
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): A pron * you3xie1 some/ some of


Grade E word(s):

有些 [you3 xie1] irgendetwasmanche (Pron)

Häufigkeit: 64.12 Komposita

那儿有些彩色的气球。 There are some color balloons.
有些人在爬高山时会发生高山反应。 Some people develop altitude sickness when climbing high mountains.
有些啤酒和巧克力有苦味。 Some beer and chocolate taste bitter.
有些印第安人对我们很友好。 Some Indians are friendly to us.
头版上有些有意思的消息. There's something interesting on the front page.
这件工作同你早先的工作相比, 有些令人失望. Beside your earlier work this piece seems rather disappointing.
我一想到要对这样的听众讲话,就有些胆小。 I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience.
空难事件中有些人大难不死被新闻界广泛报导。 The miraculous survival of some people in the air crash was widely reported by the press.
有些罪犯被释放后有可能重新犯罪。 Some criminals are likely to offend again when they are released.
鹿有些种类能脱换鹿角. Some kinds of deer shed their horns.
这世上有些人把整个时间花费于搜寻正义,却腾不出时间来付诸实践。 Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness and can not find any time to practice it.
池塘里有些芦苇。 There are some reeds in the pond.
中间休息时有些点心(如冰激凌、 炸土豆片、 巧克力). Light refreshments (eg ice-cream, crisps, chocolate) are available during the interval.
尽管(她讲的)内容有些枯燥, 但由於她善於表达, 大家仍听得津津有味. Although the subject-matter (of her talk) was rather dull her witty delivery kept the audience interested.
有些科学家用动物做试验。 Some scientists experiment on animals.
他的举动似乎有些古怪. His behaviour seemed queer.
有些广告毫无吸引力。 Some advertisements have no pull at all.
昨夜隔壁有些异常. There were some strange goings-on next door last night.
医生说肝脏稍有些毛病。 The doctor says it's just a touch of liver.
有些水果根本就不能冷藏。 Some fruits don't freeze well at all.
有些人相信上帝创造了世界。 Some people believe that God created the world.
有些食物比另一些食物容易吸收。 Some foods are assimilated more easily than others.
有些品种的狗尾巴只有退化的部分. Some breeds of dog have only rudimentary tails.
有些上了年纪的人非常喜爱京剧。 Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera immensely.
有些食物比另一些食物容易吸收. Some foods assimilate/ are assimilated more easily than others.
有些食物的吸收比另一些更容易。 The assimilation of some foods is more easily than that of others.
有些教师觉得课堂秩序很难维持. Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes/to keep their classes in order.
他们拒绝签约,从而使我们的处境有些困难。 Their refusal to sign the contract has put us in a bit of a bind.
有些人生就一副好嗓子, 有些人则需要训练. Some people have naturally beautiful voices while others need to be trained.
如今有些年轻人穿的服装真会把你吓一跳。 The clothes some young people wear nowadays really make your hair curl.
大多数西红柿成熟时是红色的,但有些品种是黄色的。 Most tomatoes are red when ripe, but some kinds are yellow.
大家都知道这老头儿精神有点失常,可是他有些想法听起来并不那么古怪。 Everybody knows the old man's got bats in the belfry, but some of his ideas are not as crazy as they sound.
社会是由形形色色的人组成。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。 Society is made up of a variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.
有些蛇长有毒牙。 Some snakes have poisonous fangs.
有些水果和种子有外壳。 Some fruits and seeds have hulls.
有些人睡觉时磨牙齿。 Some people grind their teeth while they are asleep.
开会时气氛显得有些兴奋。 There was an air of excitement at the meeting.
此风俗在有些村里至今犹存. The custom still lingers (on) in some villages.
有几束隐约的阳光使阴暗的下午有些明亮. A few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.
我对一直放在走廊里的那个包裹有些怀疑。 I'm a bit suspicious about the package that's been left in the corridor.
有些职员要被解雇,不过请放心,你不在此列。 Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hasten to add you won't be among them.
我们有些人非常重视安宁与舒适,有些人重视快乐与刺激。 Some of us value peace and comfort very highly. Others value pleasure and excitement.
有些工程师认为,既然为这一系统起作用已付出如此巨大的努力,明智的做法是短期内将这项工作继续下去,而不是从头再来。 Some engineers take the view that since so much effort has been put into making this system work it would be sensible in the short term to continue the same line rather than start afresh.
对一个这样漂亮的女孩来说,化妆有些画蛇添足。 For such a beautiful girl, to use make-up would be to gild the lily.
这部科幻电影有些特殊效果美妙绝伦. The science fiction film had some marvellous special effects.
