
11 New HSK word(s): HSK3 容易 + rong2yi4 easy; likely; liable (to) HSK4 内容 + nei4rong2 content; substance; details; CL:个/个ge4,项/项xiang4 HSK5 形容 + xing2rong2 to describe; description; appearance; look HSK6 阵容 + zhen4rong2 troop arrangement; battle formation; line-up (of a sports team etc) HSK6 从容 + cong2rong2 to go easy; unhurried; calm; Taiwan pr.cong1 rong2 HSK6 刻不容缓 + ke4bu4rong2huan3 to brook no delay; to demand immediate action HSK6 宽容 + kuan1rong2 lenient; tolerant; indulgent; charitable; to forgive HSK6 容忍 + rong2ren3 to put up with; to tolerate HSK6 容器 + rong2qi4 receptacle; vessel HSK6 容貌 + rong2mao4 one's appearance; one's aspect; looks; features HSK6 容纳 + rong2na4 to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to tolerate (different opinions)
17 Old HSK word(s): A N * nei4rong2 content/ substance A VS * rong2yi4 easy/ easily/ apt B Adv * hao3rong2yi4 have a hard time B VA * xing2rong2 describe C VA * rong2 contain/ hold/ tolerate/ forgive/ allow/ permit C N * rong2qi4 container/ vessel C VA * rong2xu3 allow/ permit C VS * cong2rong2 leisurely/ calm/ plentiful/ sufficient/ enough C N * xiao4rong2 smiling-look/ smiling expression/ smile D VA * bu4rong2 not allow D N * zhen4rong2 lineup D N * rong2ji1 volume D N * rong2liang4 volume/ capacity D VA * rong2na4 accommodate/ contain/ hold D VA * rong2ren3 abide D * cong2rong2 bu4 po4 take one's time/ calm and unhurried D N * mian4rong2 look/ face


Dễ dàng +


Nội dung +

Mô tả +

Đội hình +

Từ container +

Khẩn cấp +

Khoan dung +

Khoan dung +

Container +

Trông +

Chứa +
Grade E word(s):
包容 不容置疑 愁容 电容 好不容易 毁容 兼容 兼容机 军容 宽容 美容 美容师 美容术 美容院 难民收容所 怒容 情理难容 容光焕发 容貌 容身 容身之地 容姿 市容 收容 收容所 水火不容 无地自容 相容 笑容满面 形容词 义不容辞 遗容 雍容大方 雍容华贵 整容 纵容 尊容
容 [rong2] Gesicht, Miene (S)aussehen, schauen (V)beinhalten, umfassen (V)erlauben, ermöglichen (V)halten, festhalten (V)Rong (Eig, Fam)

