
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 宣传 + xuan1chuan2 to disseminate; to give publicity to; propaganda; CL:个/个ge4
1 Old HSK word(s): B v;n * xuan1chuan2 propagate/ propaganda


Vận động +
Grade E word(s):
宣传部 宣传队 宣传画 宣传品
宣传 [xuan1 chuan2] Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Propaganda (S)etw. publik machen, etw. verbreiten, für etw. werben (V)

Häufigkeit: 7.26 Komposita

基督派基督十二使徒之一宣传他的教义。 Apostles were sent out by Christ to spread his teachings.
闪光装置如广告宣传告示上的一种自动点燃或熄灭电灯的装置 A device that automatically switches an electric lamp off and on, as in a commercial display sign.
她的新剧作获得广泛宣传. Her new play has attracted a lot of publicity.
她的最新小说尽管广为宣传, 结果还是彻底失败. Despite all the publicity, her latest novel was a complete flop.
反对吸烟的宣传很多, 许多人因而戒了烟. There has been so much propaganda against smoking that many people have given it up.
回信免费邮寄至牛津牛津大学出版社宣传部. Reply to Publicity Department, FREEPOST, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
好战份子大肆宣传或欲鼓动起战争的人 One who advocates or attempts to stir up war.
反英宣传触犯了众怒. The anti-British propaganda gave (ie caused) much offence.
旅游公司将押金退还给他,并承认旅游宣传手册内容有误。 The tour company refunded his deposit, with an admission that the brochure was incorrect.
间接宣传;间接无线电传送 Black propaganda; black radio transmissions.
"她们另外见了一次以后,南希觉得戈尔巴乔夫太太是一个不折不扣的共产党,"一位友人回忆说,"她总要宣传教条。" "After their other meeting, Nancy felt that Mrs. Gorbachev was a Communist through and trough, " a friend recalled, "and that she just wanted to spout doctrine."