
9 New HSK word(s): HSK1 现在 + xian4zai4 now; at present; at the moment; modern; current; nowadays HSK1 + zai4 (located) at; (to be) in; to exist; in the middle of doing sth; (indicating an action in progress) HSK2 正在 + zheng4zai4 in the process of (doing something or happening); while (doing) HSK4 实在 + shi2zai4 really; actually; indeed; true; real; honest; dependable; (philosophy) reality HSK5 在于 + zai4yu2 to be in; to lie in; to consist in; to depend on; to rest with HSK5 在乎 + zai4hu5 to care about; equivalent of 在于/在于zai4 yu2 HSK5 存在 + cun2zai4 to exist; to be; existence HSK6 在意 + zai4yi4 to care about; to mind HSK6 内在 + nei4zai4 intrinsic; innate
14 Old HSK word(s): A N * xian4zai4 now/ at present/ today A Prep, v. * zai4, in, on 2. be at a place A Adv * zai4 used to indicate action in progress A Adv * zheng4zai4 in process of/ in course of B VA * cun2zai4 exist B VS * shi2zai4 true/ real/ honest C N * suo3zai4 where-be/ place/ location/ where sth. or sb. is C * bu4 zai4hu not mind/ not care C VA * zai4yu2 be-at/ lie in/ consist in/ depend on/ rest with C VA * zai4zuo4 be-seated/ be present (at a meeting; banquet; etc.) D VS * nei4zai4 immanent/ inherent D VA * zai4hu care about D * zai4 yi4 care about D Adv * hao3zai4 fortunately

~是 12 点。

Bây giờ +


Trong +


Được +


Nó +

Mà +

Chăm sóc +

Có +

Trong +

Bên trong +
Grade E word(s):
不在 不在意 不自在 处在 高高在上 还在 毫不在乎 毫不在意 何在 健在 加在一起 近在眼前 近在咫尺 看在 客观存在 历历在目 满不在乎 蒙/朦在鼓里 迫在眉睫 潜在 尚在 身在福中不知福 实在 势在必得 事在人为 所在地 外在 外在因素 危在旦夕 无所不在 现在时 心不在焉 意在 有言在先 在案 在编 在场 在此 在此一举 在行 在后 在家 在劫难逃 在理 在内 在前 在世 在所不辞 在所不惜 在所难免 在逃 在逃犯 在天之灵 在外 在望 在位 在握 在先 在校生 在押 在押犯 在野 在野党 在职 自由自在 自在 走在
在 [zai4] sich befinden in, an, auf, bei (V)Partikel (gerade ablaufende Handlung)

Häufigkeit: 99.98 Komposita

他正在开会。 He is in conference.
我坐在他旁边。 I sat by his side.
他在她的旁边。 He is being side her.
现在五点差一刻。 It is a quarter to five.
我在街上遇到他。 I met him in the street.
马在路上小跑着。 The horse trotted down the road.
她在一所中学学习。 She studies in a high school.
教堂在学校附近。 The church is close to the school.
日本在中国的东面。 Japan lies to the east of China.
他在一所中学工作。 He works in a secondary school.
他们正在准备考试。 They were girding for the exam.
他的痛苦现在已经过去。 His pain is past now.
在这河里游泳危险。 This river is dangerous to bathe in.
我喜欢在图书馆学习。 I like to study in the library.
在那个班里我跟不上。 I was out of my depth in that class.
事故发生在六点钟。 The accident happened at six o'clock.
他住在学校的宿舍里。 He hangs out in the school dormitory.
我的新家在第十六层。 My new house is on the sixteenth floor.
这座桥现在可以通行。 The bridge is now open to traffic.
我们在图书馆外边见面. Let's meet outside the library.
全校在大礼堂集合. The whole school (was) assembled in the main hall.
他住在一个舒适的小屋里。 He lives in a cosy little room.
以前在那里有一个邮局。 There used to be a post office there.
黑板在教室的前面。 The blackboard is in the front of the classroom.
他坐在风口上,着凉了。 He sat in a draught and catch a cold.
我们在旁边的地里放羊。 We are grazing the sheep in the next field.
你现在需要的就是放假。 A holiday will be just the thing for you.
他将他的名字写在清单上。 He wrote down his name on the list.
她和我在学院里是同学。 She and I were contemporaries at college.
她在电话中说话不太客气. She sounded rather off on the phone.
我们在下午四点钟喝茶。 We have tea at four o'clock in the afternoon.
我在写现代英语的语法书. I'm writing a grammar of modern English.
他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。 He is used to eating out all the time.
这样的天才现在很少见。 It is rare to find such a genius nowadays.
这座公路桥现在开放通行。 The road bridge is now open to traffic.
不论你在哪里,我都会想念你。 Wherever you are, I will miss you.
别哭,你现在已经是大男孩了。 Don't cry, you are a big boy now.
别都挤在一块儿, 分开坐吧. Don't all sit together, spread yourselves out.
我正在做晚饭时停电了。 While I was cooking supper the electricity went off.
那就说明了她不在这里的原因。 That explains why she is not here.
她是个在英国的外国留学生。 She is an overseas student in Britain.
他在开会,没空来接电话。 He is in conference and cannot come to the telephone.
他是去年六月开始在这里工作的。 He started work here last June.
老师在黑板上写出新单词。 The teacher wrote down the new words on the blackboard.
父亲每晚都坐在同一张椅子上, Father sits in the same chair every evening.
在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。 There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden.
学生们正在解一道数学习题。 The students are working on a mathematical problem.
教师正在给班上的学生做听写。 The teacher was dictating to the class.
电视机设定在10点钟自动打开。 The video is programmed to switch on at ten o'clock.
我一点也不明白你在说些什么。 I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.
我可不喜欢整天和他在一起。 I'm not too enamored with the idea of spending a whole day with him.
你应该在课堂上完成语法练习。 You should finish your English grammar drills in the class.
这本书从前很出名, 现在没人看了. This book was once famous, but nobody reads it today.
他用一把小刀把自己的名字刻在墙上。 He scratched his name on the wall with a knife.
我们是在试验的基础上得出这个结论的。 We drew this conclusion on the basis of experiments.
他每次来电话时, 我好像总是正在洗澡. Every time he phones I always seem to be in the bath.
我正在做吃的, 没太留心听收音机. I was only listening to the radio with half an ear, while preparing some food.
有些人在爬高山时会发生高山反应。 Some people develop altitude sickness when climbing high mountains.
现在是差一刻四点--我四点一刻见你. It's (a) quarter to (US of) four now I'll meet you at quarter past (US after).
这个地方脏极了,我不相信有人能住在这。 This place is filthy; I don't believe anyone can live here.
我们相信你在星期五之前可以完成这篇论文。 We are depending on you to finish the paper by Friday.
当他在国外安定下来时,他开始想念祖国了。 He came to miss his homeland when he settled down abroad.
几年来, 几百个留学生在那所大学学习过。 Over the years, hundreds of overseas students have studied at that university.
在出访外国之前要做好许多准备工作。 There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit a foreign country.
现在是休息时间, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。 It was the time of break and students came out of classroom one after another.
现在的时装和我还是小女孩时候流行的样子很不一样了。 Fashions have changed a lot since I was a little girl.
在一般情况下他都和我们一起来, 只是他现在身体不太好. In the ordinary way he would have come with us, but he's not feeling well.
云层正在堆积。 Clouds are banking up.
在米饭上撒点盐. Sprinkle a little salt on the rice.
她在约克上学. She went to school/university/college in York.
我正在逐字的翻译。 I am making a verbal translation.
印度在中国的南边。 India is to the south of China.
我正在等待他们的答复。 I am awaiting their reply.
他躺在沙发上看电视. He was lying on the sofa watching TV.
工人们正在推卷线杆。 The worker is pushing the distaff.
一架飞机在机场着陆。 An airplane alighted on the airdrome.
她在树底下静静地坐着。 She sat very still under the tree.
这些条件已不复存在了。 These conditions no longer obtain.
太阳光直射在我们脸上。 The sun was shining in our faces.
我讨厌他在教室抽烟。 I got sick of his smoking in the classroom.
我们在那儿几乎没看见学生。 We saw few students there.
农民们正在收割大麦。 The peasants are reaping a field of barley.
在第二个转弯处向左转。 Take the second turning on the left.
他在最适当的时候到达。 He arrived at the most opportune moment.
鱼在这家厂里装成罐头。 The fish is canned in the factory.
他们在议会中互相吹捧。 They clawed each other in Parliament.
这些动物仅在夜间才出来. These animals only come out at night.
在困难面前我们决不退缩。 We never flinch from difficulties.
球打在墙上又反弹回来。 The ball hit the wall and bounced off it.
别让她在外边雨中等著. Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain.
现在该是填饱肚子的时候了。 It's time to satisfy my inner man.
他们一家常在树林里野餐。 Their family often picnics in the woods.
英语现在通用于全世界。 English is spoken all over the world today.
星星在晴朗的夜空闪亮。 Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.
他把醋洒在鱼和土豆片上。 He sprinkled vinegar on his fish and chips.
请保持在听得见的距离之内。 Please keep within hearing distance.
她错在没有亲自与他见面。 She erred in failing to meet him in person.
我父亲喜欢在饭后用牙签。 My father likes to use toothpick after meals.
警方正在忙着捕捉逃犯。 The police are on the run to catch the murderer.
我们在花园里种了许多蔬菜。 We've grown many vegetables in our garden.
她在一年后才把孩子的奶断掉。 She had her baby weaned a year later.
他想在餐具室里找到一些酒。 He wanted to find some wine in the pantry.
电话在底楼的小书房里。 The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor.
他们在沙漠中迷路而渴死了. They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.
工人在墙上固定了一个支架。 The worker fixed a bracket on the wall.
客机在两万英尺的高度飞行。 The airliner flew at an altitude of 20000ft.
椅子被倒置过来放在了桌子上。 The chairs were inverted on the table.
我们在这个问题上是团结一致的. We are solidly united on this issue.
他的左胳膊在一次事故中受伤了。 His left arm was hurt in an accident.
宴会的准备工作现在都已就绪。 Everything is ready now for the party.
他们站在那,互相怒视着对方。 They stood there, glaring at each other.
黄昏时分她常常坐在花园里。 She often sits in the garden at twilight.
他在抬沉重的家具时扭伤了腰。 He did his back in lifting heavy furniture.
他在战争中的英勇人所共见。 His valour in the war was seen by everybody.
她把杯子小心地放在架子边。 She carefully positioned the cup on the edge of the shelf.
她在医院里接受了全面检查。 She underwent a thorough examination at the hospital.
他站在门口, 堵住通向大厅的路. He stood framed in the doorway to the hall.
我在这家商店里买了一品脱牛奶。 I bought a pint of milk in the store.
她在大学期间主修数学和物理。 She majored in maths and physics at university.
候任总统将在下周正式就任。 The President elect will be installed next week.
他坐在沙发上, 点燃了一只香烟。 He had his seat in the sofa and lit a cigar.
我在人群中寻找她,但看不到。 I looked for her in the crowd but couldn't see her.
在你读到的地方夹上张纸条. Put a piece of paper in (ie in your book) to mark your place.
在夏天我喜欢吃一些叶状蔬菜。 I like to eat some leafy vegetables in the summer.
工业革命首先在英国发生。 The industrial revolution had taken place in England first.
我出生在河北省的一个小村庄。 I was born in a small village in Hebei Province.
我把一个长方形的盒子放在桌子上。 I put a rectangular box on the table.
如果我现在不走,就赶不上火车了。 If I don't go now, I will miss the train.
在这张画像中画著他躺在沙发上。 In the portrait he is shown lying on a sofa.
我用一个纸夹把那几页纸夹在一起。 I fastened the pages together with a paperclip.
孩子将玩具汽车两端相连摆在一起. The child put the toy cars together endways.
在春天里听鸟儿歌唱是一种乐趣。 It's a pleasure to hear birds' warble in spring.
不加奶的咖啡在嘴里留下了一些苦味. Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
我已经在这个旅馆里预订了一个房间。 I have engaged a room at this hotel.
简单朴素的衣服适合在学校里穿。 Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.
他在我背上拍了一下,请我去喝酒。 He gave me a clap on the back and invited me for a drink.
他的脚在一块碎玻璃上划了一个大口子。 He gashed his foot on a piece of broken glass.
我一直抬那些重东西, 现在腰都痛了. All that heavy lifting has given me a pain in the back.
那个地方在地图上以十字形记号标出。 The place is marked on the map with a crossing.
那时我不在家,所以由我女儿招待客人。 I went away so my daughter acted as hostess.
我会陪在你身边,就象我答应你的那样。 I will be at your side, as I promised you.
我在七点钟的新闻报道中听到了这则消息。 I heard it on the 7 o'clock news.
乘客们拥挤在火车站上等候乘车。 Passengers thronged the station waiting for their trains.
两村相距一英里, 我家在中间. The two villages are a mile apart, and my house lies midway between them.
有关环境的会议将在下周一举行。 The convocation about environment will be held on next Monday.
他的政治观点在两个极端之间摇摆不定. He oscillates between political extremes.
这家公司希望把新工厂设在河边。 The company wished to locate its new factory beside the river.
把你的名字填写在每页上端的括号内。 Put your name in brackets at the top of each page.
在一些问题上,他仍然保留自己的意见。 He still reserved his opinion on some points.
这个男孩想在将来成为一名哲学家。 The boy wants to become a philosopher in the future.
她躺在池子边上,用手指玩水。 She lay at the side of the pool and paddled in the water with her fingers.
在我祖父看来,我爸爸仍然是个小孩。 It seems to my grandfather that my father is still a child.
墙上有一幅武士站在战车上的画。 There is a picture of a fighter standing on a chariot on the wall.
这些羊被赶在一起,排成歪歪扭扭的一行。 The sheep were herded into a ragged line.
乘客只可以在公共汽车的上层吸烟。 Passengers may smoke only on the upper deck of the bus.
他在物理学方面已经取得了巨大成就。 He has got brilliant achievements in the field of physics.
我舒适地靠在大沙发上,开始看小说。 I nestled down on the big sofa and began to read novels.
拥有汽车的人数一直在逐渐上升。 There has been a gradual increase in the number of people owning cars.
在资信方面, 这家商行还是很可靠的。 In respect of financial standing, this firm is reliable.
因为现在是收获期,所以我们都非常忙。 We are all very busy because it's the harvest time.
如在市区电车或公车上找给顾客的零钱 The fare charged a passenger, as on a streetcar or bus.
这位冠军为了下一场比赛正在进行训练。 The champion is in training for his next fight.
骑士们在小酒店里会合,讨论他们的计划。 The knights met in the tavern to discuss their plan.
我因有约在先,所以未能参加这个会。 I was unable to attend the meeting because of a prior engagement.
他在面对危险的时候表现出非凡的勇气。 He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.
在这张粉红色纸条上写下你的姓名和地址。 Write your name and address on this pink slip.
我可以向你保证,你儿子在这里会很快乐的。 I can assure you that your son will be happy here.
他们的足球队在昨天的比赛中表现突出。 Their football team performed very well in the match yesterday.
有约在先,我恐怕不能与你共进晚餐。 I fear that a prior engagement will prohibit me from joining you in dinner.
有几个年龄较大的男孩子在操场上对他动武. He was bashed up in the playground by some older boys.
无论在哪一方面他都不能被看作是个好丈夫。 In no respect can he be looked upon as a good husband.
他在那个伸出到街上的阳台上种了些花。 He planted some flowers on the balcony that projects over the street.
我上来取我的手提袋,我把它忘在我的办公室了。 I've come up for my bag, I left it in my office.
春天的时候,踩在松软的地面上非常舒服。 It's very comfortable to step on the soft ground in the spring.
她并不聪明,但在其他方面,她倒是个好姑娘。 She is not very clever, but otherwise she's a nice girl.
在孩子们住院期间, 有个私人教师给他们上课. There is a tutor to teach the children while they're in hospital.
教师在学习中的关键作用是不该忽视的。 The key role of the teacher in the learning process should not be neglected.
你可以在这本书的第一部分找到你要的资料。 You may find the information you need in the first portion of the book.
他在一家汽车旅馆呆了一晚上,就又接着旅行了。 He stayed one night in a motel and went on travelling.
在我看来,这次演出恐怕不能算是完全成功的。 I'm afraid that the performance was not a total success.
这个小女孩因为斜视不敢在公共场合露面。 The little girl dares not to appear in public because she is cross-eyed.
几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。 She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father.
在外表上她保持着平静,但实际上她生气极了。 She maintained a calm exterior, though really she was furious.
在共同反对非正义行为的斗争中, 我们都是同志. We are all brothers in the same fight against injustice.
世界杯决赛现在正向五十多个国家现场转播。 The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries.
这条路线旅行的人以前常走,但是现在已不用了。 The route was once much travelled but has fallen into disuse.
生产者与消费者之间的利益冲突将永远存在。 The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting.
这家工厂的所有女职工在三八节都得到了一份礼物。 All the female workers in this factory got a present on March 8.
因为污染严重,许多美丽的鱼类正在面临绝种。 Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe pollution.
他肯定是喝多了,当他要站起来时,却摔倒在地上。 He must have drunk too much; when he tried to stand up, he keeled over.
在空无一人的办公室里电话铃突然地发出刺耳的尖叫声。 Telephone shrilled unattended in deserted office.
他把文件使劲扔在我的桌子上便怒气冲冲地走了出去。 He slammed the papers down on my desk and angrily walked out.
那位著名的进步思想家被邀请在会议上发表演讲。 That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting.
我在会上真出了洋相了--一站起来就把问题忘了. I made a real ass of myself at the meeting standing up and then forgetting the question.
为了安全起见,在市内开车时速不要超过三十公里。 For safety's sake, don't drive more than 30 kilometers per hour in the city.
就在这些季节里,热气团与冷气团的温差最大。 It is during these seasons that the differences in temperature between warm and cold masses of air are greatest.
在我们的城市,许多社会服务仍然是有志愿团体提供的。 Many social services are still provided by voluntary societies in our city.
我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.
我们还以为那是最坏的情况呢,可没想到更糟的还在后面。 We thought that the situation was as bad as it could be, but worse was to follow.
我们都要做好自己工作,并且要在工作中找到精神上的乐趣。 We must cultivate our own garden and find the joy of doing it in our own heart.
如果老师连如此简单的问题都不能回答, 他会在学生面前丢脸的。 If a teacher can't answer this simple question, he'll lose face with his class.
在西方极乐世界,大夫们比我们当将军的可能还要负更多人命之责吧。 Doctor will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.
我在街上遇到她,可是当我向她微笑时,她却连招呼都没有向我打一个。 I passed her in the street but she didn't even acknowledge me when I smiled.
现在就想回去,为了冷却他那急切的心,暂把他送到法国的哥哥家中。 Now he wanted to go back, but to damp down the urge he was sent to his brother's home in France.
他在雪中漫步。 He is walking amidst the snow.
她把孩子抱在怀里. She nestled the baby in her arms.
炮兵部署在西边. Artillery was deployed in the west.
我们在黑暗中摸索。 We groped amid the darkness.
饲养员正在喂动物。 The keeper is feeding the animals.
他的画在画廊展出。 His pictures were showed in the gallery.
小女孩在河里淹死了。 The little girl drowned in the river.
飞机停在那个大机库里。 The plane stopped in that big hangar.
他们在碎石小径上散步。 They went out for a walk on the gravelled path.
全镇沉浸在节日的气氛之中。 The whole town is in a festive mood.
猫在门口哀叫着想出去。 The cat whined at the door, asking to be let out.
哨兵查问在门口的陌生人. The sentry challenged the stranger at the gates.
现在卖报纸利润很少。 There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.
在英国,车辆必须靠左行驶。 In England traffic must keep to the left.
暴风雨时,我正在树下躲避。 In the storm I took shelter under the tree.
我把钥匙掉在这附近某个地方了。 I dropped my key somewhere about here.
我不愿意在交通高峰时间出去。 I don't like to go out during the rush hour.
别那么敏感,我不是在批评你。 Don't be so sensitive - I was not criticizing you.
我在夏天一个闷热的下午遇见了她。 I met her in a sultry summer afternoon.
咱们来把它们用胶水粘在一块儿。 Let's stick them together with gum.
男性在身体上要比女性强壮。 The male is physically stronger than the female.
驾驶教练让我在邮局停车。 The driving instructor told me to pull up at the post office.
碰巧在附近有个公用电话亭。 It happened that there was a telephone booth nearby.
他们坐在凉亭里,边喝茶边聊天。 They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea.
在新政权下,事情将会发生变化。 Things will change under the new regime.
在这个陌生的地方,我觉得很不自在。 I don't feel at ease in the strange place.
他们俩在公园的长凳上拥抱亲吻。 The two of them were necking on a park bench.
议会将在下周辩论国有化议题。 Parliament will debate the nationalization issue next week.
我是在教堂的门廊处遇到那个人的。 I met that person at the porch of the church.
他们宁愿去钓鱼,也不愿待在家里。 They would rather go fishing than stay at home.
他有才干能在本行业中首屈一指。 His ability carried him to the top of his profession.
她只有坐在壁炉前才感觉到暖和。 She felt warm only when she sat before the fireplace.
他在密西西比河流域拥有一个大农场。 He has a large farm in the Mississippi Valley.
大群人聚集在展览大厅的门口。 A multitude of people gathered at the gate of the exhibition hall.
在这座陌生的城市里,她感到很寂寞。 She feels rather lonely in the strange town.
除非出现奇迹, 不然我们现在是输定了. Short of a miracle, we're certain to lose now.
群众聚集在国王要经过的街道旁。 Crowds massed along the road where the king would pass.
每周六琴在村里的公用草地上骑马。 Every Saturday Jean went riding on the village common.
销售经理想在远东开辟新市场。 The sales manager wants to open up new markets in the Far East.
他呆在幕后为了避开公众的注意。 He stayed in the background to escape from the public attention.
科学家仍在寻求治疗感冒的方法。 Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold.
政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。 The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue.
人类是在幼年开始学习第一种语言的。 Mankind learns its first language in early childhood.
史密斯先生在政府的行政部门工作。 Mr. Smith works in an executive branch of the government.
在重要的节日, 人们把国旗悬挂在门外。 People hang national flags out on important holidays.
在这场足球赛中,他主罚,踢进了一个球。 He kicked a penalty goal in the football match.
那项发现在科学界引起极大的震动。 The discovery caused a tremendous commotion in the scientific world.
那个寄居者在威尔士已经逗留了两个星期。 The sojourner has been in Wales for two weeks.
教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。 The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church.
我在卧室里发现两只袜子, 但不成对。 I found a couple of socks in the bedroom, but they don't make a pair.
警察在小偷的家里发现了一些被盗的财物。 The police found some stolen property in the thief's house.
在日本,棒球比其他任何运动都受人欢迎。 Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.
很多种类的动物现在已经从地球上绝迹了。 Many types of animals have now vanished from the earth.
这家公司现在使用电脑来计算所有的帐目。 The company now uses a computer to do all its account.
在以后的岁月中,他一直记着她临别时的一吻。 He remembered her parting kiss in the following years.
我在街道对面的连锁商店里买了这只面包。 I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street.
想在这样大的暴风雪中去爬山简直是疯狂。 It would be madness to try to climb the mountain in such a snowstorm.
新法令授予警察可以在街上截停任何人的权利。 The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street.
他们在恶劣的天气条件下登上了山的顶峰。 They climbed up the last part of the mountain in formidable weather conditions.
政府在独立的问题上采取了毫不妥协的态度。 The government adopted an uncompromising posture on the issue of independence.
她戴了那么多首饰,看上去象是包在金子里似的。 She wore so much jewellery that she seemed to be covered in gold.
我们正考虑在这样的事情上给他们更多的发言权。 We are considering giving them greater say in such matters.
在合作社中, 利润是在全体劳动者中进行分配的. In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force.
她在科学方面的倾向性在孩童时代就已显现出来。 Her scientific bias showed itself in early childhood.
这个地方笼罩在神秘气氛下,继续使游览者着迷。 The place continues to fascinate visitors, cloaked in its mystery.
他这个人很没意思, 在聚会上我总是对他退避三舍. He's so boring that I always try to give him a wide berth at parties.
他们正在恶狠狠地争吵,我想他们可能要打架了。 They were having a fierce argument and I thought they might hit each other.
我认为咱们不在家时不能把孩子都硬塞给你父母看管。 I don't think we can wish the children on your parents while we're away.
恰恰就在我登上公共汽车踏板的时候,车子开动了。 At the precise moment that I put my foot on the step, the bus started.
国民财富在很大程度上取决于一个国家的教育水准。 National wealth depends to a high degree on a country's educational standard.
我的周末过得很无聊--只是在屋子里 转转或者看看电视. My weekend was boring I just floated about (the house) or watched TV.
他们支持日本接管德国以前在山东省的所有权益。 They supported Japan's take over of all the former German interests in Shandong Province.
首都一片平静,然而据报道在别的地方仍有持续的骚乱。 The capital is calm, but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere.
我怀疑在我有生之年这个国家会不会出现一位女总统。 I doubt if there will be a female president in this country in my lifetime.
陪审团的全体成员,你们现在必须退下去考虑应如何裁决。 Members of the jury, you must now retire to consider your verdict.
中国人民正在努力工作,把国家建设得更加富饶美丽。 Chinese people are working hard to make the country richer and more beautiful.
第一只小鸟醒来了,男孩还能听见珍珠鸡在他的前边叫着。 The first bird woke and the boy could hear the guinea-fowl calling ahead of him.
他们谈到人们如何在政治问题上使用及滥用数字来混淆视听。 They talked about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics.
那只外星来的宇宙飞船在公园上空盘旋了一会儿之后就不见了。 After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short time, it vanished.
我一整天围着火热的炉子辛辛苦苦地做出这顿饭,可是他们现在几乎一点儿也没有吃。 I slaved away all day over a hot stove to produce this meal, and now they've hardly eaten any of it.
外面在下冰雹。 It's hailing outside.
尸体躺在血泊中. The body was lying in a pool of blood.
他在食槽里放了些草。 He put some grass in the manger.
猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。 The cat is playing with a live mouse.
仙人掌生长在干旱地区。 Cacti live in dry regions.
汤姆的生日就在这个星期。 Tom's birthday is this week.
在空白栏中写上你的名字。 Write your name in the blank.
我在击剑时用的是把重剑。 I use a heavy sabre in fencing.
这条溪谷在英格兰的北部。 The dale is in the north of England.
现在有15分钟的中间休息. There will now be a 15-minute interlude.
在这样的高度,雪永不融化。 In these altitudes snow never melts.
在阴凉处休息会使你凉爽。 A rest in the shade will cool you down.
轮船横着停泊在港口里。 The ship was anchored athwart at the harbor mouth.
讲师正在讲俄罗斯文学。 The lecturer is lecturing on Russian literature.
老人把他的储蓄存在银行里。 The old man kept his savings in the bank.
我在晚会上丢失了水晶项链。 I lost my crystal necklace at the party.
铅会在相当低的温度下熔化。 Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature.
在旧社会,贵族们生活奢侈。 In old society, the gentry lived in luxury.
在内阁会议上讨论了这个问题。 The question was discussed in cabinet.
这件事情在他的管辖权限之内。 This affair is within his jurisdiction.
在麻醉剂的作用下我感到舒服些。 I felt comfortable on narcotic effect.
他的绘画正在展览会上展出。 His paintings are on display at the exhibition.
老师正在审阅汤姆的英语答卷。 The teacher is reading Tom's English paper.
在我们学校几乎没有人懂得丹麦语。 Few people know Danish in our school.
挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。 The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone.
船只在汹涌的大海中缓慢前进。 The ship made slow progress through the rough sea.
血液在她的膝盖伤口周围凝固了。 The blood had congealed round the cut on her knee.
有个年幼的学生在炎炎烈日下晕倒了。 A young student fainted in the hot sun.
你完全不知道在那里是什么滋味。 You have no conception of what it was like to be there.
我在旅行期间舆同学们保持联系。 I kept in touch with my classmates during my journey.
我们的人民正在暴君的统治下受苦。 Our people are suffering at the hands of an oppressor.
这张桌子的腿是用螺丝固定在地板上的。 The table legs are screwed to the floor.
他过去因失败而蒙羞,现在东山再起了。 He rose again from the dust of past defeats.
我正在用我新买的煎锅做苹果馅饼。 I am cooking apple pies with my newly bought frying pan.
我们在碗上铺了白的覆盖物防止苍蝇。 We spread white covers over the bowls to keep flies away.
在神话故事中,魔鬼很残忍而且吃人。 In fairy stories, the ogre is cruel and eats people.
这栋房子周围有几个小男孩在晃荡。 There are several young boys loitering around the building.
这些犹太人生活在会遭到拘捕的恐惧之中。 The Jews lived in dread of being caught.
那位富翁在遗嘱中什么都没给他儿子留下。 The rich man left his son nothing in the will.
别人回家后,他仍在学校外面徘徊。 He lingered outside the school after everybody else had gone home.
他们在窗户上加了窗条以防盗贼进入. They fitted bars to their windows to stop burglars getting in.
中国孩子会在春节前买很多鞭炮。 Chinese children like to buy many firecrackers before the Spring Festival.
主人举起鞭子时,狗抖缩在桌子下边。 The dog cowered under the table when his master raised the whip.
我正在看一本关于罗马帝国兴衰的书。 I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
那些孩子在操场上玩, 宣泄过剩的精力. The children were out in the playground letting off steam.
普鲁士士兵在锯木厂后边草地上操练。 The Prussians are drilling in the meadow behind the sawmill.
顺着这条大路走,在路的分岔口向右拐。 Follow the main road until it branches, and then turn to the right.
他用一支笔在地图上标出了波斯湾的位置。 He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map.
这位科学家在许多知识领域中都是杰出的。 The scientist is distinguished in many spheres of knowledge.
他的建议在理论上可以, 但不能付诸实现。 His proposition is good in theory but cannot be put into practice.
他仅有的消遣是喝啤酒和在花园里种花草。 His only recreations are drinking beer and working in the garden.
郁金香在春天开出颜色鲜亮的杯状的花朵。 Tulip grows large brightly-colored cup-shaped flower in spring.
大部分印第安人生活在联邦政府建立的保留地上。 Most Indian live on reservation establish by the federal government.
这幅画表现了牛在溪边饮水的迷人的田园风光。 The picture showed a charming pastoral scene of cows drinking from a stream.
庄园主宅第是一栋环抱在美丽的花园中的大理石房子。 The manor is a marble house surrounded by a beautiful garden.
开出鲜艳花朵的爬藤植物瀑布般悬挂在花园墙上。 Climbing plants with their bright flowers hung in cascades over the garden wall.
工会运动旨在争取更高的工资和更好的工作条件。 The Trade Union Movement works to obtain higher wages and better conditions.
吉姆在物理考试中作弊却逃避了惩罚, 麦克则受到责备。 Jim got away with cheating in the physics test, while Mike was scolded.
现在场景转到仓库,行凶者正埋伏在那里伺机行动。 And now the scene shifts to the warehouse, where the murderer is lying in wait.
我不知道他着了什么魔,在那条热闹的街上把车子开得这么快。 I don't know what possessed him to drive so fast down that busy street.
这种炎热的天气在夜晚尚能忍受,但白天就令人感到呼吸困难。 The heat was tolerable at night but suffocating during the day.
