
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 复印 + fu4yin4 to photocopy; to duplicate a document
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * fu4yin4 duplicate/ copy



Phô +
Grade E word(s):
复印机 复印件
复印 [fu4 yin4] kopieren, vervielfältigen, Abzüge machen (V)

Häufigkeit: 1.59 Komposita

我比较了复印件和原件,但是差别不是很大。 I compared the copy with the original, but there was not much difference.
请你把这封信复印一份好吗? Could you Xerox this letter please?
你把议事日程表给(我)复印二十份好吗? Could you run (me) off twenty copies of the agenda?
我们的复印机经常需要检修. Our photocopier is in continual need of running repairs.