
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 平静 + ping2jing4 tranquil; undisturbed; serene
1 Old HSK word(s): B VS * ping2jing4 calm/ quiet/ tranquil


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Grade E word(s):

平静 [ping2 jing4] still

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在外表上她保持着平静,但实际上她生气极了。 She maintained a calm exterior, though really she was furious.
首都一片平静,然而据报道在别的地方仍有持续的骚乱。 The capital is calm, but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere.
什么也不能推动一个按钟头收费的人,对他的平静的心情来说,时间的消逝是多么甜蜜啊。 Nothing can move a man who is paid by the hour; how sweet the flight of time seem to his calm mind.
湖面相当平静。 The surface of the lake is quite still.
当他平静下来时,我开始告诉他实情。 When he quieted down, I began to tell him the truth.
我们喜欢乡村的平静。 We enjoyed the quietness of the country.
没有任何事能扰乱他平静的心绪. Nothing disturbs his equanimity.
在战争前那些美好的岁月里,似乎没有任何东西能打破我们平静的生活进程。 It seemed nothing could disturb the even tenor of our existence in those happy prewar days.
从我们的窗户里可以看到海湾里平静海水的迷人景色。 We can see a magical view over the calm water of the bay from our window.
月光映在平静的海面上。 The moonlight shone on the calm sea.
等到激动情绪平静下来再说. Wait until all the excitementhas settled.
在平静的海面上航行我感到很舒服。 I felt comfortable sailing on the smoothness of the sea.
没有任何事干扰村里一向平静的生活. Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of life in the village.
波浪平静下来了. The waves stilled.
他把桨放入水中,搅乱了平静的湖面。 He put his oars in the water and disturbed the smooth surface of the lake.