
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 承认 + cheng2ren4 to admit; to concede; to recognize; recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc); to acknowledge
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * cheng2ren4 admit/ recognize/ acknowledge


Công nhận +
Grade E word(s):

承认 [cheng2 ren4] anerkennen (S)Anerkennung, Würdigung (S)zugeben, eingestehen (V)

Häufigkeit: 35.67 Komposita

我得承认我已忘了。 I must admit (that) I have forgot.
他承认以前从未见过她。 He confessed that he had never seen her before.
我得承认, 我不喜欢现代音乐。 I have to admit to a dislike for modern music.
我不得不承认他的论据有力. I was compelled to (ie I had to) acknowledge the force of his argument.
我承认他身上有种强有力的优点。 I grant a sledge-hammering sort of merit in him.(Dickens)
他承认自己不够条件[没有资格]担任那个职务. He recognized his lack of qualifications/that he was not qualified for the post.
让我们自己享受承认人类的弱点的快乐是一大慰藉。 It is a great relief to allow us ourselves the luxury of acknowledging our human frailties.
要我承认错了,是很费力的。 It was painful to admit that I was wrong.
他们承认了对这次事故所负的责任。 They accepted responsibility for the accident.
我承认这事的责任完全由我承担. I accept that the responsibility for this lies squarely at my door.
要求承认某些权利. There is a call for the concession of certain rights.
应该承认他的论据中有逻辑性. You have to accept the logic of his argument.
警方企图把他的话歪曲成承认有罪. The police tried to twist his statement into an admission of guilt.
他不但不承认,反而支吾其词。 Instead of admit his guilt, he prevaricate.
新的事实已众所周知, 政府被迫承认处理间谍丑事失当. As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal.
他自己承认是个胆小鬼. He is a coward by his own admission.
旅游公司将押金退还给他,并承认旅游宣传手册内容有误。 The tour company refunded his deposit, with an admission that the brochure was incorrect.
这件偷窃事没有人承认是自己干的。 Nobody owned up to the theft.
酗酒成性的人承认饮酒过度是弊多利少,他这样说实际是自己打自己的嘴巴。 By admitting that excessive drinking does more harm than good, the man who indulged in the practice was condemned out of his own mouth.