
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): B N * zhan4shi4 soldier/ fighter


Grade E word(s):

战士 [zhan4 shi4] Kämpfer (S, Mil)Krieger (S, Mil)Soldat (S, Mil)Streitender (S, Mil)Gladiator (S)

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战士们唱起了歌颂他们英勇战斗的凯歌。 The soldiers sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.
战士们为取得胜利而欢跃。 The soldiers exulted at their victory.
他的儿子是骑兵团的一名战士。 His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment.
那些战士都裹着绑腿。 Those soldiers all wear leggings.
在党的培育下,他已成长为一个优秀的战士。 Nurtured by the Party, he grown into a good fighter.
这个战场被视为圣地以纪念战死在这里的战士。 This battle field is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.
那些死去的战士被埋葬在坟墓里。 Those dead soldiers were buried in the tombs.
我们的战士在那个孤立无援的阵地上坚持了两个多钟点。 Our fighters held on in that isolated position for more that two hours.
那个战士自告奋勇去站岗。 The soldier volunteered for guard duty.
战士们发誓战斗到底。 The soldiers swore to fight it out.
战士们攻击敌人的左翼。 The soldiers attacked the left flank of the enemy.
在他的带动下,战士们斗志昂扬。 His example kept the fighters in high spirits.
所有战士作战英勇都受到表彰。 All the soldiers were cited for bravery in battle.
长征中,我们的红军战士成功地涉过了沼泽地。 In the long March, our Red Army soldiers succeeded in wading through the marshland.
我们的边防战士在敌人猛烈进攻下巍然不动。 Our frontier guards held up under fierce enemy attack.
勇敢的,好战的具有战士、勇士特征的或适宜于勇士的 Characteristic of or befitting a warrior.