
3 New HSK word(s): HSK2 房间 + fang2jian1 room; CL:间/间jian1 HSK4 厨房 + chu2fang2 kitchen; CL:间/间jian1 HSK4 房东 + fang2dong1 landlord
13 Old HSK word(s): A N * fang2jian1 room B N * fang4zi building/ house/ room B N * bing4fang2 ward/ sickroom B N * chu2fang2 kitchen C N * fang2wu1 houses and rooms/ buildings C N * lou2fang2 storied building D N * fang2dong1 landlord D N * fang2zu1 rent (for house) D N * lao2fang2 prison house D N * zhu4fang2 housing/ lodging D N * xin1fang2 bridal chamber D N * chang3fang2 workshop D N * ku4fang2 depot/ storeroom



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Grade E word(s):
班房 茶房 查房 产房 车房 单人房 单元房 洞房 房产 房车 房地产 房顶 房价 房客 房门 房契 房舍 房事 房檐 房主 盖房子 公寓房 闺房 花房 伙/火房 健身房 机房 客房 空房 茅房 门房 面包房 民房 磨坊/房 闹洞房 牛奶房 暖房 票房 平房 乳房 书房 私房 私房 私房话 套房 同房 瓦房 文房四宝 卧房 下厨房 厢房 心房 药房 营房 圆房 远房 栈房 帐房 正房
房 [fang2] Haus

Häufigkeit: 23.35 Komposita

我想预定一个房间。 I want to reserve a room.
房间里挤满了客人。 The room was crowded with guests.
离开房间前,请把灯关掉。 Please turn the light off before leaving the room.
他决心去看看办公室后边的那些房间。 He determined to view the rooms behind the office.
这房子又冷又湿。 The building was cold and damp.
电话在底楼的小书房里。 The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor.
生日晚会之后, 房间里一片混乱。 The room was in confusion after the birthday party.
我已经在这个旅馆里预订了一个房间。 I have engaged a room at this hotel.
我每天至少要把厨房地板擦洗一次。 I have to mop the kitchen floor at least once a day.
我们的房子离村中两家酒馆距离相等. Our house is equidistant from the two pubs in the village.
厨房是我妻子的领地,她不愿让我进去。 The kitchen is my wife's domain, she doesn't like me going into it.
多丽,你的东西乱七八糟,收拾收拾房间。 Dolly, all your things are in a muddle, tidy up your room.
我向他作了详细说明, 好让他能找到那房子. I gave him full directions to enable him to find the house.
这房间里有一种香气,使人想起春天的花朵。 There is an aroma suggestive of spring flowers in the room.
粉刷房间就要把钢琴搬出去。 Painting the room involved moving out the piano.
我们点燃了蜡烛,蜡烛照亮了房间。 We lit the candle and the candle lit the room.
那是一栋六层楼的房子。 That is a house of six stories.
这房间长15英尺,宽10英尺。 The room is 15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth.
这栋房子周围有几个小男孩在晃荡。 There are several young boys loitering around the building.
这栋房子对我们来说不够大,而且离城太远了。 This house is not large enough for us, and further, it is too far from the town.
那架喷气式飞机低飞掠过房顶, 隆隆声把大家吓了一跳. The jet zoomed low over the houses, frightening everyone.
庄园主宅第是一栋环抱在美丽的花园中的大理石房子。 The manor is a marble house surrounded by a beautiful garden.
你们有空房间吗? Do you have a room available?
你看到火车站对面的房子了吗? Have you seen the house opposite the railway station?
玛丽不但清扫房间而且也洗刷窗子。 Mary not only cleaned the room but (also) washed the window.
她的卧室是这座嘈杂房屋中一个难得的安静之处。 Her bedroom is an oasis of calm in the noisy house.
我是这所房子的主人。 I am the owner of this house.
房子前面有一棵树。 There is a tree in front of the house.
我打开房门,然后走进屋里。 I unlocked the door and went into the room.
