
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C VS;n * xin1sheng1 new-life/ newborn/ new/ rebirth/ regeneration


Grade E word(s):

Häufigkeit: 3.3 Komposita

瘤动物或植物体内组织的异常新生物;肿瘤 An abnormal new growth of tissue in animals or plants; a tumor.
我感觉像是个新生的婴儿。 I feel like a newborn baby.
新生的婴儿唤起了她女性的特性. Newborn babies bring out the woman in her.
听到新生儿的哭叫声,倦极了的母亲笑了。 The exhausted mother smiled at the wail of her newborn baby.
随着时间的推移,社会主义的新生事物必然会不断壮大。 The socialist new things go invariably from strength to strength as time goes by.
这所学校每年招收六十名男女新生. The school admits sixty new boys and girls every year.
她有个新生婴儿要照看, 活动难免受些限制. Having a new baby to look after has clipped her wings a bit.
开始执行一项危险的使命;她大学毕业后展开新生活 Launch forth on a dangerous mission; launched out on her own after college.