小手鼓一种用手敲击的鼓,连结在一起声调和谐的一对中的一个 One of a pair of connected tuned drums that are played by beating with the hands.
有人指定拉姆奇夫人把钱装在一只纸盒子里,并把纸板盒放在她的门外边。 Mrs Ramsay was instructed to place the money in a cardboard box and to leave it outside her door.
现在再见了! Bye for now!
你住在哪儿? Where do you live?
你在说什么? What are you talking about?
海鸥在大海上飞翔。 Gull flies over the sea.
婴儿在8点钟出生。 The baby was born on 8 o'clock.
你知道你在做什么吗? What do you think you are doing?
我们要在中午前後走. We're leaving round about midday.
如果他现在回来怎么办? What if he comes back now?
你以为你在跟谁说话? Who do you think you're talking to?
你们在舞会上玩得高兴吗? How did you enjoy the ball?
你隔多久就在外面吃一次饭? How often do you eat out?
比萨在(佛罗伦萨的)西边. Pisa is to the west (of Florence).
部队已(在广场上)集合. The troops mustered (on the square).
这台机器的制造商在哪? Where is the manufacturer of the machine?
约翰甚至在夏天也不出门。 John doesn't go out even in the summer.
他们在公园里种了许多紫杉。 They planted many yews in the park.
他们在山脚下支起了帐篷。 They erected their tent at the foot of the mountain.
他在昨晚的比赛中独得了48分。 He made 48 baskets in the game last night.
玛利把许多吃的放在冰箱里了。 Mary put a lot of food in the refrigerator.
蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫为食。 Bats fly at night and feed on insects.
他用欧芹的嫩枝点缀在鸡上。 He decorated the chicken with sprigs of parsley.
他在40 个人的班级里排第九名。 He took the ninth position in his class of forty.
人们聚集在篝火周围唱歌。 The men clustered together round the fire and sang songs.
介词在词典中略作 “prep”。 Preposition is abbreviated as "prep" in this dictionary.
谁把我写在黑板上的数字擦掉了? Who's rubbed my figures off the blackboard?
一座雄伟的大桥横亘在大江之上。 A magnificent bridge spans the river.
你弟弟今天上午在公园玩耍吗? Did your brother play in the park this morning?
总统正在对欧洲做私人访问。 The president is paying a private visit to Europe.
他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。 They are building a submarine cable tunnel.
我坐在庭院里享受明媚的阳光。 I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine.
劳驾,您能告诉我在哪能买到邮票吗? Excuse me, can you tell where to get stamp?
他坐在操场上,聆听远处的蛙鸣。 He sat on the playground listening to the distant croak.
他们在外国保持多少个军事基地? How many military bases are they maintaining on foreign soil?
万岁日本人在进攻时的呐喊或爱国的欢呼; A Japanese battle cry or patriotic cheer.
他在外面犹豫徘徊, 因过於胆怯而不敢进去. He hovered about outside, too afraid to go in.
在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。 A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating.
你撞到了我的手肘,弄坏了我正在画的图画。 You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing.
在大家到齐之後两小时,她终於姗姗来到。 She finally drifted in two hours after everyone else.
你在发动引擎时,一定要让汽车处于空档。 When you start the engine, be sure the car is in neutral.
这护士照顾这位病人彷佛在照顾她爸爸似的。 The nurse attends on the patient as if he were her father.
"在聪明的妹妹相形之下,她变得黯然失色。" She is quite eclipsed by her clever younger sister.
你在那不停的噪声中怎麽能工作得下去呀? How can you continue to work/continue working with all that noise going on?
那两个女孩经常一起在那棵大山楂树下玩耍。 The two girls always play together under the large hawthorn.
他像一只骄傲的孔雀一样在我前面趾高气扬地走着。 He strutted in front of me like a peacock.
这些儿童在早餐与午餐之间有牛奶与饼乾作点心. The children have a mid-morning snack of milk and biscuits.
先把系帐篷的桩子打进地里,再把绳子系在桩子上。 First hammer the tent pegs into the ground, then tie the ropes onto them.
共用餐者如在军队集体食堂里经常与某人一起用膳的人 A person with whom one eats regularly, as in a military mess.
必须对那些专在足球比赛时打架的社会渣滓严加惩处! These scum who fight at the football matches must be severely dealt with!
他胜任新闻广播员的工作,在於他有当过记者的锻炼。 His strength as a news-reader lies in his training as a journalist.
你看见语法书在哪儿呢吗? 词典都在正对著的书架上. Can you see where the grammar books are? The dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite.
在日常会话中,你是请求别人做事,而不是"命令"他们。 In everyday conversation, you request people to do things, not "order" them.
一个小男孩在街上拦住了我,问道;“先生,现在几点了?” A little boy stopped me in the street and asked me, "What's the time, mister?"
天文学家现在能看到的星星的数目,多得简直令人头晕目眩。 The number of stars now visible to the astronomers makes one's brain reel.
你飞回家度寒假的时刻不知不觉就会来到的,我都已经在盼望着啦! Before you know it you'll be flying home for the winter holidays, I can hardly wait!
哲瑞米是初出茅庐,所以我们并不指望他在这次比赛中表现得很好。 Jeremy's just being blooded, so we don't expect him to be very good at the game.
鸬鹚是一种长脖子黑颜色的大鸟,生活在海滨而且以吃鱼为生。 The cormorant is a large, long-necked, dark-colored bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish.
我们在晚会上要装扮得像电影中的角色,这是一个多么新奇的主意啊! We are supposed to dress up as movie characters for the party, what a novel idea!
扫帚梆在一块儿的枝条、干草或刺毛,缚在一根棍或把柄上,作清扫之用 A bunch of twigs, straw, or bristles bound together, attached to a stick or handle, and used for sweeping.
"告诉我:在任何一项工作中,是师傅说了算,还是助手说了算!""那得看情况。" "Tell me this: In any job of work, should the master have the last word, or the assistant! " "That depends."
坐在你妹妹旁边. Sit beside your sister.
算了,别放在心上。 Forget it.
这实在不是有意的。 It was really quite unintentional.
真想不到在这儿遇见你。 Fancy seeing you here.
马在草地上吃草。 The horses are eating grass on the grassland.
小学生们正在放假。 School children are on vacation.
她在果园里到处跑。 She ran hither and thither in the orchard.
我在他桌上留了张便条。 I leave a note on his desk.
现在想必是四点半左右。 It must be about four thirty.
晨会在学校礼堂举行. Morning assembly is held in the school hall.
他在我的指导下做这件事. He did the work under my direction.
老板现在不想见她。 She's rather unpopular with the boss at the moment.
这一事故正在调查之中。 The accident is under investigation.
这事可能发生在任何人身上。 It can happen to anyone.
我们不能在白天看到星星。 We can't see stars in the daytime.
她在大街开了一家书店. She set up shop as a bookseller in the High Street.
我昨天在理发店里理了发。 I had my hair cut at the barber's yesterday.
不要忘记在支票上写上日期. Don't forget to date your cheque.
吃饭的时候我坐在他的对面。 I sat opposite to him during the meal.
在你的右边能看到那个邮局. You'll see the post office on your right.
他的家在这个城市的东北部。 His house is in the northeast of this city.
把画挂在窗户对面的墙上. Hang the picture on the wall opposite the window.
在照相前,他调整了快门。 He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo.
他的名字在名单上排第十六名。 His name is the sixteenth on the list.
他的文章在省报上发表了。 His articles are published on the provincial newspaper.
他们现在过着比较舒适的生活。 They are now living in relative comfort.
那小男孩在父母身边感到安心。 The little boy felt secure near his parents.
他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。 He broke away from that lawless group years ago.
在两点到三点之间向经理报到。 Report yourself to the manager between2 and3.
在集市上,我闻到了东方的气息。 In the market, I breathed the smells of the Orient.
我在谈话中当然会十分小心的。 I'll certainly be most discreet in my conversation.
在这块不毛之地上什么也不能生长。 Nothing can grow in this barren land.
现代音乐最初是在意大利发展起来的。 Modern music was first developed in Italy.
这个问题你在适当的时候问问她吧。 Ask her about it when a suitable moment offer itself.
他在生人面前总是不知要说什么。 He is always at a loss what to say in front of strangers.
我已经在这家旅馆里住了两个星期了。 I have been resident in this hotel for two weeks.
她坐在那里努力集中思想准备发言. She sat trying to gather her thoughts before making her speech.
他总是把女朋友的相片放在身边。 He always kept the picture of his girlfriend's close at hand.
小男孩喜欢在书页空白边上做笔记。 The little boy likes to make notes in the margin of books.
为了确定他在家,我事先打电话给他。 To make sure that he was at home, I called him up in advance.
现在很多小孩都可以说是少年老成了。 Now many children can be called young but experienced.
我在街上遇到她时,她假装不认得我。 She pretended she didn't know me when I passed her in the street.
自从我们在学校认识之后,我们就一直是好朋友。 We've been friends ever since we met at school.
对不起,我来晚了。刚才我在开会,不能脱身。 I'm sorry I'm late; I was at a meeting and couldn't get away.
我不是说她真在外层空间--这只是打个比方. I didn't really mean she was in outer space it's just a figure of speech.
在我们整个旅行中,我们没有看到一个大人打孩子。 In all our travelling, we never saw an adult strike a child.
走道人可以在上面行走的地方,如人行道或散步场所 A place, such as a sidewalk or promenade, on which one may walk.
军队在移动. The army is on the move.
新矿正在开发. New mines are opening up.
我混身都在发抖。 I'm shaking like a leaf.
疼痛已在减轻。 The pain was already lessening.
他在钻研生物学。 He is digging at biology.
厕所现在无人使用. The lavatory is vacant.
蛇盘绕在树上。 The snake coiled itself around the tree.
木头在河上放流。 The logs floated down the river.
他住在东部海岸地区. He lives on the east coast.
我们那时住在乡下。 We lived in the country then.
我们生活在21世纪。 We are living in the 21st century.
我们正在迅速机械化. We are mechanizing rapidly.
小羊在田野里跳跃。 Lambs skipped in the field.
他在面包上涂黄油。 He spread butter on his bread.
先把东西堆在那边。 Just dump everything over there.
命运把我们连在一起了. Destiny drew us together.
把围巾围在你的脖子上. Wrap a scarf round your neck.
保险丝盒子在厨房里。 The fuse-box is in the kitchen.
乐队在给乐器调音。 The orchestra tuned their instruments.
她把海报贴在墙上了. She pasted posters onto the wall.
他们把种子撒在地里。 They strewed seeds over the earth.
问题的关键就在那里. Therein lies the crux of the matter.
他身体在逐步好起来。 He is getting better by degrees.
职员们在专心工作。 The clerks are at work attentively.
价格仍然在急剧上涨。 Prices are still spiralling.
他在地上树起了一根杆子. He set a post in the ground.
他把毛巾系在脖子上。 He knotted a towel about his neck.
他在面条里放了些醋。 He put some vinegar in the noodles.
他斜靠在沙发的背上。 He leant on the back of the sofa.
情况始终都在变化。 Conditions are changing all the time.
导弹在护卫之下转移. The missiles were moved under convoy.
欢呼声在逐渐消失。 The sound of the cheering faded away.
我实在讨厌让我等着。 I really hate being kept waiting.
他在一家私人企业工作。 He works in a private enterprise.
他把包放在行李架上。 He put his bag on the luggage rack.
他把地图平铺在地上。 He spread the map flat out on the floor.
我为此实在感到很抱歉。 I really feel bad about that.
她挨著我坐在我的左边. She was sitting immediately to my left.
请在这张支票背后签名。 Please back the check.
银行在超级市场对面. The bank is opposite the supermarket.
他在乡间度过晚年。 He spent his declining years in the country.
他在纸上划了一条斜线。 He drew an oblique line on paper.
人口在不断增长中。 There was a steady increase in population.
别在光线不好的地方看书。 Don't read in poor light.
飞机在浓雾上空飞行。 The aircraft was flying above thick fog.
他们在教堂接受了洗礼。 They received baptism at the church.
他们把饼干倒在盘子里。 They emptied the biscuits onto the plate.
在转弯处超车十分危险. It's dangerous to overtake on a bend.
在古代人们穿着束腰外衣。 Ancient people wore tunics.
大雨迫使我们呆在户内。 The heavy rain compelled us to stay indoors.
在院子里我看见两只猫。 I saw a couple of cats in the yard.
不要把烟灰掉在地毯上。 Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet.
我们在音乐方面爱好相似. We have similar tastes in music.
她一晚上都在批试卷. She spent the evening marking examination papers.
他只是在玩弄她的感情。 He's just trifling with her affections.
我在商业广播电台工作. I work for a commercial radio station.
这样说不是在针对你的。 In saying this I am not aiming at you.
她乘船在海上长途旅行。 She went on a long sea voyage.
他正在节食以减轻体重。 He is on a diet to reduce some weight.
现在该对付我的家庭作业了. It's time to tackle my homework.
探险人员消失在密林里了. The jungle swallowed up the explorers.
我站在那里,害怕得直发抖。 I stood there quaking with fear.
工人正在一个大桶里染布。 The worker is dyeing cloth in a vat.
我在省钱买一台电冰箱。 I'm saving up for a refrigerator.
在这些高的地方很难呼吸. It is difficult to breathe at these altitudes.
他在口袋里摸著, 想找些钱. He felt in his pocket for some money.
他在面包上涂上苹果酱。 He spread some apple jam on the bread.
队伍就在我家门前经过. The procession passed right by my front door.
她把那小鸟握在掌心里. She held the small bird in the hollow of her hand.
他们正在把小麦磨成面粉。 They are grinding wheat into flour.
我在假日愿意轻松一些. I like to take things easy when I'm on holiday.
发现她在那,我感到很吃惊。 I was amazed to find her there.
她把头紧靠在我的肩膀上。 She burrowed her head into my shoulder.
现在的妇女不再穿紧身衣了。 Women don't wear corset nowadays.
小孩们在沙堆里挖了一个地道。 The kid dug a tunnel in the sand.
我把手套落在公共汽车上了。 I've left my gloves on the bus.
我知道他们和你在议论我。 I know they have been discussing me with you.
把标签粘贴在你的手提箱上。 Stick a label on your suitcase.
现在付一半, 剩下的以后再付。 Pay half now and the rest later.
我们生活在舒适的环境中。 We are living in pleasant surroundings.
我们在地图上画出我们的路线. We traced out our route on the map.
他把钱包放在里面的口袋里. He kept his wallet in an ,inside pocket.
天在下雪,所以我无法外出。 It was snowing, and so I could not go out.
在网球赛中,他们是对手。 They were adversaries in the tennis match.
她把两手插在上衣口袋里。 She plunged her hands into her coat pockets.
在夏天一个温暖的夜晚... One warm summer evening.../On a warm summer evening...
他留着劲在比赛结束时用。 He saved his strength for the end of the race.
我只在特殊场合穿高跟鞋。 I only wear high heels on special occasions.
她远远地离开故乡在外地生活。 She lives a long way from home.
首都在这个国家的最南端。 The capital is in the extreme south of the country.
主要重点放在法律和秩序上。 Lay heavy stress on law and order.
我党在南方有一大批拥护者. Our party has a large following in the south.
在美国存在长期失业问题。 There is a chronic unemployment problem in America.
他把箱子放在行李寄存处。 He deposited the case in the left luggage office.
她在针织品部买了很多袜子。 She bought many socks in the hosiery department.
只有少数人在这个岛上居住。 Only a few people inhabited the island.
公司想把总部设在北方. The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north.
他在马路对面向我招手致意。 He beckoned to me from across the street.
盆子和锅在厨房里碰击作响。 Pots and pans were clattering in the kitchen.
现在激光可以用来做手术。 Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays.
他要在春节期间拜访叔叔。 He is to visit his uncle during the Spring Festival.
我经常在树林里呼吸新鲜空气。 I always imbibe fresh air in the woods.
以上各点均包括在建议中. The foregoing have all been included in the proposals.
这位教授目前正在写一本书。 The professor is presently writing a book.
那小女孩把鼻子贴在窗户上。 The child pressed her nose against the window.
警方无法确定当时他在哪里. The police can't establish where he was at the time.
我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。 I hid the broken plate behind the table.
现在终于发现,是他偷了那笔钱。 It has emerged that he stole the money.
在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆。 He ran against a lamp post in the dark.
她在飞机场受到了热情的欢送. She was given a good send-off at the airport.
他站在那里,双手插在口袋里。 He stood there with his hands in his pockets.
现在需求逐渐超过了生产能力. Demand is outstripping current production.
在这件事情上我同他是一致的。 I am in accordance with him in this matter.
他们仍在为决赛失败而伤心. They're still smarting from their defeat in the final.
她把自己的原则体现在行动中。 She embodies her principles in her behavior.
我在故乡度过了自己的孩提时代。 I spent my early childhood in my hometown.
工人们正在道路下面铺设管道。 The workers are laying pipes under the road.
在困难时期我们过着艰苦的生活。 We led a hard life in times of stress.
我绝没想到会在这里遇见你。 This is the last place where I expected to meet you.
他十二点五十分在餐厅吃午餐。 At twelve-fifty, he ate lunch in a restaurant.
科学家猜测在金星上没有生命。 The scientists guess that Venus is lifeless.
这些观点在知识分子中很普遍。 These views were common among intellectuals.
我盼望著能自己一人在这所房子 . I look forward to being alone in the house.
从上周起,我在工作中落后了。 I have fall behind in my work since last week.
我们正在为达到共同的目标而努力. We're working towards common objectives.
服从命令在军队中是很重要的。 Obedience to order is very important in an army.
这个城市的人口在持续下降。 There has been a steady decrease in population in this city.
这样的经验才是生活的内在本质。 Such experiences are the very staff of life.
经数月钻探, 在沿海找到了石油. After months of drilling, oil was found off the coast.
我正在学习德语,但还说不好。 I'm learning German, but I still can't speak it properly.
他在职业介绍所登记要当秘书。 He enrolled with an employment agency for a secretary.
他躺在铺上,身上盖了一大堆毯子。 He lay in his bunk under a mound of blankets.
我大部分时间都用在观光游览上了. I spent most of my time (in) sightseeing.
我讨厌的一切都在他身上体现出来了。 He epitomizes everything I dislike.
他们用冲床在金属板上打孔。 They cut holes on the sheet of metal with a punch press.
这两块木头已用金属丝捆在一起了。 The two pieces of wood were wired together.
敌人在一场决定性的战斗中被击败. The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.
她探身去取放在餐桌对面的黄油。 She stretched across the table for the butter.
这些生物生活在太平洋的海底。 These creatures live in the depth of the Pacific Ocean.
没多久,哈里就跟在我们背后跑来了。 Before long Harry came running behind us.
他在街上向我亲切地挥手致意. He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.
哎呀,我把毛活儿落在公共汽车上了。 Oh dear, I've left my knitting on the bus!
她在这一切不幸中表现得很坚强。 She bore up well against all these misfortunes.
被压迫的人民,在政变之后获得自由。 The oppressed were free after the coup.
在中世纪, 哲学与神学是不分的. In the Middle Ages, philosophy and theology were inextricable.
他们在郊区从一家钢铁厂前面经过。 On the outskirts they passed a steel mill.
我所有的业余时间都用在诗歌阅读上。 I spent all my spare time reading poetry.
他到了渡口,却发现渡船在对岸。 He went down to the ferry but found the boat on the other side.
我假期在宾馆里干活儿,当服务员。 I got holiday jobs in guesthouses, waiting on tables.
他在结婚之前曾向四个姑娘求过婚。 He wooed four girls before finally marrying one.
在我看来,我们会再次考试不及格的。 It seems to me that we'll again fail in the exam.
咱们不要在现阶段著手处理具体问题。 Let's not enter into details at this stage.
他的妻子知道在他生气时怎么对付他。 His wife knows how to manage him when he is angry.
你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。 You can't retreat from the responsibility in this affair.
这种新飞机正在接受安全性能检验。 The new aircraft is undergoing safety tests.
这一切误会都是他在无意中造成的. He was the unknowing cause of all the misunderstanding.
马克曾在密西西比河上当过领航员。 Mark used to be a pilot on the Mississippi River.
俱乐部的成员限定在三十岁以下。 Membership in this club is restricted to man under 30.
这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。 This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring.
能和你在一起对我是件极为安慰的事。 Your company has been a great consolation to me.
他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。 They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.
在我看来,你跟他都没有达到标准。 In my opinion, neither you nor he has met the standard.
在中国,山区农民在梯田上种水稻。 In China hill farmers grow rice on terraces.
你在夜晚可以看到星星,白天却看不到。 You can see stars by night, but not by day.
展现在我们面前的是一片广阔的土地。 A wide stretch of land spread in front of us.
他背上的重负似乎要把他压倒在地。 The burden on his back seemed to be crushing him to the earth.
游击队在那个省开辟了一条新战线。 The guerrillas opened up a new front in that province.
他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。 He is reading a report of the state of the roads.
劳资双方仍在商谈制订和解方案. Managers and workers are still working out a peace formula.
劳资双方之间存在大量矛盾. There is a great deal of friction between the management and the work force.
我在一家非常富有创新精神的公司工作。 I worked in a very innovative company.
她在演讲时一直都在玩弄手帕。 She was playing with her handkerchief all the while during the speech.
终于在一六八七年他发表了他的新理论。 Only in 1687 did he at last publish his new theory.
她在国内第一流指挥家中名列榜首. She ranks foremost among the country's leading conductors.
篮球运动员们正在体育馆进行训练。 The basketball players are working out at the gym.
汽车在离墙不到一英寸的地方停住了。 The car stopped within a fraction of an inch of the wall.
我们可以在话剧开演前一小时去取票. We can pick up the tickets an hour before the play begins.
这座建筑物在这有一处结构上的改变。 There is a structural alteration to the building.
完整的茶具是在十八世纪发展起来的。 Complete tea services were developed in the 18th century.
他对未来感到轻松自在并且充满信心。 He felt at ease and confident about the future.
那问题他再一考虑, 答案就在眼前. The answer presented itself to him when he looked at the problem again.
这两门课程之间不存在重叠的问题。 There is no question of overlap between the two courses.
这些队在各自参加了一场比赛后不分胜负。 The teams are all square at one match each.
双方军队在边境的冲突引发了战争。 A border clash between the two armies started the war.
装配过程的这一部分现在是全自动的. This part of the assembly process is now fully automated.
他在布置新房子中表现出富有技巧。 He display a great deal of artifice in decorate his new house.
在等待开演的时候,演员们十分紧张 The performers were edgy as they waited for the show to begin.
我们须在我们日常公务中建立一些制度. We must introduce some system into our office routine.
我们现在正经历规模空前的失业现象。 We are seeing unemployment on an unprecedented scale.
在会议之前,我们讨论了这个问题。 Previous to the conference we had discussed the matter among ourselves.
他用绳子打个圈,套在这头小公牛的角上。 He looped the rope around the steer's horns.
在这一测验中你与专家较量一下技巧吧。 Match your skill against the experts in this quiz.
很少植物或动物能在沙漠中很好地生长。 Few plants or animals thrive in the desert.
女王在一所古老的大教堂里举行登基仪式。 The queen was enthroned in an ancient abbey.
全营以连为单位在军营广场上列队. The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square.
我国任何时候都没有现在这样繁荣。 At no time has the country been more prosperous than at present.
在海上航行了三天,我们终于看见了大陆。 After three days at sea we sighted the land.
手术成功了,病人现在已脱离危险。 The operation is a success and now the patient is out of danger.
不要把馒头放在桌子上,它会干硬的。 Don't leave that steamed bread on the table, it will dry out.
在这种时候应大力反对如此浪费金钱。 Such waste of money should be deprecated at a time like this.
几个孩子跟不上父母的步子,落在后面。 A few young children are straggling along behind their parents.
孩子们在游泳池里互相把对方按入水中。 The children ducked each other in the swimming pool.
在考虑这一问题时,你应当抓住实质。 In considering this problem, you should grasp its essentials.
她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错. She recognized the potential for error in the method being used.
那个跳舞女郎在生人面前没一点紧张。 The dance girl is quite at home in front of strangers.
一个国际性的会议下月将在北京举行。 An international conference will be held in Beijing next month.
在我国, 一般人家里没有集中供热设备. People don't have central heating in their houses in my country.
她离开小岛而在法国的大都市中成名。 She left the small island and became famous in metropolitan France.
当地画家将要在这个风景点举办展览。 The local artists will hold an exhibition on the landmark.
在他到达车间之前,机器已经开动了。 Before he gets to the workshop, the machine has been put in motion.
在编写这本书的过程中,她起了显著的作用。 She play a notable role in compile the book.
局长坐在桌子一端她惯常坐的位置上。 The director took her accustomed place at the end of the table.
动物园里的动物不是生活在自然环境中。 Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings.
她即使在最糟糕的时候也总是非常乐观. She was always optimistic, even when things were at their worst.
你在这样弱的光线下看书会损伤视力的。 You will strain your eyes by reading in such poor light.
金钱正在被更直接地用来取代某种东西。 Money is being used in place of something more direct.
简伸长脖子张望,在人群中找她的母亲。 Jane craned her neck to look for her mother in the crowd.
总统有六名警卫员时时刻刻在左右保卫. The President always has six bodyguards in close attendance.
服用药片很容易, 只须放在口中咽下即可. Taking pills is easy; just put them in your mouth and swallow.
这个国家的经济在很大程度上依靠其旅游业。 The country depends heavily on its tourist trade.
在运输系统中,铁路的重要性逐渐下降。 The role of the railways declined in the transport system.
那个流浪者把所有的东西捆成一包背在背上. The tramp carried his belongings in a pack on his back.
印刷术的发明在社会上引起了重大的变化. The invention of printing caused important changes in society.
在离开办公室之前, 应把所有物品摆放好。 Before you leave the office, everything should be put in place.
某位哲学家认为, 存在的事物都是合理的。 According to some philosopher, everything in existence is reasonable.
在今日的交易中, 日元已升值到历史的最高水平. The yen hit a record high in trading today.
在所有商品中, 我对棉布特别感兴趣。 Among all the merchandise, I was interested in the cotton piece in particular.
这个价钱把全部固定装置和设备都打在里面了。 The price includes all fixtures and fittings.
如果你一直呆在家里,就永远不会有生活经验。 You'll never see life if you stay at home forever.
那年轻画家的作品已在几家美术馆中展出. The young painter has exhibited (his work) in several galleries.
在赛跑时让年龄小的男生提早了10秒钟起跑. The smaller boys were given a start of 10 seconds in the race.
助学金通常在大学一年级之后逐渐减少。 Financial aids generally taper off after the first year of college.
被围困在城里的老百姓已空运到安全地区. Civilians trapped in the beleaguered city have been airlifted to safety.
既然雨下得这么大,你与其离开倒不如待在这儿。 Since it is raining hard, you may as well stay here as leave.
他不得不忍住悲痛,继续照常在车间干活。 He was obliged to swallow his grief and work in the shop as usual.
消防队到达时, 整座建筑物正在熊熊燃烧著. When the firemen arrived the whole building was blazing.
考期临近了, 所以学生们确实在刻苦钻研。 Now that the exam is near, the students are really going at their studies.
今天早上我在超级市场碰见了一个老同学。 I ran into an old schoolfriend at the supermarket this morning.
我必须找一个人,在我离开期间代理我的职务。 I must find someone to act as a deputy for me during my absence.
我们的人口在增长,因此我们需要更多的食物。 We have a growing population and therefore we need more food.
我决不背离我已经宣布的在这个问题上的政策。 I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter.
政府正在实施一项新的帮助失业者的政策。 The government is implementing a new policy to help the unemployed.
他们对普遍存在的反政府情绪感到很吃惊。 They are so surprised by the prevalence of anti-government sentiments.
着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都能看到。 The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away.
那位革命者为避免被捕在地下躲藏了几个星期。 The revolutionist eluded capture for weeks by hiding underground.
在他们讨论我的前途时,我恨不得能偷偷旁观。 I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they discuss my future.
她最近的一部小说在出版当年就印行了三次. Her last novel ran into three reprints in its first year of publication.
在这样远景鼓舞下,他们打算修建更多的水渠。 Inspired by these prospects, they planned to build more canals.
在学习一种新语言时,词典是非常有用的工具。 A dictionary is an invaluable aid in learning a new language.
在图画中的天使通常是身穿白衣, 生有翅膀. Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white, with wings.
我与她的第一次会面的情景经常出现在我的记忆中。 My first meeting with her often recurs to my memory.
不要把感情浪费在他身上,他是永远不会爱你的。 Don't squander your affection on him, he'll never love you.
他们的女儿死去已一年多了, 但他们现在仍很悲痛. Their daughter died over a year ago, but they are still grieving.
这张古老的羊皮纸是在一个精致的铁盒子里发现的。 This ancient parchment was discovered in a delicate iron box.
在当前评论风气影响下,她的作品不怎么受欢迎。 In the current critical climate her work is not popular.
这两个研究所打算合并的事现在已经落空了。 The proposed amalgamation of the two institutes has mow fallen through.
他正在寻找未来的妻子,但还没有找到理想人选。 He is looking for a wife but he hasn't found his ideal mate.
其实用不着在清晨3点钟就把我叫醒吧. I could have done without being (ie I wish I hadn't been) woken up at 3 o'clock in the morning.
这种新式飞机在最初几次试飞中表现性能良好。 The new aircraft has performed very well in its initial trials.
这间屋子在村子的中心草地上,处于引人注目的位置。 The house is in a prominent position on the village green.
如今必须有高度的竞争意识才能在体育运动中取胜. You have to be highly competitive to do well in sport nowadays.
那里的人民正在为摆脱外国统治争取自由而战斗。 The people there are fighting to gain their freedom from foreign control.
在沙漠地带,绝大多数时间都是大晴天,下雨天极少。 Sunny days predominate over rainy days in desert regions.
李把他在生意中的道德标准运用到私人关系中去。 Lee carries over his business ethics into his personal relationships.
这位女士的年纪在五十岁之上,决不会少于五十岁。 The woman may be above fifty, but (she may) not (be) below fifty.
他把空余时间都用在园艺上了, 没有任何其他爱好. He spent his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests.
我正在成人学校补习法语,到时好让他们大吃一惊。 I'm brushing up on my French at adult school just to surprise them.
和面的方法很简单,只要把水和在面粉里就行了。 The way to make dough is very simple as you need only to mix flour with water.
半导体在自动化和信号上面即将起着重要作用。 Semiconductors are going to play an important part in automation and signalling.
在天气干燥时把点燃的香烟扔进树林可能会引起火灾。 A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may start a fire.
航空公司因有几架飞机暂时不能使用而正在赔钱. With several of their planes temporarily out of commission, the airline is losing money.
我们在穿越这个地区的旅途中,看到了不少美丽的景色。 We passed through some beautiful scenery on our journey through this district.
根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了。 According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.
在过去的两年中, 那家钢铁厂一直提供给我们原材料。 The steel works has been supplying us with raw material in large quantities.
他正跑开时,我在背后叫他,他连忙转过身来看看我。 I called him as he was running away and he wheeled round and looked at me.
在生意上,你必须事先估计到你的竞争对手会如何行动。 In business, you've got to anticipate how your competitors will act.
据说如果你在看见流星时许个愿,愿望就会实现。 It is said that if you make a wish when you see a meteor in the sky your wish will be realized.
我想您也许知道中国在对外贸易中采取了灵活政策。 I think you probably know that China have adopt a flexible policy in her foreign trade.
