
2 New HSK word(s): HSK4 + nong4 to do; to manage; to handle; to play with; to fool with; to mess with; to fix; to toy with HSK6 玩弄 + wan2nong4 to play with; to toy with; to dally with; to engage in; to resort to
3 Old HSK word(s): B VA * nong4 deal with D * nong4 xu1 zuo4 jia3 practice fraud/ resort to deception D VA * wan2nong4 flirt


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Grade E word(s):
摆弄 摆弄 班门弄斧 搬弄 搬弄是非 拨弄 嘲弄 逗弄 翻弄 抚弄 故弄玄虚 糊弄 糊弄人 挤眉弄眼 里弄 弄堂 乱弄 卖弄 卖弄玄虚 弄潮儿 弄成 弄错 弄到 弄懂 弄干 弄好 弄花 弄坏 弄假成真 弄僵 弄乱 弄平 弄破 弄巧成拙 弄清 弄清楚 弄权 弄上 弄湿 弄碎 弄通 弄醒 弄脏 弄糟 弄皱 调弄 玩弄词藻 玩弄女性 舞弄 瞎摆弄 瞎弄 戏弄 愚弄 捉弄 作弄
弄 [long4] Gasse (in Shanghai)

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她的围巾被油弄脏了。 Her kerchief is dirty with oil.
请把窗子弄干净,我几乎看不到外面。 Please clean the window as I can hardly see out.
她总胡乱摆弄手表,结果把它弄坏了。 She fiddled with her watch so much that it broke.
这位教师要使班里的每一个人都弄懂课文。 The teacher makes sure that everyone in the class understands the text.
你必须先弄懂数学基础知识, 我们才能进一步学习. You must understand the elements of mathematics before we can proceed further.
满是尘土的路弄得行人也满面尘土了。 The dusty road made the travelers dusty too.
我刚才把你的一个瓷器装饰品弄掉了。 I've just dropped one of your china ornamental.
猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。 The cat is playing with a live mouse.
要是站起来, 能把独木舟弄翻. If you stand up you'll overbalance the canoe.
用餐时摆弄刀叉玩儿是不雅的. It's bad manners to fidget about (with the cutlery) at the table.
你撞到了我的手肘,弄坏了我正在画的图画。 You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing.
把你们的学习室收拾一下,孩子们,"妈妈说,"你们把所有的书都弄得乱七八糟的了。" "Tidy up your study, kids, "Mother said, "all your books are in a muddle."
他只是在玩弄她的感情。 He's just trifling with her affections.
别把镜头弄脏了, 我刚刚擦过. Don't smear the lens; I've just polished it.
别拿她的话当真--她不过是逗弄人. Don't take what she said seriously she was only teasing.
她在演讲时一直都在玩弄手帕。 She was playing with her handkerchief all the while during the speech.
你当众纠正我的错误, 弄得我很难为情. You made me look so small, correcting me in front of everybody.
我设法弄来点材料搭个棚子. I managed to scrounge the materials to build a shed.
牛奶洒在地毯上弄得一塌糊涂. The spilt milk made a terrible mess on the carpet.
我牙缝里塞了点东西,就是弄不出来。 There is something between my teeth and I can't dislodge it.
很难弄清楚他们那套官僚体制全部细微的层次分别。 It was hard to understand all the minute gradations of their bureaucracy.
她设法弄到了招待会的请帖. She managed to wangle an invitation to the reception.
他被她那尖锐的问题弄得哑口无言。 He was struck dumb by her sharp question.
那个聚会落得一场空, 因为请帖上的日期弄错了. The party was a total fiasco because the wrong date was given on the invitations.
你可把我完全弄糊涂了! Now you've mixed me up completely!
一幢子要弄成那种舒适、安定的家的模样,得花一段时间。 It takes time for a house to acquire that lived-in appearance.
他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。 He is trying his best to understand his meaning.
我仍然弄不清楚你所强调的要点。 I still don't see the point you emphasized.
她把枕头弄得鼓鼓的. She plumped up the pillows.
别把档案弄乱了, 我刚整理好. Don't mess the files around, I've just put them in order.
一连串的意外事件把店里弄得乱七八糟。 A series of accidents disordered the shop.
他有个很能干的伙伴,替他把一切弄得井井有条。 He has a practical partner who organizes everything for him.
连续几个小时她都在唉声叹气,希望能从她母亲那弄点钱。 By sighing away for hours, she hoped to get some money from her mother.
他被很多债务弄得焦灼不安。 He was embarrassed by many debts.
不要把奥地利跟澳大利亚弄混淆了. Don't confuse Austria and/with Australia.
他洗衬衫时, 连胳膊肘都弄上了肥皂泡沫. He was up to his elbows in soapsuds, washing his shirts.
在去巴林之前我必须先弄懂、熟记阿拉伯人的习惯和规矩。 I must read up on Arab customs before I go to Bahrain.
老天爷好像成心捉弄人,很多人前来看比赛却偏偏下起瓢泼大雨。 Ironically, most people came to watch the match on the day it poured with rain.
别把他弄得像个傻子似的. Don't make him appear a fool.
教室被弄得乱七八糟。 The classroom was turned upside-down.
我弄不明白他为什么缺席。 I can't figure out why he is absent.
他的本性与弄虚作假格格不入. Dishonesty is foreign to his nature.
我弄到两张优胜杯决赛的票. I've got two tickets for the Cup Final.
男子玩弄女子的情感是不对的。 It's wrong for a man to play with a woman's affections.
她不是一个能容忍别人玩弄的女子。 She's not a woman to tolerate being played with
她要他清理好他弄得乱七八糟的东西。 She tell him to clear up the mess he have make.
我因为追赶公共汽车,弄得上气不接下气。 I was out of breath after running for the bus.
警方急切地想弄清这一神秘事件的真相。 The police is eager to get to the bottom of this mystery.
由于进行大扫除,屋里的一切弄得乱七八糟。 Everything in the house was turned upside down for the cleaning.
由于这位母亲为儿子照顾得无微不至,把他弄得没什么出息了。 The mother took so much care of her son, that she has make him be good for nothing.
就是那念头把我弄得头昏脑胀. The very idea sets my head reeling.
这些男孩捉弄那位老人真是残忍。 It is very cruel of these boys to make a fool of that old man.
我们必须把公文归档工作弄出些条理来. We must get some method into our office filing.
街道曲曲弯弯的, 把我们弄得迷失了方向. We were quite disorientated by the maze of streets.
这个纵横字谜的提示完全把我弄糊涂了. I am totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword puzzle.
他若继续摆弄那钟表,那非把它弄坏不可。 If he keeps fiddling with the clock, he is sure to put it out of order.
我估计我的申请书不知道让哪个无能的官僚给弄丢了. I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
用木炭弄黑他们的脸 Blacked their faces with charcoal.
她坐在那儿捻弄手指上的戒指. She sat twiddling the ring on her finger.
他设法弄到一笔贷款买了一栋房子。 He managed to secure a loan to purchase a house.
但是他的阶级本能使他把历史弄颠倒了。 But his class instinct led him to turn history upside down.
要想弄清事实,唯一办法是作周密的调查。 The only way to get at the facts is to make a thorough investigation.
这个侦探反复琢磨想弄明白那个窃贼是怎样逃跑的。 The detective tried to reason out how the thief had escaped.
迷惑了数小时后,我最终弄明白了,并找到了答案。 After puzzling for hours I finally saw daylight and found the answer.
看到政府官员在内阁改组之前耍弄花招以讨得首相欢心是很有趣的。 It's amusing to watch members jockeying for the Prime Minister's attention prior to Cabinet reshuffle.
我们这世界,是人们不知道自己想要什么而甘心赴汤蹈火为了把它弄到手的地方。 Ours is a world where people do not know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
巫婆搬弄巫术的女人;巫婆 A woman who practices sorcery; a witch.
你是说我务必去弄一份签证? Do you mean I have to get a visa?
这些注释有助於弄清文中最难懂的部分。 The note help to elucidate the most difficult parts of the text.
两口子争得够呛,弄得咱们一晚上没眨眼皮。 The couple had a heck of an argument and kept us awake all night.
别玩弄那姑娘的感情--难道没看到你已经把她弄得心烦意乱了吗? Stop playing fast and loose with that girl's feelings can't you see you're upsetting her?
"一位在钟塔上工作的油漆工把一桶油漆挂在一根指针上,把钟弄慢了。" A painter who had been working on the clock tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!
过去的已经过去,且一去不返,而聪明人总是努力着眼于现在和将来的事情,所以对过去耿耿于怀着无非是在捉弄自己罢了。 That which is past is gone, and irrevocable; and wise men have enough to do, with things present and to come; therefore they do but trifle with themselves, that labor in past matters.