这一排排的房屋外表都是一样的。 The rows of houses were uniform in appearance.
这医院有内科病房和外科病房. The hospital has a medical ward and a surgical ward.
出门前你应该把房间收拾整齐。 You should straighten up your room before going out.
那所房子是出卖的,房子里有暖气设备。 That house is for sale. It has central heating.
我的房子保了火险。 My house is insured against fire.
保险丝盒子在厨房里。 The fuse-box is in the kitchen.
房子和教堂是建筑物。 Houses and churches are buildings.
我的厨房里有好几个勺子。 There are several scoops in my kitchen.
她的眼睛扫视了一下那个房间。 Her eyes swept the room.
他的新房子侵占了我的土地。 His new house encroached on my land.
他是四月份搬进这所房子的。 He moved into this house in April.
买房者下星期付定金。 The purchaser of the house will pay the deposit next week.
他把桌子移到房间中心。 He moved the table over to the center of the room.
他们的新房子真像梦一般美好。 Their new house is a real dream.
我们将按月分期付款买房。 We will pay for houses by monthly installments.
这所房子处于一个很好的位置。 The house has a very good position.
盆子和锅在厨房里碰击作响。 Pots and pans were clattering in the kitchen.
房间里发出一片兴奋的嚷嚷声。 The room buzzed with excitement.
厨房的面积是12平方米. The kitchen is 12 square metres in area/has an area of 12 square metres.
你最好替我们去问问有没有房间。 You had better see about rooms for us.
你应该把房屋建得尽可能结实。 You must make the houses as strong as possible.
我盼望著能自己一人在这所房子 . I look forward to being alone in the house.
他新买的房子是美国初期的建筑。 The new house he bought was colonial architecture.
她说她再也不愿进入那所房子了。 She said she would never set foot in that house again.
这房间就其高度的比例而言是很宽的. The room is wide in proportion to its height.
我负担不起带花园的大房子的维护费. I can't afford the upkeep of a large house and garden.
院子里已经是一团糟,更不用说房子了 The yard is a mess, to say nothing of the house.
搬运工会把你的行李搬到你的房间去的。 The porter will carry your luggage to your room.
他在布置新房子中表现出富有技巧。 He display a great deal of artifice in decorate his new house.
开始做饭前,我还得去买些厨房用具。 I have to buy some kitchen utensils before starting cooking.
这棵树向那边倒下就会把那所房子压坏。 If the tree fall that way, it will destroy the house.
合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。 There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.
消防队员需用呼吸器械才能进入燃烧著的房屋. Firemen needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house.
着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都能看到。 The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away.
这个城市在飞速发展,市中心的房地产价格越来越贵。 The city is developing rapidly and property in the center is becoming more expensive.
在看过建筑师的设计图后。他很容易想像出房子完工时的模样。 After looking at the architect's plans, it was easy for him to see the completed house in his mind's eye.
当一束光线穿进暗淡的房间时,我们可以看到空气中有许多小颗粒在飞舞。 We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room.
我用鲜花装饰房间。 I ornamented my room with flowers.
他在英格兰西南部有一处房地产. He has a property in the West Country.
狗守卫着房屋,不让陌生人进去。 The dog guarded the house against strangers.
隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。 There was a burst of laughter in the next room.
一支孤烛使黑暗的房间亮了起来。 A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the room.
奥运会期间,旅馆房间很难找。 Hotel accommodation was scarce during the Olympic Games.
旅馆中的每个房间都有一个单独浴室。 Every room in the hotel has a private bathroom.
我们只好匆忙找套房子--没有时间挑选了. We had to find a flat in a hurry there was no time to pick and choose.
那间房子是出售的,房子里有暖气设备和地下室。 That house is for sale. It has central heating and a base room.
把全部家具都塞进那个小房间是很费了一番心思的。 It took some ingenuity to squeeze all the furniture into the little room.
我们当初若是稍微再多考虑一下, 也许就能买到我们真正想要的房子了. With a little more forethought we could have bought the house we really wanted.
