
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C * wu2chan3 jie1ji2 no-property-rank-level/ proletariat/ working class


Grade E word(s):

无产阶级 [wu2 chan3 jie1 ji2] Proletariat

Häufigkeit: 0.1 Komposita

无产阶级专政是共产主义的目标之一. The dictatorship of the proletariat is one of the aims of Communism.
无产阶级工业社会中挣工资的阶级,他们既没占有资本也没有生产资料,必须通过出卖劳动谋生 The class of industrial wage earners who, possessing neither capital nor production means, must earn their living by selling their labor.
无产者无产阶级的一员;产业工人 A member of the proletariat; a worker.
我们的友谊是建立在无产阶级国际主义之上的。 Our friend ship is built on proletarian, internationalism.