在年终联欢会季节,晚上是几乎不可能叫到计程车的。 It's next to impossible to catch a taxi at night during the year- end party season.
这个城市在飞速发展,市中心的房地产价格越来越贵。 The city is developing rapidly and property in the center is becoming more expensive.
在过去的几年中我们为了国民经济的恢复做了大量的工作。 A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years.
在训练班上,她接受了有关这个工作各方面的全面训练。 On the course she received a thorough training in every aspect of the job.
我认为在这些本来是无关紧要的评论中含有一定的真实性。 I think there is a kernel of truth in these otherwise frivolous comments.
现在人类所使用的所有纤维之中,有很大的百分比是人造的。 Of all the fibers now used by man, a very large percentage is man-made.
在我回来途中,我停下来参观了这个县刚建立的两座工厂。 On my return journey, I stopped to see two factories the county had just established.
现在我们已打开门路,我们希望在中国开辟一个广阔的市场。 Now we've got a foot in the door, we are hoping to open up a big market in China.
这两种体系只是在表面上有某种相似之处, 其实根本不同. There is only a formal resemblance between the two systems; they are in fact radically different.
你本来应该有足够的常识,在拆开电线之前先把电源切断。 You should have had enough sense to turn off the electricity supply before disconnecting the wires.
中间色,半调色在光线最强处与黑色暗影之间的一种色调或明暗的配合 A tone or value halfway between a highlight and a dark shadow.
这套书出版以来,在市场上反应良好,我们决定推广这种学习方法。 The series of books gained applause. We decided to popularize the method.
在人们意识到应当保护自然资源的这个时代, 草原已不容再受破坏了. In these conservation-conscious times, areas of grassland are no longer expendable.
在看过建筑师的设计图后。他很容易想像出房子完工时的模样。 After looking at the architect's plans, it was easy for him to see the completed house in his mind's eye.
在劳资集体谈判制度下,工人作为一个团体同公司经理进行谈判。 In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.
叶绿素是生长在植物中的绿色物质,它能吸收阳光,促进植物生长。 Chlorophyll is a green substance in plants that absorbs energy from sunlight and helps them grow.
当一束光线穿进暗淡的房间时,我们可以看到空气中有许多小颗粒在飞舞。 We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room.
按一般人在这些问题上的看法,选民常常着眼于国内问题来选择候选人。 According to conventional wisdom, voters usually make their choice on the basis of domestic issues.
在战争前那些美好的岁月里,似乎没有任何东西能打破我们平静的生活进程。 It seemed nothing could disturb the even tenor of our existence in those happy prewar days.
他从前写过一些成功的小说,但在最近的一部中他才真正充分发挥了自己的特长。 He wrote successful novels before, but he really come into his own with the latest one.
秘密的调情动作调情动作,其中一方在桌下偷偷地用脚或腿磨擦对方的腿或脚 The act of flirting in which one secretly touches the feet or legs of another with one's own, as under a table.
那老太太每天去买报纸, 不多时便觉乐在其中, 因为她主要是想和店主聊天. For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper.
既然死人占多数,我们在死人之中比在生人之中有更多的朋友,就是理所当然的事情。 The dead being the majority, it is natural that we should have more friends among them than among the living.
在你生日之际,向你致以亲切的祝贺。生日意味着一个新的开端,意味着重新把握生活的机会。 Affectionate birthday greetings. Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life.
现在有一百多家美国大专院校和几乎同样多的中国大专院校建立了教育上的交流关系。 More than one hundred American colleges and universities now have educational exchanges with nearly as many Chinese institutions.
我们在御座前跪下. We knelt before the throne.
炮弹在四处爆炸。 Shells were bursting all around.
钥匙都在接待处呢. The keys are with reception.
老人蹲在炉火旁. The old man squatted (down) by the fire.
茅屋在风雨中摇摆。 The hut was shaking in the storm.
旗帜在微风中飘扬。 Banners fluttered in the breeze.
熊猫现在是稀有动物. The panda is now a rare animal.
鸟在笼中拍著翅膀. The bird fluttered its wings in the cage.
护士正在给婴儿洗澡。 The nurses were bathing the babies.
绳索在张力之下断了。 The rope broke under the strain.
她把三幅布缝接在一起。 She joined the three widths of cloth.
我在摸索教学经验。 I am trying to find out experience in teaching.
他出生在一个富裕的家庭。 He was born in a wealthy family.
我爷爷在旧社会死于饥饿。 My grandpa died of hunger in the old days.
血液在动脉血管中循环。 The blood coursed through the arteries.
他觉得自己在逐步走向死亡。 He saw himself dying by inches.
现在改变方针是不明智的. It would be unwise to change tack now.
我感到浑身血液在沸腾。 I could feel blood pulsing through my veins.
他在脑中权衡着这些想法。 He weighed the ideas in his mind.
我在黑暗中摸索着门把手。 I groped for the door handle in the dark.
他一拳就把对手打倒在地。 He laid his opponent low with a single punch.
选择权已不在他们手中了。 The choice is no longer in their disposition.
警察正在调查这件谋杀案。 The police are investigating the murder.
他在家里度过了一个寂寞的夜晚。 He spent a lonesome evening at home.
此风俗在有些村里至今犹存. The custom still lingers (on) in some villages.
群众迅速聚集在出事现场. A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.
这种物质能够溶解在酒精中。 This substance is soluble in alcohol.
那狗一路跟在我身旁边喘边跑. The dog panted along (the road) beside me.
牛奶洒在地毯上弄得一塌糊涂. The spilt milk made a terrible mess on the carpet.
猴子头向下倒挂在树枝上。 The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch.
他在英格兰西南部有一处房地产. He has a property in the West Country.
牧师在船离港之前为其祝福。 The priest blessed the ship before it left port.
他在手上涂了些药膏来止痛。 He smeared some balm on his hand to soothe the pain.
警方正在追捕一名越狱的逃犯。 The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.
她把食物和饮料放在客人面前。 She set the foods and drink before the guest.
婴儿把吃进去的东西吐在桌子上了. The baby spat its food (out) onto the table.
这几页都粘在一起了--我揭不开. These pages are stuck together I can't pull them apart.
他掀起垫子把钥匙悄悄放在下面. He lifted the mat and slid the key under (it).
用绳子穿著的旗子横悬在街道上. Flags had been strung up across the street.
神父把圣水洒在婴儿的额头上. The priest sprinkled holy water on the baby's forehead.
把那棵植物在水里浸泡几分钟。 Please immerse the plant in water for a few minutes.
湿杯子在桌面上留下一个痕迹。 The wet glass left a mark on the surface of the table.
他的家乡在北回归线的北面。 His hometown is located in the north to the tropic of cancer.
我得在黑暗中摸索著找电灯开关. I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch.
这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。 This boy is being treated for a heart condition.
我们都沉浸在春节的欢乐之中。 We all immersed in the gaiety of the Spring Festival.
水在穿透岩石的过程中获得了净化. Water is purified by passing through rock.
寒冷的天气终于在三月末结束了。 The cold weather at last broke at the end of March.
在我们家里,丈夫和我都挣工资。 In our family both my husband and I are wage earners.
在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。 In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy.
警方在广场的入口处设置了路障. The police barricaded off the entrance to the square.
他站在边上等待跳水时浑身发抖. He stood shivering on the brink, waiting to dive in.
她把她姓名的起首字母绣在手帕上。 She embroidered her initials on the handkerchief.
在死者胃中找到了少量的毒药。 Small quantities of poison were detected in the dead man's stomach.
花朵在阳光下清晰地显现出轮廓。 The flower was clearly outlined in the light of the lamp.
世代居住在城市里使他们磨练了才智。 Generations of urban living sharpened their wits.
猎人把狮子的头挂在墙上当纪念品。 The hunter put the lion's head on the wall as a trophy.
大群的人迅速地在演说者周围聚集起来。 A crowd quickly congregated round the speaker.
他们因对手权柄在握, 反抗也没用. Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist.
在运输中要允许有百分之五的损耗量. You must allow for five per cent wastage in transit.
该制造业若不现代化就不能继续存在. If the industry doesn't modernize it will not survive.
他舒展开身体躺在炉火旁边睡著了. He stretched (himself) out in front of the fire and fell asleep.
他的话已在他们心中播下怀疑的种子。 His words had sowed the seeds of suspicion in their minds.
她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。 She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.
甚至在日落之后,气温也不见降低。 Even after sunset there was little moderation in the temperature.
在国际市场上,我们的商品不亚于任何人。 Our goods are second to none on the world market.
警方在跟犯罪分子的斗争中决不手软。 The police will not relent in their fight against crime.
我现在辞去主席职位,交由我的副手接替。 I am resigning as chairman and handing over to my deputy.
这恰恰减低了他正在提倡的政策本身的价值。 It beggars the very policy he was advocating.
摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。 The regent carried out an advanced system in his country.
看到他在挣扎,我给他扔了一个救生圈过去。 I threw a life buoy to him when I saw his struggling.
在离开停车场之前, 我们鼓励了史密斯一家。 We encouraged the Smiths before leaving the parking lot.
在党的培育下,他已成长为一个优秀的战士。 Nurtured by the Party, he grown into a good fighter.
手绣的丝制手帕在西方市场销路很好。 Silk handkerchiefs embroidered by hand sell well in the Western market.
他在股票交易中买卖精明, 赚了很多钱. His clever manipulation of the stock markets makes him lots of money.
他在青年时代曾经有过想当钢琴家的雄心。 In his youth he had the ambition of being a pianist.
新娘的男亲属们聚集在一起为婚礼做准备。 The bride's kinsman gathered to make preparations for the wedding.
还没有装订成册的论文稿件堆放在桌子上。 The unbound sheets of paper were piled up on the table.
在有关钱的问题上,我总是尽量小心谨慎。 Where money is concerned, I always try to be very careful.
当年流落他乡的犹太人现在生活在以色列. People from every country of the Diaspora now live in Israel.
足球队输球后球迷们在街上聚众闹事。 The football supporters ran riot through the town after the defeat of their team.
我对一直放在走廊里的那个包裹有些怀疑。 I'm a bit suspicious about the package that's been left in the corridor.
手提箱裂开了,里面的东西纷纷落在地板上。 The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor.
警方正在调查他卷入那桩罪行的可能性。 The police are investigating his possible involvement in the crime.
那艘损坏的船只在海岛沿岸航行以寻找港口。 The disabled ship coasted the island, looking for a harbor.
他为自己在科研方面所取得的巨大成就而自豪。 He is proud of his great success in scientific researches.
伤残人士在治疗中, 自助自立是个重要因素. Self-help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped.
此诗现存最早的原稿收藏在这座博物馆里。 The earliest extant manuscript of this poem has been kept in the museum.
将军高度赞扬了他在那次战争中的英勇事迹。 His heroism in that war was highly praised by the general.
男孩子们在运动场的墙上用粉笔画上了球门柱. The boys chalked out goalposts on the playground wall.
在她患病期间, 她的律师一直代理她的业务. During her illness her solicitor has been acting for her in her business affairs.
公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇. The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct.
哲学上的,理论上的建立在思辩或抽象的推论之上的 Based on speculative or abstract reasoning.
我们藏在灌木丛后,准备向来犯者发起突然袭击。 We hid behind the bushes, ready to pounce on the intruder.
警方搜索了在周围六英里以内的树林各处. Police searched all the woods within a six-mile radius/within a radius of six miles.
飞机在大西洋中部飞行时, 其中一个发动机出了故障. One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.
游牧部落的大多人都生活在草原上并且居无定所。 Most of the nomads live in grassland and have no fixed home.
士兵们在山腰上成扇形散开,搜索那个男人。 The soldiers fanned out across the hillside in their search for the man.
小女孩凝视着在篮子里互相翻来滚去的小猫。 The little girl stared at the little cats tumbling over each other in their basket.
如果你在一个月以内偿还的话,我乐意借给你钱。 I do not mind lending you the money provided you pay it back within a month.
戴着皮护手套的摩托车手们正在等待比赛开始。 Motorcyclists with leather gauntlets are waiting for the start of the game.
两国之间存在着涉及那个岛屿归属的领土争端。 The two countries had a territorial dispute over which one owned the island.
该镇未采取适当的防洪措施, 现在吃到了苦头. The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection.
有些职员要被解雇,不过请放心,你不在此列。 Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hasten to add you won't be among them.
这个战场被视为圣地以纪念战死在这里的战士。 This battle field is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.
这两个反对党达成了一项关于在选举中进行合作的协议。 The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.
我动手搬那些瓷制饰物,但在移动时摔了一只花瓶。 I started moving the china ornaments but dropped a vase in the process.
他在办公室里老是目不转睛地盯著我,真把我气坏了。 I'm extremely annoyed at the way he always stares at me in the office.
他坐在史密斯太太的旁边,他的视线落在她女儿的身上。 He was sitting next to Mrs. Smith, his eyes resting on her daughter.
以下是他在华府所发表的那篇著名的演讲中的一些摘录。 What follows is some excerpts of the famous speech he delivered in Washington D.C.
在她被接受为固定雇员之前经过了三个月的试用期。 He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a permanent member of staff.
在音乐家的脑海里,一组稍纵即逝的音符逐渐形成一个曲调。 In the musician's mind a fugitive set of notes began slowly to form into a tune.
马克是个不听话的孩子, 我看他们现在对他的培养方面做得不错. Mark's a difficult child and I think they're making a good job of bringing him up.
在珠宝饰物的制造中,手工与艺术的结合决定了珠宝的价值。 The conjunction of workmanship and artistry in making jewelry decides the value of the jewelry.
部长在公开发表言论时比他在私下批评时的调子要缓和一点儿。 In his public statement the minister toned down his criticisms he had made in private.
勾搭上的人随便结识的陌生人,通常是在期望性关系中结识的人 A stranger with whom casual acquaintance is made, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.
那一群说三道四的常客们聚集在小酒店里,议论那对医生夫妇。 The regulars are holding a mother's meeting down at the pub to discuss the news about the doctor and his wife.
我们的商行正处在十字路口,倘若此番交易不能成功,我们将会破产。 Our business is at the crossing, if this deal does not succeed, we shall be bankrupt.
大都市外面的生活步调往往是缓慢得多,这在其他国家也是真的那样。 Often life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.
搭连主墙有一斜屋顶的构造,边接在建筑物侧面作为侧厅或延伸物 A structure with a single-pitch roof that is attached to the side of a building as a wing or an extension.
段在东方武术中,黑腰带的级别精通达12级中的任一级,如柔道和空手道 Any of12 levels of proficiency at the grade of black belt in martial arts such as judo and karate.
他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求, 但每周工时要缩短. The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week.
其中之一就是允许地方教委在国家教学大纲的指导下选择合适自身的教材。 One of the reforms allows the local education department to choose their own textbooks based upon the national teaching guideline.
回针缝在先前缝的一针中间加缝的一针,以便使针脚的交错重叠为原来长度的一半 A stitch made by inserting the needle at the midpoint of a preceding stitch so that the stitches overlap by half lengths.
电晕在电晕放电中在高压电极出现的一种微弱光辉,常伴随有朝向低压电极的电流 A faint glow enveloping the high-field electrode in a corona discharge, often accompanied by streamers directed toward the low-field electrode.
组织秘书发给本党党员的通知在立法机构中传达给政党成员的一个在特定时间保证其出勤率的通知 A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time.
首先,我站在一个热闹的角落,仅仅是看着人们,试图以审视他们来理解他们生活的某些东西。 First, I stand at a busy corner, merely looking at people, trying by sight of them to understand something of their live.
看来你在撒谎。 It seems (that) you were lying.
显然他在撒谎. It was patently obvious that he was lying.
伤口仍在渗血。 Blood was still oozing from the wound.
日本在亚洲的东部。 Japan is in the east of Asia.
在广州下很多阵雨。 It showers a lot in Guangzhou.
兔子在篱笆下打洞。 The rabbit burrowed under the fence.
线缠绕在纸筒上. The string is wound round a cardboard cylinder.
他住在罗素广场95号. He lives at No 95 Russell Square/Sq.
她安葬在亡夫的墓旁. She was laid to rest beside her late husband.
车轮在泥路上留下凹痕。 Wheels leave grooves in dirt roads.
玉米在美洲广泛种植。 Maize is widely planted in the America.
我们把船停泊在码头处. We tied (the boat) up alongside the quay.
彼得挨著保罗坐在沙发上。 Peter sat next to Paul on the sofa.
他的妻子在车祸中丧生。 His wife was killed in a car accident.
事故发生在9点30分左右. The accident happened/occurred at about 9.30.
她在那个围栏里养了一匹马。 She keeps a horse in that enclosure.
罗马帝国存在了几百年。 The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.
兔子和狐狸在英国很常见。 Rabbits and foxes are common in Britain.
他在浴室的磅秤上称体重. He weighed himself on the bathroom scales.
她在花园里种了一些紫罗兰。 She planted some violets in the garden.
在多石地带缓慢地颠簸前进 Bumped along slowly over the rocky terrain.
下议院凌晨三时仍在开会. The House of Commons was still sitting at 3 am.
在收获季节里农民非常忙碌. Farmers are very busy during (the) harvest.
在公共场合随便吐痰是不礼貌的。 It's rude to spit in public.
燕麦主要生长在气候凉爽的地区。 Oats mainly grow in cool climate.
我喜欢在正餐后吃冰淇淋当甜点。 I like to have ice cream for dessert.
那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。 The terrible scene was engraved on his memory.
她在姑姑的脸颊上匆匆吻了一下。 She gave her aunt a quick peck on the cheek.
那些死去的战士被埋葬在坟墓里。 Those dead soldiers were buried in the tombs.
我们在一场竞赛中赢了足足500英镑. We won 500, no less, in a competition.
在这个建筑物里场地面积十分昂贵. Space is at a premium in this building.
这样的宝贵教训应该铭记在心。 Such a lesson should be treasured in our memories.
许多妇女常在自己的年龄上说谎话。 Many women lie about their age.
她在运用隐喻方面有独创性。 She has a striking originality in her use of metaphor.
他在城里挨家挨户兜售日用百货. He peddled small household articles around the town.
在这个食谱中, 可用蜂蜜代替食糖. Honey can substitute for sugar in this recipe.
住在大街旁最大的缺点是噪音。 The great drawback to living near a main road is noise.
他的样子在凹镜里显得非常可笑。 His figure looks very funny in the concave mirror.
他们最近一次战胜英格兰队是在1972年. They last defeated England in 1972.
上个月在这儿挖出了一尊古希腊雕像 An old Greek statue was dug up here last month.
那次可怕的经历铭刻在我的记忆中。 The terrible experience is seared into my memory.
薄雾在那座古老的城堡的周围打转转。 The mist eddied round the old castle.
他在狭窄的窗台上很难保持平衡. He balanced precariously on the narrow window-ledge.
该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊. The organizationworks to promote friendship between nations.
牧师在布道会上宣讲慈爱的必要。 The priest preached a sermon on the need of charity.
他在黑暗中只能勉强辨认出道路。 He was just able to discern the road from the dark.
这种花在温暖的气候中长得茂盛. This species of flower flourishes in a warm climate.
政府在制定新的法案以控制赌博。 The government is framing a new bill to control gambling.
专家们正在勘查这个岛的各个部分。 The experts are exploring every part of the island.
在毕业典礼上,学位被正式颁发。 At commencement, academic degrees are officially given.
市长在学校运动会上颁发奖品. The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day.
我听音乐,以便在烦恼时得到安慰。 I found solace from troubles in listening to music.
他在敌人面前胆小如鼠,真是可鄙。 His cowardice in face of the enemy was contemptible.
我们最好在树篱下躲一躲等雨停。 We had better get under the lee of the hedge until the rain stops.
一个青年因偷窃罪而在刑事庭受审。 A youth was tried in the criminal court for stealing.
人类与禽兽之别就在于具有思维能力。 Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals.
艰苦奋斗是在事业上成功的唯一途径. Hard graft is the only way to succeed in business.
容纳不下的病人躺在地上和走廊里。 Overflow patients lay on the floors and in the corridors.
这一策略旨在逐步削弱敌人的抵抗力. The strategy was designed to wear down the enemy's resistance.
财政不在我们这个部门的管辖范围之内。 Finance is not within the compass of our department.
我可以毫无疑问地得出结论他在说谎。 I can draw the conclusion without question that he is lying.
在交响乐曲的创作上,他堪称技艺大师。 In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman.
在市区线以内车速不能超过每小时35英里 Cars cannot exceed35 miles per hour within city limits.
护士在他的伤口上敷了一块干净的纱布垫。 The nurse put a clean pad of cotton over his wound.
他的计划的要点在这个报告中酌此概括。 The salient point of his plan is summed up in this report.
他住在街道弯弯曲曲的狭窄拥塞的老街区。 He lives in a warren of narrow twisting old streets.
我们在整个冬季战役中始终不如对手. We were outmanoeuvred and outfought throughout the winter campaign.
在这次事故中,工人受到大剂量的辐射。 In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation.
我是唯一明了老师真正在说什么的人。 I am the only one to pick up on what the teacher is really saying.
在桌上的银相框里有张她丈夫的照片。 In a silver frame on the table there is a photograph of her husband.
我可以用用你们的厕所吗--我实在憋不住了. May I use your lavatory I'm bursting! ie I need to urinate urgently.
唯有在南台湾我才见过像这样的风景。 Only in the southern part of Taiwan have I seen such scenery as this.
该政策旨在防止一些人压制另一些人. The policy is designed to prevent the predominance of one group over another.
小女孩把贝壳穿成一串,戴在脖子上。 The little girl threaded the shells together and wore them round her neck.
在我们的菜园里,我们种了茄子,黄瓜和土豆。 In our garden we have egg-plants, cucumber and potato.
他的妻子在那个群体中成为颇有地位的女子。 His wife has become a woman of some standing in the community.
作出决策乃当务之急,此事必然地落在他身上。 The necessity for making decisions devolves on him.
他用树枝在泥里探寻,想找回丢失的戒指。 He probed the mud with a stick, looking for the ring he had dropped.
那个小男孩在他母亲身边跳跳蹦蹦地往前走。 The little boy skipped along at his mother's side.
一滴奶在水中扩散开来, 使水变得混浊不清了. A drop of milk diffused in the water, and it became cloudy.
分支机构的经理在其管辖范围内有充分的自主权. Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas.
遵照指示, 警察在展览会期间警戒小偷。 The police have been instructed to keep an eye out for pickpockets at the fair.
军人在未获上级军官允许的情况下擅离职守。 Be away from duties without the permission of a superior officer.
英联邦在第一次世界大战前曾是一个强大的帝国。 The United Kingdom was a mighty empire before World War I.
在戒酒问题上,怀特先生是主张完全戒掉。 In the temperance question, Mr White takes his stand on total abstinence.
在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植水稻,饲养牲畜。 In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle.
在许多国家,童贞已经不像过去那样受重视了。 In some countries virginity is not as highly valued as it used to be.
这种雄鸟在与雌鸟交尾以前要跳一种交欢舞. The male bird performs a sort of mating dance before copulating with the female.
他们在他床的四周放上屏风,以便医生给他检查。 They put a screen around his bed so that the doctor could examine him.
俄罗斯是被包藏在一个闷胡芦里面的神秘物体之中的谜。 Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
在英国,用刀把食物送进嘴里被认为是粗鲁的行为。 Putting food into one's mouth with a knife is considered vulgar in England.
大吉岭茶一种上等的红茶,尤其生长在印度北部地区 A fine variety of black tea grown especially in the northern part of India.
他们是在他们因宗教信仰而受到迫害之后来到美洲的。 They came to America after being persecuted for their religious beliefs.
图形记录便显示了在短的间隙内先后到达的三种波。 The graphic record shows three waves arriving one after the other at short intervals.
敌人的狂轰滥炸在这个国家造成了空前的死亡和破坏。 The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country.
在某些亚洲的国家,进屋子之前脱下鞋子才是有礼貌的。 Before entering a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes.
他有了新创作的剧本, 巩固了他在国内的杰出剧作家的地位. With his new play he has consolidated his position as the country's leading dramatist.
一名匪徒在街上制造事端引人注目,其余匪徒则抢劫银行。 One of the gang create a diversion in the street while the others rob the bank.
在我还没工夫往掌上吐一口唾沫之前,他已经把那件工作做完了。 Before I had time to spit in my hands, he finished the work.
在美国,华盛顿是政府所在地,纽约是主要的商业中心。 In the US, Washington is the seat of government and New York City is the chief seat of commerce.
我从来没有在一个地方长住过,一定是我性格中有吉普赛人的特性。 I've never lived in one place too long, it must be the Gypsy in me.
那个冒失的新秘书兴冲冲地蹦跳到我跟前,问我是否在这里工作。 That cheeky new secretary just pranced up to me and asked if I worked here!
她用欺骗手法取得了理科教员的职位,她谎称曾在大学读过书。 She got the job of science teacher by fraudulent means; she pretended she'd studied at university.
九点半到这儿报到。你开始周薪200美元,在三天培训期间享受全额工资。 Report here at9: 30, and you'll get on the floor at$200 a week and receive full pay during your three day of training.
雌雄异株的在一个个体上产生雄性器官,而在另一同种的个体上产生雌性器官的 Having the male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals of the same species.
布道一次讲道,尤其是旨在于实际问题上启发会众,而不在于成为神学讲演 A sermon, especially one intended to edify a congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse.
如果那么你们能生产品质这么优良款式有新颖的鞋子,它们在我们市场上将会大受欢迎。 If you can produce fashionable styles of such fine quality, your shoes will win great popularity in our market.
在漫长的世界历史中,只有少数几代人在自由处于最危急的时刻被赋予保卫自由的责任。 In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.
缓刑对已被认定犯有某罪的人实行暂缓执行其刑罚,并在其保证良好行为的基础上给予暂时的自由 The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom on the promise of good behavior.
现象学研究人的经历中所有可能出现情况的学问,在此期间,并不考虑客观现实和纯粹的主观反应 The study of all possible appearances in human experience, during which considerations of objective reality and of purely subjective response are left out of account.
谁在敲鼓? Who's beating the drum?
谁在敲门? Who is knocking at the door?
我蹲在沙发後面. I crouched behind the sofa.
我们曾经住在伦敦。 Once we lived in London.
船在直布罗陀上煤。 Ships coal at Gibraltar.
她在惶恐中跪下。 She dropped to her knees in a panic.
鼹鼠在地下挖掘(路). The mole bored (its way) underground.
这个编在什麽标题之下? What heading does this come under?
我们现在究竟到哪里了? Where on earth have we fetched up now?
真想不到会在这儿遇见你! Fancy meeting you here!
他把食品存放在碗橱里。 He stored foods in his cupboard.
是真的还是我当时在做梦? Was it real or did I dream it?
贫富的鸿沟始终存在。 There is always a vast chasm between rich and poor.
日本在菲律宾群岛的北面。 Japan lies to the north of Philippines.
他的眼泪引起在场人的怜悯。 His tears were pathetic to witness.
他们盖著毯子(在一起)搂著. They cuddled up (together) under the blanket.
我喜欢在闲暇时打羽毛球。 I like to play badminton in my spare time.
他把一张红桃J 藏在口袋里。 He hid a knave of hearts in his pocket.
那个欠你一百块的人住在哪里? Where is the man that owes you $100?
水泥袋砰的一声落在地上. The sack of cement hit the ground with a thump.
这个节目在哪家电视台播放? Which TV station is the programme on?
在他们的成绩中他有何贡献? What share did he have in their success?
这些都是在这个车间制造的吗? Are these made in this workshop?
小羊羔在田野里跳跃嬉戏。 The lambs were capering about in the fields.
他们蜷著身子蹲在桌子底下. They (were) bent double crouching under the table.
落叶嗒塔地打在玻璃窗上。 The falling leaves pattered against the windowpanes.
她的长发披在後背直垂到腰间. Her hair hung down her back to her waist.
该房子/公路正在施工中。 The house/highway is in course of construction.
爱丁堡在伦敦北面很远的地方。 Edinburgh is a long way north of London.
跟他在一起的那个女人究竟是谁? Who on earth is that female he's with?
熨斗压在湿布上时发出嘶嘶声。 The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth.
这位老人在沙发上打起瞌睡来。 The old man is dropping away in the sofa.
《茶馆》正在首都剧场上演。 "The Teahouse" is playing at the Capital Theater.
那个男孩正在游泳池里游泳吗? Be the boy swimming in the swimming-pool?
这冰的厚度能禁得住在上边滑冰吗? Is the ice thick enough for skating?
产量的大小在於我们努力的程度. How much is produced depends on how hard we work.
我肯定是在这里的什麽地方--没错! I know (that) it's here somewhere it must be!
他们在崎岖不平的乡村小路上走着。 They walk on the rugged country road.
经济正在萎缩而不是在增长中。 The economy is shrinking instead of growing.
版权在作者死後50年即行终止. Copyright expires 50 years after the death of the author.
这腰带是在前面打结还是在後面? Does this sash tie in front or at the back?
我今天在城里遇到了一位老朋友呢! I met with an old friend in the town today!
第一次测量声速是在什么时候? When did the first measurement of the speed of sound take?
请你在这件衬衫上钉一颗钮扣好吗? Will you stitch a button on this shirt?
我在想像中彷佛听到她在呼唤我. In my imagination, I thought I heard her calling me.
大部分湖泊都在北部中心地区吗? Are most of the lakes Located in the north central region?
我一直在(多方)打听这件事. I've been making (some) inquiries (ie trying to find out) about it.
我的力气、 兴趣、 热情等正在减退. My strength, interest, enthusiasm, etc is flagging.
我瞄准了目标射击,但却打在了墙上。 I aimed at the target but hit the wall.
他们正在考虑把办事处搬出伦敦。 They are pondering moving their offices outside London.
像这样与你在此相逢真好比一场梦! Meeting you here like this is positively surreal!
上星期你在动物园里看到大象了吗? Did you see any elephants in the zoo last week?
在去夏威夷的旅途中, 我们都很开心。 On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits.
琼在从事争取妇女平等权力的活动。 Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women.
农民们在收割完庄稼后常烧茬子。 Farmers often burn the stubble after they have cut the corn.
树(在草地上)投下长长的影子. The tree cast (ie caused there to be) a long shadow (on the grass).
流星在空中画出了一道长长的弧线。 The falling star described a long curve in the sky.
玛丽写信时,孩子们在外面玩耍。 While Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.
把这种软膏搽在皮肤上,让它渗进去。 Rub the cream on your skin and let it sink in.
报纸在印刷机上印出来後他拿了一份。 He took a copy of the newspaper as it come off the press.
哪些人在总统竞选中最有可能获胜? Who are the front runners in the Presidential contest?
在伦敦遭空袭时, 有很多老百姓遇难. Many civilians were killed in the air raids on London.
那个东西掉在潮湿的沙子上, 然後沉了下去. It fell onto the wet sand, then sank (in).
他们设法欺骗弗雷德放弃在董事会的职位. They jockeyed Fred out of his position on the board.
他因有额外的工作, (很晚)仍留在办公室里. Extra work kept him (late) at the office.
约翰去南方跑了一趟,打算在那儿开业。 John made a trip to the South and considered setting up there.
汽车在宾馆外面[旅馆前面]停了下来。 The car pulled up outside the guesthouse [in front of the hotel].
有命令要我们必须在一小时内挖好战壕。 Orders came that we should spade the trench in an hour.
他把晚年用在教书和编纂以前的著作。 He spent his last years (in) teaching and editing earlier writings.