柱廊有由圆柱支撑房顶的门廊或走道,通常通往建筑物的入口处 A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building.
教士将鬼从房屋中驱走. A priest exorcized the ghost from the house.
窃贼偷偷进入那所房子。 The burglars had entered the house by stealth.
他们把那栋房屋分成许多套住房。 They divided the house into flats.
图画里有一间带篱笆的小房子。 There is a house with wattle fence in the picture.
这套房间本来是准备给5口人住的。 The apartment was originally meant for five.
那所房子周围有500英亩起伏不平的草地. The house stands in 500 acres of rolling parkland.
这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示出来。 The room shows off her paintings to good effect.
一个厨房里的小火炉就会把整个房子都熏黑。 One small fire in the kitchen will cover the whole house in soot.
旅馆的单人房间的价钱每天从20美元到50美元不等。 The tariff at the hotel ranges from 20 dollars to 50 dollars a day for a single room.
这房间的面积是多少? What are the dimensions of the room?
能劝得她把房子卖了吗? Can she be persuaded to sell (the house)?
这座房子有半英亩草坪. The house has half an acre of lawn.
你的房间面向哪个方向? Which direction does your room face?
该房子/公路正在施工中。 The house/highway is in course of construction.
进入黑暗的房间时, 瞳孔就扩大. The pupils of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room.
这所房子并不能防暴风雨--屋顶漏了! This house isn't exactly stormproof the roof leaks!
好好收拾一下的确会使房子焕然一新. A good clean will really freshen (up) the house.
发现斑疹伤寒以後, 医院的病房进行了烟熏消毒. The hospital wards were fumigated after the outbreak of typhus.
房间布置得很好:蓝色的墙使黄色家具更显眼。 The room is well decorated: the blue wall sets off the yellow furniture.
他们原来想买一所大房子,後来不得不降低要求买一所较小的。 They had to lower their sights and buy a smaller house than they would have liked.
新闻编辑室新闻办公室、广播电台或电视台写作和编辑新闻的房间 A room, as in a newspaper office or radio or television station, where news stories are written and edited.
多丽丝在厨房里向外叫道:"换个调儿,行不行?你可意识到,你修窗子时一直在那儿反复地哼同一个调子?" "Change the record, will you? " shouted Doris from the kitchen. "Do you realize you've been whistling the same tune over and over, all the time you've been fixing that window? "
如果病人住在公用病房里。很少有护士经过时不为他们做点小事情。这是护士的一项传统,即提供“亲切关怀护理”(TLC),亦即为病人提供持续不断的细小服务。 If patients are in an open ward, few nurses will pass them by without doing some little thing for them. It is in a nurse's tradition to give what is called"TLC", tender loving care, some constant little service to the sick.
房间里有些电器。 There are some electrical apparatus in the room.
设想有一所带大花园的房子. Imagine a house with a big garden.
我们将把这房子租给你一年。 We will lease you the house for one year.
这医院有内科病房和外科病房。 The hospital have a medical ward and a surgical ward.
病人安静地躺在内科病房的床上。 The patient lay quietly on his bed in the medical ward.
除非有钱,要不然我是不会买房子的。 Unless (being) rich, I am not going to buy a house.
如果你愿意卖的话,我想买你的房子。 I'd like to buy your house if you are willing to sell it.
他昨天没打扫房间。 He didn't clean the room yesterday.
房子的外部需要粉刷. The outside of the house needs painting.
我们不是正在打扫房间。 We are not cleaning the room.
这所房子不适合人居住。 This house is unfit for human habitation.
这所房子应该卖个好价钱。 This house should fetch a good price.
她用步子测量了房间的长度. She paced out the length of the room.
有两座新房子正在修建。 There are two new houses under construction.
很多人等待着买新房屋。 There's a long queue of people waiting for new houses.
他们的厨房尽是最新式的器具. Their kitchen is full of the latest gadgets.
把客人都挤在剩余的几个房间里了。 Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms.
