
6 New HSK word(s): HSK3 + dai4 band; belt; girdle; ribbon; tire; area; zone; region; CL:条/条tiao2; to wear; to carry; to take along; to bear (i.e. to have); to lead; to bring; to look after; to raise HSK5 系领带 + ji4ling3dai4 put on a tie; wear a tie HSK6 带领 + dai4ling3 to guide; to lead HSK6 携带 + xie2dai4 to carry (on one's person); to support (old); Taiwan pr.xi1 dai4 HSK6 磁带 + ci2dai4 magnetic tape; CL:盘/盘pan2,盒he2 HSK6 温带 + wen1dai4 temperate zone
17 Old HSK word(s): A N * ci2dai4 magnetic tape A VA * dai4 take/ do/ lead/ have B N * di4dai4 district/ region/ zone C N * wen1dai4 warm-belt/ temperate zone C Adv * yi2dai4 one-one/ one by one/ one after another C N * dai4r string/ ribbon/ belt/ strap C VA * dai4dong4 lead/ drive C VA * dai4ling3 lead/ guide/ direct C * dai4 tou2 be the first/ take the lead C N * re4dai4 torrid zone/ tropics D VA * fu4dai4 attach D N * beng1dai4 bandage D VA * xie2dai4 take with D VS * dai4jin4 energetic D * lian2 dai4 and while/ and/ as well as D N * pi2dai4 strap D * lian2 gun3 dai4 pa2 roll and crawl/ flee in panic


Với +

Cà vạt +

Dẫn +

Thực hiện +

Băng +

Ôn đới +
Grade E word(s):
安全带 保险带 背带 表带 绸带 传送带 带病 带大 带电 带队 带坏 带菌 带菌者 带来 带路 带头人 戴/带孝 带薪 带信 带信人 带有 带子 带走 倒带 吊带 寒带 盒带 黄道带 夹带 肩带 胶带 救生带 裤腰带 拉家带口 连蹦带跳 连/联带 连哄带骗 连说带笑 领带 领带夹 履带 录像带 录音带 录影带 面带 纽带 佩带 飘带 披星戴/带月 脐带 裙带风 裙带关系 韧带 色带 捎带 声带 水龙带 丝带 松紧带 拖家带口 拖泥带水 鞋带 腰带 亚热带 一带而过 以点带面 止血带
带 [dai4] (照管) großziehen, aufziehenmitnehmen, mitbringen, tragen (V)

Häufigkeit: 93.74 Komposita

春雨带来了夏日百花。 Spring rains bring summer flowers.
你的雨衣系上带子更好看. Your mackintosh looks better belted.
我经常带我的孩子们去公园玩。 I often take my children to play in the park.
他带这个人走过街道到火车站。 He guided the man through the streets to the railway station.
他的态度带有几分傲慢。 His manner partakes of insolence.
别忘了带上你的钓具。 Don't forget to bring your fishing tackle.
警方查获了各种书和磁带. The police seized various books and tapes.
队长带领我们队取得了胜利。 The captain led our team to victory.
她头上带着一块黄色的头巾。 She wore on her head a yellow kerchief.
两块田之间有一条树木带。 A belt of trees grew between the two fields.
不系保险带开车就太傻了。 It's silly to drive without fastening one's seat belt.
他每次度假都会带他的狗去。 He never goes on a vacation but he takes his pet dog.
她穿了一件带有精致花边的裙子。 She wears a dress with delicate lace.
他对著镜子看领带是否系正. He looked in the glass to check that his tie was straight.
他带着心满意足的微笑告诉了我们。 He told us with a smile of contentment.
那位夫人带着满意的微笑看着我。 The lady looked at me with a contented smile.
录音磁带的复制质量有了很大改进。 The reproductive quality of audio tapes has improved enormously.
从这个角度来看, 画中的女子面带微笑. Seen from this angle the woman in the picture is smiling.
我们用他给我们带来的面粉做了一些面包。 We made some bread with the flour he bought for us.
盒式音像带上有个小窗, 能看见里面的磁带. There is a little window in the cassette case so that you can see the tape.
