
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): B N * xiang3fa idea/ opinion


Grade E word(s):
想法 [xiang2 fa5] Idee, Denkweise, Art der Gedanke (S)diese Art zu denken (V)
想法 [xiang2 fa5] andere Meinung (S)
想法 [xiang3 fa3] Denkweise, Überlegung, Konzept, Idee (S)Meinung, Einstellung (S)

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现代的人想法不同。 People today think differently.
他摇摇头,因为他的想法与此不同。 He shook his head, for he thought differently.
处理这种困难你有什么具体的想法? Have you any concrete thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?
我的想法完全相同。 I'm of exactly the same idea.
老百姓反对这种想法. The man in the street is opposed to this idea.
他的想法和我的不一致。 His ideas do not conform to mine.
我不禁也有同样的想法。 I can not help think the same.
无数想法划过她的心头。 A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind.
你故意和我的想法对著干. You have deliberately acted against my wishes.
他的想法获得热烈的响应。 His idea received an enthusiastic response.
我被这个惊人的想法吸引住了。 I was attracted by the striking idea.
大家认为最好暂时放弃这个想法。 It was thought best to drop the idea for the time being.
大家都知道这老头儿精神有点失常,可是他有些想法听起来并不那么古怪。 Everybody knows the old man's got bats in the belfry, but some of his ideas are not as crazy as they sound.
他在脑中权衡着这些想法。 He weighed the ideas in his mind.
玛丽对男人和女人充满了迷人的想法。 Mary is full of fascinating theories about men and women.
对於我们提高效率的主要目的来说, 这些想法都是次要的. Such considerations are secondary to our main aim of improving efficiency.
我现在讲的话,我相信也是在座许多同志的想法。 In what I am saying now I believe I speak also for many others present at this meeting.
他那些模糊的想法变成了一个明确的计划. His vague ideas crystallized into a definite plan.
现时去国营企业就职的想法对年青人没有多大吸引力。 The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.
先天论,天性论先天论,大脑不能从外界信息中产生想法 The doctrine that the mind produces ideas that are not derived from external sources.
记住,你现在当家作主了,要大胆说话,有什么想法就告诉我们。 Remember you are one of the masters now, so speak up and tell us what you think.
他有一种迷信的想法认为黑猫不吉祥。 He has a superstitious thought that black cat are unlucky.
科学家们一直在想法子提高牲畜的质量以向市场提供更好的肉食。 Scientists have been trying to find methods of grading up cattle to provide better meat for the market.
怪念头奇怪的、奇异的或顽固的想法 An odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion.
她竭力把自己的想法强加於全组的人. She imposed her ideas on the group.
她进行了首次解剖後就改变了要当医生的想法. Her first dissection made her change her mind about becoming a doctor.
完全同意你兴办一家新公司的想法。 I go all the way with your idea for setting up a new company.
既然大家都在,她不妨把想法都谈出来。 Now that they were all there she might as well speak her mind.
酝酿了一会儿想法,然后把它宣布出来 Incubated the idea for a while, then announced it.
在专利局, 我们还有许多的想法没有付诸实施。 In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use.
因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。 So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
虚幻的想法易变的或幻想的想法;空想 A capricious or fantastic idea; a conceit.
虽然助选团故意贬低她的作用,可是她以她的长才试行州长的想法,挑剔他的理论,评论他的演讲,并且时常指出他竞选作业的弱点并予改正。 Although the campaign plays down her role, she is the talent that test-drives the Governor's ideas, punches holes in his theories, comments on his speeches and often identifies the weak spots in his campaign operation and helps get them corrected.
猜测萨达姆心里如何想法是毫无意义的。不论他是做给伊斯兰激进分子看,还是趁最后一个机会找布什麻烦,他与美国和全世界对抗,不久就成为克林顿先生的问题。 It's pointless to try to read Saddam Hussein's mind. Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.