
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 改变 + gai3bian4 to change; to alter; to transform
1 Old HSK word(s): A v;n * gai3bian4 change/ alter/ transform



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Grade E word(s):

改变 [gai3 bian4] ändern, transformieren, verändern, modifizieren (V)

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他说服女儿改变主意. He persuaded his daughter to change her mind.
万一下雨的话,我们也许得改变计画。 If the day turns out wet we may have to change our plans.
他不赞成改变党的方针。 He deprecates changing the party's policy.
这次经验有助于帮助她改变社会意识。 This experience helped to change her social consciousness.
很奇怪他们改变了计划,但我觉得没有什么用处。 Their change of plan is strange but I don't think it's significant.
建议肥胖病人改变饮食. Obese patients are advised to change their diet.
他最初的反应是不同意。可是後来他改变了主意。 His first response was to say no. Later, however, he changed his mind.
法官劝告他改变生活方式。 The judge advised him to amend his way of living.
工会被迫稍稍改变立场。 The union has been forced to slightly modify its position.
这座建筑物在这有一处结构上的改变。 There is a structural alteration to the building.
当他看到这个理论加重了失业后,他彻底改变了看法。 When he saw how the theory increased unemployment, he underwent quite a conversion.
现在改变方针是不明智的. It would be unwise to change tack now.
我是实事求是的人--知道不可能在一夜之间改变人们的看法。 I'm a realist I know you can't change people's attitudes overnight.
添加剂,添加物少量加入其他物质以使其提高、增强或改变的物质 A substance added in small amounts to something else to improve, strengthen, or otherwise alter it.
科学和技术已经开始渗透了我们生活的各个领域;结果,社会正以空前的速度改变着。 Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented.
显然,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能出售它的希尔森·里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。 Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a"financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
我为她力争,以求改变决定。 I intervened on her behalf to try to get the decision changed.
随着电脑的发明,社会似乎已经大大地改变了。 With the inventing of the computer, society seems to have changed greatly.
变压器的功用就是把电力从一种电压改变为加一种电压。 The function of the transformers is to change electric power from one voltage to another.
我们从前的一切观念都正在改变, 我们的工作肯定要有很大变动. All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically.
我需要加强锻炼和改变饮食来增强休质。 I need to tone up with more exercise and a change of diet.
事实一再证明他错了,他最后改变看法,认识了他爱人的高尚品质。 Repeatedly proven wrong, he finally changed his outlook and recognized the noble qualities of his wife.
挽救该公司的唯一办法是彻底改变其经营方式. The only thing that will save the company is a thorough shake-up of the way it is run.
她进行了首次解剖後就改变了要当医生的想法. Her first dissection made her change her mind about becoming a doctor.
"这就是那些历史关头之一,"罗杰说:"这关头也许会改变历史的进程。" "This is one of those moments, "Roger said, "which might change the course of history."
改变了的已经被更改或变更了的 Having been modified or altered.
客观情况迫使我们改变了计划. Circumstances forced us to change our plans.
更改小小的改变,调正或限制 A small alteration, adjustment, or limitation.
他固执己见,什么也不能让他改变。 He is wedded to his own opinion and nothing can change him.
这座工厂排出的化学物质改变了整个地区的生态. Chemicals in the factory's sewage system have changed the ecology of the whole area.
条件作用某一对象逐步将渴望的行为和先前无关的刺激因素联系起来的行为改变过程 A process of behavior modification by which a subject comes to associate a desired behavior with a previously unrelated stimulus.
成功和财富改变了他的性格。 Success and wealth transformed his character.
选民的态度有改变的趋向. There is a wind of change in the attitude of voters.
普罗特斯一个能任意改变自己外形的海神 A sea god who could change his shape at will.
1979年这个期限临近了,最初支持平等权利修正案的一些州后来改变了主意,投票反对这个法案。 As the1979 deadline came nearer, some states which at first had backed up the Equal Right Amendment changed their mind and voted against it.
某人能去请求改变判决的民事法院或刑事法院。这两种法院的裁决对高等法院和下级法院全都有拘束力。 Civil or criminal court to which a person may go to ask for a sentence to be changed and of which the decision be binding on the high court and lower court.
那麽, 你改变立场了, 你这可耻的叛徒! So you've changed sides, you dirty rat!
更改,改变由改变导致的状态;更改 The condition resulting from altering; modification.
他一旦下了决心就毫不动摇[无法使他改变(意见)]. Once he's made up his mind, he never budges/you can never budge him (from his opinion).
品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的。 Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes.
基蒂对我们抚育孩子的方式一向吹毛求疵,但是她当了母亲之后,就开始改变她的腔调了。 Kitty used to be very critical of the way we raised our children, but when she became a mother herself she began to change her tune.
换码,转义,退出,逸出,中断执行尤指用来中断一条指令、停止程序运行或者在同一个程序中改变层次 A key used especially to interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program.
其功能可以利用程序建立或改变的,有时也称智能的(例如“一个可编程终端”,“一个可编程的机床”)。 Also, sometimes, intelligent. With a function that can be established or changed by means of a program;("a programmable terminal";"a programmable machine tool").
机械装置一个简单装置,如杠杆、滑轮或斜面刨,可以改变作用力的大小或方向或同时改变;简单机械装置 A simple device, such as a lever, a pulley, or an inclined plane, that alters the magnitude or direction, or both, of an applied force; a simple machine.