
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 外表 + wai4biao3 external; outside; outward appearance
1 Old HSK word(s): D N * wai4biao3 appearance


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Grade E word(s):

外表 [wai4 biao3] Aussehen (S, Tech)

Häufigkeit: 6.34 Komposita

在外表上她保持着平静,但实际上她生气极了。 She maintained a calm exterior, though really she was furious.
他外表粗鲁,心地善良。 He has a rough outside, but a good heart.
这一排排的房屋外表都是一样的。 The rows of houses were uniform in appearance.
这两样东西外表相同,但本质上却不样。 The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence.
他们对她的外表横加粗暴的评论。 They made rude remarks about her appearance.
蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful.
[谚]外表不可靠;不可专看表面现象。 Never judge from appearances.
这孩子害怕那条外表凶恶的狗。 The child was scared of the fierce looking dog.
不要被他那副讨人喜欢的外表所迷惑, 其实他冷酷无情. Don't be taken in by his charming manner; he's completely ruthless.
这两兄弟仅外表相似,本性却很不一样。 There is only a formal likeness between the two brothers, for their natures are very different.
他外表平庸。 He has a bland appearance.
他外表粗鲁, 心地却十分善良. Beneath his gruff exterior he's really very kind-hearted.
我们的男主人远远看到有个外表不俗的绅士站在大厅的尽头。 Our host descried a gentleman of unusual appearance standing at the far end of the hall.
壁身体部位、器官或腔的外表面。常用复数 A wall of a body part, organ, or cavity. Often used in the plural.