
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 + diao4 to fall; to drop; to lag behind; to lose; to go missing; to reduce; fall (in prices); to lose (value, weight etc); to wag; to swing; to turn; to change; to exchange; to swap; to show off; to shed (hair)
2 Old HSK word(s): A VA * diao4 fall/ drop/ lose/ reduce/ turn C VA * shi1diao4 lose/ no longer possess/ miss/ let slip


Tắt +
Grade E word(s):
拔掉 擦掉 除掉 掉/调包 掉队 掉价 掉色 掉以轻心 掉转 丢掉 改掉 干掉 勾掉 关掉 毁掉 戒掉 锯掉 垮掉的一代 落掉 赖不掉 老掉牙 溜掉 抹掉 跑掉 取掉 去掉 扔掉 杀掉 删掉 烧掉 甩掉 输掉 撕掉 涂掉 脱掉 挖掉 忘掉 笑掉大牙 炸掉
掉 [diao4] fallen, tropfen (V)

Häufigkeit: 79.63 Komposita

离开房间前,请把灯关掉。 Please turn the light off before leaving the room.
宴会上,大家吃掉了好几篮水果。 Several baskets of fruit were eaten at the party.
请把电源关掉。 Please turn off the electric power.
很多树冬天时就掉光了叶子。 Many trees are leafless in winter.
牙被拔掉时,他疼得大叫。 He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.
她在一年后才把孩子的奶断掉。 She had her baby weaned a year later.
这些蔬菜中的营养部分全都给煮掉了。 All the goodness has been boiled off the vegetables.
尽管我们尽了全力,我们还是输掉了比赛。 Despite all our efforts we still lost the game.
她用一张面巾纸擦掉脸上的汗水。 She wiped off the sweat from her face with a piece of facial tissue.
我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.
我把钥匙掉在这附近某个地方了。 I dropped my key somewhere about here.
我刚才把你的一个瓷器装饰品弄掉了。 I've just dropped one of your china ornamental.
如果机器出故障,就把开关关掉。 Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.
英格兰队如果不改进打法, 就会输掉这场比赛. Unless England improve their game they're going to lose the match.
他让电锯锯掉了一只胳膊。 He had his arm lopped off by an electric saw.
我的同事已经戒掉了吸烟的习惯。 My colleague has broken off the habit of smoking.
一块煤炭从火中掉出来,烧坏了地席。 A coal fell from the fire and burned the mat.
他们这个下午卖掉了十箱矿泉水。 They have sold up ten crates of mineral water in the afternoon.
把蔬菜煮上20分钟,然后把水沥掉。 Boil the vegetables for 20 minutes and then drain off the water.
谁把我写在黑板上的数字擦掉了? Who's rubbed my figures off the blackboard?
听到煤气的嘶嘶声,他冲进来把它关掉。 Hearing the hiss of gas, he rushed in and turned it off.
从三楼掉下而没有受伤,这怎么可能呢? How was it possible to fall down from the third floor without being hurt?
我的牙刷掉毛. My toothbrush is losing its bristles.
她剪掉了一束头发。 She cut a wisp of hair off.
他去掉鞋上的泥。 He removed the mud from his shoes.
不要把烟灰掉在地毯上。 Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet.
他己被悄悄地免掉主任的职务。 He has been quietly booted out as chief.
除掉金星以外其他的星星全都消失了。 All but the morning star have disappeared.
使我感到极其好笑的是他的假胡子掉下来了. To my great amusement his false beard fell off.
她正把烟筒里的黑灰扫掉。 She is sweeping the soot off the chimney.
他吃掉了李子,并扔掉了果核。 He ate the plum, and threw the core away.
他拣起信封时,一把钥匙掉了出来。 As he picked up the envelope, a key dropped out.
削减公费开支意味著要砍掉几所医院. The public spending cuts will mean the chop for several hospitals.
你可以用热水把菜盘上凝结的油污冲洗掉。 You may use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.
这些被警察抓住的犯罪分子只是些小鱼,他们的头子却跑掉了。 These criminals arrested by the police are only minnows, their leader has escaped.
销售开始下跌,公司财务不久便出现赤字,他们只得把那幢大楼卖掉。 Sales began to drop and the company was soon in the red. They had to sell the building.
他用斧头砍掉了朽烂的树枝. He struck off the rotten branches with an axe.
她循循善诱地劝他改掉坏脾气。 She coaxed him out of his bad temper.
