
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 峡谷 + xia2gu3 canyon; gill; ravine
3 Old HSK word(s): C N * hai3xia2 strait/ channel C N * xia2gu3 ravine-valley/ gorge/ canyon D N * xia2 gorge

Canyon +
Grade E word(s):
长江三峡 大峡谷 地峡 海峡两岸 峡湾
峡 [xia2] Schlucht (S)

Häufigkeit: 0.06 Komposita

峡谷常常有河流经过其中。 A canyon usually has a river flowing through it.
峡谷展现在我们的脚下. The valley lay at our feet.
这条峡谷里的景色非常美丽。 The scene is very beautiful in this glen.
该城堡控制著峡谷的入口. The castle commanded the entrance to the valley.
英国和法国之间隔著英吉利海峡. England is separated from France by the Channel.
英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来. The English Channel divides England from France.
直布罗陀海峡是通向地中海的必经之路。 The straits of Gibraltar are the gate of the Mediterranean.
赫伯特靠在大峡谷附近开的一家对旅游者大敲竹杠的商店而变得富有起来。 Herbert become rich by opening a tourist trap near the grand canyon.
这条路穿过两条山脉之间的峡谷。 The road goes through a gap in the hills.
渡船定期往返于英吉利海峡。 Ferryboats ply across the English Channel.
你去过长江三峡吗? Have you been to the Yangtse Gorges?
狭航道一个狭窄的,从海岸通往内地的航道;海峡 A narrow passage extending inland from a shore; a channel.
裂缝土地表面上深的、陡峭的缝隙;深渊或峡谷 A deep, steep-sided opening in the earth's surface; an abyss or a gorge.
福建中国东南部的一个省份,濒临东海和台湾海峡。经济以农业和渔业为主,省会为福州。人口27,130,000 A province of southeast China on the East China Sea and the Formosa Strait. Agriculture and fishing are important to its economy. Fuzhou is the capital. Population, 27,130,000.
费尔菲尔德康涅狄格西南的一座城镇,跨长岛海峡,在布里奇波特西南。于1639年建立,主要是住宅区,有多样化的轻工业。人口53,418 A town of southwest Connecticut on Long Island Sound southwest of Bridgeport. Settled in1639, it is mainly residential and has varied light industries. Population, 53,418.
多佛尔与法国加莱市隔岸相对的英格兰东南部自治市,临多佛尔海峡。罗马灯塔遗址,自中世纪以来就是战略要地,该市白垩崖多岩洞和涵洞原为走私者所用。人口33,700 A municipal borough of southeast England on the Strait of Dover opposite Calais, France. Site of a Roman lighthouse, it has been a strategic port since medieval times. The chalk cliffs rising above the city have caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers. Population, 33,700.