
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 恶劣 + e4lie4 vile; nasty; of very poor quality
1 Old HSK word(s): C VS * e4lie4 very bad/ vile/ abominable/ odious/ disgusting


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Grade E word(s):

恶劣 [e4 lie4] schlecht, schlimm (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 3.41 Komposita

他们在恶劣的天气条件下登上了山的顶峰。 They climbed up the last part of the mountain in formidable weather conditions.
多么恶劣的天气! What beastly weather!
我们前进时受到了恶劣天气的阻碍. Our progress was hampered by the bad weather.
由于天气恶劣,许多选民今天没有投票。 Many electors didn't vote today because of the bad weather.
这位顾客将为此恶劣服务诉诸法律。 The customer will go to law for the bad service.
我们不顾恶劣的天气而去钓鱼。 In spite of the bad weather, we went fishing.
恶劣的天气阻止了我们准时到达那里。 The bad weather prevented us from getting there on time.
他预知自己的旅程会被恶劣天气耽搁。 He foresaw that his journey would be delayed by bad weather.
今日发射宇宙飞船的计画, 因天气恶劣而落空. Bad weather has frustrated plans to launch the spacecraft today.
他们忍受著恶劣天气的煎熬, 表现了英国人典型的坚忍不拔的精神. They reacted to the appalling weather with typical British stoicism.
电视台为出现的干扰表示歉意,那是由于恶劣的天气状况造成的。 The television station apologized for the interference, which was due to bad weather conditions.
船遇难後因天气恶劣救援工作十分困难. Salvage of the wreck was made difficult by bad weather.
我庆幸自己不必在天气这样恶劣的夜晚外出. I'm glad I don't have to go out on such a dirty night.
流胶现象,流胶病某些植物上,如甘蔗及一些果树,形成胶质斑块的病理现象,由病虫害、微生物或恶劣的气候条件侵袭而引起 The pathological formation of patches of gum on certain plants, such as sugar cane and some fruit trees, resulting from attack by insects, microorganisms, or adverse weather conditions.