Häufigkeit: 6.39 Komposita

这次考试比较容易。 The exam was relatively easy.
请给我找一个放糖的容器。 Please find me a receptacle for sugar.
这演说很动听,可是没什么内容。 It's a clever speech, but there was no real meat in it.
棉花容易着火。 Cotton catches fire easily.
我妹妹每周去一次美容院。 My sister goes to a beauty parlour once a week.
通过这条很滑的路并不容易。 Negotiation of the slippery road was not easy.
这个国王没有宽容之心,杀死了所有的犯人。 The king showed no mercy and killed all the prisoners.
我喜欢他的写作风格,但是不喜欢他的内容。 I like the style of his writing but I don't like the content.
形容词的作用是描述或增加名词的意思。 The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.
你那篇文章的内容好极了, 但是表达方式不太好. The content of your essay is excellent, but it's not very well expressed.
随着逐渐成熟,许多年轻的激进分子对 生活和社会渐持较为宽容的态度。 As they mature, many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society.
你妈妈是个乐呵呵的容易相处的人。 Your mother is a jolly, easy-going woman.
哄孩子们去睡可不是容易的事。 It was hard work getting the children off to bed.
这台泵通过这个阀门把(容器中的)空气抽出. The pump sucks air out (of the vessel) through this valve.
尽管(她讲的)内容有些枯燥, 但由於她善於表达, 大家仍听得津津有味. Although the subject-matter (of her talk) was rather dull her witty delivery kept the audience interested.
亲切之人容易接近。 Such people as are friendly are easy to approach.
推广这种新方法不是件容易的工作。 Popularizing this new method is not an easy job.
这个玻璃盘子很容易碎。 This glass plate is very fragile.
值得做的事没有容易做的。 Nothing worth doing is easy.
不是所有的金属都容易加工 Not all metals work easily.
他从容不迫地走进室内。 He entered the room with deliberate steps.
政治问题容易引起争论。 Politics can be an explosive subject.
艺术家巧妙地捕捉住她的笑容. The artist has caught her smile perfectly.
风景优美,非文字所能形容。 The scenery is too beautiful for words.
谁都无法形容这景色的美丽。 There is no describing the beauty of the scene.
有些食物比另一些食物容易吸收。 Some foods are assimilated more easily than others.
有些食物比另一些食物容易吸收. Some foods assimilate/ are assimilated more easily than others.
他好容易找到一家餐馆去填饱肚子。 He hunted up a restaurant to appease his hunger.
有些食物的吸收比另一些更容易。 The assimilation of some foods is more easily than that of others.
服用药片很容易, 只须放在口中咽下即可. Taking pills is easy; just put them in your mouth and swallow.
从他最近的表现来看,他应该很容易考及格。 Judge by recent form, he shall easily pass the exam.
恐怕我的方位感很差,因此我容易迷路。 I'm afraid I haven't got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost.
保险单内容不包括正常使用所导致的损坏。 The insurance policy do not cover damage cause by normal wear and tear.
在人们意识到应当保护自然资源的这个时代, 草原已不容再受破坏了. In these conservation-conscious times, areas of grassland are no longer expendable.
在看过建筑师的设计图后。他很容易想像出房子完工时的模样。 After looking at the architect's plans, it was easy for him to see the completed house in his mind's eye.
铁容易生锈。 Iron is apt to rust.
铁很容易氧化。 Iron is easily oxidized.
无核的小水果容易压烂. Soft fruit squashes easily.
潮湿的日子里,食物很容易发霉。 Foods are easily to be mouldy in humid days.
那老人好容易喘著气说出几句话。 The old man manage to puff out a few words.
他们将逐步积累起一批内容多样,比例适当的词汇。 Gradually they will build up a varied, well-balanced vocabulary.
假如我再容忍你下去的话,我可能会一步步退化至成为老婆也未可知。 If I continue to endure you a little longer, I may by degrees dwindle into a wife.
堡垒最容易从内部攻破。 The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.
人人都羡慕她娇美的容貌。 Everyone admired the delicacy of her features.
容纳不下的病人躺在地上和走廊里。 Overflow patients lay on the floors and in the corridors.
突然的微笑使她容光焕发。 A sudden smile illuminated her face.
静止的目标是最容易瞄准的。 A stationary target is easiest to aim at.
这种金属框受压後容易变形。 The metal frame tends to twist under pressure.
很多种类的松鼠都很容易驯养。 Many kinds of squirrels are easy to tame.
你能给我形容一下那个窃贼的模样吗? Can you give me a description of the thief?
天热的时候人就容易神经紧张[脾气急躁]. Nerves/Tempers began to fray in the heat.
你难道不能想出一个比`好'更恰当的字眼来形容你的假日吗? Can't you think of a better word than `nice' to describe your holiday?
社论的中心内容 The meat of the editorial.
他很容易打交道。 He is easy to deal with.
任何国家都不容忽视教育。 No country can afford to neglect education.