住在那个村子里的人们的头发全是赤褐色的。 All the people living in that country have auburn hair.
在接受调查的五百家住户中, 40% 有洗碗机. Of the five hundred householders surveyed, 40% had dishwashers.
他昏迷了几天, 但现在又(完全)清醒了. He was in a coma for days, but now he's (fully) conscious again.
摩西率领以色列人脱离在埃及的奴隶生涯。 Moses led the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt.
我从未答应过把汽车借给你: 你是在做梦吧! I never promised to lend you my car: you must be dreaming!
他与一名英国女子结婚并且定居在伦敦。 He married an English woman and took up his residence in London.
齐平地使其均匀、在一个平面上或留边排版 So as to be even, in one plane, or aligned with a margin.
你是把水果装在罐里保存呢,还是冷冻起来保存? Do you bottle your fruit or freeze it?
女人就该在家里干活儿, 这是上天的旨意吗? Is it ordained in heaven that women should work in the home?
生活在没有树木的大草原上的人们怎样谋生呢? How do people make a living in the steppe?
自从我们看望你母亲以来到现在有多长时间了? How long is it since we visited your mother?
她将其全部积蓄都花在了去埃及有这趟旅行上了。 She spend all her savings on a trip to Egypt.
我可以听见他在隔壁屋子里(不停地)锤打东西. I could hear him hammering (away) in the house next door.
罗马帝国在全盛时期几乎占据了整个欧洲。 At its zenith the Roman Empire covered almost the whole of Europe.
她生在伦敦, 但现在把巴黎看成是她的家乡. She was born in London, but she now looks on Paris as her home.
在它宽敞的大厅里,展出了8000多件珍贵文物。 In its spacious halls are displayed over8000 priceless relics.
伦敦运输公司在交通高峰时 间增开加班列车. London Transport run extra trains during the rush-hour.
住在通衢大道上的最大缺点就是噪声不断。 The great drawback to living on a main road is the constant noise.
早期的探险家可能在哥伦布之前已发现美洲. Earlier explorers probably anticipated Columbus's discovery of America.
她在西部(如加利福尼亚州)到现在已住了十年了. She's lived in the West (eg California) for ten years now.
乌龙(茶)一种在干燥前局部发酵的中国红茶 A dark Chinese tea that has been partially fermented before drying.
一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。 A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter.
不应该在梯子下面穿过, 人们都是这麽说说罢了. It's just (a) superstition that you shouldn't walk under ladders.
在中世纪时期,诗人常把天空叫作“苍穹”。 In medieval times, poets often called the sky "the vault of heaven".
史密斯先生和琼斯太太以及另外三位老师都在那儿. Mr Smith and Mrs Jones and three other teachers were there.
她在国外居住多年之後, 突然在伦敦重新露面了. After living abroad for years, she suddenly surfaced again in London.
他完全是靠个人的魅力,说服他们和他在一起干。 He persuaded them to join him by the sheer magnetism of his personality.
他毫无保留地(直言不讳地)述说了他在监狱中的事. He spoke without reserve (ie freely) of his time in prison.
我在早上做的头一件事,是刷我的牙、磨我的舌。 The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.
感想更多地建立在感情而不是理智上的观点;感想 Opinion based more on emotion than on reason; sentiment.
叫那些男孩子别在院子里吵闹:妈妈正在睡觉。 Tell the boys to stop messing about in the courtyard: Mother is sleeping.
每一个演员在临到开始表演之前都会心惊“腿”震。 Every actor has cold feet just before the beginning of a show.
在连续的场景中使用同样的道具以确保前後衔接. Continuity is ensured by using the same props in successive scenes.
在禁止酒後开车这一行动中要对司机突击检查. The campaign against drinking and driving will include spot checks on motorists.
凡希望受到皇帝恩宠的人都要拜倒在他面前. Those who wished a favour of the emperor had to grovel on hands and knees before him.
一个小贼在黑暗的街上拦住玛丽,把她的钱包拿走了。 A thief stopped Mary on a dark street and made off with her wallet.
马在第一道拦栅前就不肯跳了,我就是那时摔下来的。 The horse refused at the first fence, and that's when I came off.
这些火车头在1940年以前一直在大西部铁路线上运行. These locomotives ran on Great Western Railway metals until 1940.
安娜不会游泳, 在游泳池的深水区里挣扎著. Anna couldn't swim and was left floundering (about/around) in the deep end of the swimming-pool.
(牵引时所用的)力量在拉时所施的力或要克服的阻力 Force exerted in pulling or required to overcome resistance in pulling.
孩子们在河边玩耍, 突然其中一个滑了一跤跌进河里. The children were playing by the river when one of them slipped and fell in.
在自己的影片里短暂露面是阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的特点。 Appearing briefly in his own films was a trademark of Alfred Hitchcock.
我们是不著陆的连续飞行呢, 还是要在中途的什麽地方停一停? Is this a continuous flight, or do we stop off anywhere?
昨晚我酒喝得太多真是自讨苦吃, 现在头疼得很厉害! I'm paying the penalty for drinking too much last night; I've got a dreadful headache!
我出身於工人阶级, 在上流社会中感到很不自在. With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these high-society people.
宣布了提高工资有个倒霉事在後头--我们得延长工时. The announcementof the pay rise had a sting in its tail we would have to work longer hours.
他想起了家乡,想起那沐浴在阳光下的静静的田野和村庄。 He thought of home, of drowsy fields and villages bathed by the sun.
他在漆黑的电影院里被什么人的脚绊了一下,差点儿摔倒了。 He tripped over someone's foot in the darkened cinema and almost fell.
既然现在她在法国工作,那就可以满足她游览欧洲的愿望了。 Now that she has a job in France she can gratify her desire to see Europe.
听到他咂咂舌头的声音,她疑惑不解在想:"我说错了什么?" "What have I said wrong now? " She wondered, as she heard he click his tongue.
我是实事求是的人--知道不可能在一夜之间改变人们的看法。 I'm a realist I know you can't change people's attitudes overnight.
"我对自己说过的话很懊悔"。"不必在意,反正我不会记在心上的。" "I'm sorry for what I said." "Forget it, I can't remember anyway."
在一个集合中,具有定义一个集合性质的对象、实体或概念。 In a set, an object, entity, or concept having the properties that define a set.
年轻女子被举荐入宫(觐见君主)的风俗已不复存在. The custom of young ladies being presented at court (ie formally introduced to the monarch) has disappeared.
俚语,是脱下上衣、吐一口唾沫在掌上、跟着就着手工作的语言。 Slang is language that takes off its coat, spits on its hands, and goes to work.
马丁·路德·金在以非暴力手段寻求平等的过程中树立了许多敌人。 Martin Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.
灵魂出窍,亡魂显现活着的人在其临死前出现的作为预兆的鬼魂 An apparition of a living person that appears as a portent just before that person's death.
他正在当年的旧文件中搜寻伊丽莎白时代一般家庭开支的细节。 He is hunting up details of Elizabethan household expenditure in a document of the time.
在一次教会举办的专题座谈会上,有数百名妇女出席讨论堕胎问题。 At a church rap session a few hundred women came to talk about their abortions.
我宁愿观赏居住在自然栖息地里的动物,而不愿看关在动物园里的动物。 I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos.
共产国际世界上共产党的联合,由列宁在1919年建立,1943年解散 An association of Communist parties of the world, established in1919 by Lenin and dissolved in1943.
在维多利亚时代, 许多人对於人是由低级生物进化而来的见解大为震惊. Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had evolved from lower forms of life.
同函奉上55美元书款支票一张,外加每册14分邮费在内。请查收。 I am enclosing a cheque for$55.00 which covers the cost of the book plus the postage charge of14 cents a volume.
埃尔顿把他在夜里睡不着时所记熟的故事,几乎一字不错的复述了一遍。 Almost word for word, Elton repeated a story which he had committed to heart in the watches of the night.
在那次战役中,坦克常常用来起支援作用;像机动炮那样掩护步兵。 In that campaign, the tanks were often used in a support role, shooting-in die infantry as mobile artillery.
这个魁梧的男人穿着同样的衣服,在他那馅饼盘大小的手里捧着另外一只小猫。 The huge man was wearing the same clothes and carrying another kitten in his pie plate hand.
雷蒙:他说没什麽,他只是把我的脚踝浸在一些中药里,然后贴上一块膏药。 Raymond: He didn't say anything. He just soaked my ankle in some herbal medicine and then put a patch on it.
那位百万富翁是从很少的钱开始的.但是在最充分利用机会方面表现出他的本领。 That millionaire started with very little, but showed a skill in playing his cards right.
我们的商号正处在紧要关头: 倘若此番交易成功, 前途自无问题, 否则就要破产. Our business is at the crossroads: if this deal succeeds, our future is assured; if not, we shall be bankrupt.
商店为了迎合“自己动手”的狂热心理,为消费者提供可以在家里组装的零件。 Shops cater for the do-it- yourself craze by offering consumers bits and pieces which they can assemble at home.
工作台在上面做手工工作的坚固的桌子或长凳,如机械工人、木匠或珠宝匠的工作台 A sturdy table or bench at which manual work is done, as by a machinist, carpenter, or jeweler.
这时,在周一初步解雇7000人以后,公司昨天又遣散了2500名未参加工会的工人……。 Meanwhile, the company laid off another2, 500 nonunion workers yesterday after sending an initial7, 000 packing on Monday….
他在那些大胆而残忍的妇女把所有她们的男子杀死之后,曾经在雷姆诺岛旁边经过。 He later journeyed through the isle of Lemnos whose bold and heartless females, earlier, had slaughtered every male upon the island;
据说轮船严重受损,详情正在调查之中,但我方利益已完全保住,请电告伦敦公司。 Steamer report seriously damaged now ascertain particulars however our interest fully protected transmit to London
在远庄园欢度周末,使弗雷德和我极感高兴,我简直不知道眼前还有什么其他事情能比得上它。 I can't think of anything Fred and I would enjoy more right now than a weekend at Far Acres.
您能不能给我们建议一个好办法,让我们请大家送钱给我们,然后让我们在回到大陆时再购买礼物? Can you suggest a good way for us to ask people to send us the money, and let us buy the gift when we get to the mainland?
他总吹嘘自己在网球场上的杰出技术,可是帕姆毫不费力地连续数局败他,使他马上威风扫地。 He was boasting as usual about his prowess on the tennis court, but Pam soon cut him down to size by beating him effortlessly in straight sets.
我花了50英镑在商场上买了一件所谓的便宜瓷器,结果却是一文不值。我只得把此事引以为训。 I paid fifty pounds in the market for a so-called bargain piece of porcelain which turned out to be worthless; I'll just have to chalk it up to experience.
美国以及其他发达国家的官员说,将保护科技(以阻止外流)与对付饥饿问题混为一谈是在混淆视听。 Officials of the United States and other developed countries said that linking technology protection to the fight against hunger was a red herring.
我老喜欢在礼拜天起程旅行,因为无论走水路也好,走陆路也好,教堂里的祈祷将会保佑我的整个旅程。 I always like to begin a journey on Sunday because I shall have the prayers of the church to preserve all that travel by land or by water.
贴在窗上的海报写着:所有的电冰箱、洗衣机和吸尘哭降价5%,许多其它家用电器也赔血本出售。 The poster on the window read:5% reduction on all refrigerators, washing-machines and vacuum cleaners. Many other household appliances at cut-throat prices.
乔治敦开曼群岛国的首都,在西印度群岛中牙买加西面的大加曼岛上。它是一个国际性的金融中心。人口7,617 The capital of the Cayman Islands, on Grand Cayman in the West Indies west of Jamaica. It is an international banking center. Population, 7,617.
多丽丝在厨房里向外叫道:"换个调儿,行不行?你可意识到,你修窗子时一直在那儿反复地哼同一个调子?" "Change the record, will you? " shouted Doris from the kitchen. "Do you realize you've been whistling the same tune over and over, all the time you've been fixing that window? "
种族隔离制南非共和国实行的一种官方的种族隔离政策,包括在政治、法律和经济诸方面对非白色人种的歧视 An official policy of racial segregation practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部分的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任 Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit.
约翰内斯堡南非最大的城市,位于该国的东北部,在德班西北。在其附近发现金矿后于1886年建立,为主要的工业中心。人口703,980 The largest city of South Africa, in the northeast part of the country northwest of Durban. Founded in1886 after the discovery of gold nearby, it is a major industrial center. Population, 703,980.
但是我们彼此合作的领域还在不断增加。我们已经商定在贸易、技术、投资以及科学与管理专门知识的交流等方面更密切地合作。 But the areas of our mutual cooperation continue to expand. We have already agreed to cooperate more closely in trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise.
炮台公园曼哈顿岛南端的公园,位于纽约东南部的纽约湾北端。1808年为保护港口而建,早期荷兰和英国的防御工事及克林顿城堡就在此地 A park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island at the upper end of New York Bay in southeast New York. It is the site of early Dutch and English fortifications and of Castle Clinton, built in1808 for the defense of the harbor.
刹帝利四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层 The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class.
欧洲进一步统一的计划可以尚未定案,可是从赫尔辛基到罗马的人在最近几星期得到一个时常令人痛苦的教训:他们各国的经济已经如何地牵扯在一起了。 Europe's plans for further unification may be up in the air, but people from Helsinki to Rome have been learning an often painful lesson in recent weeks about how entwined their economies have already become.
如果病人住在公用病房里。很少有护士经过时不为他们做点小事情。这是护士的一项传统,即提供“亲切关怀护理”(TLC),亦即为病人提供持续不断的细小服务。 If patients are in an open ward, few nurses will pass them by without doing some little thing for them. It is in a nurse's tradition to give what is called"TLC", tender loving care, some constant little service to the sick.
初始设计开发阶段,首先必须发现可能存在的错误,并作相应的设计修改。正是在这个时期中,设计辅助程序、仿真技术和设计支援技术对于快速设计都是必不可少的。 The initial design development stage wherein, at first, it is certain that errors will be discovered which will require design changes. It is in this period that design aids, emulation techniques, and supportive design techniques are essential to quick design.
除了14行诗和其他诗体之外,莎士比亚的形式感隐蔽起来了,不存在着威胁。不论这一看法多么不对,它确实使这位紧跟在莎士比亚后面浮现出来的诗人一时生产一种幻觉:他可能是有惊无险。 Except in the sonnets and poems, Shakespeare's formal sense is disguised and does not threaten. No matter how wrong this idea might be, it does give the poet bobbing in Shakespeare's wake the momentary illusion that he might be waving instead of drowning.
显然,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能出售它的希尔森·里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。 Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a"financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
汽车在外头。 The car is outside.
你一定是在开玩笑吧。 You must be joking.
苹果树正在开花。 The apple trees are blossoming.
她的心脏还在跳动。 Her heart was still beating.
他正在上初中。 He is studying at a junior middle school.
不久他就跑在后头了。 Soon he fell behind in the race.
现在到了紧要关头。 We have come to the critical moment.
我们上学时在同一班. We were in the same class at school.
把词典时时 放在手边. Keep your dictionary ready (to hand) at all times.
这个人走在我们前头开路。 The man went ahead of us to clear the course.
你必须在一个安定的地方读书。 You need to study in a quiet place.
我们四个人挤在座位上. There were four of us squashed up against each other on the seat.
她在危急关头总是挺身而出. She's always to the fore at moments of crisis.
我想在十字路口下车可不准。 I wanted off at the cross road, but was refused.
汽车在交通信号灯处停住了. The car came to a full stop at the traffic lights.
她在明信片上草草地写了几个字. She scrawled a few words on a postcard.
她在最不合适的时候讲出了实话。 She plumped out the truth at the oddest times.
伟大的画家总是走在时代的前头。 A great painter is usually ahead of his time.
在我的老友当中,他看来最为年轻。 Among my old friends he has worn best.
他们有些人在进行高级研究工作。 Some of them are engaged in advanced studies.
信息产业在我国是新兴产业。 The information industry is an infant industry in our country.
病人安静地躺在内科病房的床上。 The patient lay quietly on his bed in the medical ward.
她在难民中工作是因为她有很深的信念. A deep faith underlies her work among refugees.
平民们在广场上集会反对他们的新市长。 The rabbles met on the square to oppose their new mayor.
对不起, 你只能在八号窗口买旅行支票。 I am sorry, you can only buy traveler's check at Window Eight.
很清楚,电动汽车在工艺技术上是可行的。 It's quite clear that the electric car is technically feasible.
在这样重要的场合, 我们有幸能欢迎... On an occasion such as this (ie as important as this) we are privileged to welcome...
当了名人的麻烦之一是在街上被人指指点点。 One of the penalties of fame is that people point at you on the street.
站在那儿的那个人就是我们一直在谈论的那个人。 The man standing over there is the very man that we have been talking about.
他装作一本正经,可是你看得出他是在开玩笑。 He pretended to be serious, but you could tell that he had hi tongue in his cheek.
我现在讲的话,我相信也是在座许多同志的想法。 In what I am saying now I believe I speak also for many others present at this meeting.
你平时如果努力学习,在考试前就不必这样整夜开夜车了。 If you work hard at other times, you won't have to sit up all night before the exam.
我算不上是个好水手,但我喜欢坐着我的小船在河上游玩。 I am not much of a sailor, but I like to about, in my little boat on their river.
他在学校总打架. He was always scrapping at school.
他在森林中迷路了。 He lost his way in the forest.
怒火在他心中燃烧。 Anger surged up within him.
我正在尽力学英语。 I'm trying to learn English.
旗子在风中飘扬。 Flags are fluttering in the breeze.
我不在乎,就随你了。 I don't mind, just as you like.
统计数字在括号里. The statistics were given in parenthesis.
现在仿佛是秋天似的。 It seems as if it were autumn.
她在衣著上很保守. She is conservative in the way she dresses.
我一直在四处寻找它。 I have been seeking it all round.
在我们家 不容许吸烟. We don't allow smoking in our house.
她在大学学习统计学. She's studying statistics at university.
血在他的血管中流动. The blood coursed through his veins.
他在国外居住了许多年。 He lived abroad for many years.
我们不是正在打扫房间。 We are not cleaning the room.
我对他在哪儿感到很好奇。 I am curious about where he is.
无论如何现在已经太迟了. It's too late now, anyhow.
敌军在数量上占优势. The enemy forces were superior in numbers.
把这些宝石藏在保险箱里. Shut the jewels up in the safe.
她正在戏剧研讨班学习。 She is studying in a theatre workshop.
鸟儿在清晨高声歌唱。 Birds sing loudest in the early morning.
一条标语在黑板正上方。 A slogan is over the blackboard.
要找他时,他偏偏不在。 He must needs go away when he was wanted.
把我应付你的钱都加在一起。 Add up all the money I owe you.
我们在月光下静静地坐着。 We sat quietly in the moonshine.
月光映在平静的海面上。 The moonlight shone on the calm sea.
现在随时都有火箭发射. Space rockets are being sent up all the time.
我们把书在地板上堆起来。 We put the books in piles on the floor.
他把一些书放在窗台上。 He keeps some books on the window ledge.
她不把我们的警告放在心上。 She paid no heed to our warnings.
我不在乎你们会说我什么。 I do not care what you will say about me.
有两座新房子正在修建。 There are two new houses under construction.
这场演出正在进行实况转播. This show is going out live.
政府正在重新检讨形势。 The government is reviewing the situation.
站在他旁的是一位劳动模范。 Standing by him was a model worker.
他在布告板上贴了一张公告。 He posted a bulletin on the board.
罐子掉在地板上摔了个粉碎. The pot shattered as it hit the floor.
现在这里居民的生活很幸福。 Dwellers here live a happy life now.
我毫不在乎他们对我怎么说。 I cared nothing about what they said of me.
农民们在愉快地收割庄稼。 The peasants are getting in the crops happily.
我对在那儿见到他感到很惊奇。 I was surprised at seeing him there.
他在做些无利可图的投机生意。 He makes some unprofitable speculations.
面团在冷空气中慢慢收缩了. The dough shrank slowly in the cold air.
现在选修理科的学生少了. Fewer students are opting for science courses nowadays.
他的个性体现在他的文章中。 His personality comes through in his writing.
他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。 He is trying his best to understand his meaning.
在所有四季当中,夏天最热。 Of all the four seasons, summer is the hottest.
她在剧中扮演了一个次要的角色。 She acted as a minor role in the play.
欢呼声在远处逐渐消失了. The sound of the cheering faded (away) in the distance.
他在同事中受到的评价很高。 He is highly estimated among his colleagues.
我喜欢这乡村,尤其是在春天。 I love the country, especially in spring.
那些云彩在山顶上空停留不散. Clouds have settled over the mountain tops.
她在工作中表现出高度的技巧. She shows a high degree of skill in her work.
待在像这样的地方不合我的身份。 I don't belong in the place like this.
她把书放在一旁, 点了一支香烟. She set aside her book and lit a cigarette.
我的家乡在这条河的上游地区。 My hometown is in the upper reaches of the river.
我们在危险的时候应该保持冷静。 We should keep our composure in danger.
科学家们正在寻找一种新元素。 The scientists are in search of a new element.
用电量最大的时候是在黄昏时. Demand for electricity peaks in the early evening.
这个月的数字已包含在总数之内。 This month's figures are comprised in the total.
该产品正在由我们实验室做测试。 The product is on trial in our laboratory.
她坐在角落里注视著我的一举一动. She sat in the corner, watching my every move.
士兵的勇气在战斗中得到考验。 A soldier's courage is put to the proof in battle.
军队正在把大量旧装备拍卖掉. The Army is auctioning off a lot of old equipment.
在过去十年里,物价一直在上涨。 Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.
他怕在所有朋友面前出洋相. He's afraid of looking foolish in front of all his friends.
孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾。 The children are well cared for in the nurseries.
我们的部队在前方3条战线上作战。 Our armies were fighting on three fronts.
在北半球,春季是三月和四月。 In the northern hemisphere, spring is in March and April.
我在比赛前把手表交妻子保管. Before the game I gave my watch to my wife for safe keeping.
在这个农家庭院里停着一台拖拉机。 There is a tractor in this farmyard.
他在英国文学中占有独特的地位。 He occupies a unique place in English literature.
把客人都挤在剩余的几个房间里了。 Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms.
他们在走投无路的情况下恳求援助。 They invoked help in the desperate situation.
村庄零零落落地散布在山脚下。 Small villages scatter at the foot of the mountain.
在上届国会中社会党人占优势. The Socialists were predominant in the last Parliament.
在我看来, 凡是留须的人模样都很像. Men with moustaches all look the same to me.
他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。 He made a statement before the House of Commons.
她一直在照管日常的行政工作. She has been looking after the ,day-to-day administration.
他正在这样干时被一位民兵撞见了。 A militiaman surprised him in the act.
这种汽车可以在自身长度范围内掉头. This car will turn in its own length.
他已有十三年未在电影中露面了。 He hadn't appeared in a film for thirteen years.
我们在有人引导下参观了大教堂. We were given a conducted (ie guided) tour of the cathedral.
贵宾们在大餐厅参加一个宴会。 The guests partook of a luxurious repast in the banqueting hall.
已经证实,记忆存在于某些金属中。 Memory has been shown to reside in some metals.
他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。 He persuaded her to sign the document by guile.
她被选定在这部影片中扮演女主角。 She was chosen to play the heroine in this film.
几个行人在结冰的人行道上滑倒了. Several pedestrians had come to grief on the icy pavement.
每个零件在装配前都经过仔细检查. Each component is carefully checked before assembly.
这部电影已在电影院及电视上放映. The film has been screened in the cinema and on TV.
厨师们在大队人马之前到了野地营地。 The cooks arrive on camp in advance of the main party.
我们听到了他走在楼梯上沉重的脚步声。 We heard his heavy tread on the staircase.
在平静的海面上航行我感到很舒服。 I felt comfortable sailing on the smoothness of the sea.
尽管困难在增加,但我们毫不灰心。 Difficulties were increasing. Even then we did not lose heart.
各队为取得第一名在激烈的竞争中遭遇 The teams met in fierce contention for first place.
在我方的沉重打击下,敌军被迫后退。 The enemy was forced to get back under our massive blows.
在我们大多数办公室任职的是志愿人员。 Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.
我们出门散步时,孩子们总是落在后头。 The children always lag behind when we go for a walk.
在过去的五十年里,老虎的数目锐减。 The number of tigers has reduced abruptly in the last fifty years.
主教在仪式上为许多人施行了坚信礼. The bishop conducted a number of confirmations at the service.
在处理紧急事件时,速度是非常重要的。 Speed is of the essence in dealing with an emergency.
品德就是自我在暗地里独处时的样子。 Character is what we are when we are alone with ourselves in the dark.
士兵在那场战斗中用尽了所有的弹药。 The soldiers expended all their ammunition in that fight.
在过去十年里,医学取得了巨大的进步。 There have been great advances in medicine in the last ten years.
在选举前后政客们总要许愿讨好民众。 Politicians bid for popular favour around election time.
他对那把墨水倒翻在书上的孩子臭骂了一顿。 He swore at the boy who dropped ink on the book.
下雨了,他们不得不在旅馆里待了一整天。 It was raining; they had to stay in the inn the whole day.
目前,这个国家的人民正在日益觉醒。 At present the people in this country are increasingly awakening.
在法律上,你没有义务非回答这些问题不可。 You are not legally bound to answer these questions.
一堆,一叠按堆排放或扔在一起的一些东西 A quantity of objects stacked or thrown together in a heap.
他们在围墙下面挖地道通向远处林中. They tunnelled along under the walls and up into the woods beyond.
我在做出决定之前不得不再三考虑此事。 I have to turn the matter over and over before make a decision.
头一天夜里,我们在一个小居民点停留下来。 On the first night we stopped over in a small settlement.
这一机构是在一家大企业倡导下开办的。 This establishment opened under the sponsorship of a large corporation.
全村强烈反对在附近修建机场的计划. The whole village is up in arms about the proposal to build an airport nearby.
他们的船在浪急风高的海上危险地航行着。 Their ship was sailing dangerously in the tempestuous sea.
在内战期间成千上万的人逃离了这个国家. During the civil war thousands of people fled the country.
他在讲话过程中曾停下三次等待掌声落下. He stopped for applause three times during his speech.
他一直在讨好导演, 想在剧中扮演主角. He has been courting the director, hoping to get the leading role in the play.
他那难得一见的微笑在他死板的脸上平添一些生气. A rare smile lit up his stern features.
我们在提供车辆方面与政府订有合约. We have a contract with the Government for the supply of vehicles/to supply vehicles.
过渡过渡或变化,如人死后向精神存在的过渡 A transition or change, as to a spiritual existence at death.
由于洗后缩小,那件衬衫现在小得不能穿了。 As a result of shrinkage, the shirt is now too small to wear.
在新年这一天下决心是一个依然流行的习俗。 Making resolution on new year's day is a custom that still prevail.
他在水龙头下面冲洗茶壶, 以便把茶叶冲掉. He rinsed the teapot out under the tap, to get rid of the tea-leaves.
在我看来, 他本身体现了教师应有的一切优秀品质. To me he embodies all the best qualities of a teacher.
他是一个精明的商人,深知自己的利益所在。 He was a shrewd businessman. He knew which side his bread was buttered on.
在上高中时, 我们有语文, 英语, 科学等课程。 In senior high school we have Chinese, Science, English, and so forth.
地质学在此把人类历史的延续移交给考古学。 Geology here passes over the continuation of the history of man to Archeology.
领先者在其余赛跑者加速时就逐渐失去了优势。 The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners accelerate.
老师在这类课堂活动中起着十分积极的作用。 The teacher plays a very active part in this type of classroom activity.
他来看他们是不是在尽量加紧进行这项工作。 He came to see whether they were doing all they could to rush the work.
见到老战友使我回想起自己在部队中的日子。 The sight of the old comrade-in-arms carried me back to my days in the army.
在产品设计和质量上, 意大利人大大超过了他们. In design and quality of manufacture they were outclassed by the Italians.
世人未必全都爱自己的爱人,但世人全都在注视他。 All the world may not love a lover but all the world watch him.
他的样子和他在电话中说话的声音反映的病情是一样的。 He looks as ill as he sounded on the phone.
要不是这位好心的向导,我可能就在山中迷路了。 Had it not been for the kind guide, I might have got lost in the mountains.
我想介绍我的地理老师给你认识,你现在是国会议员。 I'd like you to meet my geography professor. He's in the congress.
我们正著手生产一种新的款式,可望在秋季面世。 Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the autumn.
他杀死了敌人的看守,然后在老乡们的帮助下跑掉了。 He killed the enemy guard and made away with the help of the villagers.
我原以为发生的事是够糟的了,不料更糟的事还在后头。 I thought that what happened was bad enough, but worse was to follow.
他正在阅读一部引人入胜的惊险小说,什么也惊动不了他。 He is at an absorbing thriller and can't be disturbed.
今晚大家似乎喝酒喝得太多了,当然在座的各位除外。 People seem to have drunk far too much tonight, present company excepted of course.
他在这笔交易中的失利完全是由于他自己的粗心大意。 His failure in this transaction was due to nothing else than his own carelessness.
爸爸的体力正在恢复,但他确实经历了一段痛苦的时间。 Dad's beginning to get his strength back now, but he's had a bad time of it.
保守党在上次议会选举中从工党手里夺得这个议席. The Conservatives won the seat (ie in Parliament) from Labour at the last election.
我不去问他求职面试的情况, 这是他现在的伤心事. I wouldn't ask him about his job interview; it's rather a sore point with him at the moment.
我想着重指出,我们愿意在任何时候与管理部门会谈。 I would like to emphasize that we are ready to meet the management at any time.
目前我不能出让那所房子, 此刻房价正在急剧上涨. I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.
大家都在给他们心目中的热门参赛者加油, 暗使劲儿使之获胜. The crowd were cheering their favourite on, willing her to win.
在晚报的一则广告里,他促请大家注意他新进的货物。 In an advertisement in the evening paper, he calls public attention to his new stock of goods.
年轻人特有的热情和锐气在这些人当中没有多大表现。 The fire and dash pertaining to youth are not much in evidence among these people.
他个头很大, 夹在我和窗户之间, 我看不见外边的东西了. He interposed his considerable bulk (ie body) between me and the window, so that I could not see out.
一辆重型卡车在建筑工地入口处的烂泥中吃力地移动着。 A heavy lorry was floundering around in the thick mud at the entrance to the.building site.
马克思主义认为世界存在于我们之外,而且独立于我们而存在。 Marxism believes that the world exists outside us and independently of us.
他的学术报告打算重点谈针刺麻醉在脑外科方面的应用。 His lecture is intended to bear down on the application of acupuncture anesthesia in brain surgery.
记住,你现在当家作主了,要大胆说话,有什么想法就告诉我们。 Remember you are one of the masters now, so speak up and tell us what you think.
在现代战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。 In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers.
在有充足的水分的地方,有好的日照时,大多数植物生长良好。 Most plants grow well where there is sufficient moisture and when there is good sunshine.
当父母们在田里劳动的时候,孩子们在托儿所里受到良好的照顾。 Small children are well cared for in nurseries while their parents work in the fields.
我们从前的一切观念都正在改变, 我们的工作肯定要有很大变动. All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically.
我不能肯定已经领会您的意思。是不是您不满意您现在的工作。 I am not certain I have grasped what you meant. Is it(that) you are not satisfy with your present job?
