
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 改善 + gai3shan4 to make better; to improve; CL:个/个ge4
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * gai3shan4 improve


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Grade E word(s):

改善 [gai3 shan4] Verbesserung (S)verbessern (V)

Häufigkeit: 3.81 Komposita

人民的生活水平明显地改善了。 People's living standard has had a perceptible improvement.
这个饭店的服务质量已经有了很大改善。 The quality of service in this restaurant has improved a lot.
我们的地位可以改善。 Our position is capable of improvement.
一个管理人员要想改善管理的话,就必须学点经济学。 A manager has to learn some economics if he wants to improve his management.
这位人道主义科学家呼吁改善穷人的生活条件。 The humanitarian scientist called on the improvement of the poor's living condition.
我们该怎样来改善自己的形象呢? How can we improve our image?
这一行业的工作环境已有很大改善. Working conditions in the industry have improved greatly.
市政会向房主施加了压力, 促使其改善房子的居住条件. The council brought pressure to bear on the landlord to improve his property.
堆肥腐烂有机体的混合物,如树叶或粪便,用来改善土壤结构并增加土壤养分 A mixture of decaying organic matter, as from leaves and manure, used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients.
改革是否改善了现状, 这问题仍有争议. It's debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions.
通货膨胀正在缓解,失业情形正在改善,形势确实已好转! Inflation is coming down; unemployment is coming down; things are definitely looking up!