
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 年龄 + nian2ling2 (a person's) age; CL:把ba3,个/个ge4
1 Old HSK word(s): B N * nian2ling2 age



Tuổi +
Grade E word(s):

年龄 [nian2 ling2] Alter, Lebensalter (S)

Häufigkeit: 11.37 Komposita

本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。 The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen.
有几个年龄较大的男孩子在操场上对他动武. He was bashed up in the playground by some older boys.
你弟弟小小的年龄竟高出你一大截,真令人恼火! How maddening to have your younger brother tower over you, at his age, too!
运动对于各年龄段都很有利。 Exercise is profitable in all ages.
就她的年龄来说, 她是够活跃的. She's very active, considering her age.
他的花白的头发显示出了他的年龄。 His hoary hair showed his age.
在赛跑时让年龄小的男生提早了10秒钟起跑. The smaller boys were given a start of 10 seconds in the race.
孩子们彼此的年龄很接近. The children are close to each other in age.
许多妇女常在自己的年龄上说谎话。 Many women lie about their age.
她仅超过年龄限制一天,因此组织者通融了一下,接受她入会。 She was only one day over the age limit so the organizers bent the rules and accepted her entry.
请说明姓名、年龄和职业。 Please state your name, age and occupation.
请登记你的姓名、年龄以及供养的亲属的人数。 Please state your name, age, and the number of dependants you have.
一达到适当的年龄,孩子们就被鼓励,而不是被强迫,"离开老窝"。 Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest".
我是表兄弟姐妹中年龄最大的。 I am the eldest among my cousins.
另一候选人的主要不利条件是她的年龄问题. The other candidate's main disadvantage is her age.
可是我在一家迪斯科舞会上亲眼看到他,千真万确,他在和一个年龄只他一半大的姑娘跳舞。 But I saw him myself in a disco as large as life, dancing with a girl half his age.
R级,电影的限制级一种电影分级,允许一定年龄以下(通常为17岁)的人在家长或保护人陪同下才能观看 A movie rating that allows admission only to persons of a certain age, usually17, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
年龄的大小往往与发病率有关. We can often correlate age with frequency of illness.
她十六岁, 而智力年龄是五岁. She is sixteen years old but has a mental age of five.
他随著年龄的增长, 弹钢琴的次数越来越少了. He played the piano less and less as he grew older.
总裁的年龄甚至是比他的一些雇员还小。 The president was so young that he was junior to some of his employees.
睿智与机灵不同,前者可随着年龄增加。 Sagacity, unlike cleverness, may increase with age.