
2 New HSK word(s): HSK4 + ji4 to live (in a house); to lodge; to mail; to send; to entrust; to depend HSK6 寄托 + ji4tuo1 to have sb look after sb; to entrust the care of sb; to place (hope etc) on
3 Old HSK word(s): A VA * ji4 send/ post/ mail D VA * you2ji4 mail D VA * ji4tuo1 place on/ consign or commit


Gửi +

Ghim +
Grade E word(s):
寄存 寄存器 寄放 寄费 寄父 寄给 寄件人 寄居 寄卖 寄卖行 寄情 寄人篱下 寄上 寄生 寄生虫 寄生物 寄售 寄宿 寄宿生 寄信 寄信人 寄养 寄予/与 寄予希望 继/寄子
寄 [ji4] abschicken, absenden, verschicken, versenden (V)

Häufigkeit: 17.92 Komposita

住寄宿舍比住旅馆便宜. It's cheaper to live in lodgings than in a hotel.
我找不到你寄给我的那封信。 I can't trace that letter you sent me.
请寄给我一张收到此款的收据。 Please send me a receipt for the money.
请给我们公司寄一份详细的简历。 Please send a detailed resume to our company.
转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。 There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us.
那个寄居者在威尔士已经逗留了两个星期。 The sojourner has been in Wales for two weeks.
我把那封信挂号寄出了,因为里面有钱。 I registered the letter because it contain some money.
他把箱子放在行李寄存处。 He deposited the case in the left luggage office.
信中夹钞票最好寄挂号. It's wise to register letters containing banknotes.
她一定已经收到包裹了, 我是用挂号寄的. She must have received the parcel: I sent it by registered post.
感谢你方寄来的电冰箱报价函。 Thank you for your quotation for the refrigerators.
回信免费邮寄至牛津牛津大学出版社宣传部. Reply to Publicity Department, FREEPOST, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
我们的样品是通过邮包寄送的。 By parcel post our samples were sent.
他从巴黎给我寄来几张明信片。 He sent me some postal cards from Paris.
邮筒为存放外寄信件而设的公用盒箱 A public container for deposit of outgoing mail.
我们能否将利润汇寄到国外? Can we remit our profit to foreign countries?
潜隐体一种处于发育阶段的疟疾寄生虫,在侵入红血细胞之前,寄生在体内组织中 A malarial parasite at the stage of development in which it inhabits bodily tissue before invading the red blood cells.
偿清了欠债之后,他长久以来一直在每个圣诞节寄给我20美元钱。他这是为了表达他的感激之情啊! He kept on sending me$20 every Christmas long after his debt was paid. That's gratitude for you!
我以为他母亲已去世,幸亏在我寄出吊唁信之前,我碰到了一个那天上午还在医院里见过她母亲的人,他使我避免了这场误会。 I thought his mother had died, but fortunately I met someone who'd actually seen her that morning in the hospital and he set me right before I sent off my letter of sympathy.
将利息寄到她的新地址 Remit the interest to her new address.
邮资邮寄的物品所需的费用 The charge for mailing an item.
我们的信在邮寄途中错过去了. Our letters crossed in the post.
请把我的名字加入你们的邮寄名单中. Please add my name to your mailing list.
请将你方现有目录尽速寄来为盼. Please rush me (ie send me immediately) your current catalogue.
我已经把我所有的希望都寄托在你身上了。 I have staked all my hopes on you.
我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上. I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.
英国把获得奖牌的希望寄托在奥维特的身上. British hopes of a medal rested on Ovett.
他已经把填好的表格连同你的汇款一并寄回了。 He has returned the completed form with your remittance.
必须在7日内将答辩寄给法院和另一方当事人。 The defence must be sent to court and to the other party within seven days.
圣诞节是朋友家人互相再见,以及寄圣诞卡给住在远方的人的一段时间。 Christmas is a time for friends and family members to see each other again and to send Christmas cards to those who live far away.
按此地址函索即免费寄奉样品. Write now to this address and we will send you a free sample by return.
骡子既无足以自豪的祖宗,亦无可以寄托希望的子孙。 A mule have neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity.
读了这本书,我们会对主人翁的斗争寄予同情。 Reading this book, we can identify with the main character's struggle.
寄送,托运派遣或寄送船只给代理商店或代理人的行为 The act of dispatching or consigning a ship, as to an agent or a factor.
我已给我全家人都寄去了请帖. 还要给你家的人及邻居们寄. I've sent cards to all my family. Then there's your family and the neighbours.
我在一友人处寄膳宿。 I'm boarding with a friend.
他找到住房之前, 在我家寄膳. He boarded at my house/with me until he found a flat.
投诉信件源源不断地寄到(总部). Letters of complaint poured in (to head office).
兹寄上经过修订的商品目录和价目表。有些可能对贵方合适。 I send you my revised catalog and price- list, in the hope that you may find something to suit you.
自从某寄宿学校传出有人吸毒之後, 高年级有几个男生已被开除. Following reports of drug-taking at a boarding-school, several senior boys have been expelled.
如果能收到你们寄来的I-20表格,确认我已被录取,我随即启程前往。 If you can send me the I-20 form indicating my acceptance, I can prepare to leave at once.
参照今日和你方的谈判记录,兹随函寄上详细叙述订购卫生衣的订单2份,请查收。 Referring to my conversation with you today, I now enclose an order sheet for hosiery as specified.
我公司伦敦分公司向贵公司开出面额300,000元的汇票一张,兹同函奉上,请承兑后寄还为荷。 Enclosed we hand you a draft,$300,000, draw on you by our london house. kindly accept same and return.