
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 + fu2 to support with the hand; to help sb up; to support oneself by holding onto something; to help
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * fu2 support with the hand

Giúp +
Grade E word(s):
搀扶 扶病 扶持 扶老携幼 扶贫 扶手 扶手椅 扶梯 扶养 扶植 扶助 救死扶伤
扶 [fu2] stützen, helfen (V)Fu (Familienname) (Eig)

Häufigkeit: 6.47 Komposita

护理工作既是职业又是救死扶伤的责任。 Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession.
政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业. The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks.
你能扶我上楼梯吗? Could you help me up the stairs?
他急忙伸出手臂把她扶住,她才没有跌倒。 He flung his arm out just in time to stop her falling.
我靠父母扶养勉强过活. I can just scrape along on what my parents give me.
这个少先队员扶着盲人过了马路。 The Young Pioneer saw the blind man across the road.