楼上的房间要比底层的暖和得多。 The upstairs rooms are much warmer than those on the ground floor.
这个房客因为没有交房租而被赶出去了。 The tenant was evicted for non-payment of rent.
她买了一些木材下脚料做厨房用架子. She bought some timber off-cuts to build kitchen shelves.
有人把来客订旅馆房间的麻烦事交给我干。 Someone has landed onto me the job of fixing hotel rooms for the visitors.
市政会向房主施加了压力, 促使其改善房子的居住条件. The council brought pressure to bear on the landlord to improve his property.
目前我不能出让那所房子, 此刻房价正在急剧上涨. I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.
这房子本身并不特别合我的心意,但我喜欢它周围的环境。 The house itself is not particularly to my mind, but I like its environment.
他困得那副样子, 连汽车朝那房子开去时发出的声音都没能使他清醒. In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness.
学习英语就象建房子,打下扎实的基础是最基本也是最重要的一步。 Learning English is like building a house, laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.
旧房大都潮湿. Old houses are often damp.
火焰吞没了房子。 The fire swallowed up the house.
小棚屋在房子的一边. The shed is to the side of the house.
这幢楼房的屋顶不牢靠。 The roof of the building is unsound.
舞台设计成牢房的样子. The stage was designed to imitate a prison cell.
镜头慢慢移动拍摄房间全景. The shot panned slowly across the room.
我们正在给房子的外墙涂漆。 We are painting the exterior wall of the house.
该房供出售并能立即占有。 The house is for sale with vacant possession.
这所房屋已处于荒废的状态。 The house has fallen into a state of neglect.
那个醉汉摇摇晃晃地穿过房间。 The drunk man staggered across the room.
窗帘同房间的气氛不协调。 The curtain is not in tune with the atmosphere of the room.
我们把这座旧房子的窗户都钉死了。 We nailed up the windows of the old house.
我极想看看那国王诞生的房子。 I am curious to see the house where the king was born.
小舱室,厨房船上的小舱室或厨房 A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship.
狂风暴雨中那房子的屋顶倒塌了下来。 The roof of that house caved in during the severe storm.
这是我们的房间,你们的在走廊的那一头。 This is our room, and yours is down the passage.
如果我们不打扫房间,灰尘很快就会堆积起来。 Dust soon accumulates if we don't sweep our rooms.
就在我们犹豫不决的时候, 别人把那所房子买下了. While we were wavering, somebody else bought the house.
在这些孩子的眼里, 父亲的书房是最神圣的地方. To the children, their father's study was the holy of holies.
这张图显示这幢房子建成后正面的外观。 This drawing shows what the front elevation of the house will look like when it is built.
他从一幢十层楼房子的屋顶上摔下来,但仍然活著,真是奇迹。 It is a wonder that he remains alive after dropping from the roof of a ten- storied building.
我们有了孩子以后不可能再居住在单间套房里了,爹爹帮了我们大忙,把买房的定金借给了我们。 It was impossible living in a one-roomed flat after we had the baby but Dad pulled the chestnuts out of the fire by lending us the deposit for a house.
这房间里有搏斗过的痕迹. The room bore evidence (ie showed signs) of a struggle.
有一所房子的模糊轮廓依稀可辨. The dim outline of a house could be made out.
小牛摸索着妈妈的乳房找奶吃。 The calf fumbled for its mother's udder for milk.
汤姆把那所房子想像成有传奇色彩的废墟. Tom visualized the house as a romantic ruin.
把一座简朴的错层式的房子叫做大厦真太可笑了 It is ludicrous to call a simple split-level house a mansion.
隔膜,隔壁将某一器官,如子房或果实分成几个室的分隔物 A partition dividing an organ, such as an ovary or a fruit, into chambers.
那个男人被发现患有传染病,因此他的房子必须用烟熏来消毒。 The man was found to have an infectious disease, so his house had to be fumigated.
他昨天打扫房间吗? Did he clean the room yesterday?
