
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 干旱 + gan1han4 drought; arid; dry
4 Old HSK word(s): C VS * han4 dry/ droughty/ not related to water C VS * gan1han4 arid/ droughty/ dry D N * han4zai1 drought D * kang4 han4 fight a drought

Hạn hán +
Grade E word(s):
防旱 旱冰 旱冰场 旱冰鞋 旱地 旱季 旱涝 旱涝保收 旱路 旱年 旱情 旱鸭子 耐旱
旱 [han4] Dürre, Trockenheit (S)

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天气干旱了这么久,这场雨成了农民的救星。 After so much dry weather, the rain has been the farmer's salvation.
干旱少雨使原本就很严重的粮食短缺问题更加严重。 The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food.
仙人掌生长在干旱地区。 Cacti live in dry regions.
久旱使青草枯萎。 The long drought scorched the grass.
田地干旱,需要雨水。 The fields are thirsty for rain.
饥荒往往是战争或干旱造成的。 Famine is often the sequel to war or drought.
因为长时间的干旱,农民们对于好收成的前景是怀疑的。 Because of a long drought, the farmers are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield.
非洲南部的干旱高原 An arid plateau of southern Africa.
长期的乾旱之后有雨是一大慰藉。 It is a great relief to have rain after a long time of drought.
由于严重的干旱,今年均小麦产量从1000吨减到800吨。 Because of the serious drought, the wheat output this year decreased from1000 tons to800 tons.
久旱使很多人陷入饥饿。 The long drought famished many people.
干旱造成农作物歉收。 The crops failed because of the drought.
由于大旱四个月,水库干枯了。 The reservoir dried up during the four-month drought.
干旱地区需要灌溉才能使作物生长。 Irrigation is needed to make crops grow in dry regions.
由於乾旱, 农作物歉收. The crops failed because of drought.
在乾旱时, 每天有几小时停止供应自来水. The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought.
抗旱的战斗在继续中。 The battle against drought was on.
庄稼在旱灾中枯死了。 The crops died during the drought.
在干旱时期定量供应水 Rationing water during the drought.
尽管遭受干旱,还是获得了好收成。 A good harvest was obtained in spite of the drought.
去年,广州遭到六十年未遇的严重旱灾。 Last year Canton was visited by the worst drought in60 years.
那场旱灾过後疾病丛生. Outbreaks of disease occurred in the wake of the drought.