从那个观点看,这工作就容易了。 Look at from that point of view, the job become easy.
该条款内容如下.... The clause reads thus/as follows...
在我们家 不容许吸烟. We don't allow smoking in our house.
她咽下眼泪, 强作笑容. She gulped back her tears and tried to smile.
事实不容许有其它的解释。 The facts permit no other explanation.
一丝笑容使她脸上平添了生气. A smile animated her face.
你翻翻身, 就容易睡著了. If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.
他很容易受伤, 因为他很轻易就相信别人。 He is likely to get hurt because he always trusts people easily.
你只要拉这个拉出器,就可以很容易地把罐头打开。 You may open the tin simply by pulling the puller.
作用于心灵的,影响精神的作用于心灵或精神过程的。用于形容药品 Affecting the mind or mental processes. Used of a drug.
这种木材容易裂. This wood cleaves easily.
这个老太婆容易迷糊. The old lady easily gets confused.
容器用来盛物体的东西 A container for holding items.
他勉强被容许留在这里。 He is here on sufferance.
桃儿容易碰伤--要轻拿轻放. Don't drop the peaches they bruise easily.
这种植物不容易受病害侵袭。 The plant is not susceptible to disease.
向悲观的人推销保险很容易. It's easy to sell insurance to a pessimist.
有些金属容易焊,有的不容易焊。 Some metals weld better than others.
她喘著气好不容易才说出了几个字来. She managed to gasp (out) a few words.
那次事故使他毁容,终生无法恢复。 The accident disfigured him for life.
盛有核废料的密封容器被丢在海里。 Sealed containers of nuclear waste have been dumped in the sea.
老师删去这个学生文章中的多余内容。 The teacher pruned the student's article of its superfluities.
我们的处境已不容我们对盟友再存多少幻想了. We're left with few illusions about ourally.
一旦你养成了一个坏习惯,绝不容易改正。 Once you have formed a bad habit, it is by no means easy to get rid of it.
容纳的数目不得超过200. The number admitted must not exceed 200.
该书含有诽谤性的内容。 The book contains scandalous text.
这厅最多容纳七十人。 This hall holds a maximum of seventy people.
这个女孩从容地把砖堆砌起来 The girl stacked the blocks with deliberation.
凹形,凹面与浅的凹型盛食物的容器相似的凹处 A depression similar to that in a shallow concave container for food.
这场戏大部分内容是用韵文写成的, 但也有一些是散文形式的. Most of the scene is written in verse, but some is in prose.
充满信息的;内容充实的 Full of news; informative.
肢体语言一个从容的、有力的动作或手势 A deliberate, vigorous motion or gesture.
桶贮存液体的坚固的圆筒状容器;桶 A sturdy cylindrical container for storing liquids; a barrel.
放射性材料贮存在防辐射的特殊容器内. The radioactive material is stored in a special radiation-proof container.
她从容地掏出钱夹付了一千镑现金, 多麽豪爽! She just took out her purse and paid a thousand in cash: what a cool customer!
冷却装置使…冷却或使…保持冷却的装置、容器或房间 A device, container, or room that cools or keeps cool.
经过了这麽多年,你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易。 It will be difficult for you to smooth over your difference after so many years.
在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。 It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom.
草案准备好了。请审核一下细节内容,看看是否全部条款都合适好吗? The draft is prepared. Will you please check the particulars and see if everything is all right?
爱国主义在美国很容易了解;它意味着通过为国家提高警惕的方式来为自己提高警惕。 Patriotism is easy to understand in America; it means looking out for yourself by look out for your country.
对着英、美的一般大众当萧伯纳(挖苦人家),总比对着自己的家人当萧伯纳来得容易。 It's easier to be a Bernard Shaw to the British or American public than it is to be a Bernard Shaw to your own family.
学习代数很容易。 It's easy to learn algebra.
这些问题不容易解决。 These problems are not readily soluble.
到那儿去,步行比坐车容易。 It's easier to get there on foot than by car.
回顾过去就很容易明白我们的错处了. In retrospect, it's easy to see why we were wrong.
她从容不迫地讲话. She spoke with unruffled calm.
所有这些我不会容忍的。 I will not put up with all this.
不要碰它,它容易破碎。 Don't touch it, it breaks easily.
那风景美丽得无法形容。 The scenery was beautiful beyond expression.
她对着镜子作出各种面容。 She was making faces in the glass.
记住你告诉我的话并不容易。 It is not easy to keep in mind what you have told me.
曾经认识,他的面容让人永生难忘 Once known, his face is never forgotten.
我再也不会容忍他的无理要求了。 I won't stand for his unreasonable demands any longer.
她不是一个能容忍别人玩弄的女子。 She's not a woman to tolerate being played with