客观主义在文学或艺术中对客观物体的强调而并非对情感或思想的强调 An emphasis on objects rather than feelings or thoughts in literature or art.
资产阶级政客们为了要在自己政党内确立有利地位而钻营策划。 The bourgeois politicians jockeyed about in order to establish advantageous positions within their party.
扩展器在某一给定范围的输入电压内产生较大输出电压的转换器 A transducer designed for a given range of input voltages that produces a larger range of output voltages.
排练常在戏剧制作早期进行的短暂的排练,如关于某剧或某角色的排练 A brief rehearsal, as of a play or role, performed usually in an early stage of production.
西非歌舞艺人在西非地区保持村落或家族口头传统和历史的讲故事者 A storyteller in western Africa who perpetuates the oral tradition and history of a village or family.
正是在一定温度下塑料所具有的塑性使它比其他许多材料更优越。 It is their plasticity at certain temperatures that gives plastics their main advantage over many other materials.
班级舞会常在学年结束或将近结束时高年级或大学生开的正式舞会 A formal dance held for a high-school or college class typically at or near the end of the academic year.
他们在陆军海军中应当有亲属,在外交部门中至少应当有一门亲戚。 He should have relatives in the army and navy and at least one connection in the diplomatic service.
她得到了一份新工作,这个月又连加三级工资。她在上头一定有熟人。 She has had a new job and three increases in her wages this month. She must have friends in high places.
要不然他还会在教书,因为他的心仍然在课堂上和他的学生们在一起。 Otherwise he would still be teaching, because his heart and soul were still in the classroom with his students.
事情到了两群人马各坐在教堂里相对的两边,隔着通道怒目相视的地步。 Things reached the point where the two groups sat on opposite sides of the church, glaring across the aisle.
在软件产品评价技术中,对特定软件产品进行软件质量度量的活动。 In software product evaluation, the action of applying a software quality metric to a specific software product.
在此期间,我们将保留上述箱子,听候你方处理。你方对此作何处理请告知为盼。 Meanwhile we are holding the above-mentioned case at your disposal, please let us know what you wish to do with it.
石油化工产品现在已占所有化学制品的四分之一,十年后预计这个数目还要加倍。 Petrochemicals today account for one fourth of all the chemicals made, in ten years this amount is expected to double.
如果我是你,我现在就不会进去找他。他这会儿心情不好,见谁骂谁,看什么都不顺眼。 I shouldn't go in and see him now if I were you. He's having one of his bad days, swearing at everything and everyone.
适应气候动物或植物在生理上对气候或环境的变化,比如光线,气温或高度变化的适应 The physiological adaptation of an animal or a plant to changes in climate or environment, such as light, temperature, or altitude.
自我在精神分析学中指有意识的最直接地控制思想和行为,与外部世界联系也最多的那部分自我 In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality.
在计算机程序设计中,一种高级语言的语句或指令,其功能是将一个值放到程序指定的内存地址单元内。 In computer programming, a high level language instruction that places a value in a program specified memory address, location.
在你看来,停车时把汽车的保险杆部分突出在人行道上似乎是微不足道的,但就法制观念而言,这仍旧是一种犯法的行为。 Parking with your car bumper overhanging the pavement may seem trivial to you, but in the eyes of the law it is still an offence.
物理学家们正在研究对环境危害少的发电新方法,与此同时,许多发电厂也在实现现代化以减少污染物质的释放量。 Physicists are studying new ways of generating electricity with less damage to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluting material.
尽管我以前从未为银行工作过,但我觉得在银行工作非常舒适自在,因为我曾为一位会计师工作过,而且我习惯于同数字打交道。 Although I've never worked for a bank before, I feel quite at home there because I used to work for an accountant and I'm used to dealing with figures.
代际联系父母与后代之间亲密关系的形成过程,常常在孩子出生时就开始,是更深的感情联系的基础,影响着孩子的生理和心理发育 The attachment process occurring between a parent and offspring that usually begins at the time of birth, is the basis for further emotional affiliation, and influences the child's physical and psychological development.
她正在揉面。 She is kneading dough.
壁纸正在剥落. The wallpaper is peeling (off).
我正在要告辞了。 I am going to leave now.
血液在体内循环. Blood circulates through the body.
他在荒地里迷了路。 He lost his way in the heath.
越狱犯依然在逃. The escaped prisoner is still at large.
她把那孩子搂在怀里. She pressed the child to her.
燕子在空中掠过. Swallows are darting through the air.
猎人藏在小木屋里。 The hunter hid in a log cabin.
那柱子牢牢地埋在地里. The post is fast in the ground.
我正在找兼职工作。 I'm looking for a part-time job.
他把钱放在柜台上. He placed the money on the counter.
峡谷展现在我们的脚下. The valley lay at our feet.
水在摄氏零度结冰。 Water freezes at 0 Celsius degree.
小棚屋在房子的一边. The shed is to the side of the house.
她正在攻读博士学位. She's studying for her doctorate.
大地在他的脚下震动。 The ground quaked under his feet.
现在是投资的最佳时机. The best time to invest is now.
喜悦和惊异交织在一起。 Joy mingled with surprises.
他勉强被容许留在这里。 He is here on sufferance.
她把孩子紧紧抱在怀里。 She clasped the baby to her bosom.
他的书在柜子里找到了。 His book turned up in the cupboard.
我们在夜幕掩护下行进. We travelled under cover of darkness.
灌木散布在树林之中。 Bushes were interspersed among trees.
那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。 The lamp hung over the table.
卫兵派驻在监狱四周。 Guards were stationed around the prison.
他沉浸在巨大的欢乐之中。 He is in immeasurable joy.
孩子们在沙坑中玩耍。 The children were playing in the sand pit.
湖里有许多鸭子在游泳。 There are many ducks swimming in the lake.
看守在深夜仍在站岗。 The guards are still on watch at midnight.
他们在墓旁脱帽默哀. They took off their hats by the grave in silent salute.
她现在隶属于国防部。 She's on attachment to the Ministry of Defense.
人群汇集在宫殿的四周。 The crowds concentrated round the palace.
我们住在很富裕的住宅区. We live in a rather rich neighbourhood.
他似乎现在住在这个区域。 He lives seemingly now in this area.
他在这个问题上虚怀若谷。 He has an open mind in this matter.
把你的外衣挂在那个挂钩上. Hang your coat (up) on that hook.
花瓣在阳光下张开了. The petals of the flowers expanded in the sunshine.
你可以把外套挂在钩子上。 You may hang your coat on the hook.
她在铝锅里下了些面条。 She put some noodles in the aluminum saucepan.
有些昆虫把卵产在地上. Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground.
请把绳子挂在那根钉子上。 Please hook the rope over the nail.
我在这座陌生的城市迷路了。 I got lost in the strange city.
我的狗不在旁边我就很寂寞。 I feel very lonely without my dog.
那水坝在水的压力下决口了. The dam burst under the weight of water.
机器安装在混凝土基座上. The machine rests on a bed of concrete.
别在快餐馆耽误太长时间。 Don't stay too long at the snack bar.
新抹的泥灰在几个小时内能干 Fresh plaster will fix in a few hours.
灯塔在远处发出闪烁的光. A lighthouse was flashing in the distance.
搜索队在荒草地分散行动. The search party spread out over the moor.
裹在他伤口上的纱布脏了。 The gauze patch applied to his wound is dirty.
老一辈的各类人都在那里. Many representatives of the older generation were there.
他突然在冰上摔了个屁股蹲儿。 Suddenly he sat down on the ice.
每一排瓦都搭在下面的一排上. Each row of tiles laps the one below.
我的朋友在威尔士的农场种地。 My friend is farming in Wales.
病人的情况在夜间恶化了. The patient's condition worsened during the night.
香烟在地毯上烧了一个窟窿. The cigarette burnt a hole in the carpet.
水在阳光下不久就蒸发了。 The water soon evaporated in the sunshine.
在公共汽车上要谨防扒手。 Please guard against pickpockets on the bus.
我将在圣诞节前后去拜访你。 I will visit you around Christmas.
撞了个窟窿的油船正在喷油。 The holed tanker was disgorging oil.
一群人很快便聚集在他的周围。 A crowd soon gathered round him.
那车在高速公路上飞速行驶。 The car is whizzing along the motorway.
他坐在摇椅里前后摇晃着。 He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair.
他在很亮的阳光下眯起了眼睛。 He squinted in the bright sunlight.
他在自己的领域里已经出名了。 He has become famous in his own field.
我们正在给房子的外墙涂漆。 We are painting the exterior wall of the house.
我们赤着脚在海滩上走来走去。 We walked around the beach barefoot.
他被绑在一把椅子上, 就那样待著. He was bound to a chair and left.
垂直线与水平线在此相交. The vertical line meets the horizontal one here.
在动物园我看见了两只小骆驼。 I saw two small camels in the zoo.
全城沉浸在节日的气氛中。 The whole city was immersed in a festival atmosphere.
现在只有出现奇迹她才能得救。 Nothing but a miracle can save her now.
候选人在辩论中唇枪舌箭。 The candidates exchanged shafts in the debate.
该计划的妙处在于简洁明了。 The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.
有人发现她趴在小屋的地板上. She was found prostrate on the floor of the cell.
我喜欢在周末做些剧烈运动。 I like to take some energetic exercise at weekend.
村庄在水坝决堤时被冲走了。 The village was swept away when the dam burst.
你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。 You may open a current account at a bank.
我们在海滩上野餐,趣味无穷。 We had a lot of fun at the picnic on the beach.
我们只是在昨天才与她偶然相遇. We met her only yesterday, as it happens.
汽车的挡风玻璃在夜间结了霜. The car windscreen frosted over during the night.
固定物牢固地安放在一个地方的东西 Something securely fixed in place.
那艘宇宙飞船溅落在太平洋中. The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific.
裁判判定他在第一回合被击败。 The referee counted him out in the first round.
那位年轻的母亲把孩子抱在怀里。 The young mother held the baby to her bosom.
他们站立在她的墓的周围向她默哀. They stood in silent homage round her grave.
海港的灯火在水平线上闪烁著. Harbour lights were blinking on the horizon.
在旧社会老百姓的生活是贫苦的 The husbandmen's life in old society is poor.
他在事故中大脑受伤无法治愈. He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash.
一盏小灯笼在黑暗中微微闪光。 A little lantern blinked in the darkness.
那种织物陈列在金属制的架子上。 The fabric was displayed on a wired stand.
摆在他面前的是继续吃苦受罪。 Ahead of him lay the prospect of continuing hardship.
在一些热带国家,眼疾很流行。 Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.
电力供应已在电源处截断. The electricity supply has been cut off/disconnected at the mains.
在翻地时应把肥料均匀地混入土壤中. The manure should be well dug in.
部队恰恰在这时准备开进城去. The troops are even now preparing to march into the city.
我们在高速公路上行驶时汽油用完了. We ran out of juice on the motorway.
我们在兰开斯特转弯离开了高速公路. We turned off the motorway at Lancaster.
这个村庄在洪水泛滥时被淹没了。 The village was overwhelmed when the floods came.
他想到要在冬天游泳就有些犹豫. He boggled at the thought of swimming in winter.
我们把钱用在兴建灌溉工程上了. We used the money to set up an irrigation project.
在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。 The huge trees were profiled against the night sky.
奴隶制在许多国家已经被废除。 The abolition of slavery had been exercised in many countries.
警方在竞选之夜制止了几处骚乱。 The police stopped several riots on election night.
有一只老虎跑出, 正在城里东逃西窜. An escaped tiger is roaming free in the town.
他在柱子上涂上了起保护作用的液体. He painted the posts with a preservative liquid.
警方正在查阅类似案件的档案. The police are trawling (through) their files for similar cases.
开车的人在快要转弯时按响了喇叭. The driver tooted his horn as he approached the bend.
在暴风中屋顶的瓦片哗啦啦地落了下来. During the gale roof tiles came hurtling down.
该航天器在绕月球轨道上飞行. The spacecraft is in orbit (ie moving in orbit) round the moon.
这个政治家在他的同胞中不得人心。 The politician was unpopular with his countryman.
别惦记我们--我们不久就和你们在一起了. Don't bother about us we'll join you later.
列车在约克又挂上了两节车厢. Two extra carriages were joined onto the train/joined on at York.
共和国的未来性质尚在未定之天。 The future character of the Republic is in the air.
她讨厌在宴会上为应酬而和人交谈。 She detests having to talk to people at parties.
在紧急情况下保持镇静是很重要的. It is important to keep/stay calm in an emergency.
在无人岛上夸耀富有也是白费力气。 It is of no use boasting of being rich on a desert island.
他在沟里和草堆里露宿了一个星期。 He'd been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks.
驾驶员把失灵的飞机降落在田地里。 The pilot brought his crippled plane down in a field.
敌人的炮弹在士兵行列中炸成大洞。 The enemy's shells made great holes in the ranks.
他在执行职务中遇到许多阻力. In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance.
护士在缝合伤口前先清洁一下伤口。 The nurse cleansed the wound before stitching it.
在阳光照射下能看见架子上有灰尘。 The dust on the shelf show up in the sunlight.
他白费力气想抓住停在花上的蝴蝶。 He tried in vain to catch the butterfly on the flower.
在旧社会工人农民是被剥削的阶级。 Is the old society worker and farmer is exploited class.
从前的人把监犯的头钉在尖桩上. In former times, prisoners' heads were impaled on pointed stakes.
在圣诞节期间, 广告战已达到高潮. The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at Christmas.
一位老人坐在公园的长凳上喂鸽子。 An old man sat on the park bench and fed the pigeon.
她在攀登过程中表现出极大的耐力。 She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.
这些女孩在溜冰,而这些男孩在观看。 The girls are skating and the boys (are) watching.
进屋前先在门口擦鞋垫上擦一擦鞋子。 Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in.
爆炸的时间定在飞机起飞的时刻。 The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the plane's take-off.
女子在体力上而不是智力上比男子弱。 Woman is physically but not mentally weaker than man.
在这个国家里,元旦是全国性的假日。 In this country New Year's Day is a national holiday.
敌机在地面滑行时机首着地翻身撞毁了。 The enemy plane nosed over and was damaged.
在比尔家里,真正当家的是她的老婆。 It's Bill's wife who really rules the roost in that family.
包装瓷器时在周围多放些包装材料。 Put plenty of wrapping round the china when you pack it.
她今天在街上竟能屈尊跟我打招呼。 She actually condescend to say hello to me in the street today.
他在紧急关头十分镇静为此感到骄傲。 He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.
他在热带医学这一领域里广获赞扬。 He has won wide recognition in the field of tropical medicine.
机智在于知道自己可以过分到什么程度。 Tact consists in knowing how far we may go too far.
这是我们的房间,你们的在走廊的那一头。 This is our room, and yours is down the passage.
盛有核废料的密封容器被丢在海里。 Sealed containers of nuclear waste have been dumped in the sea.
无论如何, 医疗物资会在一周内到达。 At any rate, the medical supplies will reach you within a week.
有一男子遭人毒打, 路人只在一旁观看. Passers-by just looked on as a man was viciously attacked.
别耽误了,现在就去索取一份免费的目录吧。 Don't delay. Write now for a free catalogue.
与其说成功在于运气不如说是辛勤努力。 Success lies not so much as in luck as in hard work.
时装新潮很快就在全世界流行起来。 Fashion trends diffuse themselves rapidly around the globe.
那姑娘站在门前的台阶上冷得直打哆嗦。 The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep.
那座巨大的岛屿隐隐约约浮现在地平线上。 The mountainous island loomed on the horizon.
为了获得他们的支持,任何代价均在所不惜。 No price is too high for winning their support.
我呆在那个办公室里感觉真像在笼子里一样. I felt terribly caged in in that office.
有一只蝴蝶正在花丛里忽上忽下地飞着。 A butterfly is flying up and down among the flowers.
现在向您表达我们对您的感激最为恰当。 It's the appropriate time for showing you our thanks.
在进入喷嘴之前,蒸汽处于高压状态。 Prior to entering the nozzle, the steam is at high pressure.
我把一切东西都锁在保险箱里以防万一。 I took the precaution of locking everything in the safe.
他们恰在发洪水之前离开, 走得真是时候. Their departure just before the floods was providential.
她在协会中借助图片讲述其印度之行. She gave the society an illustrated talk on her travels in India.
母亲在白天把她的孩子交托给幼儿园。 The mother gave her child over to the kindergarten during the day.
他们正在激烈争论这个事件的是非曲直。 They are disputing about the rights and wrongs of the case.
英国在第一次世界大战中是美国的同盟国。 Britain was an ally of America in the World War I.
在柜台可以买到供自动售烟机使用的代币. Tokens for the cigarette machine are available at the bar.
有些地方仍使用在太阳下晒干砖块的方法。 In some places, bricks are still baked in the sun.
在实验室能够繁殖细菌和其他生物. It is possible to multiply bacteria and other living organisms in the laboratory.
我部队在临河高地上占据了防御阵地. Our troops took up defensive positions on high ground overlooking the river.
我躺在床上回想王大爷给我讲的那番话。 I lay in bed and recalled the things Uncle Wang had told me.
他朝那特务的下巴一拳打去,把他打昏在地。 He hit the secret agent on the jaw and completely laid him out.
您可以将您的贵重物品放在旅馆的保险柜里。 You may deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.
那座山在东方天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明. The mountain was sharply defined against the eastern sky.
现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。 It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.
我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内. I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car.
这件丑闻可以说明这个党在整体上不健康. This scandal will reflect badly on the Party as a whole.
在演讲开始时,他总是先分发一份提纲。 At the beginning he would always hand out an outline of the lecture.
在火上一下子添上很多煤, 反而能把火闷死. If you put too much coal on the fire at once you'll smother it.
参谋人员在地图上把这个地区精确地标了出来。 The staff officers mapped out the area thoroughly.
只有在王室成员在场的时候才升起这面旗帜。 The flag is only raised when royalty are present.
边缘地带刚刚超出或恰好在某特定地区的地带 A region just beyond or at the edge of a settled area.
那狗正在睡觉, 听到有人唤它, 猛地惊醒过来. On hearing his name called the sleeping dog sprang to life.
各党形成联盟时, 共产党人被排斥在外. When the coalition was formed, the Communists were left out in the cold.
争辩在讨论或辩论中据理力争的行为或实例 The act or an instance of striving in controversy or debate.
在丛林中, 他们为了生存被迫采取极端行动. In the jungle, they were driven to extremes in order to survive.
那个编辑在一篇社论中恶毒地攻击了反对派。 The editor got his claws into the opposition in a vicious editorial.
烈士们的英勇事迹在广大群众中传颂着。 The heroic deeds of the martyrs are on the lips of the broad masses.
就在我们犹豫不决的时候, 别人把那所房子买下了. While we were wavering, somebody else bought the house.
山山峰或丘陵,尤其用在山名的正式名字中 A mountain or hill. Used especially as part of a proper name.
在南美的一些风险投机中他损失了所有钱财。 He loses all his money in some risky venture in South America.
猛然间我想起了先前曾在那里见到这个男孩。 It suddenly came back to me where I had seen the boy before.
在前进的道路上,他们是一定会碰到曲折的。 On their way forward, they are bound to run into twists and turns.
在这些孩子的眼里, 父亲的书房是最神圣的地方. To the children, their father's study was the holy of holies.
你在良心上总不能认为那样的报酬算是合理的吧. You cannot in all conscience regard that as fair pay.
这种心理治疗是在一起活动的小组之间进行的. The psychotherapy is carried out in small interactive groups.
那个腿部受伤致残的士兵正沉浸在悲哀之中。 The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.
我总感觉到她因某种缘故而对我怀恨在心。 I always have a felling that for some reason she bears a grudge against me.
宇宙是从一个本来就存在著的球体中产生出来的. The universe was created out of a primordial ball of matter.
在第一次世界大战中,我祖父驻守在法国北部前线。 Grandfather was in the trenches during the First War.
在办公室是熬过了平凡的一天后,我精疲力竭了。 After an ordinary day at the office I feel completely washed up.
我在这个市镇受了一年罪, 总算离开这里了. After a year of misery here, I'm finally shaking the dust of this town off my feet.
无论在什么工作岗位,他总是有股子革命干劲。 No matter what his post is, he always works with a revolutionary drive.
把电炉打开,在穿睡衣睡裤之前把它们先烤热。 Put on the electric fire and warm your pyjamas before putting them on.
当他们在放映幻灯片时,要我保持清醒是不可能的。 It is impossible to stay awake when they show slides.
在那个国家的少数民族的国籍问题上仍有争论。 The nationality of the minority groups in that country is still at issue.
政府害怕罢工可能在其他行业产生连锁反应. The Government fear the strike may produce a chain reaction in other industries.
人们经常发现在同一剧中同一演员兼演父与子。 It is often found the same actor doubles with father and son in the same play.
大选在即, 主要政党间的论战愈演愈烈. As the election approaches the war of words between the main political parties becomes increasingly intense.
他们挑战那家公司在电子学领域中占据的领先地位。 They challenged that company's supremacy in the field of electronics.
示威抗议者驻扎在职业大楼之外进行示威的人或一群人 A person or group of persons present outside a building to protest.
医生们在努力保证早产婴儿成活方面热情很高。 The doctors were zealous in their efforts to ensure the survival of premature babies.
突击队员在敌后来了一个突然袭击。摧毁了雷达站。 The commandos made a lightning strike behind enemy lines and destroyed the radar station.
他抬头一看,见是一个铁钩子正在他脑袋上方晃来晃去。 He looked up and found an iron hook dangling about his head.
请将漆罐和刷子递给我,我要在天花板上再刷一层。 Please pass up the paint pot and brush; I will put another coat on the ceiling.
极度的狂怒使妻子不但在家里,而且还在外头破口大骂。 It was more than blind rage which led the wife to swear outside as well as in.
他并没有准备讲话, 但在会议结束时现凑了几句. He hadn't prepared a speech but he managed to string together a few remarks at the end of the meeting.
在一年中的这个时候,下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性并不大。 Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year.
我们的战士在那个孤立无援的阵地上坚持了两个多钟点。 Our fighters held on in that isolated position for more that two hours.
进入皇宫时先要在入口大厅等候, 由人带领进入正殿. You have to wait in a large entrance hall before being shown into the court proper.
紧固件能使一件东西牢牢固定在另一件东西的物件,如钩子 Something, such as a hook, used to attach one thing to another firmly.
这个报告对在城市中部建厂的社会成本进行了审查。 The report examine the social cost of building the factory in the middle of the town.
紧身马甲妇女穿的有花边的外衣,如背心一样穿在外衣的上面 A woman's laced outer garment, worn like a vest over a blouse.
在兰色天空的耀眼背景衬托下看去,山峰顶是灰色的。 The summit of the mountain is grey seen against a brilliant background of blue sky.
连续几个小时她都在唉声叹气,希望能从她母亲那弄点钱。 By sighing away for hours, she hoped to get some money from her mother.
在这期间,随着岁月的流逝,他的生活也照例跟着起了变化。 In the meanwhile, time did not roll on without effecting his usual changes.
在医院病床躺了一个星期之后,他只能遥遥晃晃地走几步。 After a week in the hospital bed, I was only able too wobble around a bit.
他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜, 但事情往往会功败垂成. They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.
在某些国家,凡是同政府持有不同意见的人都被视为罪犯。 In some countries, people who disagree with the government are classed as criminals.
前哨派驻在离主力部队很远的地带的支队以防敌人的偷袭 A detachment of troops stationed at a distance from a main force to guard against surprise attacks.
资本主义制度下的被压迫人民生活在一个与我们截然不同的世界里。 The Oppressed people under capitalism live in a world far other
希望在新的工作岗位上,她的才干能够得到比以往更好的发挥。 It is hoped that in her new job her talents will be better utilised than before.
我比同伴们聪明,因为我花在灯油上的钱比他们落的酒钱还多。 I become wiser than my companion because I spend more in oil than they in wine.
天底天球上,在观测者垂直向下的一点,与天顶完全相对 A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith.
在我们忍不住叹气并开始忍住呵欠之前,蜜月是还未度过的哪。 The honeymoon was not until we ceased to stifle our sigh and began to stifle our yawn.
你千万别穿戴成那样子出去. 那会让你祖母躺在坟里也不得安生. You can't go out dressed like that. It's enough to make your grandmother turn in her grave!
也许要经过若干年这家新公司才能在市场上取得稳固的立足点。 It may be many years before the new company can gain a secure foothold in the market.
四个构成的一组因共同的财产或行为而联系在一起的四人小组或联盟 A group or combination of four associated by common properties or behavior.
衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验, 就是看他在紧急关头能否保持镇静. The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency.
医术在于,当大自然为病者医治疾病的一段期间内,逗得病人高兴。 The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.
在报社记者七嘴八舌地高声向他提问时,他始终表现得镇定自若。 He kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters shouted questions at him at once.
成岩作用在岩石转化过程中沉积物发生化学和物理变化的过程 The process of chemical and physical change in deposited sediment during its conversion to rock.
住舱区一个适合或被配给的住所或场所,如在军舰上配给军官和船员的 A proper or assigned station or place, as for officers and crew on a warship.
交割失信在股票或抵押品售出后,未能在规定日期内办理交接手续 Failure to receive the proceeds of a transaction, as in the sale of stock or securities, by a specified date.
副现象在一种疾病中出现的附带条件或症状,与该病无必要关联 An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease.
他在金鱼缸周围贴上了彩色风景明信片,好让金鱼们以为在游历四方。 He pasted picture postcard around goldfish bowl to make the goldfish think they were going place.
他移居到一个遥远的国家,在那里他觉得能摆脱仇敌,可以平平安安地生活。 He emigrated to a distant country, where he felt he could live in safety from his enemies.
别的男孩都叫汤米娘娘腔的男孩因为没有母亲在旁他就不肯出来玩。 The other boys called Tommy a mama's boy because he wouldn't come out to play unless his mother stayed near him.
他来回走动着,大骂这场延误事故,因为每耽误一分钟都在消耗他的钱财。 He was walking to and fro swearing at the delay which was costing him so much money every minute.
我在银行拿十块钱的纸币兑换了零钱,因为我需要一些硬币投入自动售票机。 I changed a ten-yuan note at the bank, because I needed some coins for the ticket machine.
剧情解说员在戏剧或诗朗诵中齐声朗诵或演唱一个指定部分或作品的人们 A group of persons who speak or sing in unison a given part or composition in drama or poetry recitation.
惯常想知道自己的孩子在哪里的旧式母亲,如今有了个想知道自己的母亲在哪里的孙子。 The old-time mother who used to wonder where her boy was now has a grandson who wonders where his mother is.
在那段时间里由于我的鼻子不太通气,晚上常常醒来感到口里和喉咙干得难受。 Because I couldn't breathe properly through my nose at that time, I used to wake up at night with my mouth and throat as dry as paper.
节日,喜庆日享受或庆贺的时节,尤指在宗教意义上有定期间隔的一天或一段时间 An occasion for feasting or celebration, especially a day or time of religious significance that recurs at regular intervals.
世界性的饥饿问题是个极其难以解决的问题,我恐怕人们在我这一辈子都找不出解决的办法。 The question of world hunger is a very hard nut to crack. I doubt if we'll find the answer to it in my lifetime.
他在过去的工作岗位上以老看钟盼下班而闻名,如果他在这里还是耍那一套,他会丢掉工作的。 In his last post he was known as a clock watcher. If he comes that game here, he'll lose his job.
我们有了孩子以后不可能再居住在单间套房里了,爹爹帮了我们大忙,把买房的定金借给了我们。 It was impossible living in a one-roomed flat after we had the baby but Dad pulled the chestnuts out of the fire by lending us the deposit for a house.
私商,无照营业者侵犯贸易垄断企业的人,例如在有特许权公司的经营范围内从事未经许可的贸易活动 One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.
当今用手做东西,在许多国家已经成为很特殊--如此地特殊,以致赠送自制礼物有时被认为是不寻常的。 Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today -- so much so that giving a homemade gift is sometimes considered extraordinary.
新陈代谢维持生命所必需的,发生于存活细胞中或生物体中的物理和化学过程的总和。在此过程中,一些物质被分解从而为生命过程提供能量,而另一些维持生命所必需的物质则被合成 The complex of physical and chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized.
在窑里烧制陶器 Burn clay pots in a kiln.
他的伤口在溃烂。 His wound became festering.
那船牢牢地搁浅在沙洲上. The ship stuck fast on the bar.
在我们左翼有连续的射击. There was continous firing to our left.
他把滑翔机降落在田地里了. He put the glider down in a field.
书本凌乱地散置在地上. The books were scattered pell-mell over the floor.
她在公开场合讲话会羞怯。 She is bashful about speaking in public.
上述价格不包括佣金在内。 The above price excludes your commission.
他们思念着在亚洲的故乡。 They were pining for their homeland in Asia.
他在震耳欲聋的掌声中就坐. He sat down amid deafening applause.
炊烟暴露了敌人的存在。 The smoke from cooking betrayed the presence of the enemy.
他在这个剧中扮演哈姆雷特。 He played the personage of Hamlet in the play.
我们在黎明起程, 直驶纽约。 We set sail at dawn and headed for New York.
我们在沼泽地受到蚊子的围攻。 In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes.
窗帘在敞开的窗户前摆动。 The curtains were flapping at the open window.
我们银行现在经营债券与股票。 My bank deals in stocks and shares now.
体操运动员在双杠上摆动身子. The gymnast swung on the parallel bars.
现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。 The media have a lot of power today.
敌人龟缩在几个孤立的据点里。 The enemy was holed up in a few isolated strongholds.
在他的胃部发现了一个恶性肿瘤。  A malign tumour was found in his stomach.
在潮湿天气,她经常犯支气管炎。 She often gets chesty in wet weather.
水银温度计停留在摄氏35度左右。 The mercury hovered around 35 Celsius degree.
恐怖分子在邮局安放了一枚炸弹。 The terrorists planted a bomb in the post office.
他的声音在空荡的大厅里发出回声。 His voice echoed in the big empty hall.
公众舆论正在强烈支持裁军。 Public opinion was moving strongly in favor of disarmament.
在瀑布下游附近可以过河. You can cross the river a short distance below (ie downstream from) the waterfall.
那枚导弹落在离目标十英里的地方. The missile landed ten miles short (of its target).
她脸上带著困惑的表情在倾听著。 She listened with a puzzled expression on her face.
正在制定处理这种弊端的新法令。 New laws to deal with this abuse are in the pipeline.
在集市场上有陶器制作的示范表演. There's an exhibition of pottery-making at the fair.
这个地区还不在通讯网的覆盖之内。 This area has not been covered by the communication net.
那个雕刻家正在雕一个维纳斯雕像。 The sculptor is working on a sculpture of Venus.
一些新闻记者日夜在他门口纠缠不走。 News reporters camped upon his doorstep day and night.
全部款项可以在一年中按月平均交纳. Payments can be evened out on a monthly basis over the year.
在混凝土凝固以前, 一定要把柱子竖直了. Make sure the post is true before the concrete sets.
他的勇气在艰难困苦中经受了严峻的考验。 His courage was severely tried by his ordeal.
有些儿童在万圣节前夕用南瓜做灯笼. Some children make lanterns out of pumpkins at Hallowe'en.
你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。 You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.
在这个童话中,主角是个丑陋顽皮的小妖精。 The hero in this fairy story is an ugly goblin.
你继续这样大量吸烟,就是在自掘坟墓。 You are just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily.
