
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * shou3qiang1 handgun/ pistol


Grade E word(s):

手枪 [shou3 qiang1] Pistole (S, Mil)

Häufigkeit: 6.26 Komposita

他用手枪向我射击,我及时向后一跳没被射中。 He snot a pistol of me. I jumped back in time to avoid being shot.
非法倒卖老式步枪和手枪的人很明显地还有市场。 People trafficking in obsolete rifles and pistols clearly still find a market for them.
威利玩他父亲的手枪时不小心走火了, 把墙壁打出一个洞。 Willie accidentally lets off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall.
他用手枪瞄准我。 He covered me with a pistol.