
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 按照 + an4zhao4 according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of
1 Old HSK word(s): B Prep * an4zhao4 according to/ in accordance with



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按照吩咐你的去做. Do as you are bidden.
他按照自己的信念行事。 He acted in accordance with his beliefs.
他按照通常的方式讲话. His speech followed the usual pattern.
我们将按照历史上的先后顺序研究这些事件。 We will deal with events in historical sequence.
图书馆的书是按照[根据]科目分类的. The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.
按照规定,任何时候均需有人值班。 The rule is that someone must be on duty at all times.
这种书桌的高低可以按照你的需要调节。 This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need.
该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。 The system works on the principle that heat rises.
为了能按照她认为合适的方法去整顿这一部门,经理授予她自由行动的权力。 The manager gave her a blank cheque to reorganize the department in any way she thought fit.
按照古老的传说,罗穆卢斯是古罗马的建国者。 According to the old legend, Romulus was the founder of Rome.
赡养费按照法庭判决离婚后的原配偶--通常为夫妻中收入较多的一方给另一方的供养补助。赡养费亦可付给并未离婚的双方中的一方,如在合法分居时 An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons.
一种用于按照严格的过程规则实现的数学和逻辑运算的通用术语。 A generic term for all mathematical and logical operations carried out according to precise rules of procedure.
他心中憋着一股怒火,按照别人告诉他的去做。 He acted on what he was told with a cold fury in his heart.