她捡起掉落的苹果, 用衣服下摆兜著. She gathered the fallen apples and carried them in her lap.
岁月和风雨早已磨掉纪念碑上的铭文。 Time and weather had long ago effaced the inscription on the monument.
在戒酒问题上,怀特先生是主张完全戒掉。 In the temperance question, Mr White takes his stand on total abstinence.
我用力把螺丝往木头上拧,可是拧不进去,又掉出来了。 I've put the screw in the wood as tightly as I can, but it won't stay in, it keeps slipping out.
她试图用清洁剂来除他短上衣上面的污痕,但搓洗不掉。 The tried to remove the mark from his jacket with a cleaning fluid, but it wouldn't rub out.
伊卡罗斯代达罗斯的儿子,他乘着他父亲做的人工翅膀逃离克里特时,由于离太阳太近以致粘翅膀用的蜡溶化了,而掉进了爱琴海 The son of Daedalus who, in escaping from Crete on artificial wings made for him by his father, flew so close to the sun that the wax with which his wings were fastened melted, and he fell into the Aegean Sea.
你怎麽不把胡子刮掉? Why don't you shave your beard off?
烧鱼之前先去掉鱼鳞。 Scale the fish before cooking them.
那个东西掉在潮湿的沙子上, 然後沉了下去. It fell onto the wet sand, then sank (in).
她花言巧语也未能打动他们卖掉别墅。 All her wiles were not enough to persuade them to sell the villa.
我不敢把比尔放到花园去--他会把花全都拔掉的。 I daren't let Bill loose on the garden he'd pull up all the flowers.
孩子们早已吃掉不少食物. Already the children had made considerable inroads on the food.
罐子掉在地板上摔了个粉碎. The pot shattered as it hit the floor.
他最后总算把那几个特务甩掉了。 The spies were finally thrown off his track.
军队正在把大量旧装备拍卖掉. The Army is auctioning off a lot of old equipment.
这种汽车可以在自身长度范围内掉头. This car will turn in its own length.
不能让你着凉。快去把湿衣服换掉。 I can't have you catching cold. Run and change your wet things.
我不知道这件衣服的价钱,它的标签掉了。 I don't know the price of the dress; its ticket has fallen off.
他在水龙头下面冲洗茶壶, 以便把茶叶冲掉. He rinsed the teapot out under the tap, to get rid of the tea-leaves.
他们利用他怕失掉工作的心理, 让他做他们想做的事. They played on his fears of losing his job to get him to do what they wanted.
他杀死了敌人的看守,然后在老乡们的帮助下跑掉了。 He killed the enemy guard and made away with the help of the villagers.
我失掉这份工作也没有关系,我随时都能再找到工作。 It's no skin off my nose if I lose this job, I can always get another one.
即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要把它完成。 Even if it will take me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.
把塞子拔掉. Pull the plug out.
他希望去掉这个包袱。 He hoped to get rid of the burden.
拔掉塞子, 把水放掉. Pull (out) the plug and let the water drain away.
编辑把整段全删掉了. The editor struck out the whole paragraph.
她很高兴去掉了这个包袱。 She was glad to be relieved of this burden.
有两个镜头被审查员剪掉了. Two scenes were cut by the censor.
我丢掉钥匙之后,真正遇到了麻烦。 I was really up the creek when I lost my keys.
若时机不当, 一言不慎, 可能毁掉整个计画. One indiscreet remark at the wrong moment could ruin the whole plan.
第一架飞机是不完善的,但是并不因此就把它砸烂抛掉。 The first airplane was not perfect but is was not chopped up and abandoned on that score.
假使亚当重返人间,他会懂得的恐怕只有那些老掉牙的笑话了。 If Adam came on earth again the only thing he will recognize will be the old joke.
他在过去的工作岗位上以老看钟盼下班而闻名,如果他在这里还是耍那一套,他会丢掉工作的。 In his last post he was known as a clock watcher. If he comes that game here, he'll lose his job.
狐狸挣脱了束缚跑掉了。 The fox broke loose and ran away.
我出门之前,把煤气的总阀关掉了。 I turned the gas off at the mains before I went out.
长颈鹿从高高的树上吃掉嫩树叶子。 The giraffe eats tender leaf from the tree highly.
世间的女性,甚至尼姑,都情愿失掉贞操也不愿失掉声誉。 Any woman in the world, even a nun, will rather lose her virtue than her reputation.
她从指甲里剔掉污垢. She cleaned the dirt from her finger-nails.