这家新工厂给自然环境带来的影响可能是灾难性的。 This environmental effect of this new factory could be disastrous.
他向新闻记者讲了这次谈话的情况,却不愿把实况录音磁带放给他们听。 He told the newspapermen about the conversation, but would not play them the actual tape of it.
暴风给成千上万的人带来灾难。 The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people.
从资料库借磁带是退而求其次的办法。 Borrowing tapes from the library would be the next-best thing.
我请求他从新疆回来时给我带些葡萄干。 I asked him to bring me some raisins when he returns from Xinjiang.
他由于忘了带钥匙,便以简单的应急办法从窗户爬进屋里。 As he had forgot his keys, he got into the house by the simple expedient of climbing through the window.
他常带着一个酒葫芦。 He always takes a wine gourd.
一位护士来给他包上干净的绷带。 A nurse came to put on a clean dressing for him.
这些优异的成绩给我们全体工作人员带来了莫大的光荣. These excellent results reflect great credit on all our staff.
财务董事派人带话说,她因不能出席会议而向大家道歉。 The Finance Director sends her apology and is unable to attend the meeting.
她戴着带有貂皮的披肩 She wore her sable stole.
我丢了一块带蓝色花边的白手绢。 I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border.
父亲有时候带着手杖出去散步。 My father sometimes goes out for a stroll with a stick in his hand.
这位医生颇为炫耀地带着我们参观了他的医院。 The doctor showed us about his hospital with much flourish.
他带着姐姐一同去。 He took his sister along with him.
好看的录像带总是被借走。 The good video is always rented out.
他把裤带扣得紧紧的。 He buckled up his belt tightly.
她的祖国位于热带地区。 Her motherland is in the tropical region.
没带雨衣那就避一下雨. Do keep out of the rain if you haven't a coat.
你可以把这些磁带当作听力材料。 You can use these tapes as aural material.
昨天我给丈夫买了一支领带别针。 I bought a tie pin for my husband yesterday.
我负担不起带花园的大房子的维护费. I can't afford the upkeep of a large house and garden.
新政府的成立带来了一个繁荣的时期. The new government ushered in a period of prosperity.
印刷字体太小,我不带眼镜就看不清。 The print is too small for me to read without glasses.
战争带来的必然结果就是生产力下降。 The necessary outcome of a war is a fall in production.
本阅览室的参考书不得私自带出。 No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission.
我曾想带他去钓鱼,但我不好意思对他开口。 I wanted to take him fishing but I was too timid to ask him.
在沙漠地带,绝大多数时间都是大晴天,下雨天极少。 Sunny days predominate over rainy days in desert regions.
录像磁带一种比较宽的磁带,用来记录图像和对应的声音以进行复放或者播放 A relatively wide magnetic tape used to record visual images and associated sound for subsequent playback or broadcasting.
财富并不一定带来快乐。 Money doesn't always bring happiness.
他语气中带有威胁的口吻。 A tone of menace entered into his voice.
东部地区处于东面的区域或地带 An area or a region lying in the east.
浮冰对这一带的航运是一种威胁. Ice-floes are a threat to shipping in the area.
带动转盘旋转的机械装置坏了. The mechanism that revolves the turntable is broken.
即将举行的会谈给实现真正的裁军带来了希望。 The forthcoming talk hold out the hope of real arms reduction.
这些大森林的毁坏会带来生态上的严重后果。 The destruction of these big forests could have serious ecological consequences.
战争给无辜的人民带来的痛苦不是金钱可以补偿的。 The suffering of innocent people caused by the war cannot be compensated for by money.
段在东方武术中,黑腰带的级别精通达12级中的任一级,如柔道和空手道 Any of12 levels of proficiency at the grade of black belt in martial arts such as judo and karate.
堡垒往往带有塔楼。 A fortress often has turrets.
伤口用绷带包扎着。 The wound was bound up by bandage.
为讨吉利我老是带著一个. I always carry one for luck.
在多石地带缓慢地颠簸前进 Bumped along slowly over the rocky terrain.