我把多余的房间出租(给房客). I let (out) my spare rooms (to lodgers).
聚会之後我们回到各自的房间. After the party we all went off to our respective rooms.
这间老房子的地板发出吱吱嘎嘎的响声。 The floorboards in the old house creaked noisily.
学校、教堂、住宅、厂房均为建筑物. Schools, churches, houses and factories are all buildings.
别这麽自私--在这所房子里要事事均分. Don't be so selfish it's share and share alike in this house.
这所房子已经(以30000英镑)(向银行)作了抵押. The house is mortgaged (to the bank) (for 30000).
在1976年,无数的房屋因唐山地震而倒坍。 Numerous houses collapsed as a result of the Tangshan Earthquake in1976.
谁在那楼房正面加盖了那麽一截讨厌的建筑物? Who perpetrated that dreadful extension to the front of the building?
三天之后他在自己的房间里被发现, 已濒于死亡。 He was found three days later on the edge of death in his room.
他们重踏著脚步穿过厨房走来, 留下了肮脏的脚印. They came tramping through the kitchen leaving dirty footmarks.
他决定将全部东西—房子、家具、汽车统统卖掉。 He decided to sell the whole shooting match—his house, furniture and car.
冷却装置使…冷却或使…保持冷却的装置、容器或房间 A device, container, or room that cools or keeps cool.
所有的房间都装备有电炉以保持室内撮氏15-20度的常温。 All roams are equipped with electric heaters to keep indoor temperatures constant at15-2.0.
"房间里只布置了最简单的必需品,一张床、一把椅子和一张桌子。" "The room was furnished with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair, and a table."
玛丽辛辛苦苦把约翰的房间打扫干净,不料她所得到的却是一番侮辱。 Mary worked hard to clean up John's room, but all she got for her trouble was a kick in the teeth.
这伙小偷计划好在警察进房搜查时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的房客身上。 The thieves had planned to plant the stolen watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
这伙小偷打算在警察来搜查房子时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的一名房客身上。 The thieves had planned to plant the stolen, watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
砖块在太阳下或窑里烘烤变硬的模制长方形黏土砖,用作建房和铺路的材料 A molded rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln until hard and used as a building and paving material.
你应该经常清理房间。 You should always clean up the room.
现在房屋大多用电照明. Nowadays, houses are mostly lit by electricity.
他们正在了解房屋的布局。 They are getting to know the geographical house.
我们对房子进行了一些改建. We are making a few alterations to the house.
有许许多多人需要新的住房. There are hundreds (of people) (ie very many) who need new housing.
整个城市到处都在兴建新楼房。 New buildings are sprouting up all over the city.
她的房间十分杂乱,她不好意思请我进去。 Her room is in such a litter that she is ashamed to ask me in.
房间里乱七八糟。 The room is in dreadful disorder.
房子里面静悄悄的。 It was quiet inside the house.
这个公司出租房地产。 This company leases out property.
香味从厨房飘了出来. Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.
这所房子有一段奇怪的来历. This house has a strange history.
这个房间是供妇女专用的。 This room is exclusively for women.
房东正在逼她搬家. The landlord's putting the screws on to get her out of the house.
我的房东让我月底搬走. My landlord is turning me out at the end of the month.
他用肩膀用力顶那房门. He pushed hard against the door with his shoulder.
士兵离开营房得登记签字. Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks.
我不知道这个房间的确切面积. I don't know the exact size of the room.
警察用探照灯照射这所房子. The police shone a searchlight on the house.
这房间给人非常温暖舒适的感觉。 The room has a nice cosy feel.
她已签字把房子转让给女儿了. She has signed her house over to her daughter.
我们得给我们的新房子买些家具。 We will buy some furniture for our new house.
我们的律师劝告不要起诉房东。 Our lawyer have advise against suing the landlord.
我们必须为穷苦人提供适当的住房. We must provide decent housing for the poor.
