
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 基地 + ji1di4 base (of operations); industrial or military base; al-Qaeda
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * ji1di4 base


Cơ sở +
Grade E word(s):

基地 [ji1 di4] Basis (S)

Häufigkeit: 7.4 Komposita

他们在外国保持多少个军事基地? How many military bases are they maintaining on foreign soil?
火箭绕地球运行一周后返回基地。 The rocket did one circuit of the earth and returned to base.
无通行证者不得擅入军事基地. You cannot enter a military base without a permit.
那位海军军官让他离开基地。 The naval officer asked him to stay away from the base.
据点提供下一步前进基地的坚固或安全的位置 A firm or secure position that provides a base for further advancement.
这农场一再徵用作救援队的活动基地. The farm was in/under constant requisition as a base for the rescue team.
他因刺探该国海军基地的情报而被驱逐出境。 He was expelled from the country for spying on their naval bases.