图画里有一间带篱笆的小房子。 There is a house with wattle fence in the picture.
携带的免税酒不得超过八升。 You are restricted to eight liters of duty-free wine.
他很可能跟平常一样会带吉他来. Doubtless he'll be bringing his guitar, as usual.
她想起忘记带入场券,顿时惊慌起来。 She got into a panic when she thought she'd forgotten the tickets.
到国外旅行允许携带的款额有所限制。 There are currency restrictions on the sums allowed for foreign travel.
医生不得不用石膏绷带来固定他断了的胳膊。 The doctor had to hold his broken arm with a plaster cast.
根据你的合同,你每年有十五天的带薪假期。 According to your contract, you get 15 days' paid holiday a year.
它至少能把沉重的仪器携带到大部分大气团之上。 It can at least carry heavy equipment above most of the atmospheric mass.
录音磁带一种相对狭长的磁带,用于录下声音以便日后重放 A relatively narrow magnetic tape used to record sound for subsequent playback.
夏季季风夏季从西南或南方吹来的并能给亚洲南部带来大量降雨的风 A wind from the southwest or south that brings heavy rainfall to southern Asia in the summer.
我被带到後台去会见演员. I was taken backstage to meet the actors.
西洋樱草生长于热带国家吗? Does cowslip grow in tropic countries?
这腰带是在前面打结还是在後面? Does this sash tie in front or at the back?
那天天气很好,我原本不必带伞的(但却带了)。 It was fine that day, so I need not have brought an umbrella with me.
她带了太阳帽、 雨衣和毛围巾, 一切有备无患. She prepared for all possibilities by taking a sunhat, a raincoat and a woolly scarf.
我想用迈克尔·杰克逊的录音带交换你的布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷唱片集. I'll swap (you) my Michael Jackson tape for your Bruce Springsteen album.
嘿!我有一个非常好的主意:我们进行投资,这会给我们带来很多的利润。 Hey! I've got this really good ide we make this investment which will bring us a lot of benefits.
无线电高空测候器一种被带到高空(主要由气球)进行气象数据收集和传送的仪器 An instrument carried aloft, chiefly by balloon, to gather and transmit meteorological data.
他就是那个带头的学生。 He is the student who begins the dance.
设想有一所带大花园的房子. Imagine a house with a big garden.
到工地的所有参观者必须带上安全帽。 All visitors to the site must wear safety helmet.
热带地区黑夜来得很快. Night descends quickly in the tropics.
他时常带我妹妹去剧院。 He takes my sister out to the theatre now and then.
他问我身上是否带着打火机。 He asked me if I had a cigarette lighter with me.
温和的气候给北美带来大丰收。 The benign weather brought North America a bumper crop.
这些小学生是由两位老师带领的. The children were shepherded around by two teachers.
我带你出去用餐, 花费多少都无所谓. I'm going to take you out to dinner, no expense spared.
这个国家百分之九十的地方都是温带。 Ninety per cent of the country lies in the temperate zone.
这个地区很危险,所以你身上不要带太多现金。 This is a dangerous area, so don't carry too much cash on you.
画中的年轻女孩带着一副沉思而又严肃的神态。 The young girl in the picture has a thoughtful and solemn mien.
救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救那位受伤的女子。 An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman.
开汽车的人让两个小学生上车,把他们一直带到了县城。 The motorist picked up a couple of pupils and took them as far as the county town.
幸亏我当时系上了安全带。 Thanks to I had tied then the safety belt.
他的患病给我们的计划带来灾难。 His illness was fatal to our plan.
在一些热带国家,眼疾很流行。 Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.
那位猎人同意明天带我们去打猎。 The hunter agreed to take us to go hunting tomorrow.
他和他的舞伴带头跳一种快步舞。 He led off with his companion in a sort of quick-step.
我们将对他带来的矿石做实验鉴定。 We will make an assay of the ore that he brought.
愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。 May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.
他在热带医学这一领域里广获赞扬。 He has won wide recognition in the field of tropical medicine.
士兵的勇敢事迹为他带来了荣耀和赞美。 The soldier's brave deeds brought him honor and glory.