房间是用深浅不一的蓝色粉刷的。 The room was painted in various shades of blue.
那所房子燃烧了数小时火才扑灭。 The house burned for hours before the blaze was put out.
我们闻到厨房里的香味直流口水. The delicious smell from the kitchen made our mouths water.
这所房子不时进行扩建. The house has been added to (ie New rooms, etc have been built on to it) from time to time.
高级军官和下级军官的房间是分著的. There are separate rooms for senior and junior officers.
副排长命令部下在营房广场集合。 Platoon sergeants fell their men in on the barrack square.
他一觉醒来发现房子里只剩下他一个人了. He woke (up) to find himself alone in the house.
我们为你在普拉扎旅馆预订了两夜的房间. We've booked you in at the Plaza for two nights.
房价稳定了几个月, 现在又上涨了. House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again.
拿这个处方到药房,他们就会给你配药了。 Take the prescription to the dispensary and they'll make it out.
如果你不能用现金购房, 也可以分期付款。 If you can't pay for the house in cash, you can buy it on installment.
我们要想一想买新房子的事了,时机即将来临。 The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house.
房子半截被埋在雪里。 The house was half buried under snow.
你的房间整洁得出奇. Your room is a marvel of neatness and order.
那犯人在牢房里来回地走著. The prisoner paced the floor of his cell.
拥有房地产要有很大的开销。 Ownership of property involves great expense.
在火灾中,好些房子给烧毁了。 A number of houses were burnt down in the fire.
她撞见他正在搜查她的房间. She came upon him unawares as he was searching her room.
演讲结束的时候,房间里寂静无声。 The room was still at the end of the speech.
她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间. She decided to rent out a room to get extra income.
这幢旧房子在昨夜的大火中烧毁了。 The old house burned down last night in the big fire.
我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。 I groped for the light switch in the dark room.
他在找新房子时把家具存放在仓库里。 His furniture is in storage while he finds a new house.
重型卡车一经过,整所房子都震动起来。 The whole house vibrates whenever a heavy lorry passes.
经劝说, 他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利. They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claims against the landlord.
不过现在它们已经被改建,用作库房或粮仓了。 But now they have been adapted for use as storehouses or granaries.
好客的主人很快为尊贵的客人腾空了闲置着的房间。 The hospitable host had his spare room emptied very quickly for the honoured guest.
内庭法官与检察官私下讨论或听取不必在法庭上审讯的案件的房间 A room in which a judge may consult privately with attorneys or hear cases not taken into court.
我想把的房子扩建一下,但我的抵押已经全部用完,因此我不得不搁数年再说了。 I would like to build an extension to my house, but I'm up to the hilt on my mortgage so I'll have to leave it a few years.
我们的房子只住我们两人实在太大了,所以我们利用周末抽空外出看看是否有合适的套房,想买一套。 Our house is too large for just the two of us and so we spent part of the weekend seeing over some flats with a view to buying one.
这是一间宽敞的房屋。 It is a commodious house.
那栋旧房子的屋顶塌下了。 The roof of the old house caved in.
她在海滨拥有自己的房子。 She owns a house at the seaside.
这些房子是免付捐税的。 These houses are exempt from paying rates.
壁炉凸出在外,伸入房间。 The fireplace came out into the room.
活动住房用汽车拖拽的住所 A trailer or dwelling place on wheels.
房子里弥漫著烤苹果的香味. The smell of baked apples pervaded the house.
晚9时把犯人锁进牢房过夜. At 9 pm the prisoners are locked in for the night.
他们不惜工本装修这栋房子。 They decorated the house regardless of cost.
外科医生切除了她乳房的肿块. The surgeon excised the lump from her breast.
她大喊大叫地抱怨房租太高. She's kicking up an awful fuss about the high rent.
我薪水的大部分都用来付房租了. Most of my salary goes on/in (paying) rent.
整套房间都弥漫著做菜的气味. The smell of cooking permeates (through) the flat.
我的侄子都想帮我收拾收拾房子. My nephews tried to make themselves useful about the house.