在葬礼上发笑或开玩笑是失礼的行为。 Laughing and joking are considered improper behaviors at a funeral.
犹太人在希特勒的统治下受到残酷的迫害。 The Jews suffered terrible persecution under Hitler's rule.
春季出口商品交易会在5月15日于广州闭幕。 The Spring Export Commodities Fair closed in Guangzhou on May15.
侵略者在沿海城乡抢劫食物和贵重物品. The invaders plundered food and valuables from coastal towns and villages.
在拥挤的街道上, 光天化日之下竟发生了抢劫. The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street.
他俩订婚的事在广受欢迎的新闻界极为轰动. Their engagement created a terrific splash in the popular press.
把你受伤的手指浸在消毒剂里,把毒浸泡出来。 Dip your injured finger in the disinfectant to soak out the poison.
吉姆的子女都成家了,他成天都呆在家里不出门。 Jim's children are married and he stays at home all the time.
惟有疯狗与英国人会在中午的烈日之下跑到外头去。 Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun.
持枪歹徒把两个孩子扣押在这座建筑物里当作人质. The gunman is holding two children hostage in the building.
警方在调查瞒税案件时意外地发现了一个贩毒集团. Police investigating tax fraud stumbledacross a drugs ring.
在各条战线上都有精力充沛朝气蓬勃的青年人。 On every front there are young people abounding in vigor and vitality.
玩具销售额在圣诞节前夕达到最高峰, 现已逐渐下降. Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing.
辅助帆一片被绷在船头或船尾以增进航行区域的油布 A strip of canvas laced to a fore-and-aft sail to increase sail area.
对抗演习在模拟战争状态下所进行大型战术训练 A large-scale tactical exercise carried out under simulated conditions of war.
人们期望财政大臣公布在本年度预算中削减税收。 The Chancellor of the Exchequer is expected to announce tax cuts in this year's budget.
在期末联欢会上,学生模仿教师惟妙惟肖令人捧腹。 The students did some marvellous impressions of the teachers at the end-of-term party.
那男孩是在城里长大的,所以觉得很难区别杨树和柳树。 Bring up in town, the boy find it difficult to separate a poplar from a willow.
对居住在加利福尼亚的爱好导致她放弃重返纽约的机会。 Her affinity for living in California led her to reject a chance to return to New York.
我可告诉你,在那个神圣的日子里不许打猎或搞娱乐活动消遣。 I charge you not to hunt or recreate your selves on that sacred day.
一位占星家对说她将在二十多岁时遇到自己的终身伴侣。 An astrologer tell her that she will meet her lifelong companion in her twenties.
她打开门,里面射出的灯光在她的身影四周镶了一圈黄色的边。 She opened the door, and the yellow light from inside rimmed about her.
科学家们一直在想法子提高牲畜的质量以向市场提供更好的肉食。 Scientists have been trying to find methods of grading up cattle to provide better meat for the market.
在计算机图形学中,提供显示空间均匀覆盖面的预定扫描线图案。 In computer graphics, a predetermined pattern of lines, that provides uniform coverage of a display space.
尽管杰拉尔德主动提供全力支持,但我仍不由得感觉到他在背地里搞鬼。 Although Gerald offered his wholehearted support, I can't help feeling he's playing some deep game of his own.
在黎巴嫩的雪松下吃枣子跟在贝肯街吃炒糊了的豆子一样,都是那么令人乏味。 The bore is the same eating dates under the cedars of Lebanon as over baked beans in Beacon Street.
有许多中国人住在唐人街,其人数比中国本土之外世界其他任何地方的华人都多。 More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China.
一种诉讼案。在此案中一方当事人要求获得被另一当事人所占有的财产或货物。 Court case in which one party claim property or goods in the possession of the other.
一家生物工艺开发公司正在根据自然滋生毒素的原理研制新型农药系列产品。 A biotechnology company is developing a range of new pesticide based on naturally occur toxin.
在荷兰,人们拦海造田已开垦了成千上万公顷的土地并将它们变成可耕地和牧场。 In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture.
苏珊将珍珠项链送给了孙女。她觉得,珍珠配在孙女年轻脖子上会显得更加漂亮。 Susan gave her pearls to her granddaughter, round whose young throat she felt they would be displayed to greater advantage.
餐车饭店一种小型的通常具有柜台和座位的廉价的餐馆,并设计在类似于餐车的屋子中 A small, usually inexpensive restaurant with a long counter and booths and housed in a building designed to resemble a dining car.
水晶一种具有晶体结构的矿石,尤指石英的一种透明形态,通常其晶面在同一平面上 A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces.
我展望前头,纽约的高楼大厦在我前面升起,似乎是从童话故事的篇章中出现的一座城市。 I look ahead, and before me rise the fantastic towers of New York, a city that seems to have stepped from the pages of a fairy story.
数据媒体的初始化,使某一特定计算机系统能将数据存在媒体中,随后又可从该媒体中检索出来。 The initialization of a data medium such that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium.
阿克巴湾红海的一个海湾,在西奈半岛及沙特阿拉伯西北部之间。它长期以来在中东具有重要的战略性 An arm of the Red Sea between the Sinai Peninsula and northwest Saudi Arabia. It has long been of strategic importance in the Middle East.
敌人就在背后,而前面横跨在深谷之上的桥已经腐朽不堪,摇摇晃晃。他处在两难之中,犹豫了起来。 His enemy was close behind him, and the bridge over the ravine was rotten and swaying. Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, he hesitated.
计算机在检查了16000种可能的设计方案之后,选出了以最低的成本生产最多化工产品的工厂的设计方案。 After running through16, 000 possible designs, the computer picked out the plan for the plant that would produce the most chemicals at the lowest cost.
抗荷衣宇航员或喷气机飞行员穿的飞行服,在快速垂直加速中增加身体下部的压力以保持脑部血液供应 A flight garment worn by astronauts and jet pilots that presses on the lower body to maintain the blood supply to the brain during rapid vertical acceleration.
犁一种农具,由在一根横梁端部的厚重的刃构成,通常系在一组牵引它的牲畜或机动车上,用来破碎土块并耕出槽沟从而为播种做好准备 A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing.
如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期。费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元。 If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400, 000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195, 000 salary.
你在追求什么? What are you going after?
我的舱位在E层甲板. My cabin is on E deck.
塔矗立在废墟中。 The tower stood amidst the ruins.
现正在招募空军。 Now, men are enlisting for the air force.
您想让我现在开饭吗? Do you wish me to serve dinner now?
约翰在元旦做了什么事? What did John do on New Year's Day?
我那套海军蓝的西装在哪儿? Where's my navy (blue) suit?
有人在灌木丛里窥视动静. Somebody'slurking in the bushes.
米开朗琪罗在大理石上雕刻. Michelangelo carved in marble.
可以中途在贝鲁特停留吗? Be it possible to stop over at beirut?
杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵. The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests.
女王在仪式过後脱去了王袍. The Queen disrobed after the ceremony.
农民们在地里收割(作物). The farmers are out harvesting (the corn).
孩子们在花园里嬉戏奔跑。 The children were scampering around the garden.
把鸟关在笼子里残忍不残忍? Is it cruel to confine a bird in a cage?
在…之内在或进入里面;在内部 In or into the inner part; inside.
他在品德[名誉]上毫无瑕疵. His character/reputation is without (a) blemish.
有些印地安人仍然住在帐篷里。 Some Indians still live in wigwams.
噍,那亭子高高地立在空中呢。 Look, the pavilion is high in the sky.
你在咖喱食品中放了多少辣椒? How much chilli did you put in the curry?
餐车已挂(在末节车厢)上. The dining-car was coupled on (to the last coach).
过分关注某事的;心不在焉的 Excessively concerned with something; distracted.
耳後的一击使他趴倒在地板上。 A blow behind the ear stretched him on the floor.
金属铸模金属锭在其中被铸的模子 A mold in which such metal is cast.
我们的汽车在山顶陡坡处抛锚了. Our car stalled on the brow of a steep hill.
现在分娩时常用硬膜外注射. Epidurals are now often used during childbirth.
他们在黑黝黝的洪水中随波逐流。 Down the sable flood they glided.
路灯在黄昏时开, 拂晓时关. The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn.
这种借口(让我)实在无法相信. That excuse simply won't wash (with me).
许多花的花瓣在阳光中绽放。 The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.
产生这问题的根源在於缺乏信任. The root of the problem is lack of trust.
当地的铁路运输在1958年中断了. The local rail service (was) discontinued in 1958.
缝纫时,她在手上戴一枚顶针。 She put a thimble over the finger when sewing.
我们把马拴在桩上,走进了客栈。 I hung up my horse and walked into the inn.
五彩缤纷的旗子在屋顶上飘扬。 Multi-colored flags were flying over the rooftop.
那两个罪犯(彼此)勾结在一起. The two criminals were in cahoots (with each other).
一只鸽子栖息在我们门廊的栏杆上。 A pigeon perched on our porch railing.
把那棵植物(在水里)浸泡几分钟. Immerse the plant (in water) for a few minutes.
这些分数远在一般水平以上[以下]. These marks are well above/below average.
水坝在水的压力下终於决口. The dam eventually yielded and collapsed under the weight of water.
太阳看起来在天空以弧线运行。 The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky.
该气体在压缩状态下贮存於罐中. The gas is stored under pressure in the tank.
在权力斗争中我们只是一批小卒。 We are mere pawns in the struggle for power.
这条路在经过教堂之後向左转弯. The road turns to the left after the church.
这颗钻石在阳光下显得色彩斑斓。 The diamond shone with every hue under the sun.
在拜访岳父之前,他把鞋子擦黑。 He blacked his shoes before visiting his father-in-law.
我们梦想在乡间买一所小别墅。 We dreamed of buying a little cottage in the country.
她把炒锅当啷一声掉在石头地板上。 She clashed the pan down on the stone floor.
我舍不得把这麽多钱花在穿衣服上. I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.
玛丽的母亲去世了, 她父亲依然健在. Mary's mother is dead but her father is still alive.
地点某物所在或可在的地方:地点 A place where something is or could be located; a site.
那个腐朽的傀儡政权正在土崩瓦解。 The decadent puppet regime was falling apart.
他们在海上十天之後首次看到陆地. Their first sight of land came after ten days at sea.
我们(在财务上)受到一些严重挫折. We suffered some serious (financial) reverses.
他喜欢在周末看滑稽剧来放松自己。 He likes to watch farces at weekends to relax himself.
你要是不在,这世界不知将有多寂寞! What a lonely world it would be with you away!
古罗马人在整个欧洲建立了殖民地. The ancient Romans founded colonies throughout Europe.
他在想那些日子现在已显得多麽遥远. How distant those times seemed now, he reflected.
那囚犯在黎明时被(行刑队)处决. The prisoner was put to death (by firing squad) at dawn.
我们看见他在为屋子四周的草坪浇水。 We saw him watering the lawn around the house.
清晨;在前几个回合中就得了两分 In the early morning; scored two runs in the early innings.
悬挂式滑翔机藉著暖气流在高空飞行. Currents of warm air keep the hang-gliders aloft.
有多少人在争夺理事会的这一席位? How many people are contesting this seat on the council?
挡道地处在阻碍、阻挡或干涉的位置上 In a position to obstruct, hinder, or interfere.
都在说萨拉的闲话--她耳朵一定发烧了! All this gossip about Sarah her ears must be burning!
我在攻读民用建筑专业的硕士学位。 I am working on a master's degree in civil architecture.
茶馆里有个人在非常自负地侃政治。 A man in the teahouse was laying the law down on politics.
在困难的时候,她祈祷神谕来指引她。 In times of difficulty, she pray for an oracle to guide her
海伦在快餐店里点了炸鸡和色拉。 Helen ordered both fried chicken and salad in the fast-food restaurant.
我可以用铆钉把这些金属板固定在一起吗? Can I fasten these metal plates with rivets?
吴先生正在对他的汇报作最后的润色。 Mr.Wu was putting the finishing touches to his report.
回到原先状态在、到或向着从前的状态地 In, to, or toward a former condition.
别这麽自私--在这所房子里要事事均分. Don't be so selfish it's share and share alike in this house.
男女主人(在客人间)走来走去招待客人. The host and hostess circulated (among their guests).
她决定在获得学士学位之後继续深造. She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree.
戴安娜在希腊罗马神话中是狩猎女神。 Diana is the goddess of hunting in Greek and Latin mythology.
受烤炙烙或印在一个表面上的一系列印记 A series of marks grilled or embossed on a surface.
我利用在伯明翰的机会探望了我的姨母。 I took the opportunity of visiting my aunt while I was in Birmingham.
他哪里是在赔钱,他几乎无法计算其利润呢! Far from losing money, he can hardly count his profits.
咱们在获取更多情报之後再做决定不迟. Let's postpone making adecision until we have more information.
反对[抵制]新政权的某些势力仍然存在. Pockets of opposition/resistance to the new regime still remained.
我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处於领先地位。 Our scientists are leading the way in space research.
渐强的在音强、力量或强度上逐渐增强的 Gradually increasing in volume, force, or intensity.
在妻子体贴入微的关怀下,他很快就痊愈了。 He recovered soon under his wife's tender loving care.
紧跟在他身後出现了一个带角的分趾蹄动物 Close behind him appear an animal with horn and cleave hooves.
他在写一部关於其种族所受迫害的历史书. He is writing a history of the persecutions endured by his race.
瞧霜大哥在窗户上绘制了多麽美丽的图案. Look what pretty patterns Jack Frost has painted on the windows.
怪不得你们在舐着嘴唇,原来晚餐有肉。 No wonder you are licking your chops, there's pork for dinner.
不悔改的未在精神上自新或改良的;不惭愧的 Not spiritually renewed or reformed; not repentant.
在发生爆炸之後,警方用路障封锁了那条路。 Police blocked off the street after the explosion.
这是我们一直在期待的(从纽约来的)邮包. This is the parcel which we have been expecting (from New York).
世界各大强国均惟恐在军备竞赛中落後. The major world powers are afraid of falling behind in the arms race.
她双臂垂在两旁,懒洋洋地躺在椅子上。 She was lolling in a chair, with her arms hanging over the sides.
这是否意味着贵国正在实施新的外贸政策? Does it mean that you be apply a new foreign trade policy?
在绝密档案上标有`只供总统亲阅'字样. The top secret file was marked For the President's eyes only'.
医术最精湛的医生们在国王生病时诊治他。 The most eminent doctors treated the king in his illness.
摩门教派是1830年在美国成立的一个宗教团体。 Mormons are a religious group founded in USA in 1830.
在1976年,无数的房屋因唐山地震而倒坍。 Numerous houses collapsed as a result of the Tangshan Earthquake in1976.
及时的在一个适当或适宜的时间发生的;适时的 Occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed.
放射性材料贮存在防辐射的特殊容器内. The radioactive material is stored in a special radiation-proof container.
从那时起,老乡们都在谈"我们的梅大夫"了。 From then on all the villagers talked about"our Doctor Mei".
你为什么不先把问题放在一边过会儿再说? Why don't you lay that problem aside for a while and work at it later?
在乾旱时, 每天有几小时停止供应自来水. The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought.
在电信发达的今天, 相距遥远已不再是什麽问题了. Distance is no problem with modern telecommunications.
我骑著自行车顺著道路行驶, 那只狗在後面跟著跑. I cycled off down the road with the dog running behind.
你现在先别决定接受这项工作: 考虑一天再说. Don't say now if you'll take the job: sleep on it first.
铅管工把管口撑大後套在另一截管子上. The plumber splayed the end of the pipe before fitting it over the next section.
後面的门是在顶部铰接上的, 以便可以向上开. The rear door hinges/is hinged at the top so that it opens upwards.
皮靴固定装置为使滑雪靴牢固而在雪橇上设置的扣拴 Fastenings on a ski for securing the boot.
他装著不认识她, 其实他们暗中勾结(在一起). He pretended not to know her but in fact they were in league (together).
谁在那楼房正面加盖了那麽一截讨厌的建筑物? Who perpetrated that dreadful extension to the front of the building?
三天之后他在自己的房间里被发现, 已濒于死亡。 He was found three days later on the edge of death in his room.
"把门朝后绑牢,它在风里不停地来回砰砰作响。" "Tie the door back-it keeps banging to and fro in the wind."
威尔逊先生怕老婆;在他家里,他太太说了算。 Mr Wilson is henpecked by his wife; she wears the pants in that family.
要是你在晚上加足煤,炉子便通宵不会熄灭。 The stove will remain in all night if you put enough coal on in the evening.
这个贫穷的小男孩在他十岁的时候就被雇为羊倌。 The poor boy was hired as a shepherd when he was only ten.
足球比赛中恣意闹事现在已经达到愈演愈烈的地步。 Football hooliganism is now reaching epidemic proportions.
使用冬季专用车胎在泥地或雪地上可增加附著摩擦力. Winter tyres give increased traction in mud or snow.
所有来客一致认为他们在宴会上吃得是美味佳肴。 All the guests agreed that they fared well at the dinner party.
她彷佛茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。 As if unsure of where she was, she hesitated and looked round.
她那一头波浪般的长发一簇簇一圈圈地散垂在肩上。 Her wavy hair fell in loose wisps and loops upon her shoulders.
长于陆海空作战的,三栖的可在陆上、水上或空中操作的 Designed to operate on land, water, or in air.
你看了前任部长在报上揭露的那些惊人的事实没有? Have you read the ex-minister's amazing revelations in the newspaper?
在去巴林之前我必须先弄懂、熟记阿拉伯人的习惯和规矩。 I must read up on Arab customs before I go to Bahrain.
鹿角嫩皮,鹿茸在成长期中的鹿角上的柔软的毛皮覆盖物 The soft, furry covering on the developing antlers of deer.
植树的行列种植在一宽阔的草坪上的一排排的树或灌木 An arrangement of trees or shrubs planted in widely spaced rows.
这家公司一年以後才能赢利, 现在至少已不赔不赚了. It will be a year before the firm makes a profit but at least it's breaking even.
我昨晚在城里寻欢作乐——怪不得今天早晨我头痛。 I spent last night on the town-no wonder I've got a headache this morning.
含意;暗流;内在性质隐含的或含蓄的倾向或意义;潜在势力 An underlying or implied tendency or meaning; an undercurrent.
热情,激情在动态、亮度、强度或形态方面类似火焰的东西 Something resembling a flame in motion, brilliance, intensity, or shape.
在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。 It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom.
重物,坠脚一种重物,如大块物品,系在动物腿上阻碍行动 A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.
他坐在那儿发表他对法制的高论, 虽然他对此一窍不通. He sat there pontificating about the legal system although it was clear that he knew very little about it.
这个饭店坐落在优美的高山湖畔,四周洋溢着浪漫的气氛。 The hotel has a very romantic atmosphere, set on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake.
阿诺德在预赛中跑得太好了,因此完全有把握赢得决定的胜利。 Arnold ran so well in the heats that it's a moral certainty he'll win the final race.
开始行步在某些游戏(尤指西洋棋)开始下棋的固定走法或步骤 A specific pattern or series of beginning moves in certain games, especially chess.
自从她选美获胜後,她就像活在金鱼缸中,任人参观,毫无隐私。 She has been living in a goldfish bowl since she won the beauty contest.
王子斥责土地开发商破坏了伦敦市建筑物映在空中的轮廓线之美. The prince vituperated against the developers for ruining London's skyline.
坚果种子生长在有硬壳的果实之内的种子,如花生、杏或核桃 A seed borne within a fruit having a hard shell, as in the peanut, almond, or walnut.
一位活跃在10世纪的无名诗人;在印象主义最蓬勃的时期作画 An anonymous poet who flourished in the tenth century; painted when Impressionism was flourishing.
天哪,他又在絮絮不休地谈他感兴趣的问题。有没有法子使他闭嘴? Oh dear, he's off again on his favourite subject. Isn't there any way of stopping him?
在我现在看来,他那时似乎在叹气,而我吃吃地笑是在隐藏我的尴尬。 It seems to me now that he sighed and that I tittered to hide my embarrassment.
八分音符、四分音符和二分音符在乐谱上是不同长度的三个音符。 Quavers, crotchets and minims are three of the different lengths of note in written music.
赫伯特靠在大峡谷附近开的一家对旅游者大敲竹杠的商店而变得富有起来。 Herbert become rich by opening a tourist trap near the grand canyon.
吊车一种通常配有联接在传送带上的吊桶或戽斗,用来举起材料 A mechanism, often with buckets or scoops attached to a conveyor, used for hoisting materials.
就用手指头指着名单往下看,看是不是所有的人的名字都在上面,好吗? Just run your finger down the list and see if all the names are there, will you?
军功章的获得者们被按级别高低召见──等级最高的官员排在第一位 Recipients of military honors were called in order of precedence梙ighest ranking officers first.
法官的本分是执行法律(主持正义),惟其所行者,却是在拖延(其执行)。 The duty of a judge is to administer justice, but his practice is delay it.
裁减军备协议难以达成, 症结在於如何证实(如检查武器确已销毁). Verification (eg Checking that weapons have been removed) could be an obstacle to an arms agreement.
该组竭力想把最新消息和评论糅合在一起,不料发现它们彼皮格格不入。 The team tried hard to mix fresh news and comment only to find they were mixing oil and water.
大家都认为,约翰要在一月中旬搞一次野外宴会的计划是一个傻主意。 Everybody thought that John's plan to have a barbecue in the middle of January was a half-witted idea.
矿车、煤车煤矿中在轨道上行驶的四轮、开口、盒状的运货车或铁制车厢 A four-wheeled, open, box-shaped wagon or iron car run on tracks in a coal mine.
牙箍安装在牙齿上的纠正不规则排列的由箍带和钢丝做的牙齿矫正器 A dental appliance, constructed of bands and wires that is fixed to the teeth to correct irregular alignment.
他在那高低不平的地面上才走了几步,就被绊了一下,直挺挺地跌趴在地上。 He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face.
洗矿槽,淘汰盘一个倾斜的槽,在其中被碾压的矿石被流水冲刷以冲走杂质 An inclined trough in which crushed ore is washed with running water to flush away impurities.
一次成像相机的问题在于没有底片,而其相片在数年内就会明显褪色。 The problem about the instant camera is the lack of negative, and their print can fade considerably within a few years.
这伙小偷计划好在警察进房搜查时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的房客身上。 The thieves had planned to plant the stolen watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
各位女士、先生,现在我为你们介绍一位舞台和银幕上著名的明星,约翰·韦恩。 Ladies and gentlemen, now I will introduce to you the renowned star of the stage and screen, John Wayne.
昨天一位男子在火车上胡作非为—他打伤了两名铁路员工,砸碎了几扇车厢窗户。 A man ran amok in the train yesterday—he struck two railway staff and smashed several carriage windows.
这伙小偷打算在警察来搜查房子时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的一名房客身上。 The thieves had planned to plant the stolen, watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
砖块在太阳下或窑里烘烤变硬的模制长方形黏土砖,用作建房和铺路的材料 A molded rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln until hard and used as a building and paving material.
最后她终于想到了写字,用一只蹄子把她的名字--很短的一个名字--划在沙地上。 At length she bethought herself of writing, and inscribed her name-it was a short one-with her hoof on the sand.
可是我在一家迪斯科舞会上亲眼看到他,千真万确,他在和一个年龄只他一半大的姑娘跳舞。 But I saw him myself in a disco as large as life, dancing with a girl half his age.
爱国主义在美国很容易了解;它意味着通过为国家提高警惕的方式来为自己提高警惕。 Patriotism is easy to understand in America; it means looking out for yourself by look out for your country.
一个人只要将自己的大脑与计算机连接起来,进入Cyberspace,就可以体验在该空间的一切遭遇。 Once his brain was linked with the computer, a man would undergo all experiences in the space.
潜隐体一种处于发育阶段的疟疾寄生虫,在侵入红血细胞之前,寄生在体内组织中 A malarial parasite at the stage of development in which it inhabits bodily tissue before invading the red blood cells.
该飞机的飞行速度可慢了一点,但它转的圈子可以小得多——这在近距离激战中是一大优势。 The plane may be slightly slower but it can turn in a much tighter circle-a big advantage in a dog fight.
用于修饰或说明处理单元的某种状态,在此状态下阻止某种类型的中断发生。同masked。 Pertaining to a state of a processing unit that prevents the occurrence of certain types of interruptions.
内集团一群因共同的信仰、态度和兴趣而集合在一起并明显排斥外人的小集团;小集团 A group of people united by common beliefs, attitudes, or interests and characteristically excluding outsiders; a clique.
卢西塔尼亚古代一个地区,是古罗马帝国在伊伯利亚半岛的一个省份,大致相当于今天的葡萄牙 An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal.
幸福并不在于单纯地占有金钱;幸福还在于取得成就后的喜悦,在于创造努力时的激情。 Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts.
自由思想家(尤指在宗教思想方面)拒绝了权威和教条主义,赞同理性的探究和思索的人 One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
偿清了欠债之后,他长久以来一直在每个圣诞节寄给我20美元钱。他这是为了表达他的感激之情啊! He kept on sending me$20 every Christmas long after his debt was paid. That's gratitude for you!
说到网络,它们都有一个网址,“site”指的是一个场所,而网址就是每一台上网电脑所在的地址。 And on the Web, there are Websites. A"site" is a place, and so a Website. And each site had its address.
麦利诺精纺毛纱一种柔软质轻的织物,原先是用麦利诺羊毛纺成的,但现在用任何优质羊毛都可织成 A soft, lightweight fabric made originally of merino wool but now of any fine wool.
个人语型,个人言语方式(变体)在所处的语言或方言环境中被作为独特的语言形式的个人语言 The speech of an individual, considered as a linguistic pattern unique among speakers of his or her language or dialect.
娱乐场,游乐场在商品交易会、狂欢节、马戏团或展览会所在地提供杂耍表演和其它娱乐活动的地方 The area of a fair, a carnival, a circus, or an exposition where sideshows and other amusements are located.
唉!可怜的公爵!他担负的工作简直是数沙饮海;一个人站在他一边作战,就有1000人转身逃走。 Alas, poor duke! the task he undertakes is numbering sands, and drinking oceans dry: Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly.
辐散,散度一种天气状况,特征为:在气团均匀地散在某一地区上空,常伴有晴朗干燥天气 A meteorological condition characterized by the uniform expansion in volume of a mass of air over a region, usually accompanied by fair dry weather.
海底(实验室)工作人,深水操作人员训练能在水下装置物中生活并引导、辅助或作为科学研究的对象 A person trained to live in underwater installations and conduct, assist in, or be a subject of scientific research.
拉链由平行的金属、塑料或尼龙的齿状物制成的,在开口临近边缘上被滑动的拉环锁住的紧扣物 A fastening device consisting of parallel rows of metal, plastic, or nylon teeth on adjacent edges of an opening that are interlocked by a sliding tab.
一种正在执行中的程序,是一种活着的实体,能引起事件的发生;而程序是被动的,处于静止状态。 A program in execution, a process is an active entity, which can cause things to occur, as opposed to a program, which is a passive entity.
R级,电影的限制级一种电影分级,允许一定年龄以下(通常为17岁)的人在家长或保护人陪同下才能观看 A movie rating that allows admission only to persons of a certain age, usually17, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
就像那个说他除了昆虫和民间舞蹈啥都想试试的人一样,我们大多数人心里都有个人界线,知道该在哪儿收手。 Most of us would draw the line somewhere, like the man who said he'd try anything once except insect and folk dancing.
圣诞岛爪哇岛南部印度洋东部的一座岛屿,由澳大利亚管辖。在1888年由英国吞并,1958年主权归澳大利亚 An Australian-administered island in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Java. It was annexed by Great Britain in1888 and came under Australian sovereignty in1958.
专门小组聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中充当一个队的一群人 A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
检流计,电流计一种仪器,用以探测、测量和测定微小电流方向,采用线圈在磁场中产生的机械效果的方法 An instrument used to detect, measure, and determine the direction of small electric currents by means of mechanical effects produced by a coil in a magnetic field.
瓦莱里安罗马皇帝(253-260年),在他的统治时期充满了军事或财政困难,他于260年被波斯武装力量击败并在被俘期间死去 Emperor of Rome(253-260) whose reign was marked by military and financial troubles. He was defeated by Persian forces(260) and died in captivity.
兰登作了一次不成功的朗诵。老师有点不悦,对他说道:“兰登,你在这门课上好像进步不大,你好像缺乏志向。” Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor, somewhat nettled, said:"Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in this subject."
气流分离移动的流线型的躯体上流体边界层上的分隔物,如飞机的机翼,在平滑的流体流动中会引起故障和湍流 A separation in the boundary layer of fluid about a moving streamlined body, such as the wing of an airplane, causing a breakdown in the smooth flow of fluid and resulting in turbulence.
我以为他母亲已去世,幸亏在我寄出吊唁信之前,我碰到了一个那天上午还在医院里见过她母亲的人,他使我避免了这场误会。 I thought his mother had died, but fortunately I met someone who'd actually seen her that morning in the hospital and he set me right before I sent off my letter of sympathy.
装备有雷达的飞机,在夜间飞行时飞行员能够在雷达屏幕上看见远处的建筑物、或许还能看见前面几英里远的险峻山峰。 The pilot in an airplane equipped with radar, flying at night, can see on the radar viewing screen distant buildings, or perhaps a dangerous mountain peak that is miles ahead.
在很多地方,计算机能做数百万人的工作,因此它被广泛地应用在各个科技领域——核物理、电气工程、机械工程等等。 In many places a computer does the work of a million persons, and so it is widely used in any branch of science and technology- nuclear physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and the like.
擒获布里尔不仅在荷兰历史上而且在世界历史上都应视为一个转折点—一个和攻克巴斯底狱或绞死查理士一世一样的重大事件。 The capture of Brill must rank as a turning-point not only in Netherlands history but in world history: an event of the order of the fall of the Bastille, or the execution of Charles I.
我想他在讲演中所要说的每个问题,对你来说,都可能是老生常谈,但是,因为我不是人类学家,我倒觉得它趣味横生,资料丰富哩。 I dare say anything he had to say in the lecture would have been old stuff to you but since I'm not an anthropologist I found it very interesting and informative.
在足球锦标赛的最后3分钟时,两队还是不分胜负,突然切尔斯队的中锋非常出色地在罚球区之外将功赎罪球顶入了网内。 The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area.
渗碳处理一种冶金镀膜工序,在此工序中把钢或铁浸入另一种金属如锌、铬或铝的粉剂里,并加热至这一金属的熔点温度以下 A metallurgical coating process in which iron or steel is immersed in a powder of another metal, such as zinc, chromium, or aluminum, and heated to a temperature below the melting point of either.
指南针用于确定地理方向的设备,通常包括一个或多个水平安装或悬挂的磁针,可在枢轴上自由活动直到与地球磁场在一条线上 A device used to determine geographic direction, usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted or suspended and free to pivot until aligned with the magnetic field of Earth.
共沸混合物两种或多种物质组成的液体混合物,当在某种压力下被蒸馏或局部汽化时,在气体状态下和在液体状态下保留相同的物质的成分 A liquid mixture of two or more substances that retains the same composition in the vapor state as in the liquid state when distilled or partially evaporated under a certain pressure.
氢化裂解将石油的含氢分子分裂成更简单的分子(象汽油和煤油的分子)的过程,此分裂过程是在加催化剂及高压氢气的条件上进行的 A process by which the hydrocarbon molecules of petroleum are broken into simpler molecules, as of gasoline or kerosene, by the addition of hydrogen under high pressure and in the presence of a catalyst.