要闹清楚每个习惯用语的意思是不容易的。 It is no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom.
为了度量物质,我们必须有重量,容积和长度的单位。 For the tolerance substance, we must have weight, volume and the units of length.
他渴望当演员, 你就得容他时间让他施展自己的抱负. He desperately wants to be an actor, so you'll have to give him time to get it out of his system.
桃花的美丽难以形容。 The beauty of the peach blossom is beyond description.
人人都爱听夸奖自己容貌的话. One likes to hear complimentson one's appearance.
这种严重罪行今日是不能容忍的. Such enormities would not be tolerated today.
这件要事不容耽搁,我们必须现在谈谈。 This important matter brooks no delay. We must talk about it now.
那孩子已死去多时, 我对其面容仍记忆犹新. The image of the dead child's face stuck in my mind for ages.
一旦你掌握了煎蛋饼的技巧, 做起来就很容易了. Making an omelette is easy once you've got the knack (of it).
旅游公司将押金退还给他,并承认旅游宣传手册内容有误。 The tour company refunded his deposit, with an admission that the brochure was incorrect.
模态逻辑命题的限制条件,建立在其内容的肯定或否定其可能性,不可能性,偶然性或必然性基础之上 The classification of propositions on the basis of whether they assert or deny the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content.
这家戏院只能容纳250人. The theatre admits only 250 people.
发掘过去的历史是不容易的。 It is not easy to dig out the past.
分辨是非并不总是很容易的。 It is not always easy to know right from wrong.
她脸上挂着虚伪的笑容来欢迎我们。 She welcome us with an artificial smile on her face.
她忧戚的面容反映出她内心的思想。 Her sad looks reflected the thought passing through her mind.
贼车被撞坏得很厉害,容易辩认出来。 The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize.
该艺术家把她那温柔的笑容表现得惟妙惟肖。 The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly.
装载吨船舶内部容积单位,等于一百立方英尺 A unit of internal capacity of a ship equal to100 cubic feet.
在中国一张传统的八仙桌通常可容八人就餐。 "In China, a traditional big square table usually dines eight persons."
不久克里特将接纳收容你,那是养育了我的地方,我们的新房也将安的那里。 So Crete shall presently receive thee, Crete that was mine own foster-mother, where thy bridal chamber shall be.
它的用处是备份大量的数据或增加存储容量。硬盘的存储容量从几百兆字节不等。 Hard disks provide tremendous storage capacities ranging from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes.
扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此内容的形式进行查禁 Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.
缩微平片一个缩微胶卷片,能够以缩微形式容纳并储存相当多数量的页数,如一印刷文本的 A card or sheet of microfilm capable of accommodating and preserving a considerable number of pages, as of printed text, in reduced form.
难懂的不容易理解的;深奥的 Not easily understood; abstruse.
球队阵容中将没有琼斯. Jones will be missing from the team line-up.
这库房的容量是400立方英尺。 The store- room be400 cubic feet in volume.
清晰地表达或呈现的;容易理解的 Clearly expressed or presented; easy to understand.
容积,体积大小、体积或容积,常指很大时 Size, mass, or volume, especially when very large.
我不明白她怎麽能容忍他[忍受他的虐待]. I don't know how she puts up with him/his cruelty to her.
这些罐子可盛的液体多少不等[容量不同]. The jars hold different volumes of liquid/have different volumes.
碰到这样容易的考卷, 那是老天爷的恩赐. To have such an easy examination paper was a gift from the gods.
整本书的内容只用一片硅芯片就可以装下。 The entire content of a book will be located on a single silicon chip.
较大的,全面的比平均范围、宽度或容量大的;广泛的 Of greater than average scope, breadth, or capacity; comprehensive.
经过了这麽多年, 你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易. It will be difficult for you to smooth over your differences after so many years.
杂志一种载有专论、小说、图片或其他内容的期刊 A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features.
概要用简明的形式,并通过减少或保留其要点来对资料内容进行的描述;摘要 A presentation of the substance of a body of material in a condensed form or by reducing it to its main points; an abstract.
在计算机程序设计中,将主存某些单元的内容复制到同一主存中的其它单元中去。同transfer。 In computer programming, to copy from locations in main storage into locations in the same main storage.
汽车修理厂给我5英镑折价换取我的汽车旧电池,这使我比较容易接受得买一个新电池的事实。 The garage gave me five pounds for trading in my old car battery, which took the sting of having to buy a new one.