
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * wai4tou outside-place/ outdoor space/ outside


Grade E word(s):

外头 [wai4 tou5] draußen (V)

Häufigkeit: 2.34 Komposita

他们全家除他以外头发都是红的. 正所谓有例外才证明有规律嘛. All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule.
汽车在外头。 The car is outside.
极度的狂怒使妻子不但在家里,而且还在外头破口大骂。 It was more than blind rage which led the wife to swear outside as well as in.
惟有疯狗与英国人会在中午的烈日之下跑到外头去。 Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun.