
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 如何 + ru2he2 how; what way; what
2 Old HSK word(s): B pron * ru2he2 how/ what C * wu2lun4 ru2he2 no-matter-like-what/ in any case/ in any event/ at any rate


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Grade E word(s):
如何 [ru2 he2] wie

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只有知道如何生活的人们, 才会开始认识自己和人生。 Only those who learn how to live can come to know themselves and life.
大家的反应如何难以估计。 It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.
陪审团的全体成员,你们现在必须退下去考虑应如何裁决。 Members of the jury, you must now retire to consider your verdict.
他们谈到人们如何在政治问题上使用及滥用数字来混淆视听。 They talked about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics.
最近,许多州坚持中学应该教学生如何开车。 Recently, many states have insisted that high schools teach students how to drive.
出去吃晚餐如何? How about going out for dinner?
你跟你的新上司处得如何? How are you doing with your new boss?
他思忖著要是没有这些孩子, 将来又如何. He contemplated what the future would be like without the children.
我无论如何是会去的。 I will go whether or no.
无论如何,我都支持你。 I'll stand by you whatever happens.
我们不知道这些鸟如何找到它们的路。 We have no idea how the birds find their way.
好学生通常都知道如何及时迅速地总结知识。 A good student usually knows how to sum up knowledge in good time.
我们所有的建议都遭到拒绝,不管这些建议的价值如何。 All our proposals were rejected, regardless of their merits.
在生意上,你必须事先估计到你的竞争对手会如何行动。 In business, you've got to anticipate how your competitors will act.
他叙述了他如何从13岁起就给人扛活。 He related how he had worked as a farm-hand since he was thirteen.
她摸了摸这块绸料看质量如何. She fingered the silk to feel its quality.
事情进行得如何? How are things going?
如果这是真的又该如何呢? What if it is true?
你对北京的最初印象如何? What were your first impressions of Beijing?
邮递员的工作,不论天气如何,概括地说来就是“送信”。 The mailman's job, in all kinds of weather, is summed up in the phrase"Deliver the mail."
欧洲进一步统一的计划可以尚未定案,可是从赫尔辛基到罗马的人在最近几星期得到一个时常令人痛苦的教训:他们各国的经济已经如何地牵扯在一起了。 Europe's plans for further unification may be up in the air, but people from Helsinki to Rome have been learning an often painful lesson in recent weeks about how entwined their economies have already become.
这本书教我们如何写作。 The book is used to teach us how to write.
无论如何现在已经太迟了. It's too late now, anyhow.
我无论如何也不卖那幅画. I wouldn't sell that picture for all the world.
无论如何我们也只能听其自然。 Be that as it may, I'll leave it as it is.
计算机手册将告诉你如何连接打印机线 The computer manual will tell you how to attach a line printer.
情形很糟,但无论如何还是没有达到最糟的地步。 The conditions are bad, but not as bad as they might be, by a long way.
无论如何, 医疗物资会在一周内到达。 At any rate, the medical supplies will reach you within a week.
他冷静沉着,聚精会神地判断如何打败对手。 He was calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.
与其说给人面包很有帮助,倒不如说教导他如何谋生才重要。 It is not so helpful to give someone some bread as to teach him how to make a living.
这个集邮迷决心无论代价如何都要搞到那枚稀有的邮票。 The stamp collector decided to get that rare stamp at all costs.
我不管目前化妆品的价格如何,这不重要,但你仍旧得不到更多的零用钱。 I don't care how much make-up costs these days. That's not the point; you're still not getting any more pocket money.
新汽车性能如何? How is the new car performing?
我应邀参加亚洲人的婚礼. 这种婚礼是如何举行的? I've been invited to an Asian wedding. What happens on such occasions?
裁减军备协议难以达成, 症结在於如何证实(如检查武器确已销毁). Verification (eg Checking that weapons have been removed) could be an obstacle to an arms agreement.
无论如何我也不同他调换地方。 I would not change places with him for all the world.
人类已经学会如何从生铁制出磁铁。 Human beings have learned out how to make magnet of cast iron.
这封信是一种试探,看看他如何看待这种运动。 The letter was a feeler to see how he would look upon such a movement.
因为他懂得如何讨好老板,所以一再得到提拔。 He was promoted again and again because he knew how the rub his boss the right way.
如果你朋友再来指手画脚,教育我们如何教育子女,那我就要叫他别多管闲事。 If your friend comes here with any more criticism about how we bring the children up, I'll tell him to go about his business.
无论如何,天堂是没有婚礼赠品的。 At any rate there will be no wedding presents in heaven.
他说他如何如何赚钱,我就不太相信,我们认识以来他总是喜欢吹牛。 I don't believe all he says about the profits he is making; ever since I have known him he has liked to talk big.
这个参赛者下定决心无论如何要赢得500公尺赛跑的胜利。 The racer meant to win the500-meter race at all risks.
我们打棒球如何? Suppose we play baseball.
这故事的结局如何? How does this story end?
我们离别时我如何忍得住眼泪呢? How shall I withhold from tears when we part?
对市场动态,烦告货主意向如何? Advise how shipper dispose towards market movement?
店员(向顾客)示范如何使用洗衣机. An assistant demonstrated the washing machine (to customers).
近期内的情况很清楚, 但很难说以後如何. The immediate future is clear, but it's hard to tell what lies beyond.
这一切都是如此;但这件事的重要性如何呢,老爷? All this is so; but what of this, my lord?
《第一滴血》这部影片只要广告做得对头,无论质量如何都是会吸引住观众的。 First Blood will attract the crowds, whatever its quality, provided that it gets played up in the right way.
那孩子见他妈妈当着同学们的面亲亲热热、婆婆妈妈的对待他,感到害臊,不知如何是好。 The child was ashamed of the affectionate fuss his mother was making of him in front of his schoolmates and didn't know where to turn his eyes.
农业生物学;土壤生物学关于植物养分和与土壤条件相关的生长的研究,尤其是对判定如何增加农作物产量方法的研究 The study of plant nutrition and growth as related to soil condition, especially to determine ways to increase crop yield.
猜测萨达姆心里如何想法是毫无意义的。不论他是做给伊斯兰激进分子看,还是趁最后一个机会找布什麻烦,他与美国和全世界对抗,不久就成为克林顿先生的问题。 It's pointless to try to read Saddam Hussein's mind. Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.