
4 New HSK word(s): HSK4 表扬 + biao3yang2 to praise; to commend HSK6 飘扬 + piao1yang2 to wave; to flutter; to fly HSK6 发扬 + fa1yang2 to develop; to make full use of HSK6 宣扬 + xuan1yang2 to proclaim; to make public or well known
8 Old HSK word(s): A VA * biao3yang2 praise/ commend B VA * fa1yang2 develop/ carry on C VA * zan4yang2 praise-show/ commend/ praise/ speak highly of C VA * piao1yang2 wave in the wind/ flutter in the wind/ fly C VA * yang2 raise/ fly/ throw up and scatter/ spread/ make known D VS * ang2yang2 high-spirited D VA * xuan1yang2 publicize/ propagate D * fa1yang2 guang1da4 carry forward


Khen ngợi +

Fly +

Tiến về phía trước +

Rao giảng +
Grade E word(s):
得意洋洋//扬扬 斗志昂扬 飞扬 飞扬跋扈 分道扬镳 弘/宏扬 其貌不扬 颂扬 扬长避短 扬长而去 扬/飏帆 扬眉吐气 扬名 扬声器 扬言 扬扬//洋洋得意 耀武扬威 意气昂扬 悠扬/飏 张扬 趾高气扬

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校长表扬男同学服装整齐. The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out.
这位医生受到所有人的高度赞扬。 This doctor received high praise from everyone.
她父亲很严厉,他从来没有表扬过她。 She had a stern father who never praised her.
这个工人因为严格遵守规则而受到了表扬。 The worker was praised for his observance of the rules.
我们走时车子扬起了一阵尘土。 The car raised quite a dust as we drove off.
这个学生敏捷的回答得到了老师的表扬。 The student's speedy answers were praised by the teacher.
他由於一件表现出精湛技艺的作品而受到赞扬. He was complimented on a very professional piece of work.
他像一只骄傲的孔雀一样在我前面趾高气扬地走着。 He strutted in front of me like a peacock.
五星红旗迎风飘扬。 The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind.
她的教学工作受到高度赞扬. Her teaching was highly commended.
我们应该发扬革命传统。 We shall carry forward the revolutionary tradition.
他们扬言要一下子取消整个项目. They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke.
你们克服了这么大的困难, 值得表扬。 It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties.
供传阅的,流通的宣扬或发送给大批人的 Addressed or distributed to a large number of persons.
旗帜在微风中飘扬。 Banners fluttered in the breeze.
将军高度赞扬了他在那次战争中的英勇事迹。 His heroism in that war was highly praised by the general.
刀剑挥舞,旌旗飘扬。 Swords brandished and banners waved.
旗子在风中飘扬。 Flags are fluttering in the breeze.
让我们来赞扬上帝吧。 Let us give praise to God.
老师赞扬了她的勇气。 The teacher praised her for her courage.
他写了一首诗赞扬她的美丽。 He wrote a poem praising her loveliness.
她赞扬的话鼓舞人们工作更努力。 Her words of praise were a stimulus for people to work harder.
人群中的人将宣扬他们的政敌的标语撕了下来。 The crowd ripped down posters depiction their political opponents.
旗帜迎风飘扬。 A flag ruffled in the breeze.
该表扬就给予表扬. Give credit where it's due.
他抑扬顿挫地朗诵诗歌。 He read the poems with cadence.
他在热带医学这一领域里广获赞扬。 He has won wide recognition in the field of tropical medicine.
呈拱形的扬起的眉毛 The arch of a raised eyebrow.
恐怖分子扬言要炸毁劫持的客机。 The terrorists are threatening to blow up the hijacked airliner.
五彩缤纷的旗子在屋顶上飘扬。 Multi-colored flags were flying over the rooftop.
正做出努力来宣扬总统在解决危机中的作用。 An attempt was made to play up the president's role in settling the crisis.
在他的带动下,战士们斗志昂扬。 His example kept the fighters in high spirits.
我看到小扬扛着两把锄头从旁走过。 I saw Xiao Yang walking by, shouldering two hoes.
低频扬声器设计用来再现低音频率的扬声器 A loudspeaker designed to reproduce bass frequencies.
新演员们受到评论界热烈的赞扬,迫使老演员们虚心谨慎,力保桂冠。 Enthusiastic critical acclaim for the newcomers is forcing older actors to look to their laurels.