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打开 [da3 kai1] anstellen, öffnen, zeigen (ein Billet) (V)

Häufigkeit: 40.09 Komposita

请把门打开。 Open the door, please.
电视机设定在10点钟自动打开。 The video is programmed to switch on at ten o'clock.
打开窗户,让新鲜的空气进来。 Open the window and let in some fresh air.
她打开卧室的门走了进去. She opened the bedroom door and went in.
他打开窗户,放出污浊的空气。 He opened the window to let out the foul air.
我打开房门,然后走进屋里。 I unlocked the door and went into the room.
是把这面红旗打开的时候了。 It's time to shake out the red flag.
现在我们已打开门路,我们希望在中国开辟一个广阔的市场。 Now we've got a foot in the door, we are hoping to open up a big market in China.
他打开了手电筒,寻找钥匙。 He turned on the torch to look for his keys.
我打开了邮件,惊讶地发现了一个打碎的花瓶。 I opened my mail and was surprised to see a broken vase.
他打开了门,招手让我进去。 He opened the door and motioned me to come in.
伞衣降落伞打开以获得空气浮力的部分 The part of a parachute that opens up to catch the air.
我已养成一到家就打开电视机的习惯. I've got into the habit of switching on the TV as soon as I gethome.
你只要拉这个拉出器,就可以很容易地把罐头打开。 You may open the tin simply by pulling the puller.
我猛然打开扇子。 I flipped my fan open.
他打开了灯,拍松了靠垫。 He switched on the light and plumped up the cushions.
把电炉打开,在穿睡衣睡裤之前把它们先烤热。 Put on the electric fire and warm your pyjamas before putting them on.
他们把车厢上面的中央部分打开以增进空气的流通。 They increased ventilation by opening the top center part of the carriage window.
他们打开水库的闸门。 They open the sluice gates of reservoir.
她打开门,里面射出的灯光在她的身影四周镶了一圈黄色的边。 She opened the door, and the yellow light from inside rimmed about her.
这个婴儿打开书本彷佛他会念书。 The baby opened the book as if he were able to read.
这 的空气很闷--咱们能把窗户打开吗? The atmosphere is very stuffy in here can we open a window?
我看见他把钥匙插进锁孔、 转动钥匙, 然後打开了门. I saw him put the key in the lock, turn it and open the door.
他随意打开了这本书。 He opens the book at random.
他们打开包裹, 高兴地叫喊起来. They opened the parcel with whoops of delight.
你要努力打开新产品的销路--市场上竞争很激烈. You will have to push the new product to win sales there's lots of competition.
医生给他打开胸膛并取出肿瘤。 The surgeon cut his chest open and took out the tumour.
箱子突然打开,从里面蹦出只小狗。 Suddenly the box split open and a puppy jumped out.
篱笆上的洞使我们能够观看;科技使外科医生能打开和修复心脏 A hole in the fence that enabled us to watch; techniques that enable surgeons to open and repair the heart.