了。 The minute a man is convinced that he is interesting, he is not.
那项要求很有意思,可是你有证件加以证明吗? That's a very interesting claim, but can you document it?
你的书好像比我的有意思, 你愿意(和我)交换吗? Your book looks more interesting than mine: do you want to swap (with me)?
试用照相机斜著照, 照出来的相片更有意思. Try angling the camera for a more interesting picture.