
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 地步 + di4bu4 condition; situation; plight; extent; room for action
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * di4bu4 condition/ plight/ extent/ degree/


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两国关系已达到出现危机的地步。 Relation between the two countries has reached a crisis point.
我没料到他会堕落到对我进行人身攻击的地步。 I didn't expect him to descend to personal abuse.
我可决不至於下贱到骗人的地步 I would never stoop to cheating.
情形很糟,但无论如何还是没有达到最糟的地步。 The conditions are bad, but not as bad as they might be, by a long way.
事情到了两群人马各坐在教堂里相对的两边,隔着通道怒目相视的地步。 Things reached the point where the two groups sat on opposite sides of the church, glaring across the aisle.
他们已经到了必须彼此分手的地步。 They have reached the point where they have to separate with each other.
噪音快到我们无法忍受的地步。 Noise is coming to the point where we can't put up with it.
等到他被迫向朋友乞讨时, 他觉得自己的境况已糟到无以复加的地步了. When he was forced to beg from his friends he felt he had touched bottom and could sink no lower.
足球比赛中恣意闹事现在已经达到愈演愈烈的地步。 Football hooliganism is now reaching epidemic proportions.
我发觉他的所作所为(不负责任)到了简直令人难以置信的地步. I find his behaviour (irresponsible) beyond belief.
接着我就说,我从来就不知道美国三军的力量削弱到如此危险的地步,我这话可引起了轩然大波。 I then said that I had never known the Services reduced to such a parlous condition. This fairly set the cat among the pigeons.
公司的事情已经到了这种地步, 因此他正在考虑辞职. Things have come to such a state in the company that he's thinking of resigning.
他对自己所处何种地步茫无所知. Little does he know (ie He doesn't know) what trouble he's in.