
2 New HSK word(s): HSK5 控制 + kong4zhi4 control; to exercise control over; to contain HSK6 遥控 + yao2kong4 remote control
3 Old HSK word(s): B VA * kong4zhi4 control/ dominate/ command D VA * yao2kong4 remote control D VA * kong4su4 charge/ complain


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Grade E word(s):
监控 控方证人 控告 控制论 控制台 声控 失控 数字程控 调控 摇控台 指控 自控

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他忍受对自己人品的攻击而不发火,表现出巨大的自我控制能力。 He showed great moderation in not responding angrily to the attacks on his character.
他有权威,但并不想控制别人。 He has authority, but he doesn't try to dominate others.
我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货膨胀。 The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation.
这堡垒占据控制地位. The fort occupies a commanding position.
控制逐渐加强. Controls have gradually tightened.
他努力控制住自己的脾气。 He struggled to control his temper.
他的指控遭到一阵愤怒的反对声。 His charges were met with cries of anger.
控制工资是政府政策的关键. Controlling wages is the linchpin of the Government'spolicies.
我们的炮火控制了通往市区的各条道路。 Our guns covered every approach to the town.
那位记者被控有违反职业道德的行为。 The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.
由于无法控制的情况,讲座取消了。 Due to circumstances beyond our control the lecture was cancelled.
电脑控制板上有许多小灯和电子设备。 There are many lights and electrical instruments on the computer console.
我们的计划顺利完成了,于是我们很快就控制了局面。 Our plan succeeded, and soon we were in complete control.
所有权构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件 The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim.
属一群拥有共同祖先和明显特征的有机体,尤指属于同一物种的一群,通过人工选择来发展,通过有控制的繁殖来维持 A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation.
政府在制定新的法案以控制赌博。 The government is framing a new bill to control gambling.
她用力咽了一下唾液, 转身面对那个控告她的人. She swallowed hard, and turned to face her accuser.
他企图败坏对手名声反而自食其果, 被控以诽谤罪. His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with libel.
哪一方将获得控制权? Which side will get the mastery?
暗机关一种用来欺骗、行骗或欺诈的装置,尤指秘密地和欺骗地控制赌博器具的机械装置 A device employed to cheat, deceive, or trick, especially a mechanism for the secret and dishonest control of gambling apparatus.
翼剖面;机翼;翼面一个部件或平面,如机翼、螺旋桨叶、方向舵等,其形状或方位控制稳定性、方向、抬升、冲击或驱动 A part or surface, such as a wing, propeller blade, or rudder, whose shape and orientation control stability, direction, lift, thrust, or propulsion.
指控他的证据不足信。 The evidence against him was flimsy.
消防队员无法控制这场大火。 The firemen were unable to control the blaze.
我认为首相可能控制不住局面了。 I think the prime minister may be losing his grip.
实行国家控制是根本违背美国观念的. Statecontrol is a very un-American notion.
我极力控制住自己没对他喊叫起来。 I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him.
她对他的影响非常大,以至于完全控制了他。 Her interest with him is such that she governs him absolutely.
开关一种用来控制电路中电流量的电流器件 An electrical relay used to control the flow of power in a circuit.
一种处理过程,其间由控制器将一条指令分解成为它的执行所必须的微码操作。 A procedure in which an instruction is broken down into the microcode operations necessary for its execution by a control unit.
自我在精神分析学中指有意识的最直接地控制思想和行为,与外部世界联系也最多的那部分自我 In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality.
这颗炸弹是遥控引爆的。 The bomb was exploded by remote control.
他因阻碍公路交通而受控告。 He was charged obstructing the highway.
政府正采取措施,控制不断上升的犯罪率。 The government is taking steps to control the rising crime rate.
一伙人被指控阴谋推翻选举产生的合法政府。 A group of men were charged conspiring against the duly elected government.
要想有效控制住犯罪活动, 就得加强法制的威力. The law must be given more teeth if crime is to be properly controlled.
新近发生的这一悲惨事件使药品厂商受到指控. This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock.
旋标装置飞机控制板上的指示器或观测仪,用来测量角度 An indicator or a sighting apparatus on a plane table, used in angular measurement.
银行经理说,为了使我从幻想中清醒过来并控制我的开支,将不给我有透支的便利,并还将收回我的支票卡。 The bank manager said that, in order to bring me down to earth and control my spending, I would have no overdraft facility and my cheque card would be withdrawn.
该城堡控制著峡谷的入口. The castle commanded the entrance to the valley.
她控告某报刊登诽谤性文字。 She sued a newspaper for libel.
模型飞机失控坠落下来。 The model plane got out of control and crashed.
抑制物用来压制、控制或消除的事物 Something that serves to suppress, check, or eliminate.
课程包括:电力系统,90分;讯号处理,88分;系统控制,92分;电力能源系统,92分;固体电子学,88分;通讯,94分。 Curriculum included: Electric power systems,90; Signal processing,88; Systems and control,92; Electric energy systems,92; Solid-state electronics,88; Communications,94.
那些人被控扰乱治安. The men were charged with causing an affray.
警方仍然控制著局势. The police retained control of the situation.
请你暂且控制住感情. Please contain your enthusiasm for a moment.
他说人们的指控是不公正的。 He said that the people's accusation was unjust.
抗高血压的减轻或控制高血压的 Reducing or controlling high blood pressure.
如果货物品质不好,则理应向制造商提出控诉。 If goods were not well made, you shall complain to the manufacturer.
分支指令由这种控制传递方式的结果而执行的指令 The instructions executed as the result of such a passing of control.