他说他的工会——运输工会504分会——历年来在合约上做了“极大的让步”以协助泛美[航空公司]纾解财务困难。“结果全然没用,”他哀伤地说。 He said his union, Local504 of the Transport Workers Union, made"massive contract givebacks" over the years to help Pan Am with its financial troubles."It was all to no avail, " he lamented.
1986年布什所预料到的尴尬情形果然发生了。他的政治生涯的确受到威胁。他[对里根]的效忠到了瘫痪自己的程度。这固然是个人美德,但在政治上却是障碍。 The dilemma that Bush foresaw in1986 has come to pass. His political career is indeed at stake, and his paralyzing loyalty is becoming a political handicap as well as a personal virtue.
在大多数的主要交叉路口,都有一幅街道(朗巴德街、俄亥俄街、市场街等等)的详图刻在人行道的石头上。只要你低头看一下,就知道自己所在的位置了。 At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets(Lombard Street; Ohio Street; Market Street; and so on)cut into the stone of the sidewalk so that you can look down and see where you are.
矫作物非正常出现而是由外界因素或作用所产生的一种结构或物质,如经固定后,在显微镜下才能看到的标本中的一种活生命组织中不会出现的结构 A structure or substance not normally present but produced by an external agent or action, such as a structure seen in a microscopic specimen after fixation that is not present in the living tissue.
赡养费按照法庭判决离婚后的原配偶--通常为夫妻中收入较多的一方给另一方的供养补助。赡养费亦可付给并未离婚的双方中的一方,如在合法分居时 An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons.
生命活的有机物区别于死的有机物和无机物的特性和性质,主要表现在新陈代谢、生长发育、生殖、对刺激的反应、对环境的适应等有机体本身所固有的机能中 The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
耳鸣一个耳朵或两耳中的声音,如嗡嗡声或哨声,在没有外界刺激的情况下发生,通常由某种特定情况如耳朵感染、使用某种药物、听觉管道堵塞或头部受伤引起 A sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or a head injury.
温彻斯特区英格兰中南部一自治区,位于伦敦西南。是盎格鲁-撒克逊时期西撒克斯王国的首府。在诺曼征服(1066年)以后,成为一个吸引了众多宗教学者的重要学术中心。人口32,100 A municipal borough of south-central England southwest of London. The capital of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, it was an important center of learning that attracted many religious scholars after the Norman Conquest(1066). Population, 32,100.
沙漏;滴漏用于计时的仪器,由两个玻璃盒组成,中由一细颈相连,盒内装有一定量的沙子,水银或其他流动物质,这些物质在一固定量的时间里,通常为一个小时,从上方的盒内慢慢流入下方的盒子中 An instrument for measuring time, consisting of two glass chambers connected by a narrow neck and containing a quantity of sand, mercury, or another flowing substance that trickles from the upper chamber to the lower in a fixed amount of time, often one hour.
在源文件中,打印在相同栏内的若干正文行的集合。在当前栏内所剩余的纵向空间放不下既定一段正文时,则这段正文从下一栏开始打印[或印刷]。在单栏格式的情况下,下一栏便是下一页。 In a source document, a collection of lines of text to be printed in the same column. When the vertical space remaining in the current column is insufficient for the block of text, the text is printed in the next column. In the case of single-column format, the next column is on the next page.
他们住在内地. They live inland.
他在法学院读书。 He is at law college.
他在半路走丢了。 He was lost on the way.
他的体重在增加。 He's putting on weight.
他假装在爬山。 He was pretending to climb a mountain.
她也在冒这样的风险. She runs the same risks.
他在医务界工作。 He is a member of the medical fraternity.
那时我们在同一个班。 We were both in the same class.
对这一切他全不在意。 He didn't care about all this.
他在社会福利部工作。 He worked in community welfare department.
这些种子应在四月播种。 These seeds should be sown in April.
我预计我会在周日回来的。 I expect I will be back on Sunday.
把你们的名字写在名单上。 Stick down your names on the list.
他在会上不点名地批评你。 He talked at you at the meeting.
小男孩在点名时不见了。 The boy turned up missing at roll call.
在我家里, 咖啡取代了茶。 Coffee has taken the place of tea in my home.
孩子们正在学习读书写字. The children are learning to read and write.
现在房屋大多用电照明. Nowadays, houses are mostly lit by electricity.
他来看我时,我幸好好在家。 Luckily I was at home when he called.
在你们姐妹中,我最心疼你。 Of all your sisters, I love you best.
他没有在指定的时间在那里。 He wasn't there at the appointed time.
在对流中热气流向上运动. In convection, hot currents flow upwards.
直到现在还没有像样的夏天. We've not had any summer to speak of.
他们正在了解房屋的布局。 They are getting to know the geographical house.
老师正在评定学生的作业。 The teacher is appraising the students' work.
我希望他在新的工作中万事如意. I wish him well in his new job.
来访者在中午前一会儿离开了。 The visitor left a little before noon.
他们两人是在同一天来看我的。 They came to see me on the self-same day.
新图书馆建在校园的中心。 The new library was built in the centre of the campus.
她在学习以提高自己的代数水平。 She was studying to build up her algebra.
她的心思完全集中在工作上了。 She was completely absorbed in her task [work].
我将在这星期或下星期出差。 I will go on business either this week or next week.
他试图在名单上找到自己的名字。 He tried to find in the list his own name.
他把表上的所有单词都记在心里了。 He memorized all the words on the list.
当然可以,只要邮局不在意就行。 Certainly, as long as the post office do not care.
整个城市到处都在兴建新楼房。 New buildings are sprouting up all over the city.
音调的调整在音调和音高上的变化 Alteration in pitch or tone of the voice.
他在国外的旅行中游览了许多地方。 He visited a lot of place on his trip abroad.
这种新邮票是我在发行当天买到的。 I bought the new stamp the day of its issue.
那些游客大多没把坏天气放在心上。 Most tourists were unconcerned at the poor weather.
现在我不会唱歌了,但我年轻的时候会。 I can't sing now, but I could when I was young.
现在吃或是等一会儿再吃对我来说都一样. It's all one to me whether we eat now or later.
我们两国被共同关切的问题连结在一起。 Our two nations are knit together by common concerns.
我们正在使用的计算机大多数是数字计算机。 Most of the computers we are using are digital computers.
科学家正在设想一种新的利用太阳能的方法。 The scientist is thinking of a new way of tapping the solar energy.
他将钟表里的发条取了出来,可现在装上不了。 He took the spring out of the clock but now he can't get it back.
新闻广播员正在为八点钟的播音节目作好准备。 The news announcer is standing by for the broadcast program at8.
我知道火车已经停了,但我觉得火车在倒退。 I knew the train had stopped, but I had the sensation that it was moving backwards.
她答应在孩子们的妈妈上夜班时照顾这些孩子。 She promised to see after the children when their mother were on the night shift.
导游在旅游车的前部向游客作连续的现场解说。 The tour guide give a running commentary from the front of the coach.
请在纸的正反两面书写, 但不要写在四周的边上. Please write on both sides of the paper, and don't write in the margin.
那老汉把他早年在父亲农场上度过的日子看作理想的岁月。 The old man idealizes his early day on his father's farm.
我今天提早工作都做完了,但是别人都还在工作,我不好意思回家。 I have gotten my work all done ahead of time today, but I'd feel guilty going home while everybody else is still work.
终点已经在望。 The destination is in view.
她正在闹别扭呢。 She is just being difficult.
她在剧团工作。 She works in a theatrical company.
村庄在河对岸。 The village lies across the river.
火车仍在视线内。 The train is still in sight.
他在写牛顿的传记. He's writing a life of Newton.
树叶在风中飞舞。 The leaves whirled in the wind.
现在的钢材涨价了。 Now the steel comes high.
雨伞在冬季最好卖. Umbrellas sell best in winter.
在桌子上铺上台布. Cover the table with a cloth.
她在埋头读书. Her head was buried in the book she was reading.
小偷在阴暗处躲着。 The thief lurked in the shadows.
我们在海上紧急降落. We crash-landed in the drink.
目录正在修订之中。 The catalogue is under revision.
我走在田间小路上。 I walked on the path of the field.
我在交通银行存款。 I bank with Bank of Communications.
那老汉正在吸著烟斗. The old man was sucking at his pipe.
街道在雨水中闪光。 The street glistened in the rain.
那两条道路在那里交叉。 The two roads cross there.
工作在稳步地取得进展. The work is progressing steadily.
现在请注意它的商标。 Now pay attention its brand please.
飞机在跑道上滑行. The plane taxied/was taxiing along the runway.
他在火灾中伤了左手。 He injured his left hand in a fire.
公务信件在早晨开启. The office mail is opened in the morning.
鸟停在电视天线上. The birds perched on the television aerial.
请在早饭前把床铺好. Please make your beds before breakfast.
永存无穷尽的生命或存在 Endless life or existence.
我们在渡口等了两小时. We waited at the ferry for two hours.
他正在上汽车维修课。 He's taking classes in car maintenance.
部队已在几个地点登陆. Troops have been landed at several points.
我们在开阔的原野上露营. We bivouacked on the open plain.
她在给男朋友购买礼品. She's buying a present for her boy-friend.
家里现在乱七八糟。 Everything is at sixes and sevens in the house.
她不在乎你是否喜欢她。 She does not care whether you like her or not.
把伤员安置在农家住宿. The wounded were bedded in the farmhouse.
国家处在危急的状态中。 The country is in a desperate state.
猫的眼睛在黑暗中发亮。 The cat's eyes glowed in the darkness.
我们担保你在一日内收到. We guarantee you delivery within one day.
第五在一系列或次序上第五个 The fifth in a set or sequence.
自燃的在空气中自发地燃烧的 Spontaneously igniting in air.
他们已经在油菜地里播了种。 They seeded in the field of rape.
登山队员在半山腰扎营. The climbers made camp half-way up the peak.
汽车的声音消失在远方. The noise of the car died away in the distance.
我们的信在邮寄途中错过去了. Our letters crossed in the post.
只应在同类事物中作比较. You should only compare like with like.
他先在脸盆里倒了一些水。 He first poured some water in the basin.
房东正在逼她搬家. The landlord's putting the screws on to get her out of the house.
证人是一名在现场的记者。 The witness is an on-the-spot reporter.
所有的提议现在均已落实。 All the proposals have now been carried out.
现在,我们应乘机反攻。 We should seize the opportunity to counterattack.
在这种地方保密是不可能的。 In this place privacy is impossible.
在度假淡季,度假费用较低。 Holiday prices are lower out of season.
我对电脑的维修保养很在行。 Maintenance of PC is in my element.
他们的案件现在正在讨论中。 Their case is now under discussion.
老师对于我的迟到并不在意。 Our teacher didn't mind my coming in late.
在雷雨期间不要站在树下。 Don't stand under a tree during a thunderstorm.
你对地位真是一点儿也不在乎。 You don't really care a fig about status.
丢钱的事总是压在我心里。 The loss of the money has been a weight on my mind.
他因在上课时吸烟而被开除了。 He was expelled for smoking in class.
他们断定还是呆在原地好。 They figured it was better to stay where they were.
在日光下看, 颜色显得不同. The colours look different when viewed in daylight.
我们在海边度过了愉快的时光。 We had a glorious time at the seaside.
农民们正在田野里收割稻子。 The peasants are harvesting rice in the field.
预计他在比赛中会轻易获胜。 He is expected to win the game with ease.
他们已经在一个农场里定居下来。 They have settled down on a farm.
时日在无穷的展望中延展着。 The days stretch out in an endless vista.
现在已经过了退课的最后期限了。 It's past the deadline to withdraw.
在明年的重选中她参加竞选。 She comes up for re-election next year.
在地图上, 十字符号代表教堂. On maps, a cross is the symbol for a church.
就在昨天,他动身前往美国。 It was yesterday that he started for America.
这匹马在比赛中没有取得名次。 The horse finished up nowhere in the race.
她一直在鼓吹新鲜空气的好处。 She's always preaching the value of fresh air.
许多伤员死在去医院的途中了. Many of the wounded died on their way to hospital.
中国菜在每一方面都是精美的。 Everything about Chinese food is refined.
农场里的劳动力在不断减少。 The farm labour force is running down steadily.
这场事故发生在道路的拐弯处。 The accident happened at the twist in the road.
强盗们在警察到来之前逃走了。 The robbers escaped before the police arrived.
难民暂时安置在一座旧军营里. The refugees are being lodged in an old army camp.
这个计划在构思上很有想象力。 The plan is very imaginative in conception.
他在繁重工作的压力之下累坏了。 He broke under the strain of heavy work.
许多伤员死在去医院的途中了。 Many of the wounded die on their way to hospital.
决策的重任全落在她的肩上了。 The full weight of decision-making falls on her.
制造厂商的名称在盘子背面. The manufacturer's name is on the bottom of the plate.
军队正在进行沙漠作战演习. The army is on (ie taking part in) manoeuvres in the desert.
在所有高山当中,玉山为最高。 Of all the high mountains, Mt. Jade is the highest.
现在是我方炮兵回击敌人的时候了。 It's time for our artillery to hit back.
这两项实验的结果合并在一起了. The results of the two experiments were conflated.
他总是把时间花在毫无意义的事上。 He always spend his time to no purpose.
在短暂的休息之后他们继续锻炼。 They carried on the exercise after a short break.
他悟性差, 没有意识到存在的危险. He hadn't the wits/wit enough to realize the danger.
他想扩充自己在这一行业的知识。 He wants to widen his knowledge of the industry.
这个问题不在我们探讨的范围之内. This subject is outside the scope of our inquiry.
一页版面为在一面印刷的版面设置 The type set for printing one side of a leaf.
我一直坐在地板上, 脚都麻木了. I've been sitting on the floor and my foot's gone to sleep.
这块湿地不够坚实, 不能在上面走. This wet ground is not firm enough to walk on.
他在选举中失去了议会中的席位。 He lost his seat in the Parliament at the election.
在演讲开头主席开了一个玩笑。 At the beginning of the speech the chairman cracked a joke.
在这个工业地区兴起一座新城市。 A new city has grown up in this industrial district.
我的车轮子在汽车比赛中途脱掉了。 My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race.
她把连衣裙放在床上以保持平整。 She laid her dress on the bed to keep it neat.
那个地方在地图上以十字形记号标出. The place is marked on the map with a cross.
资方在与工人谈判中作出了让步. Employers made concessions to the workers in negotiations.
这个国家最优秀的人才在不断外流。 This country is being drained of its best talents.
管理部门正在设法提高生产率. The management are looking for ways of improving productivity.
在这个问题上公众的意见已两极分化. Public opinion has polarized on this issue.
这样的便服不宜在正式的场合穿. Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.
命名者命名的人。如在科学分类中 One who assigns names, as in scientific classification.
每年都要花费大量金钱在烟草上。 A high amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.
他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。 He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty.
在法国,时新的式样都是演员们首创的。 The actors set the fashion in France.
我已经把我所有的希望都寄托在你身上了。 I have staked all my hopes on you.
老矿区的六十多个矿井正在扩建。 More than60 pits in old mining areas are being extended.
即使涨价后石油的消费仍在增长。 Consumption of oil increase even after it rise in price.
我们现在邮购业务是每周期1,200美元。 Our mail orders are now running at$1, 200 a week.
在晚会上,他和他的密友亲密交谈。 He exchanged intimacies with his bosom friend at the party.
她在报告中探讨了帝国主义的本性。 In her talk she went into the nature of imperialism.
这个组织是在世界银行的赞助下办的。 The association is under the auspices of Word Bank.
我看到雪激动得连寒冷都不在乎了。 I was so excited to see snow that I was indifferent to the cold.
她在一阵悔恨之中把情人的信都烧了. In a fit of remorse she burnt all her lover's letters.
副排长命令部下在营房广场集合。 Platoon sergeants fell their men in on the barrack square.
船长在航海日志中描述了这次事故。 The captain described the accident in the ship's log.
如果你在雾天去爬山,你是在自讨苦吃。 If you climb mountain in fog, you are asking for it.
他在本地汽车制造厂装配线上工作. He works on the assembly line at the local car factory.
民主党希望在下次大选中重新执政。 The democrats hope to get back at the next election.
她对购买生日礼品的事非常在行. She's got the business of buying birthday presents down to a fine art.
医生在他受伤的腿中植入了一块钢板。 The doctor inserted a steel plate into his damaged leg.
每年都要花费大量金钱在广告上。 A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year.
在我受到攻击时, 幸好有个警察经过. By a happy chance a policeman was passing as I was attacked.
在自然界, 一切动物都是野生的, 自由自在的. In nature, all animals are wild and free.
律师在离开办公室时被记者拦住了。 The lawyer was collared by some journalists as he left his office.
我们为你在普拉扎旅馆预订了两夜的房间. We've booked you in at the Plaza for two nights.
我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上. I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.
我们在一个星期内已经见到两件合并的事了. We've seen two amalgamations in one week.
首相在其助手陪同下访问我国。 The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his assistant.
我们只好等等看, 现在无能为力. We shall just have to wait and see; there's nothing we can do at the moment.
他把赢得的钱全都压在最后一场赛马上了。 He gambled all his winnings on the last race.
在防空演习时对一切灯火都实行管制。 All lights are blacked out during air defence exercises.
我也不相信我们的相关力量正在增长。 I don't believe that our relative strength is increasing.
房价稳定了几个月, 现在又上涨了. House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again.
上星期我正在度假, 没收到你们的传真。 I was on vacation last week and didn't receive your fax.
他在医学会议上宣读了他的研究论文. He read a paper at a medical conference on the results of his research.
她的讲话在众议院激起一片抗议声. Her speech threw the House (ie of Commons) into a tumult (of protest).
有一天我在去我叔叔家的路上迷失了方向。 One day I lost myself on the way to my uncle's house.
在野外郊游时老师常看护着班上的学生。 Teachers often chaperon their classes on field trips.
我因有约在先, 所以只好谢绝你的邀请. I shall have to refuse your invitation because of a prior engagement.
我要尽力避免在晚年时成为孩子们的负担。 I will try to avoid come upon my children in my old age.
他们在请愿书上签名,支持工人的请求。 They signed a petition in support of the workers' demands.
你要是现在走, 可能正赶上交通拥挤的时刻. If you go now, you're likely to hit the rush hour.
你需要消除偏见, 才能在这里获得成功. In order to succeed here you will need to overcome your prejudices.
外科医生们正在日夜工作以抢救他的生命。 Surgeons are working round the clock to save his life.
纪念馆址已选定在加拿大作为永久的纪念. The site of the memorial is granted in perpetuity to Canada.
有几家公司在投标争取承包建桥工程。 Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge.
那球被正站在边界线内的守场员接住了. The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.
他们正在努力研制尽善尽美的新颜料配方. They are working on the perfection of their new paint formula.
这个交响乐团是在政府赞助下成立的。 This orchestra has been established under the patronage of the government.
在那些岁月里,有才干的青年常常被埋没。 In those days talented young people were too often ploughed under.
法官免除了他们在这些事上的所有责任和义务。 The judge exempted them from all liability in these matters.
在午饭时间, 值班教师负责维持校内秩序. The teachers on duty are policing the school buildings during the lunch hour.
现在大楼已开始动工,要放弃行动为时已晚。 Now the building has been started, it is too late to back off.
不要替我操心床铺的事。我就睡在地板上好了。 Don't worry about a bed for me, I can kip down on the floor.
我们的友谊是建立在无产阶级国际主义之上的。 Our friend ship is built on proletarian, internationalism.
在这张地图上长征路线是用红线标示出来的。 The route of the Long March is lined out in red on the map.
她的鲜红的帽子使她在姑娘们中间显得特别出众。 Her bright red had set her apart from the other girls.
反对党的下院议员强迫部长收回在他的声明。 The opposition mps force the minister to withdraw his statement.
那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公自杀了. The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book.
在热闹的都市里骑自行车往往比坐汽车方便得多. A bicycle's often far more convenient than a car in busy cities.
在现实生活中, 要划分好人和坏人并非易事. In real life, it's not so easy to divide people into goodies and baddies.
即便是在管理最好的家庭,事故有时也会发生的。 Accidents sometimes happen even in the best regulated families.
公司正在联合几家海外合伙人制造新产品. The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.
她穿著黑色连衣裙, 在这种欢乐的场合未免太素了. Her plain black dress was too severe for such a cheerful occasion.
我在公共汽车上, 一边一个胖子把我夹在中间不能动. I sandwiched myself between two fat men on the bus.
农民们春季播种玉米,现在是他们收获的季节。 It is a season that peasants reap the corn from what they planted in spring.
正做出努力来宣扬总统在解决危机中的作用。 An attempt was made to play up the president's role in settling the crisis.
在一个雨夜,那个警察正巧碰上了一伙走私犯。 One rainy night the policeman had a chance encounter with a gang of smugglers.
在自由市场上,那个男人卖给我坏鸡蛋骗了我。 That man in the free market put it across me by selling me some bad eggs.
双方并非在每一点上意见都一致, 但已达成和解. The two sides failed to agree on every point but came to an accommodation.
她真心实意地在信上签了字, 没意识到其中另有含义. She signed the letter in good faith, not realizing its implications.
那位新近走红的男演员在这部新影片中扮演重要角色。 The latest popular actor is featured in this new film.
当我们到达山顶时,美丽景色展现在我们的眼前。 The beautiful scenery was set out before us as we reached the top of the hill.
人性就是这样,所以在场的每个人都感动得流下眼泪。 Such is human nature that everybody present was moved to tears.
晚上在照明很差的路上行走, 应该穿显眼的衣物. If you're walking along a badly-lit road at night you should wear conspicuous clothes.
团体,帮一群组合在一起的青少年,尤指一群少年犯 A group of adolescents who band together, especially a group of delinquents.
个位在阿拉伯数字系统中紧靠在小数点左边的数字 The number immediately to the left of the decimal point in the Arabic numeral system.
那个德国姑娘在100米比赛中刷新了自己以往最好的成绩. The German girl improved on her previous best performance in the 100 metres.
在我完全不了解的情况下, 她已先行办好了度假的预订手续. Quite unknown to me, she'd gone ahead and booked the holiday.
这位著名的戏剧演员即便是在死后,也仍受到人们的喜爱。 This famous comic actor is loved by the people even after his death.
制造多级火箭的一种方法是把各级火箭并排放在底部。 One of the ways to make step rockets is to put the stages side by side at the bottom.
热处理的目的在于使钢材更好地适用于某一特定的用途。 The object of heat treatment is to make the steel better suited for some specific application.
我可不知道在这地球上有什么东西比七厘利息更无情的。 I do not know of anything more remorseless on the face of the earth than seven per cent interest.
这位部长在她的讲话中表示不同意对现行法律作任何更改。 In her speech, the Minister came out against any change to the existing law.
他为人诚实,不计较面子,对于别人的批评一点也不在乎。 He has an honest nature and a thick skin, and never cares a bit about other people's criticisms.
女士们喜欢在自由市场呆上很长时间,同货主们讨价还价。 The ladies like to spend hours in the free market, bargaining about the goods.
预赛,选拔赛确定比赛资格的预备竞赛或测试,如在体育运动中 A preliminary competition or test to determine qualifications, as in a sport.
让我们更紧密地团结在党中央的周围,去争取更大的胜利。 Let us rally closer round the Party Central Committee to win still greater victories.
有些人在戏院附近留恋不去,希望看一看他们喜爱的演员。 Some people lingered about near the theatre, hoping to get a glimpse of their memory lingers on.
上流社会的上流社会的或适合于上流社会的,尤其是在语言用法上 Of or appropriate to the upper class, especially in language usage.
我希望我们之间的贸易将在平等互利的基础上进一步发展。 I hope the trade between us will be further developed on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
这样,这架飞机才能升高,并在距山头四百英尺的高度飞越山顶。 The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by400 feet.
这些附件及专用工具的费用应包括在该品目的基本价格之中。 The cost of these accessories and special tools shall be included in the basic price of the item.
在春天,我们通常将钟表向前拔一小时,以利用夏天的日光。 In spring, we usually set the clock ahead one hour, to take advantage of the summer daylight.
厂家已在试验制造,完全符合所要求的规格,可望在两周内完成。 Maker make trial product exactly conform specification expect completion within fortnight.
在计算机安全学中,一种对存取受到控制的实体的特征的描述。 In computer security, a description of the characteristics of an entity to which access is controlled.
安慰的话,宽心的话某些没有内在补救作用的东西,仅仅用来安慰他人 Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another.
现在父亲已去世,我们一定要经得起痛苦的打击,并学会忍受艰难困苦。 Now that Father is dead, we must bits the bullet and learn to put up with hardship.
平面规,测平仪在精密金属加工中用于测定平面表面精度的金属平板 A flat metal plate for gauging the accuracy of a plane surface in precision metalworking.
指一个其价格已包含在计算机或产品的价格中的软件或硬件产品。 Pertaining to a software or hardware product that is included in the price of a computer system or product.
在写这本书时,作者查阅了许多与此同类题材的著作,从中得益非浅。 In writing this book, the author has greatly profited from consulting many works on the same subjects.
如果我们采取措施在互利的基础上恢复业务关系,对我们都是有利的。 It will be advantageous if steps are taken to resume our business relationship on the basis of mutual benefit.
我一整天都在家里等候你们的电视修理员来取电视机,但他失约了。 I've been waiting in all day for your television repair man to collect the set, but he didn't come as he promised.
在最近的这次危机中,没有一家银行能帮助那些处于困境的公司渡过难关。 In the recent crisis no banks could manage to bail out the companies feeling financial pressure.
正如公报中所说,两国同意在未来的一年中扩大两国之间的贸易关系。 As spelled out in the communique, the two countries agreed to expand their trade relations in the coming year.
小汽车的优点是能够在其它车辆间穿行,并且常常比大客车先到达。 The advantage of a little car is that it can weave through the traffic and often get there faster than the big buses.
分子扩散运动两种或更多种物质的分子由于随机的热运动自发混合在一起 The spontaneous intermingling of the particles of two or more substances as a result of random thermal motion.
在打印机或显示器中,一种用于控制打印或显示信息的布局或位置的控制字符。 In a printer or display, a control character used to control the layout or location of information.
应召显贵法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨 One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency.
自从她在学校里获奖以来,她就一直目中无人,不愿与别的女孩子说话。 Since she won a prize at school she's been going about with her nose in the air and refusing to talk to the other girls.
她断定那笔钱用得不是地方,而我们在经济上遇到的困难却也似乎说明她言之有理。 She claimed that money had been wasted and our financial difficulties seemed to prove her point.
英国人在任何动乱的年代都要重温战争时期的日子,那时人们都友好互助。 In any troubled times, the British tend to hark back to wartime days, when people helped each other in a friendly spirit.
彩色插图书的整页图解,经常为彩色,印刷在与印刷正文页材料不同的纸张上 A full-page book illustration, often in color and printed on paper different from that used on the text pages.
那天早些时候迫使敌人放弃给我军的阵地现在需要布置起来,对付那必然的反攻。 Positions surrendered to our troops earlier in the day had now to be prepared against the inevitable counter-attack.
在英国,一些反对党的领袖是政府成员,有人建议美国也采用类似的作法。 In Britain, some opposition party leaders are members of the government, and some say that a similar device should be adopted here.
在结构分析中,研究形状和格式的科学。此处指对模块层次和组织的结构的研究。 In structured analysis, the study of shapes and forms, herein with respect to the structure of modular hierarchies and organizations.
向导们把我气死了,所以嘛,我今天杀掉了其中一个,还叫人给做成标本摆在我们的纪念品室。 Guides have annoyed me so, that today I kill one and am had him stuffed for our trophy rooms.
在计算机图形学中,以常数值乘以图象的坐标来放大或缩小全部或部分显示图象。 In computer graphics, to enlarge or reduce all or part of a display image by multiplying their coordinate by constant values.
她一定要孩子们穿得暖暖的,他们有点小毛小病便提心吊胆,她对他们实在关心得太过分了。 She does fuss the children about so-making sure they're well wrapped up, and worrying about minor illnesses.
我姐姐在假日里对孩子们放任不管,以至于有一段时间闹得很厉害,使邻居都感到厌烦。 My sister left her children so much to themselves during the holidays that for a time they ran wild and became a nuisance to the neighbourhood.
我了解你提出的这个计划的所有优越性,但是现在首要的问题是我们没钱投入,再说也没用。 I am aware of all the advantages of the scheme you propose, but we haven't the money to put down in the first place, and there's an end of it.
假如他们在十年或十五年以前来到这我儿的话,他们就可以在许多生意上获得与创办人同等的利益了。 If they have come along here ten or fifteen years ago they might have been let in on the ground floor of a lot of things.
平价制度为保证在选定的基期内农民具有相同的购买力而主要由政府支持的农产品价格水平 A level for farm-product prices maintained by governmental support and intended to give farmers the same purchasing power they had during a chosen base period.
在二进制浮点数中,一种带有符号的特定值,其量值大于一台计算机所能表达的任何二进制浮点数。 In binary floating-point concepts, a value with an associated sign which is mathematically greater in magnitude than any binary floating-point number.
假牙师一种牙科技术师,其专长在于制造和安装假牙,他可以直接为公众服务,而不必通过有执照的牙科医生 A dental technician specializing in making and fitting dentures as a direct service to the public rather than through a licensed dentist.
在字符识别中,字符阅读器所使用的一种系统,在这里输入的文件以预定的和不变的速率被发送给文件传送装置。 A system used by character readers in character recognition where each input document is issued to the document transport at a predetermined and fixed rate.
在系统中等待处理的一组或一队列新信息,主调度程序对该队列及其它队列进行扫描,使之顺序进入处理状态。 A queue of new messages(or a group) within a system that are awaiting processing. The main scheduling routine will scan them along with other queues and order them into processing in order.
软件保护中,把不能复制的标记或签名存放在软盘上的方法,用一个特殊测试程序来检测签名是否存在,如不存在,则被保护的程序不能运行。 In software protection, a method of giving a mark, or signature, that cannot be duplicated, to a floppy disk. A special test routine detects if a signature is present, and if it is not found the protected program will be disabled.
盐在水中溶解. Salt dissolves in water.
油漆正在剥落。 The paint was peeling.
那时正在打仗。 The war was on then.
他的视力在衰退。 His sight is going.
他一度住在赞比亚. He once lived in Zambia.
潮水正在高涨。 The tide is at the flood.
耕者正在耕田。 The cultivator is furrowing land.
宇宙存在于太空。 The universe exists in space.
风暴在夜里停止了. The storm blew over in the night.
灯光在黑暗中闪耀。 Lights flared up in the darkness.
他一辈子都住在这里。 He all lives here all one's life.
很多野兽在春天繁殖。 Many animal breed in the spring.
他的精力似乎正在衰退。 His energy seemed to ebb.
抗旱的战斗在继续中。 The battle against drought was on.
庄稼在旱灾中枯死了。 The crops died during the drought.
房子半截被埋在雪里。 The house was half buried under snow.
那小城尚在五英里以外. The town is still five miles off.
该岛毁在旅游业上了. The island has been ruined by tourism.
他在生活中甘居中游。 He prefers a happy medium in life.
一盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。 A lamp hang over the table.
他在群众中威信很高。 He has high prestige among the masses.
他在为一笔货款进行交涉。 He is treating for a loan.
在干旱时期定量供应水 Rationing water during the drought.
失事的火车横在铁轨上. The wrecked train lay aslant the track.
