
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * dong3de know/ grasp/ understand


Grade E word(s):

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我只懂得一点法语。 I have only a limited understanding of French.
她认为自己懂得什么是生活。 She esteemed that she knew what life was.
在我们学校几乎没有人懂得丹麦语。 Few people know Danish in our school.
想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。 If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.
当军官的应懂得怎样统率士兵 An officer must know how to handle his men.
我不太懂得瓷器,估计不出这些盘子的价钱。 I don't know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates.
但我们懂得事情并非如此,更何况我们资金不足。 But we have learned that is not so. And in any case, our funds are low.
假使亚当重返人间,他会懂得的恐怕只有那些老掉牙的笑话了。 If Adam came on earth again the only thing he will recognize will be the old joke.
因为他懂得如何讨好老板,所以一再得到提拔。 He was promoted again and again because he knew how the rub his boss the right way.
要使婚姻美满, 双方必须懂得互相迁就. For a marriage to succeed, both partners must learn to give and take.