在计算机安全学中,一种对存取受到控制的实体的特征的描述。 In computer security, a description of the characteristics of an entity to which access is controlled.
在打印机或显示器中,一种用于控制打印或显示信息的布局或位置的控制字符。 In a printer or display, a control character used to control the layout or location of information.
他因被指控触犯选举法而遭逮捕。 He is accused because offending electoral law.
谷物进口量受最高限额的严格控制. Grain imports are controlled by strict quotas.
无人驾驶飞机无飞行员的遥控飞机 A pilotless aircraft operated by remote control.
控诉,申诉指控或控告的一部分,针对被控方起着极重要的作用 The part of a charge or an accusation that weighs most substantially against the accused.
他建立了产品控制标准数据,并为财会部建立了一套标准成本分析系统。 He displayed admirably in establishing standard data, and a standard cost analysis system for our accounting department.
定时器一种计时器,尤指控制时间间隔并指示间隔结束的那种计时器,如炉子上的计时器 A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove.
对计算机程序中的指令序列的检测和记录,例如在监控程序和调试程序中使用的情况。 The detection and recording of the sequencing of instructions in computer programs, for example, as used in monitors and debugging routines.
经过长时间调查后,撤消了对经理失职罪的指控,并免除了他对导致工厂烧毁的失火事故的责任。 After a long inquiry, the Manager was exonerated from the charge of neglect and from any responsibility for the fire that destroyed the factory.
神判法让被控诉的人接受痛苦或危险的考验的一种审判方法,结果被视为神对其是否有罪或清白的审定 A method of trial in which the accused was subjected to physically painful or dangerous tests, the result being regarded as a divine judgment of guilt or innocence.
被告被控偷窃。 The defendant is accused of theft.
他被控告挪用俱乐部基金. He was accused of appropriating club funds.
对他贪污的控告已经提出. Accusations of corruption have been made/brought/laid against him.
我们被指控非法携带货物入境. We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally.
对这些荒谬的指控我们是不甘受辱的. We have no intention of lying down under these absurd allegations.
一个明智的候选人应该把传媒控制在手中。 A wise candidate should have the media in hand.
失控的通货膨胀似乎阻止这一趋势的发展。 The runaway inflation would seem to put the brakes on such a trend.
他被警察拘捕,控以强行进入他人住宅的罪名。 He was held by the police or a charge of breaking and entering.
恒湿器一种用于显示或控制空气中相对湿度的仪器 An instrument designed to indicate or control the relative humidity of the air.
这个男人被抓进了警察局,指控在一个地方徘徊,蓄意作案。 The man was taken to the police station on a charge of loitering with intent.
挡板,调节风门一种可调节的薄片,如在熔炉或火炉的通气管中的,用来控制气流 An adjustable plate, as in the flue of a furnace or stove, for controlling the draft.
纳粹主义纳粹党的意识和实施,尤其是种族国家主义,国家扩张,政府控制经济的政策 The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy.
磁控管一种微波管,它里面的发热阴极发出的电子受到磁场和电场的影响,从而产生能用于雷达和微波炉微波辐射 A microwave tube in which electrons generated from a heated cathode are affected by magnetic and electric fields in such a way as to produce microwave radiation used in radar and in microwave ovens.
在远程通信系统中,当报文发往的工作站处于不工作状态时控制站所采取的行动,即接收并存储该报文直到该工作站恢复工作时,再由控制站将报文送给它。在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。 In a remote communication system, the action taken by a control station whereby messages addressed to an inoperative station are accepted and stored at the control station until they can be sent to the destination station. The control station may be a computer in a message switching system.
让碟子控乾. Leave the dishes to drain.
囚犯对被控罪名再三否认。 The prisoner repeated denials of the charges against him.
遥控器上的Here/There按钮可以控制任何一端的摄像机。 The here/there button on the remote control which side camera you are controlling.
由控制装置(群集控制器)和与它相连的终端组成的一种站。 A station that consists of a control unit(cluster controller) and the terminals attached to it.
计算机或某个工作站为获得线路控制权以进行数据传输的一种企图。参阅BID。 An attempt by the computer or by a station to gain control of a line in order to transmit data.
下次再到一个需要使Shockwave的网站时,Shockwave控制程序就会自动装载并播放电影。 The next time you go to a"Shocked" website, the Shockwave control loads and plays the movie.
水产养殖在控制条件下,科学、艺术及商业性培植海水或淡水食用鱼或介壳类,如牡蛎、蛤、鲑及鳟鱼 The science, art, and business of cultivating marine or freshwater food fish or shellfish, such as oysters, clams, salmon, and trout, under controlled conditions.
这个理论清楚地阐述了一种新的、影响深远的有关空间、时间、运动、质量、能量的特性及控制这些的关系的结论。 The theory set forth new and farreaching conclusions about the nature of space, time, motion, mass, energy, and the relations governing all these.
毁灭,摧毁因为方案不完善或为了安全的原因,经常通过遥控对已发射的宇宙飞船、火箭或导弹实施的有意的摧毁 The intentional, usually remote-controlled destruction of a space vehicle, rocket, or missile after launching, as for defective performance or reasons of safety.
用于修饰或说明经由通道到通道适配器连接的处理部件,通过这些适配器在处理机之间传递控制信息。参阅tightly-coupled。 Pertaining to processing units that are connected by means of channel-to-channel adapters that are used to pass control information between the processors.
计算机程序、例程、或子例程内的具有如下功能的任何指令,执行这条指令后控制权将不再由该计算机程序、例程、或子例程行使了。 Any instruction in a computer program, in a routine, or in a subroutine after the execution of which control is no longer exercised by that computer program, that routine, or that subroutine.