
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 总裁 + zong3cai2 chairman; director-general (of a company etc)
0 Old HSK word(s):


Tổng thống +
Grade E word(s):
总裁 [zong3 cai2] Präsident, Generaldirektor (S)

Häufigkeit: 3.68 Komposita

主要活动如下: 第一项, 总裁讲话; 第二项, 秘书做解答; 第三项, 主席做总结. The main events were as follows: first, the president's speech, secondly the secretary's reply and thirdly, the chairman's summing-up.
总裁的年龄甚至是比他的一些雇员还小。 The president was so young that he was junior to some of his employees.
他被提名为行政总裁的事被董事会批准了。 His nomination as chief executive was approved by the board.