
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 往事 + wang3shi4 past events; former happenings
1 Old HSK word(s): D N * wang3shi4 the past


Trong quá khứ +
Grade E word(s):

往事 [wang3 shi4] frühere Vorkommnisse (S)Vergangenes (S)Vergangenheit (S)

Häufigkeit: 3.32 Komposita

这个地方使人回忆起许多生动的往事。 This place conjures up vivid memories.
往事一齐涌上我心头. Memories crowded in on me.
悲伤的往事令人断肠。 The sad past is heartbroken.
我听说有人能回忆起童年甚至婴儿时期的一些往事,但是我的过去依依稀稀,我确实记不清了。 I hear of people recalling incidents from their early childhood—and even their infancy—but my dim and distant past is very dim indeed to me.
我们都摆脱不了往事的羁绊。 We are all prisoners of our past.