我怎样才能把墙上的污垢去掉呢? How can I get the dirt off the walls?
到时候树就落叶、 花就掉瓣. Trees shed their leaves and flowers shed their petals.
她把炒锅当啷一声掉在石头地板上。 She clashed the pan down on the stone floor.
天花板坍塌了, 碎砖破瓦掉落到了屋里. The ceiling collapsed and rubble poured into the room.
他挥霍掉了大部分钱财, 濒于破产。 He dissipated most of his money and was on the brink of bankruptcy.
我把那旧家具统统扔掉了,真是谢天谢地! I've thrown out all the old furniture, and good riddance!
他决定将全部东西—房子、家具、汽车统统卖掉。 He decided to sell the whole shooting match—his house, furniture and car.
他们保证该党一定把种族主义分子清除掉[把种族主义分子从党内清洗出去]. They promised that the party would be purged of racists/that racists would be purged from the party.
正如铁锈会腐蚀铁一样,沉溺资产阶级生活方式会消磨掉一个人的革命意志。 Just as rust eats away iron, indulgence in bourgeois ways of life may eat away one's revolutionary will.
她由于极度疲劳而掉队了。 She fell out from extreme fatigue.
那电影的情节是老掉牙的。 The film had a rather tired plot.
易腐烂的食物要尽快吃掉. Perishables need to be consumed as quickly as possible.
我这条裤子要是不系皮带就往下掉. My trousers only stay up if I wear a belt.
我的车轮子在汽车比赛中途脱掉了。 My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race.
新政府上台后,我们有几个计划被砍掉了。 Several of our plans got the axe when the new government came in.
与此同时,我的舌头忙着寻找我拔掉牙的那个洞。 Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out of the hole where the tooth had been.
向导们把我气死了,所以嘛,我今天杀掉了其中一个,还叫人给做成标本摆在我们的纪念品室。 Guides have annoyed me so, that today I kill one and am had him stuffed for our trophy rooms.
这次爆炸把山头炸掉了。 The explosion blasted the hill-top off.
该财产处理掉能获相当的金额。 The property can be disposed of for a good sum.
市价已见回升,仓促处理掉,不足为取。 Hurried disposal unadvisable market recovery envisage.
有些电视节目的用意是要今天观赏,明天忘掉。 Some TV programs are meant to be watched today and forgotten tomorrow.
他在去糖果店的路上,把钱掉到地上了,硬币沿着人行道滚动,掉进阴沟里去了。 On him way to the sweet shop, he dropped his sixpence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain.
太阳把雪融化掉了. The sun has melted the snow away.
镀层有的地方已经磨掉了. The plating is beginning to wear off in places.
吃樱桃前要先把梗儿去掉. Remove the stalks from the cherries before you eat them.
这船的桅杆都在风暴中刮掉了. The ship lost its masts in the gale.
请帮我脱掉这满是泥浆的靴子。 Please help me to draw off these muddy boots.
他把烟灰磕掉,然后继续往下说。 He knocked the ash off his pipe before he went on.
让我们来检查一下浆果,把梗和叶子拣掉。 Let's pick the berries over for stems and leaves.
敌人向山上冲锋,企图把我们的兵力摧毁掉。 The enemy charged up the mountain, attempting to knock out our forces.
愤怒的群众嚷道,“杀掉这个卖国贼,他该死。 The angry crowd shouted,"Knock the traitor on the head. He is not fit to live."
朋友告诫他,干活加把劲,否则就会丢掉饭碗。 He got the straight tip from his friend-work harder, or you'll lose your job.
董事长打算从本次议事日程中去掉两个议事项目 The chairman wanted two items removed from or take off the agenda.
一刹那间,他慈善的假面扔掉,露出了他的真面目。 For a moment his mask of benevolence fell and the real man was revealed.
那里的农民过去总是让羊吃掉田里的油菜,这样好把它们养壮了送进屠宰场。 Farmers there used to eat off the coleseed with sheep so as to make them fit for the butcher.
原生质体植物细胞或细菌细胞的有生命的部分,包括原生质和去掉细胞壁后的质膜 The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
我们不能冒(失掉全部钱的)风险. We can't run the risk (of losing all that money).
用热水把菜盘上凝结的油渍冲洗掉. Use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.
我试图将账目核实一下,但变更或销掉账目实在太多,真是令人头痛。 I tried to check the accounts but there are so many entries altered or crossed out that it makes one's mind boggle.