
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 废墟 + fei4xu1 ruins
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * fei4xu1 ruins/ remains of a place destroyed


Sự đổ nát +
Grade E word(s):

废墟 [fei4 xu1] Einöde, BrachlandRuine

Häufigkeit: 1.92 Komposita

仔细检查了废墟後发现了新的证据. Careful examination of the ruins revealed new evidence.
入侵者把村镇变为废墟。 The invader laid towns and villages in ruins.
这些废墟形象地提醒人们不要忘记战争的恐怖。 These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war.
汤姆把那所房子想像成有传奇色彩的废墟. Tom visualized the house as a romantic ruin.
塔矗立在废墟中。 The tower stood amidst the ruins.
在废墟中依然挺立着几根柱子。 Several columns among the ruins still stood upright.
那栋旧房子荒凉空洞地伫立着,像一堆废墟。 The old house stood gaunt and empty, a complete ruin.
蒂卡尔危地马拉北部的一座玛雅废城,曾是玛雅城市中最大也可能最古老的一座。挖掘和修复该废墟的工作始于1956年 A ruined Mayan city of northern Guatemala. It was the largest of the Mayan cities and may also be the oldest. Excavation and restoration of the ruins began in1956.