
2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 平庸 + ping2yong1 mediocre; indifferent; commonplace HSK6 庸俗 + yong1su2 filthy; vulgar; debased
1 Old HSK word(s): D VS * yong1su2 philistine/ tacky


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Grade E word(s):
凡庸 附庸 附庸风雅 附庸国 昏庸 平庸 庸碌 庸人 庸医 庸庸碌碌 中庸
庸 [yong1] mittelmäßig (Adj)

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这本书有庸俗的味道。 This book has plebeian tastes.
他外表平庸。 He has a bland appearance.
庸俗,粗俗庸俗的品质或环境 The quality or condition of being vulgar.
不应把人的因素看成是经济体制的附庸. People should not be regarded as subservient to the economic system.
他经常说他对文学有浓厚的兴趣,其实这不过是附庸风雅而已。 He is always talking about his deep interest in literature, but it's just a pose.
新上任的警察局长很快就让人感觉到他不是平庸之辈。他的主张一付诸实施镇里犯罪情况就少多了。 The new chief police officer quickly made his presence felt, and there was much less crime in the town after his ideas were put into practice.
时髦,是逃亡自庸俗而又惟恐被?上的假斯文。 Fashion is gentility running away from vulgarity, and afraid of being overtake.
现代的新闻工作,以“最庸俗者生存”这伟大的达尔文式的原则来为自己的存在辩护。 Modern journalism justify its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgar.