
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 坟墓 + fen2mu4 sepulcher; tomb
2 Old HSK word(s): C N * fen2 tomb/ grave D N * fen2mu4 tomb

Ngôi mộ +
Grade E word(s):
坟地 上坟 祖坟
坟 [fen2] Grab (S)

Häufigkeit: 1.55 Komposita

镜头转换到一座坟墓。 The scene shifted to a sepulcher.
那些死去的战士被埋葬在坟墓里。 Those dead soldiers were buried in the tombs.
你千万别穿戴成那样子出去. 那会让你祖母躺在坟里也不得安生. You can't go out dressed like that. It's enough to make your grandmother turn in her grave!
你继续这样大量吸烟,就是在自掘坟墓。 You are just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily.
掘墓者挖掘坟墓的人 One that digs graves.