
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D VS * zheng3zheng3 full


Grade E word(s):

整整 [zheng3 zheng3] völlig, ganz, gesamt

Häufigkeit: 9.87 Komposita

孩子们整整齐齐排好队。 The children lined up in an orderly fashion.
她花了整整一个下午整理邮票。 She spent a whole afternoon sorting out her stamps.
一个英国人,尽管只有他一个人,也会独个儿排成整整齐齐的一队。 An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.
她住院住了整整一年了. She spent the whole of the year in hospital.
她的连衣裙下摆离膝盖整整三英寸. Her dress was a full three inches above the knee.
他吃了整整一听炖肉. He ate a whole tin of stew.