他设法弄到一笔贷款买了一栋房子。 He managed to secure a loan to purchase a house.
参观者川流不息地向这所房子走来. A procession of visitors came to the house.
透过敞开的房门可以看见凌乱的厨房。 The open door revealed an untidy kitchen.
这个房间是用红色和棕色装饰的暖色调。 The room was furnished in warm reds and browns.
他们用积蓄的钱合资在乡间买了一所房子. They pooled their savings and bought a house in the country.
我的房东要挟说要把每周租金提高10英镑. My landlord's threatening to put the rent up by 10 a week.
他的新房子是他自己一块砖一块砖砌起来的。 His new house was built by himself, brick by brick.
这个淘气的男孩因为捣毁了蜂房而被蜜蜂追赶。 The naughty boy was chased by the bees because he destroyed the honeycomb.
不久克里特将接纳收容你,那是养育了我的地方,我们的新房也将安的那里。 So Crete shall presently receive thee, Crete that was mine own foster-mother, where thy bridal chamber shall be.
她在当地的旅馆询问打听,得知罗切斯特太太在一天夜间点火烧着了房子。 Making inquiries at the local inn, she discovers that Mrs. Rochester one night succeeded in setting the house on fire.
那楝房屋下陷约十公分。 The house has sunk about ten centimeters.
囚犯绝望地乱抓牢房的门. The prisoner clawed at the cell door in desperation.
他为父母亲兴建了一楝新房子。 He has built his parents a new house.
这库房的容量是400立方英尺。 The store- room be400 cubic feet in volume.
她用抹布把房间擦得乾乾净净。 She went over the room with a duster.
他找到住房之前, 在我家寄膳. He boarded at my house/with me until he found a flat.
你可以得到一笔拨款来修缮住房。 You can get a grant to improve your house.
租金贵是贵, (但)房子倒很好. The rent is high, (but) otherwise the house is fine.
侦探们又开始在那楝房子警戒了。 The detectives resumed their vigil at the house.
不要逾期不缴房租, 否则会被逐出. Don't fall behind with the rent, or you'll be evicted.
轰炸之後, 只剩下几所房子没倒塌. After the bombing only a few houses were left standing.
他在房间里磕磕绊绊地摸索电灯的开关. He blundered about the room, feeling for the light switch.
这家公司估计这栋新房的造价为8,000英镑。 The firm estimated the cost of the new house at£8, 000.
那栋旧房子荒凉空洞地伫立着,像一堆废墟。 The old house stood gaunt and empty, a complete ruin.
我今天在厨房里做了一阵扫除, 现在确实乾净了. I had a blitz on the kitchen today, and now it's really clean.
檐槽把雨水从房顶排走的水槽,装在屋檐边或檐下 A trough fixed under or along the eaves for draining rainwater from a roof.
工厂一个厂房或一组厂房,装有用来制造的机器;工厂 A building or collection of buildings that has machinery for manufacture; a factory.
还是老生常谈的事: 谁都想让房子整洁, 可谁也不愿意亲自整理. It's the same old story: everybody wants the house tidy, but nobody wants to tidy it himself.
他们在苏格兰有一村舍, 在伦敦有一所房子, 在巴黎还有一套备用公寓. They own a cottage in Scotland and a house in London as well as a pied-a-terre in Paris.
磨房过去使用笨重的石磨把麦磨成面粉;现在它们使用的是比较现代的机械。 Mills used to use heavy stones to grind down the wheat into flour; now they use more modern machinery.
该工程费用开支可分成如下几部分: 工资一千万英镑, 厂房设备四百万英镑, 原料五百万英镑. Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: wages 10m, plant 4m, raw materials 5m.
早晨我妈妈总是慌慌张张:做饭,收拾房间,送我最小的弟弟上幼儿园,然后去上班。 In the morning, my mother is always in a rush: she cooks, makes the room tidy, takes my younger brother to the nursery, and then goes to work.