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她脸上露出愉快的微笑。 There is a merry smile on her face.
只有时间才能使人淡忘那些不快的记忆。 Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories.
他不谈论这个令人不愉快的话题,而去谈论别的事情。 He dismissed the unpleasant subject and talked about something else.
我喜欢节奏快的音乐。 I like fast music.
他不敢把令人不快的真情告诉他们。他是条哑吧狗。 He is afraid to tell them the unpalatable truths. He is a dumb dog.
因为天气热,她穿了一件凉快的衣服。 As it was a hot day she wore a cool dress.
醉酒愉快的沉醉,如酒精 Pleasant intoxication, as from alcohol.
好看的身材或面貌上让人愉快的,端庄的 Pleasing and dignified in form or appearance.
和朋友聊天是愉快的,而这种情形没有比和知己的朋友聊天更为愉快。 It is pleasant to chat with friends, and with no chat is it more pleasant than with close friends.
我敢说,如果你受邀到他们那儿去做客,那将是你一生中度过的最愉快的时光。 If you are invited to visit them you'll have the time of your life, I can tell you.
喂,把桥牌轰出去吧;让咱们找个更愉快的方式一同难受好了。 I say banishing bridge; let's find some pleasant way of being miserable together.
你认为那个冬季——那个叫做不愉快的冬季——十之八九会现再次出现吗? Do you think there is a likelihood that winter-the winter of discontent as it was called-could be repeated?
我们开始时并不信任他,但他令人愉快的举止完全消除了我们的疑虑。 We didn't trust him at first, but his charming manner completely disarmed us.
快的,敏捷的行为的、动作的,或能够快速行为或运动的;敏捷的 Acting, moving, or capable of acting or moving quickly; swift.
轻快的心情 In a volatile mood.
她露出天真愉快的神态。 She shows a spontaneous gaiety of manner.
马以极快的速度跑完它的路程。 The horse devoured the course before him.
我们在海边度过了愉快的时光。 We had a glorious time at the seaside.
药物有时具有令人不快的副作用。 Medicines sometimes have unpleasant side effects.
他用笛子吹奏了欢快的曲调。 He played a delightful melody on his flute.
那伙人踏著轻快的步伐沿街走去. The band swung lightly down the street.
轻快的或充满活力的移动或步伐 A light or resilient manner of moving or walking.
饮食失常一种饮食无序,在这种情况下,一个人常常处于不正常的贪食和厌食的交替状态,特点是偶尔的暴饮暴食继而又很快的引起呕吐或腹泻 An eating disorder in which one alternates between abnormal craving for and aversion to food. It is characterized by episodes of excessive food intake followed by periods of fasting and self-induced vomiting or diarrhea.
一瞥;一眼很快的一看或一瞥;粗略看 A quick look or glimpse; a glance.
他的谦逊[愉快的样子]都是装出来的。 His modesty [air of joviality] was all put on.
冒昧,放肆放肆地傲慢或令人不愉快的行为或语言;厚颜无耻 Behavior or language that is boldly arrogant or offensive; effrontery.
减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。 After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.