
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 弱点 + ruo4dian3 weak point; failing
1 Old HSK word(s): D N * ruo4dian3 weakness


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Grade E word(s):

弱点 [ruo4 dian3] durchfallend, fehlerhafteSchwachpunkt (S)Schwachstelle (S)

Häufigkeit: 5.19 Komposita

该系统的主要弱点之一是消耗大量燃料。 One of the main disadvantages of this system is that it uses very large amounts of fuel.
让我们自己享受承认人类的弱点的快乐是一大慰藉。 It is a great relief to allow us ourselves the luxury of acknowledging our human frailties.
信任一切与不信任任何人,同样是弱点。 It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody.
人性的弱点之一是懒惰。 One of the frailties of human nature is laziness.
剧中多处幽默地提到人类的弱点。 There are many humorous allusions to human foibles in the drama.
【谚】人皆有弱点。 Every man hath his weak side.
虽然助选团故意贬低她的作用,可是她以她的长才试行州长的想法,挑剔他的理论,评论他的演讲,并且时常指出他竞选作业的弱点并予改正。 Although the campaign plays down her role, she is the talent that test-drives the Governor's ideas, punches holes in his theories, comments on his speeches and often identifies the weak spots in his campaign operation and helps get them corrected.