从新娘的花束上垂下来的丝带打成了一个结。 Ribbon hung from the bride's bouquet was tied in a bow.
边缘地带刚刚超出或恰好在某特定地区的地带 A region just beyond or at the edge of a settled area.
风暴带有强风或狂风但很少或几乎无雨的一种风暴 A storm with high winds or violent gusts but little or no rain.
灰壤,灰化土一种淋洗的土壤,主要形成于阴凉而湿润的地带 A leached soil formed mainly in cool, humid climates.
进入皇宫时先要在入口大厅等候, 由人带领进入正殿. You have to wait in a large entrance hall before being shown into the court proper.
前哨派驻在离主力部队很远的地带的支队以防敌人的偷袭 A detachment of troops stationed at a distance from a main force to guard against surprise attacks.
副现象在一种疾病中出现的附带条件或症状,与该病无必要关联 An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease.
党羽的政治阴谋经常是良好政府的妨碍。公务上的政治争斗经常是带削弱性质和招致反效果的 Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.
她脸上带著困惑的表情在倾听著。 She listened with a puzzled expression on her face.
我们雇了个向导带领我们翻山越岭. We engaged a guide to show us the way across the mountians.
那个林务员已经勘测了那些热带雨林。 The forester has explored those tropical rain forests.
国王命令侍卫长马上把犯人带来。 The king ordered the Grand Chamberlain to bring the prisoner immediately.
我带上一些轻松的读物乘火车时消遣. I took some light reading (eg a thriller) for the train journey.
这片热带森林色彩纷呈的植被使教授惊讶。 The colorful vegetation of this tropical forest amazed the professor.
他给窗框上漆时,用遮蔽胶带把玻璃边缘贴住。 He put masking tape round the edges of the glass while he painted the window frame.
鲸背甲板船一种蒸汽船,带有圆形的船头和上甲板以遮蔽雨水 A steamship with the bow and upper deck rounded so as to shed water.
宽阔的道路;宽大的领带 A wide road; a wide necktie.
你见过热带鸟类色彩斑斓的羽毛吗? Have you seen the brightly-coloured plumage of tropical birds?
她扎入水中, 浮上来时呛得连咳嗽带喷水. She dived into the water and came up coughing and spluttering.
紧跟在他身後出现了一个带角的分趾蹄动物 Close behind him appear an animal with horn and cleave hooves.
可能下雨--你最好带把伞, 以防万一(下起来). It may rain you'd better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does).
结细绳、绸带或粗绳等材料交织而形成的紧密联接 A compact intersection of interlaced material, such as cord, ribbon, or rope.
束帆索一种绳子或帆布带,用来把一个卷叠的帆置于一横木或斜桁上 A cord or canvas strap used to secure a furled sail to a yard boom or gaff.
吊车一种通常配有联接在传送带上的吊桶或戽斗,用来举起材料 A mechanism, often with buckets or scoops attached to a conveyor, used for hoisting materials.
牙箍安装在牙齿上的纠正不规则排列的由箍带和钢丝做的牙齿矫正器 A dental appliance, constructed of bands and wires that is fixed to the teeth to correct irregular alignment.
烟斗,烟筒抽烟用具,由木头、粘土或其他物质组成的管子,一头带有小吹嘴 A device for smoking, consisting of a tube of wood, clay, or other material with a small bowl at one end.
唉,又是倒霉啦!假如我是被养大当帽子工人的,生下来的孩子可能都没带头颅来的吧。 Just like my luck! If I had been bred a hatter, little boys would have come into the world without heads.
传送带连续的带或链,用以把运动,动力或物品从一个轮子或轴传导或传送到另一个 A continuous band or chain for transferring motion or power or conveying materials from one wheel or shaft to another.
神经衰弱一种神经系统紊乱,表现为长期疲劳乏力、失去记忆,带中度疼痛。以前被认为是由于神经系统衰竭引起的 A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.
