
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 + zhui4 to fall; to drop; to weigh down
0 Old HSK word(s):

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Grade E word(s):
累赘/坠 天花乱坠 摇摇欲坠 坠毁 坠机 坠落 坠入 坠胎
坠 [zhui4] hinfallen (V)niedergehen

Häufigkeit: 1.41 Komposita

抢救人员冲向飞机坠毁的现场。 Rescue workers rushed to the site of the plane crash.
模型飞机失控坠落下来。 The model plane got out of control and crashed.
村民们撑起摇摇欲坠的茅棚。 The villagers shored up sagging huts.
我们把床单搓成绳子, 援绳下坠逃跑了. We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.
重物,坠脚一种重物,如大块物品,系在动物腿上阻碍行动 A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.
微陨星微小的陨星颗粒,特指大量坠向地球或月球表面的微陨星 A tiny particle of meteoric dust, especially one of many that fall to the surface of the earth or moon.
当飞机向前移动时,机翼上方的气流产生向上的力使飞机飞离地面保持在空中不坠。 As the air craft moves forward, the air flowing over the wings produces lift to raise the aircraft off the ground, and keep it in the air.