
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 慷慨 + kang1kai3 vehement; fervent; generous; giving; liberal
1 Old HSK word(s): D VS * kang1kai3 generous


Hào phóng +
Grade E word(s):
慷慨激昂 慷慨解囊 慷慨就义
慷慨 [kang1 kai3] Freigebigkeit (S)altruistisch (Adj)freigebig (Adj)freigiebig (Adj)freiheitlich (Adj)großzügig (Adj)wohlwollend (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 6.25 Komposita

他对穷人的慷慨为人所熟知。 His generosity to the poor is well known.
他的无限的慷慨深深地感动了我们。 His boundless generosity moved us deeply.
她为人厚道、慷慨大方,倒也弥补了她偶尔发点儿脾气。 Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper.
他用钱慷慨。 He is liberal with his money.
千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊. Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.
有个富有的赞助人慷慨捐赠来解救我们. A wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generous donation.
因为有钱又慷慨,他捐了两百万圆给红十字会。 Rich and generous, he contributed two million dollars to the Red Cross.
这位部长慷慨陈词为其政策辩护, 反驳批评他的人. The minister countered his critics with a strong speech defending his policies.
【谚】先还债,后慷慨。 Be just before you are generous.
请为饥荒账款慷慨捐赠。 Please give generously to famine relief.