苏联外长谢瓦尔德纳泽星期五来华盛顿。他将带给里根一封戈尔巴乔夫的亲笔信……。你尽可以打赌一定是有关几乎吹的高峰会。 Soviet foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze is coming to Washington on Friday. He'll be bringing Ronald Reagan a letter from Mikhail Gorbachev himself…But you can bet the rent it'll be about the summit that almost wasn't.
她的来访给孩子们的生活带来了欢乐。 Her visit brought a ray of sunshine into the children's lives.
警察系上皮带,走了出去。 The police belted up and went out.
他说话带着美国英语口音。 He spoke with an American accent.
那一带海岸没有安全的登陆处. There is no safe landing on that coast.
他用皮带把那个孩子着实打了一顿。 He gave the boy a real belting.
我这条裤子要是不系皮带就往下掉. My trousers only stay up if I wear a belt.
读一本好书可以带来心灵的净化。 Reading a good book may bring purification to souls.
他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。 He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty.
引座小姐带领我沿著通道到我的座位上去. The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat.
利息一下降给公司带来了一个新的问题。 Falling interest rates present the firm with a new problem.
他带我到他的藏书室,里面的藏书虽然杂乱无章,数量却相当可观。 He took me into his library, a littery but considerable collection.
国旗挂于船只或飞机上的国旗,常带有部队分队或部队单位的特殊识别标记 A national flag displayed on ships and aircraft, often with the special insignia of a branch or unit of the armed forces.
粉红色色彩中略带红色的颜色中的一组,亮度中到高等,彩度饱和度从低到中等 Any of a group of colors reddish in hue, of medium to high lightness, and of low to moderate saturation.
资方准备谈判工资问题,并且充分利用谈判带给他们的机会,提出劳动生产率的问题。 The employers were prepared to discuss wages, and they pressed home the advantage this gave them by raising the matter of productivity.
在二进制浮点数中,一种带有符号的特定值,其量值大于一台计算机所能表达的任何二进制浮点数。 In binary floating-point concepts, a value with an associated sign which is mathematically greater in magnitude than any binary floating-point number.
导游带领游客参观博物馆. A guide conducted the visitors round the museum.
他的声音中带有权威的口气。 His voice carries the ring of authority.
尖端一个带尖或突起的物体的末端 The end of a pointed or projecting object.
那个嫌疑犯被带到警察局问话. The suspect was taken to the police station for questioning.
她的脸上带著受过苦难的深深的痕迹. Her face bore the deep imprint of suffering.
他们预见到天快黑了, 就都带上了手电筒. Anticipating that it would soon be dark, they all took torches.
他只是带着那种奇特的神情死死地盯着她看。 He simply stared at her with that peculiar expression on his face.
为了预防回来以前天就黑了,所以他带着手电筒。 He took a flashlight lest it should get dark before he returned.
一种尚未搞清的病虫害突然侵袭了这一带的庄稼。 An unknown disease suddenly attacked the crops in this area.
所有经济部门都遭受到这次汇率下跌带来的损失。 All sector of the economy suffer from the fall in the exchange rate.
音轨一独立的轨道,如沿着一段胶片或磁带的,可将声音或其它信息记录在上面 A distinct path, as along a length of film or magnetic tape, on which sound or other information is recorded.
他们携带著武器. They were carrying weapons.
连哄带劝他才坦白. The confession had to be cajoled out of him.
他的头发带一点姜黄色. His hair was a bright shade of ginger.
男孩子们带着猎鹰出去打猎了。 The boys went hunting with their falcon.
他哄她同意带她去看电影。 He coaxed her into letting him take her to the cinema.
勘探人员进入了一片沙漠地带。 The explorers entered upon a desert tract.
在我们国家,携带枪支是违法的。 It's illegal to carry guns in our country.
他用剪子连花带茎都剪下来。 He cut off the flowers at the stalk with a pair of scissors.
不要偏离车道--这一带沼泽地多. Keep to the track the moor is very boggy around here.
在他的带动下,战士们斗志昂扬。 His example kept the fighters in high spirits.
我们被指控非法携带货物入境. We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally.
耳穗谷类植物上带有种子的穗,如玉米等 The seed-bearing spike of a cereal plant, such as corn.
