
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 恢复 + hui1fu4 to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain; to rehabilitate
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * hui1fu4 resume/ renew/ recover/ restore


Phục hồi +
Grade E word(s):
恢 [hui1] wiederherstellen, ausbauen (V)groß, ausgedehnt, weiträumig (Adj)groß, bedeutend

Häufigkeit: 0.02 Komposita

这男孩已彻底恢复健康。 The boy has quite recovered.
手术后他恢复了健康。 He regained his health after the operation.
为恢复秩序必须采取严厉措施. Drastic measures will have to be taken to restore order.
恢复谈判的任何做法都值得欢迎。 Any renewal of negotiations will be welcomed.
他病得非常厉害,不大可能恢复健康了。 He is very ill and unlikely to recover.
假期过后,我觉得健康恢复得相当不错。 I feel quite restored to health after my holiday.
在过去的几年中我们为了国民经济的恢复做了大量的工作。 A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years.
过了几天,洪水才退,生活恢复了正常。 It was several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to normal.
新经理的工作是让这家公司能恢复盈利状况。 The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability.
他逃到巴西,企图逃避恢恢法网。 He fled to Brazil trying to escape the long arm of the law.
爸爸的体力正在恢复,但他确实经历了一段痛苦的时间。 Dad's beginning to get his strength back now, but he's had a bad time of it.
那次事故使他毁容,终生无法恢复。 The accident disfigured him for life.
她恢复得那么快,我们都有些惊讶。 We are surprised by the rapidity of her recovery.
罢工的失败使公司恢复了正常的公共汽车营业。 The collapse of the strike enabled the company to resume normal bus services.
他使公司恢复元气活动的意见如同一股新鲜空气,令人耳目一新。 His ideas about revitalizing the company's activities are like a breath of fresh air.
她的病情终于宣告有了好转—不久就恢复健康了。 At last she was pronounced upon the mend and then convalescent.
警方必须努力恢复治安。 The police must try to restore order.
我盼望她很快会恢复健康。 I trust (that) she'll recover soon.
政府派警方出动恢复治安. The government ordered the police out to restore order in the streets.
将数据恢复到先前已知或规定的状态。 The restoration of data to a previously known or defined state.
如果我们采取措施在互利的基础上恢复业务关系,对我们都是有利的。 It will be advantageous if steps are taken to resume our business relationship on the basis of mutual benefit.
一旦价格回升,询盘将恢复活跃。 As soon as the price picks up, enquiries will revive.
她这次患流行性感冒还没有完全恢复。 She's still recovering from a bout of flu.
她已恢复了知觉, 但尚未脱险. She's regained consciousness, but she's not out of the woods (ie sure to recover) yet.
爆炸后经过相当一段时间,这个城镇才恢复了正常的生活秩序。 After the explosion it was some time before the town resumed its everyday routines.
有些人希望恢复死刑. Some people would like to see the death penalty come back.
在远程通信系统中,当报文发往的工作站处于不工作状态时控制站所采取的行动,即接收并存储该报文直到该工作站恢复工作时,再由控制站将报文送给它。在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。 In a remote communication system, the action taken by a control station whereby messages addressed to an inoperative station are accepted and stored at the control station until they can be sent to the destination station. The control station may be a computer in a message switching system.
他最後恢复些理智, 同意释放人质. He was finally brought to his senses and agreed to let the hostages go.
这个国家连年战争元气尽失後, 已开始慢慢恢复正常状态. The country, prostrate after years of war, began slowly to recover.