
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 情绪 + qing2xu4 mood; state of mind; moodiness; CL:种/种zhong3
1 Old HSK word(s): B N * qing2xu4 morale/ feeling/ mood


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Grade E word(s):
不满情绪 闹情绪
情绪 [qing2 xu4] Emotion, Stimmung, Laune (S, Psych)

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当我不得不离开时,这个孩子情绪异常激动,忍不住哭了起来。 The boy got very emotional when I had to leave, and started to cry.
这个决定受他情绪的影响。 The decision was affected by his fluctuation of mood.
群众情绪转眼就能发生变化. The mood of the crowd can change in the twinkling of an eye.
她的活泼与兴高采烈的情绪把他迷住了. He was charmed by her vivacity and high spirits.
他原来很著急, 我总算把他的情绪稳定下来了. He had been quite anxious, but I managed to settle his mind.
他们对普遍存在的反政府情绪感到很吃惊。 They are so surprised by the prevalence of anti-government sentiments.
我用业余爱好来消除工作中产生的紧张情绪。 My hobby is a good safety-valve for the tension that builds up at work.
他点燃一支香烟,镇定一下情绪。 He lit a cigarette in order to calm his mind.
动机一种能作为诱导物而激发行为的情绪、愿望、心理需要或者类似的心理推动力 An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action.
他情绪激动。 He got an inflammation of passion.
等到激动情绪平静下来再说. Wait until all the excitementhas settled.
你能觉察出他们之间有对立情绪. You could sense the antagonism between them.
他的悲观情绪感染得大家情绪低落. His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone.
我深信自满情绪是我们各种问题的根源. It's my conviction (ie I firmly believe) that complacency is at the root of our troubles.
我们应该努力消除目前的这股反政府情绪. We must try to counteract the present current of anti-government feeling.
对通货膨胀似乎有一种日渐增长的不满情绪。 There appears to be a growing discontent about inflation.
选举日期临近, 人们情绪很高涨. Passions ran high as the election approached.
民意测验表明拥护社会党的情绪高涨. Opinion polls have detected a ground swell of support for the Socialists.
市民的情绪是赞成减税。 Sentiment in the town is now in favor of a cut in tax.
他对旧冤家的敌对情绪仍然很大. The antagonism he felt towards his old enemy was still very strong.
伴随着更年期的内分泌变化使很多妇女的情绪受到影响。 A lot of women are affected emotionally by the hormonal changes that accompany the change of life.
感染力蔓延扩散的倾向,如学说、影响或情绪等 The tendency to spread, as of a doctrine, influence, or emotional state.