"羽毛球有些像网球吗?-"不,根本不同。" "Is badminton anything like tennis? "-"No, as different as chalk from cheese."
房间里有些电器。 There are some electrical apparatus in the room.
他们有些人在进行高级研究工作。 Some of them are engaged in advanced studies.
有些植物分布得很广。 Some types of plants are widely distributed.
有些人想将私有大麻合法化. Some people want to legalize the possession of cannabis.
有些国家的燃料供应非常有限。 There are some countries where (=in which) the supply of fuel is very limited.
有些人感到退休生活很艰难,但他轻而易举地适应了。 Some people find retiring difficult, but he has taken it all in his stride.
我有些恶心. I feel sort of queasy.
有些昆虫把卵产在地上. Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground.
她的声音中能听出有些颤抖. You could hear the quaver in her voice.
有些金属容易焊,有的不容易焊。 Some metals weld better than others.
有些人宁可熬夜,而不早睡。 Some people prefer sitting up to going to bed early.
她恢复得那么快,我们都有些惊讶。 We are surprised by the rapidity of her recovery.
他想到要在冬天游泳就有些犹豫. He boggled at the thought of swimming in winter.
当时我有些忘乎所以,疯狂地吻著他。 I'm afraid I forgot myself and kissed him wildly.
问起他收入的来源, 他就有些吞吞吐吐. He was a bit coy when asked about the source of his income.
博物馆里有些很好的岩石和矿石标本. There were some fine specimens of rocks and ores in the museum.
对有些人来说, 吸毒是一种逃避现实的手段. Drug-taking is a form of escapism for some people.
有些地方仍使用在太阳下晒干砖块的方法。 In some places, bricks are still baked in the sun.
她双腿仍有些软弱无力, 但总的情况尚好. There is still some weakness in the legs, but her general condition is good.
镇上有些所谓的娱乐, 但与城里的截然不同. The town offers entertainments of a kind, but nothing like what you'll find in the city.
有些蘑菇有毒。 Some mushrooms are poisonous.
这块潮湿的木材有些翘棱了. The damp wood began to warp.
有些儿童在万圣节前夕用南瓜做灯笼. Some children make lanterns out of pumpkins at Hallowe'en.
有些印地安人仍然住在帐篷里。 Some Indians still live in wigwams.
骑自行车横越美国? 听起来有些冒险. Cycle across America? Sounds a bit dodgy to me.
有些学校极注重语言学习. Some schools put/lay/place great emphasis on language study.
她觉察到他的论点有几处略微有些自相矛盾. She noticed several minor inconsistencies in his argument.
有些人在戏院附近留恋不去,希望看一看他们喜爱的演员。 Some people lingered about near the theatre, hoping to get a glimpse of their memory lingers on.
有些年我们获得大丰收,有些年则收成很坏,但好坏你都得接受。 Some years we have a plentiful harvest, others a very poor one, but you have to take the good with the bad.
总的来说,这篇文章写得不坏,但是有些小错,因此显得美中不足。 The essay is well-done on the whole. It is, however, marred here and there by slight inaccuracies.
有些病毒繁殖得很迅速. Some viruses incubate very rapidly.
有些人一直密谋想让老板把秘书解雇。 Some of the members had been intriguing to get the secretary dismissed.
有些报纸刊登出生, 婚姻, 死亡的通告. Announcements of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers.
有些尚未查明的势力正在活动图谋推翻政府. Unknownforces were at work to overthrow the government.
有些新车在投放市场前没有进行行驶性检验。 Some new cars are not given road tests before they are put on the market.
有些电视节目的用意是要今天观赏,明天忘掉。 Some TV programs are meant to be watched today and forgotten tomorrow.
我已经注意到有些雇员上班迟到一个小时. 我不点出名字来, 但是要是你觉得我说的是你.... I have noticed some employees coming to work an hour late. I shall name no names, but if the cap fits....
有些人希望恢复死刑. Some people would like to see the death penalty come back.
他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感。 Some of them developed a great inferiority complex.
我觉察到我在时他们有些拘束. I was aware of a certain constraint on their part when they were in my presence.
有些小炊具非但没有用处反而碍事。 Some kitchen gadgets are more of a hindrance than a help.
有些猎获的飞禽一直保存到开始变质才烹制. Some game-birds are kept until they are high before cooking.
如果情形坏到极点,我们还有些储备金可动用。 If worst comes to the worst, we still have some money in reserve.
这平底锅上的搪瓷有些已脱落. Some of the enamel on this pan is chipped off.
有些诗人,如济慈和雪莱,写的是浪漫主义的诗歌。 Such poets as Keats and Shelley wrote Romantic poetry.
珍妮站在他面前,脸色苍白,略微有些颤动,一言不发。 Jennie stood before him, pale, trembling a little, and silent.
兹寄上经过修订的商品目录和价目表。有些可能对贵方合适。 I send you my revised catalog and price- list, in the hope that you may find something to suit you.
尽管如此,最近一个现代雕塑品展览会使有些人--包括我自己--感到吃惊。 In spite of this, some people including myself- were surprised by a recent exhibit of modern sculpture.