
4 New HSK word(s): HSK6 理直气壮 + li3zhi2qi4zhuang4 in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one's side; to have the courage of one's convictions; just and forceful HSK6 壮丽 + zhuang4li4 magnificence; magnificent; majestic; glorious HSK6 壮烈 + zhuang4lie4 brave; heroic HSK6 壮观 + zhuang4guan1 spectacular; magnificent sight
9 Old HSK word(s): C VS * zhuang4 strong/ robust/ magnificent/ grand/ strengthen/ augment C VS * zhuang4da4 strengthen/ grow in strength/ expand/ thick and strong C VS * zhuang4li4 magnificent-beautiful/ majestic/ splendid/ magnificent D VS * xiong2zhuang4 sturdy/ strong D VS * jian4zhuang4 vigorous/ strong D * li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4 one is assured and bold with justice D VS * zhuang4guan1 grand/ sublime D VS * zhuang4lie4 brave/ heroic D N * zhuang4zhi4 lofty ideal

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Grade E word(s):
悲壮 粗壮 豪情壮志 豪言壮语 老当益壮 年轻力壮 强壮 少壮派 身强力壮 壮胆 壮举 壮年 壮实 壮阳 壮志未酬 茁壮
壮 [zhuang4] stark, kräftig, robust

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男性在身体上要比女性强壮。 The male is physically stronger than the female.
就连你所能想到的最壮的人也不能光用手就将木头撕裂。 The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands.
结实的;强壮的 Strongly built; burly.
这些玉米秧正茁壮生长。 These corn plants are very vigorous.
壮丽的山峰 Proud alpine peaks.
我们赞赏着壮丽的山景。 We admired the splendor of the mountain scenery.
最强壮的人未必活得最久。 The strongest man does not necessarily live the longest.
他不仅强壮健康,而且还很聪明。 He is not only strong and healthy but also very smart.
他的儿子已成长为一个健壮勤劳的小伙子。 His son has grown up into a sturdy hardworking young man.
这棵树看起来又高又壮,实际上树干是空的。 This tree looks high and strong but actually its trunk is hollow.
随着时间的推移,社会主义的新生事物必然会不断壮大。 The socialist new things go invariably from strength to strength as time goes by.
这只雄鹿体形健壮。 This hart has a strong figure.
从群山之颠看到的匈牙利景色非常壮丽。 The Hungarian view is magnificent from the summit of the mountains.
宏大的,雄伟的尺寸、范围或程度大而给人深刻印象的;壮丽雄伟的 Large and impressive in size, scope, or extent; magnificent.
一些强壮的人在冰冷的水中游泳。 A few hardy people swam in the icy water.
尽管他已经八十多岁了,看上去还很健壮。 Although he is over eighty, he looks hale and healthy.
我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。 Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy.
那里的农民过去总是让羊吃掉田里的油菜,这样好把它们养壮了送进屠宰场。 Farmers there used to eat off the coleseed with sheep so as to make them fit for the butcher.
国王加冕,典礼极为壮观。 The king was crowned with great pomp.
彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体。 The comet's ice, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacular sublimate to gas.
必须对实情胸有成竹才能理直气壮地(到处)指责(别人). You must be certain of your facts before you start flinging accusations (around) (at people).
他粗糙的双手,被太阳哂得发黑的健壮四肢,均表明他十分辛勤,非常耐劳。 His hard hands and sinewy sunburnt limbs told of labor and endurance.
在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。 People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land.
他的妻子琼是一个健壮、浅薄的女人,也是孩子们随和的母亲。当她一听说自己高贵的地位时,便立刻想入非非,暗自打算为她的年轻漂亮的女儿找一个显赫、门当户对的婆家。 And no sooner had Joan, his handsome, shallow-minded wife, the easy-going mother of his many children, heard of her exalted estate than her romantic soul began secretly to devise a brilliant and fitting alliance for her beautiful young daughter.