
2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 掠夺 + lu:e4duo2 to plunder; to rob; also written 略夺/略夺 HSK6 争夺 + zheng1duo2 to fight over; to contest; to vie over
5 Old HSK word(s): B VA * duo2 seize C VA * zheng1duo2 fight-seize/ fight for/ contend for/ scrabble for C VA * duo2qu3 seize/ capture/ wrest/ strive for C VA * lue4duo2 plunder/ rob/ pillage D VA * duo2de2 seize/ get

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Grade E word(s):
剥夺 篡夺 夺目 夺去 夺权 光彩夺目 强词夺理 强夺 抢夺 侵夺 先声夺人 喧宾夺主 争分夺秒 争名夺利 争权夺利

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士兵们为争夺每一寸土地而斗争。 The soldiers contested every inch of ground.
入侵的军队将该城镇掠夺一空。 The town was pillaged by the invading army.
他们是彼此争夺第一名的老对手。 They are old rivals vying with each other for first place.
敌人掠夺了这个地区,并且杀害了许多村民。 The enemy raped the country and killed many villagers.
你争我夺是粗鲁的行为. It's rude to snatch.
车祸夺去了他的妻子和儿子的生命。 The accident bereaved him of his wife and child.
他们不仅抢夺你的财物,还要把每样东西都捣毁。 Not only do they rob you, they smash everything too.
法国和英国争夺北美洲的战争以英国的胜利而告终。 The contest between France and England for North America ended in victory for England.
船员夺船未遂, 均以叛乱罪被枪决. The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.
他们那一球进得漂亮, 鼓舞了全队的士气夺取胜利. The magnificent goal spurred the team on to victory.
保守党在上次议会选举中从工党手里夺得这个议席. The Conservatives won the seat (ie in Parliament) from Labour at the last election.
我和他激烈地争斗了几分钟,终于从他手中夺走了那本书。 I tussled with him for a few minutes and managed to wrench the book from his grasp.
剥夺了他的全部财产. He was stripped of all his possessions.
他们要制止富人掠夺穷人。 They would stop the rich from robbing the poor.
他们把掠夺来的东西装进大车里. They loaded the carts with plunder.
去年癌症夺走了他姐姐的生命。 Cancer carried his sister off last year.
对乡村的掠夺给他们造成严重创伤。 The rape of the countryside had a profound ravage on them.
所有的居民都被可怕的疾病夺去了生命。 The entire population was wiped out by the terrible disease.
最后公民们奋起反抗残忍的统治者们,将他们逐出国,并夺取了政权。 The citizens at last rebelled against their cruel rulers, drove them from the country and took power themselves.
有多少人在争夺理事会的这一席位? How many people are contesting this seat on the council?
警方来到时, 他慌忙逃走[夺门而逃]了. When the police arrived he made a bolt for it/for the door.
好,这是我们夺取敌人碉堡的好机会,千万不能错过。 Now this is our big chance to take the enemy pillbox and we can't afford to miss out.
失败的消息夺走了我们所有的斗志。 The news of defeat took all the fight out of us.
夺得金牌是她又一值得骄傲的成就. Winning the gold medal was yet another feather in her cap.
夺标者如在拳击赛中与优胜者或冠军对抗的人, One who competes against the holder of a title or championship, as in boxing.
毁船打劫者引诱船只失事的人,如通过在多岩石的海岸线上打信号灯,以掠夺其财物 One who lures a vessel to destruction, as by a display of lights on a rocky coastline, in order to plunder it.
新的新闻审查法目的在於剥夺新闻界的言论自由。 The new censorship laws are an attempt to gag the press.