那孩子因其母带他回家而生气地捶打著母亲. The child pummelled his mother angrily as she carried him home.
公主被那个可恶的魔术师偷偷带到了一个荒岛上。 The princess was spirited off to a desert island by the evil magician.
他向基金会捐了一大笔钱,为基金会带来新的生机。 He breathed new life into the fund when he donated a large sum of money.
卡尔整天带着一副愤恨不平的样子,好像大家都有意怠慢或伤害他。 Carl was a man with a chip on his shoulder. Everyone seemed in a conspiracy to slight or injure him.
标枪一种用于投掷距离的比赛的金属的或带金属尖端的长矛,长约2。5米 A metal or metal-tipped spear, about 2.5 meters in length, used in contests of distance throwing.
提灯一种可经常携带的装置,带有透明或半透明的侧面以装入和保护灯 An often portable case with transparent or translucent sides for holding and protecting a light.
痴愚者一个人智能迟缓发展,仅具有7岁到12岁的智能,一般在一定程度的学术或职业教育后能够进行交流和掌握社会技术。这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味 A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
护士给我受伤的胳臂裹上绷带。 The nurse wound a bandage round my wounded arm.
附带说一下,约翰下星期要回家。 Incidentally, John's coming home next week.
她带病努力工作, 真是难能可贵! She works so hard in spite of her illness: she's a marvel!
我身上没带现钱,明天付你行吗? I have no ready cash on me, can I pay you tomorrow?
她用穗带装饰连衣裙的领口、摺边和袖口. She braided the neckline, hem and cuffs of the dress.
琥珀色的缎子和白色的饰带正是她所想要的。 Amber satin and white lace are exactly what she desires.
糙面厚呢一种粗糙不平的带有未修剪的绒毛的羊毛呢 A coarse, shaggy woolen cloth with an uncut nap.
她把活计带到了园子里(如图纸或缝纫材料). She took her work (eg papers or sewing materials) with her into the garden.
黎明前,这个负伤的男人被神秘地带出了庄园宅邸。 Before dawn the wounded man is spirited away from the house.
链,带系在表或手镯上以防其丢失的小链子或带子 A small chain or band attached to a watch or bracelet to prevent loss.
一个频带的上下界频率之差,单位用赫兹表示。 The difference, expressed in Hertz, between the two limiting frequencies of a band.
肥缺能带来优势,如利益或威望的职位、任命或地位 A position, an appointment, or a rank giving advancement, as of profit or prestige.
金银线镶边衣物的装饰必镶边,如流通带、饰带或金属珠子 Ornamental trimming for a garment, as braid, lace, or metallic beads.
外形似镖的事物物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体 An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect.
他不像典型的城市商人那样, 穿一身深色的套服、 带一把收好的雨伞. He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.
踏板一种由脚操纵带动圆周运动的踏板或杠杆,如制陶者的陶车或缝纫机的踏板 A pedal or lever operated by the foot for circular drive, as in a potter's wheel or sewing machine.
约瑟醒来马上起床,连夜带着母子俩逃往埃及。他在那儿一直住到希律王死去。 So Joseph rose from sleep, and taking mother and child by night he went away with them to Egypt, and there he stayed till Herod's death.
黑曜岩火山玻璃,一般为黑色,带状,摔碎时色泽光亮,表面变曲,由火山熔岩迅速凝而成 A usually black or banded, hard volcanic glass that displays shiny, curved surfaces when fractured and is formed by rapid cooling of lava.
由于没有适当的导航援助,飞行员不了解周围气候的变化情况,将飞机直接飞入了热带飓风眼内。 Not having proper navigational aids the pilot had been unaware of the changing conditions and had flown the plane right into the eye of the tropical storm.
止血带、压脉器一种装置,特指一紧紧环绕的绷带,通过暂时阻止血液从四肢的较大动脉中流过而止血 A device, typically a tightly encircling bandage, used to check bleeding by temporarily stopping the flow of blood through a large artery in a limb.
勇敢,无畏,勇气,胆量使人带有沉着、自信和决心面对危险、恐怖或世事无常的心理素质或状态;勇气 The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.