标枪在空中沿曲线运动. The spear curved through the air.
他在千方百计谋求这份差使。 He is bucking for the job.
旅游业在八月份达到高峰。 Tourism is at its peak in August.
欢乐的歌手们正在唱颂歌。 Merry songsters are singing carols.
小路漫漫消失在密林深处. The path petered out deep in the forest.
我试着把那个日期牢记在心。 I tried to fix the date in my mind.
我常在周末去看望我姑母。 I often go to visit my aunt at weekends.
许多士兵在内战中阵亡。 Many soldiers went under in the Civil War.
盲人在很大程度上依靠触觉. Blind people rely a lot on touch.
有根鱼骨头卡在我的喉咙里。 I've got a fish bone stuck in my throat.
把它记在我的信用卡的帐号里。 Have it charged to my credit card.
那犯人在牢房里来回地走著. The prisoner paced the floor of his cell.
都市笼罩在渐暗的天色之中。 Dusk was settling over the city.
我很不喜欢住在闭塞的乡村。 I hate being shut away in the country.
大浪在堤上冲出一个缺口. The huge waves made a breach in the sea wall.
警方正在审讯两个嫌疑犯. The police are interrogating two suspects.
我们在给学院的棒球队加油. We're rooting for the college baseball team.
有一货轮的钢材在海上遗失了。 A cargo of steel was lost at sea.
投球时在摆动之前举起球棒 Cocked the bat before swinging at the pitch.
她在群众中享有很高威信。 She enjoyed high prestige among the masses.
他一直在生病,尚不能工作。 He's been ill and isn't fit for work yet.
冠军在决赛中都吃了败仗. The champions were completely smashed in the final.
我在斯德哥尔摩大学攻读艺术。 I am studying art at Stockholm University.
你的注目凝视使她感到不自在。 Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable.
故事发生在一个宁静的夏夜。 The story took place in a serene summer night.
这些儿童在智力上大致相同. In intelligence, the children are about equal.
道路在暴风雪之后铺上了沙子。 The roads were sanded after the snowstorm.
铸造在硬币上的文字已经磨损. The inscription on the coin had worn away.
一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。 A new upsurge in construction is in the making.
这幅画的原作在大英博物馆内。 The original picture is in the British Museum.
她总是在高档店铺里买首饰。 She always gets her jewels at high-class shops.
他在起居室里用吸尘器打扫地毯。 He is vacuuming a rug in the sitting room.
在合同中写入了一项罚款条款. A penalty clause was written into the contract.
在火灾中,好些房子给烧毁了。 A number of houses were burnt down in the fire.
这座公寓的管理员不在公寓里住. This block of flats has a non-resident caretaker.
她撞见他正在搜查她的房间. She came upon him unawares as he was searching her room.
公司在新人管理下就要垮台了。 The firm is going to pot under the new management.
在微浪的美妙颤抖中缓缓合目。 On the smooth wave in trembling beauty sleep.
他打电话时, 她恰巧不在家. She happened to be out/It happened that she was out when he called.
他在恳求拨款修建一所新学校。 He was appealing for funds to build a new school.
老板要求我们在截止限期前完成 The boss is leaning on us to meet the deadline.
在废墟中依然挺立着几根柱子。 Several columns among the ruins still stood upright.
这人失业后就生活在贫困之中。 The man lived in poverty after his unemployment.
在三十年代有很多麻疯病人。 There were many people with leprosy around the age of thirty.
这幅画在他的收藏品中最为珍贵 The painting has pride of place in his collection.
他正在写他的最新畅销书的续集。 He is writing a sequel to his latest best seller.
一些强壮的人在冰冷的水中游泳。 A few hardy people swam in the icy water.
现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。 Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays.
你可以看到小孩在河对岸玩耍。 You can see children playing on the other side of the river.
卡车非装卸货物时不得在此停车。 Lorries may only park here when loading or unloading.
我可以在我的寓所里为你提供一个床位。 I'll fit you up with a bed at my flat.
上校命令士兵们在甲板上集合。 The colonel ordered their soldiers to gather on the deck.
她极力掩盖她在此事中充当的角色。 She's very defensive about her part in the affair.
他每次买汽油都记在报销帐目上. Whenever he buys petrol, he puts it on his expense account.
他很倒霉,在考试当天生病了。 He had the misfortune to fall ill on the day of the examination.
我们公司在经济衰退时期历尽艰辛。 In the recession, our firm go through a bad time.
在英国食用的黄油多产自新西兰. Much of the butter eaten in England comes from New Zealand.
喷射机的黑色轮廓在雾中隐隐显现。 The dark outline of a jet loomed through the mist.
这幢旧房子在昨夜的大火中烧毁了。 The old house burned down last night in the big fire.
在环形防线上已布置了几处岗哨. Guards had been posted at several points around the perimeter.
他在陈述事实, 但他隐瞒了一些事。 He may be telling the truth but he is keeping something back.
在足够的证据面前,这个罪犯屈服了。 In the face of enough witness, the criminal caved in.
他因在人行横道上乱扔杂物而被罚款。 He was fined for littering on the sidewalks.
人事部门正在组织新雇员的培训. Personnel is/are organizing the training of the new members of staff.
他拼命在她的书桌里搜寻那封信。 He was rifling through her desk in a desperate search for the letter.
我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。 I groped for the light switch in the dark room.
临床指导在诊所讲授或指导研讨的人 One who conducts sessions or teaches at a clinic.
警方得到了他们在策划着暴动的情报。 The police had a tip that they were plotting a riot.
教皇在当代社会没有世俗方面的权利。 The Pope has no temporal power in modern society.
在一些发展中国家, 文盲是个大问题. Illiteracy is a major problem in some developing countries.
有一棵树横在铁轨上, 造成机车出轨. The engine was derailed by a tree lying across the line.
他在找新房子时把家具存放在仓库里。 His furniture is in storage while he finds a new house.
政府正在引用某些措施来振兴贸易。 The government is introducing measures to revive trade.
汽车放出的废气在污染我们城市的空气。 Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.
我们的产品在国内市场上都很畅销。 Our product command a good market both at home and abroad.
现在,田径项目的半决赛正在进行。 Now, the semifinal of the track and field event is underway.
在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则. You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in.
在这条街上停车是此处居民特有的权利. Parking in this street is the privilege of the residents.
这张票已过了有效期,现在作废了。 This ticket has passed its expiration date, and so it is now invalid.
英国把获得奖牌的希望寄托在奥维特的身上. British hopes of a medal rested on Ovett.
在林肯就职其间,美国爆发了内战。 The America Civil War was broken out during the presidency of Lincoln.
在公众场所遗弃杂物是妨害公众利益的. It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places.
领先的那辆赛车在第十圈的中途撞毁了。 The leading car crashed midway through the tenth lap.
既然大家都在,她不妨把想法都谈出来。 Now that they were all there she might as well speak her mind.
在爆炸中有两个士兵和一个平民被炸死. Two soldiers and one civilian were killed in the explosion.
英国广播公司经常在节目空档时播放唱片。 The BBC often plays a record to fill in.
在工厂后面的荒地上突然长出了草木。 Greenery has sprouted out in the waste land behind the factory.
那个国家现在正处于军事独裁统治之下。 That country is now living under a military dictatorship.
这件要事不容耽搁,我们必须现在谈谈。 This important matter brooks no delay. We must talk about it now.
我庆幸自己不必在天气这样恶劣的夜晚外出. I'm glad I don't have to go out on such a dirty night.
警察搜索了在周围六英里以内的树林各处。 The police searched all the woods within a six-mile radius.
我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。 What I need now is the security of a happy home.
请书面申报你在国外购买的全部商品。 Please make a written declaration of all the goods you bought abroad.
在对他进行评审时,你应该考虑到他还年轻。 In judging him you should consider his youth.
在那里驻扎大量军队会有一定的危险性。 Stationing large forces there would involve a considerable risk.
我记得感到上帝或某人把我们凑合在一起。 I remember feeling that God, or someone, had brought us together.
在他们的欢呼声中, 他把杯子里的啤酒一饮而尽。 He drank off a glass of beer amid their cheers.
你竟当着别人面前告诉他,实在很不机智。 It wasn't very tactful of you to tell him in front of others.
恐怖分子只有在某些条件下才释放人质. The terrorists will only release their hostages on certain conditions.
有些尚未查明的势力正在活动图谋推翻政府. Unknownforces were at work to overthrow the government.
他在总统竞选中曾以改革者的姿态出现。 He have project himself as a reformer in the presidential campaign.
他惯常坐在桌旁的位置被一个陌生人占据了。 His habitual place at the table was occupied by a stranger.
在他的酒类收藏中有一些名贵的陈年葡萄酒。 He have some rare old vintage in his collection of wine.
这位律师正在为明天法庭审理的案件做准备。 The solicitor is preparing a case in the court tomorrow.
她应该在附近贴几张寻找狗狗的悬赏公告。 She should post rewards around the neighborhood for finding it.
例如,我们的一艘货轮上星期在台风中沉了。 For instance, one of our cargo ships sank last week in typhoon.
执政党在补缺选举中落选,是一极大挫折。 Defeat in the by-election is a major set-back to the ruling party.
在这个贫穷的地区,他的贵族气派显得很可笑。 His aristocratic manners seemed ridiculous in this poor area.
她在枪上留下的指纹就是她犯罪的确凿证据. Her fingerprints on the gun were conclusive proof of her guilt.
他在气力方面和我相等, 但在智力方面却不如我。 He equals me in strength but not in intelligence.
她两次被派到国外在国际博览会上作表演。 She has twice been sent abroad to demonstrate at international fairs.
我已写信订购我在报纸广告上看到的那种灯泡. I've sent off for those bulbs I saw advertised in the paper.
现在大多数国家的儿童受到无微不至的关怀。 The children have the best of care in most of the countries now.
我们的父母在战争期间有两次被炸弹炸得无家可归。 Our parents were bombed out twice during the war.
新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻. The new road system permits the free flow of traffic at all times.
在暴动中,农奴们以赤手空拳对付钢枪铁炮。 In the uprising the serfs fought with bare hands against gunfire.
在这座大城市里寻找一个人犹如大海捞针. Searching for one man in this big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
他并不是病得不能来工作,他只是在泡病号。 He's not so ill that he can't come to work; he's just swinging the lead.
在我们这个时代先进人物正在大量地涌现出来。 Advanced figures are emerging in multitude in this era of ours.
我们为在村中保留一所学校这一权利进行请愿. We're petitioning for our right to keep a school in our village.
她在今年奥运会女子马拉松赛跑中赢得金牌. She won the gold medal in the women's marathon at this year's Olympic Games.
现在他们在完成定额方面不再落在别人后面了。 Now they no longer fall behind the others in meeting their quotas.
行政国家在行使其权力或义务过程中的活动 The activity of a sovereign state in the exercise of its powers or duties.
冷疗法一种在医疗中局部或全部使用低温的方法 The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy.
她在乡村图书展销会上买到一本珍贵的首版书。 She picked up a valuable first edition at a village book sale.
不过现在它们已经被改建,用作库房或粮仓了。 But now they have been adapted for use as storehouses or granaries.
在这儿为你们举行盛大的宴会是我们极大的愉快。 It's a great happiness to us to have a grand banquet in your honour here.
必须在7日内将答辩寄给法院和另一方当事人。 The defence must be sent to court and to the other party within seven days.
她将放在冰箱里的一些残余食物拼凑成一餐饭。 He made a meal of the odds and ends that were left in the refrigerator.
有些新车在投放市场前没有进行行驶性检验。 Some new cars are not given road tests before they are put on the market.
惊险故事连载每一集都在悬念中结束的情节剧连载 A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense.
如果能把这篇文章登在你的期刊上我将很高兴。 I should be glad if you could insert this article into your periodical.
先知先觉的人们自称在某个领域受过特别启示的人 People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject.
在补偿贸易中,付款以货物而不是用外汇进行。 In compensation trade payment is made by goods and not by for deign exchange.
公共汽车可能早到, 因此我们得稳妥点, 现在就动身. The bus might be early, so we'd better play safe and leave now.
你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。 It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.
这些新的事实连同其他证据已证明在押者无罪. These new facts, together with the other evidence, prove the prisoner's innocence.
夺标者如在拳击赛中与优胜者或冠军对抗的人, One who competes against the holder of a title or championship, as in boxing.
我并不是永久雇员,而是根据定期合同在此工作的。 I'm not a permanent employee; I'm working here on a fixed-term contract.
通才在几种领域内有广泛的普遍的知识和技能的一种人 One who has broad general knowledge and skills in several areas.
膨胀凝固性一种粘性物质在压力下变成凝固的现象 The phenomenon whereby a viscous substance solidifies under pressure.
为了使它更实用,这本书在下一版本中将编有索引。 The book will be indexed in the next edition so as to make it more useful.
我在墙上钉了一个图钉,然后在上面挂了一张小图片。 I hammered a tack into the wall and hung a small picture from it.
把粉末洒在土里,让牛走过时把它们都踩进地里去。 Spread the powder over the earth and let the cattle trample it in as they walk over it.
偏执狂现象在妇女中很盛行,引起了许多婚姻纠纷。 Paranoia reigns supreme among the women, causing much marital conflict.
公司的事情已经到了这种地步, 因此他正在考虑辞职. Things have come to such a state in the company that he's thinking of resigning.
这些放射性废物应该放在密封的箱子里深埋在地下。 The radioactive waste should be buried deeply under the ground in sealed box.
我想你方技术人员可以在我方用户的工厂里接受培训。 I think your technician can be trained in the factory of our customer.
虽然富人和穷人住在一起,但是条件相差极为悬殊。 Rich and poor live side by side but in conditions of extraordinary disparity.
在国会里,地方税收问题似乎又成了引人注意的问题。 The question of local taxation seems to come again to the front in the Congress.
这架军用飞机着陆前在着陆跑道上空盘旋了一阵。 The military aircraft circled over the landing strip for some time before it landed.
他把所有的时间都用在做纵横填字游戏和其他无聊的活动上. He spends all his time on crosswords and other trifles.
在英国法中在证明他有罪前被告是被假定无罪的。 In English law, the accused is presumed to be innocent until he is proved to be guilty.
首席小提琴手在交响乐队中的第一小提琴手兼助理指挥 The first violinist and assistant conductor in a symphony orchestra.
该养老基金在几家主要出售股份给公众的公司中均有股份. The pension fund owns shares in several major public companies.
所提出的事实会揭示社区中普遍存在的一种可悲的情形。 The facts quoted would reveal a sorry state of affairs in any community.
他在明知他的性命有可能受到威胁的情况下接任了那职位。 He took over the post in the knowledge that it might endanger his life.
基督人格基督最重要的人格,在这人格里他的人性和神性结合 The essential person of Jesus in which his human and divine natures are united.
希望你我双方尽力在销售优质产品的同时提供最佳的服务。 Let us jointly do our best to sell high quality products with high quality services.
他在事业上经过一番周折,如今他又回到了最初工作的那家俱乐部。 His career have come full circle to the club where it begin.
如果可能的话,希望能在贵方的培训中心训练我方专业人员。 If possible, you are expected to train our specialist in your training center.
他在比赛中坚持跑完了全程,不像大部分选手那样半途而废。 He managed to finish the race, unlike more than half of the competitors.
减价销售原来预料要持续一周, 然而实际上现在已经结束了. The sale was supposed to last for a week, but for all practical purposes it's over.
英国司法运作的前提是被告在被证明有罪之前是清白的。 British justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until he's proved guilty.
由于这笔交易金额很大,买主在做出决定之前必须再三考虑。 As this transaction involve a very large sum, buyer have to think twice before deciding.
大规模的农场聚集在白人的所有权之下,这在当时是一股潮流。 The aggregation of immense farms under white ownership was a trend at that time.
有组织的在正式结构中起作用的,如在活动的协调和指导中 Functioning within a formal structure, as in the coordination and direction of activities.
在为生存在斗争场里,才能就是重拳,机智就是巧妙的步法。 In the battle for existence, talent is the punch, and tact is the clever footwork.
振动在一个平衡位置附近一个粒子或弹性固体迅速的直线运动 A rapid linear motion of a particle or of an elastic solid about an equilibrium position.
这次示威活动事先作了精心安排, 正好在首相访问时进行. The demonstration had been carefully stage-managed to coincide with the Prime Minister's visit.
动物分类的门界的一个基本分支,如动物界的,在范围上大于纲 A primary division of a kingdom, as of the animal kingdom, ranking next above a class in size.
在这个试验车道,标准汽车成品将接受有意的毁坏性测试。 On this test track, the standard production cars will be subjected to rough treatment deliberately.
界面在相关区域,实体,物质或阶段之间所形成共同界限的面 A surface forming a common boundary between adjacent regions, bodies, substances, or phases.
与此同时,许多大学生在罢工持续期间自愿去驾驶公共汽车。 Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. All
在编辑语言中,把若干值变换为由给定格式所规定的表示形式。 In programming languages, transforming values to the representations specified by a given format.
内庭法官与检察官私下讨论或听取不必在法庭上审讯的案件的房间 A room in which a judge may consult privately with attorneys or hear cases not taken into court.
在打斗中为了自卫把人打死是一回事,残酷无情地开枪杀人是另一回事。 It's one thing to kill a man in a fight, in self-defence, another to shoot him in cold blood.
我的友人,多数生活在城市。然而,一提起农村,他们总是欣喜若狂。 Most of my friends live in the city, yet they always go into raptures at the mere mention of the country.
律师的论点所依据的前提是,人们在没有被证明有罪之前都是无罪的。 The lawyer based his argument on the premise that people are innocent until they are proved to be guilty.
那个越狱犯躲避警察追捕一个多星期之后,终于在一家小旅馆被抓获。 After eluding the police for over a week, the escaped prisoner was finally run down in a public house.
变速器,换档装置在一传送过程中从一个齿轮变到另一个齿轮的一种机械装置 A mechanism for changing from one gear to another in a transmission.
尽管我儿子在伊顿公学中得过名次,但当然还得取决于他的入学考试成绩。 My son has a place at Eton, although of course it still hinges on the result of his entrance examination.
霉,霉菌通常在植物或多种有机物表面形成白色生长物的菌类中的一种 Any of various fungi that form a superficial, usually whitish growth on plants and various organic materials.
父母们担心他们孩子们的心灵全被他们在电视里经常见到的暴力行为所毒害。 Parents are afraid that their child's will be polluted with the violence that they see on television.
音轨一独立的轨道,如沿着一段胶片或磁带的,可将声音或其它信息记录在上面 A distinct path, as along a length of film or magnetic tape, on which sound or other information is recorded.
圣诞节是朋友家人互相再见,以及寄圣诞卡给住在远方的人的一段时间。 Christmas is a time for friends and family members to see each other again and to send Christmas cards to those who live far away.
当顺序写操作超出文件原长度时,在文件末端另分配给该文件的空间量。 The amount of space to be allocated at the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocated length of the file.
抛物线到一固定直线和不在直线上某一固定点等距的点的轨迹所形成的平面曲线 A plane curve formed by the locus of points equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point not on the line.
成洞身体组织或器官内空洞的形成,尤指那种因肺结核而在肺中形成的空洞 The formation of cavities in a body tissue or an organ, especially those formed in the lung as a result of tuberculosis.
他在去糖果店的路上,把钱掉到地上了,硬币沿着人行道滚动,掉进阴沟里去了。 On him way to the sweet shop, he dropped his sixpence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain.
脚注放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目 A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
尽管在井下不舒服,但全体矿工决心在井下罢工,直到他们增加工资的要求得到满足为止。 All the miners are determined to stay down until their pay demands are met. In spite of the discomfort.
格雷在一小块地下开始种花,如今他的生意确实十分红火,英格兰各地都有他的花店。 Gray started growing flowers on a small piece of land. Now he has really made it big and owns flower shops all over England.
这位女秘书一心忙于勾引新来的经理,简直未觉察到办公室里人人都在暗中笑她。 The secretary was so busy getting her hooks into the new manager, that she hardly noticed that everyone in the office was laughing at her.
对计算机程序中的指令序列的检测和记录,例如在监控程序和调试程序中使用的情况。 The detection and recording of the sequencing of instructions in computer programs, for example, as used in monitors and debugging routines.
我曾经警告过他不要调换工作,可如今他被迫在一家亏损公司工作。他这是自作自受。 I warned him not to change his job but now he is forced to work for a company that is losing money. He has made his own bed and now he must lie in it.
想到我们把所有的钱都花在儿子的教育上,而他却所想去一家沉闷的工厂工作,我感到很伤心。 It breads my heart to think of all the money we spent on our son's education and all he wants to do is work in a dreary factory.
既然雇主们同工会领袖无法在直接谈判中达成协议,就指定了一位当地的名律师进行调解。 A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they can't reach an agreement in direct talks.
我们的房子只住我们两人实在太大了,所以我们利用周末抽空外出看看是否有合适的套房,想买一套。 Our house is too large for just the two of us and so we spent part of the weekend seeing over some flats with a view to buying one.
今天大地在太阳光里向我营营哼鸣,象一个织着布的妇人,用一种已经被忘却的语言,哼着一些古代的歌曲。 The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue.
我的引导者呵,领导着我在光明逝去之前,进到沉静的山谷里去吧。在那里,一生的收获将会成熟为黄金的智慧。 Lead me, my Guide, before the light fades, into the valley of quiet where life's harvest mellows into golden wisdom.
模态逻辑命题的限制条件,建立在其内容的肯定或否定其可能性,不可能性,偶然性或必然性基础之上 The classification of propositions on the basis of whether they assert or deny the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content.
在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。 A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.
在微波系统中,来自各处的分散的输入必须被汇集在一起,以形成一个综合的输入,然后由无线电发送和接收。 In microwave system the separate input from various sources must be brought together to give a composite input which is then transmitted and received by radio.
联体,并体天生的或手术施行的通常进行血液交换的两器官的联合,比如在连体婴的发育或某种嫁接手术中 The natural or surgical union of anatomical parts of two organisms, usually involving exchange of blood, as in the development of Siamese twins or in certain transplant operations.
他援引教授物理学方面的一些运动定律为例,说明当计算机用于辅助教学时,学生在幼年就能够理解这些定律。 He cites as an example the teaching of the laws of motion in physics, which he says are accessible at an early age when a computer is used to assist in the instruction.
曾有两位年轻人非法侵入了大学网络,创建了一个公告牌,并在上面装入了流行的商业软件,还邀请因特网上的用户下载这些软件包。 Once two lads broke into the university network, created a bulletin board, loaded popular commercial software on it and invited users across Internet to download the packages.
有人说布什因选举大会开得不好以及竞选方法不佳而受害。可是即使两者都做得较好,结果也将是一样。我想根本问题也不在于经济。 Some will say Mr. Bush was done in by a bad convention and a bad campaign. But if both had gone better the outcome would have been the same. And I don't think it all came down to the economy, either.
在分时系统中,终端和其它设备进行一次数据交换,从而完成一个特定的动作或产生一个特定的结果。例如,输入客户的存款金额并修改客户的余额。 In systems with time sharing, an exchange between a terminal and another device that accomplishes a particular action or result; for example, the entry of a customer's deposit and the updating of the customer's balance.
你在教唆偷窃. You are abetting theft.
他正在剥豌豆。 He is podding peas.
在总数上再加9. Add 9 to the total.
小溪在这儿分岔。 The stream diverges here.
他总是在埋怨。 He is forever complaining.
经济正在停滞。 The economy is stagnating.
玫瑰花正在盛开。 The roses are blooming!
有人听见他在呻吟. He was heard to groan.
他和他妻子葬在一起. He was buried with his wife.
鹰在头顶上盘旋。 The hawk is hovering overhead.
我们正在掘地探矿. We are digging for mineral deposits.
一只鹰在高空盘旋. An eagle circled high overhead.
他在家自己酿造啤酒. He brews his own beer at home.
此事尚在酝酿中。 It still lies in the womb of time.
有人在窃听我的电话。 My phone is being tapped.
他在我腹部撞了一下。 He gave me a butt on the stomach.
警方在跟踪追捕他。 The police are hot on his trail.
请在抽屉里铺上纸。 Line the drawer with paper, please.
在杂树林里有只老鼠。 There is a mouse in that copse.
昨夜我梦见我在飞翔. I dreamt about flying last night.
尸体俯卧在血泊中. The corpse lay face down in a pool of blood.
窃贼被关押在监狱里。 The thief was confined in a prison.
在非洲有很多冒险家。 Africa is full of adventurers.
小船沉没在波涛之中。 The boat dipped into the waves.
仙人生活在太虚之中。 Celestials live in the great void.
船在汹涌的海上颠簸. The ship wallowed in the rough sea.
船正在河上逆流而上。 The boat was going up the river.
在搏斗中打出了几拳. In the struggle several punches were thrown.
他喜欢在说话中用比喻。 He likes to talk in similitude.
我那时正在后院劈柴。 I was out in the back yard splitting logs.
牧师在圣坛前行鞠躬礼. The priest bowed down before the altar.
他现在尝到了失败的滋味。 He has now tasted of failure.
耗子在墙上啃了一个洞。 The rat gnawed a hole through the wall.
她在海滨拥有自己的房子。 She owns a house at the seaside.
她摔倒在地,碰破了膝盖。 She fell down and grazed her knee.
举止或风度的自在或优雅 Ease or cheerfulness in manner or style.
他把石头拿在手上掂了掂。 He weighed the stone in his hands.
衣服在晾衣绳上冻住了. The clothes were frozen on the washing-line.
她用手指在喷泉中玩水. She dabbled her fingers in the fountain.
壁炉凸出在外,伸入房间。 The fireplace came out into the room.
狗舒展着四肢躺在树下。 The dog stretched out under the tree.
这艘船被允许停泊在这儿。 This ship is approved to berth here.
晋升的希望在吸引著他. The prospect of promotion was dangled before him.
该舰队正在波罗的海演习. The fleet is manoeuvring in the Baltic.
我们在院子里种了一些榆树。 We planted some elms in the yard.
在他家里一提政治就犯忌. Any mention of politics is taboo in his house.
要洗的餐具都在洗涤糟里呢. The washing-up had been left in the sink.
他把日记锁在上层抽屉里。 He locked his diary in the upper drawer.
在软岩石上形成许多深槽. Deep grooves channelled the soft rock.
糖和淀粉在胃里被分解. Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.
现在要阴雨连绵下个不停了。 It is settling in to rain now.
我的头撞在低矮的门框上了. I cracked my head on the low door-frame.
在我苦恼的时候,她来安慰我。 She comforted me in my distress.
我是在农场由姨妈抚养大的。 I was raised by my aunt on a farm.
他的肖像挂在壁炉的上方. His portrait (was) hung above the fireplace.
他们生活在一起十分融洽. They live in perfect accord with each other.
石头像雹子一样落在他们身上. Stones hailed down on them.
那风筝在空中不断地旋转。 The kite circled round and round.
白唇鹿在这个地区很罕见。 The white-lipped deer are rare in this area.
在他临终时我在身边侍候。 I ministered to him in his last hours.
那鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞. The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak.
他在用笛子吹奏一首老曲子。 He was playing an old tune on his flute.
我在一次邮购诈欺中受骗了。 I got bitten in a mail order swindle.
有人看见他在花园中徘徊。 He was seen hanging about in the garden.
这艘船在波涛中奋勇前进。 The ship buffeted through the big waves.
美妙的音乐在我心中回荡。 The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind.
我一整天都在锄园子里的草。 I spent the whole day weeding in the garden.
她在晚礼服上缀著一朵兰花. She wore a single orchid on her evening dress.
她坐在那儿捻弄手指上的戒指. She sat twiddling the ring on her finger.
价格在5英镑与6英镑之间波动. The price fluctuates between 5 and 6.
我看到他正在给玫瑰修剪枝条。 I found him pruning his roses.
那条狗在花园里刨出一根骨头. The dog scratched up a bone in the garden.
他们正在凿山建一条隧道. They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel.
父亲在花园里掘出一枚古钱币。 Father dug up an old coin in the garden.
这船的桅杆都在风暴中刮掉了. The ship lost its masts in the gale.
牛奶放在炉灶上的锅里热着。 The milk is warmed in a saucepan on the stove.
一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝。 A boy is flying a kite in the piazza.
水冲击在岩石上溅起了泡沫. The water frothed as it tumbled down the rocks.
易腐的食物应储存在冰箱里. Perishable food should be stored in a refrigerator.
他失踪一事警方正在调查. His disappearance is being looked into by the police.
他的遗体埋葬在教堂的墓地里. His mortal remains are buried in the churchyard.
他放在后裤兜中的钱包被偷了。 His wallet is stolen from his back pocket.
请勿在本店吸烟以利健康. In the interests of hygiene, please do not smoke in this shop.
那座城堡建筑在坚实的岩石上。 The castle is founded on solid rock.
她住在一个偏僻的小农场上. She lives on a small farm in the middle of nowhere.
这场大祸罪责全在公司. The blame for the disaster has been laid firmly at the company's door.
中银大厦在香港是最高的。 The building of the Bank of China is topmost in Hong Kong.
我们在海滨痛痛快快地玩了一天。 We spent a heavenly day at the beach.
他恭恭敬敬地站在老师面前。 He was standing hat in hand before his teacher.
把这油和漆搀在一起,好好搅拌。 Mix this oil with the paint and stir well.
她在新衣服上戴了一枚钻石别针。 She wore a diamond clip on her new dress.
我在给蛋糕最后加一点点缀。 I'm just putting the finishing touches to the cake.
他在舞池里跺著舞步, 样子很可笑. He looked funny stomping round the dance floor.
红色的松鼠在英国已十分罕见了. Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain.
在我们国家,携带枪支是违法的。 It's illegal to carry guns in our country.
在诗歌中,人生被比喻为朝露。 Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.
我们的国家正在走向繁荣昌盛。 Our country is moving towards prosperity.
在轰炸期间许多人受了重伤. Many people were fatally wounded during the bomb attacks.
在沼泽地里,我们受到蚊子的围攻。 In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes.
我感到了猫在我的腿上蹭来蹭去。 I could feel the cat rubbing up against my leg.
他们在雷达屏上看到了那艘游艇. They picked up the yacht on their radar screen.
我们让他们在花园里劈木柴. We set them to chop wood/set them to work chopping wood in the garden.
在他的带动下,战士们斗志昂扬。 His example kept the fighters in high spirits.
两国首相昨天在日内瓦会晤。 The premiers of the two countries met in Geneva yesterday.
该机在飞往德里的途中遭到劫持. The plane was highjacked while on a flight to Delhi.
太阳队在第一轮比赛中被淘汰了。 The Sun Team was washed out in the first round.
我今天在磅秤上称的体重为100磅。 I weighed in at100 pounds on the scale today.
有几家银行在信贷方面紧缩起来了。 Some banks tightened up on their credits.
吉姆把他的一切支出都记在笔记本里。 Jim entered all his expenses in a notebook.
我刚才还在琢磨著这条路多长啊. I was just thinking (to myself) what a long way it is.
在举行葬礼以前尸体被放在棺材里。 The body was placed in bier before burial.
他们在支票上伪造了经理的签名。 They forged their manager's signature on the cheque.
这个淘气的孩子把书藏在了灌木丛里。 The naughty boy hid the books in the shrub.
她正在把米过筛,好把石头筛出。 She is sieving the rice in order to sieve out the stones.
恐怖分子袭击了两名正在巡逻的士兵. Terrorists attacked two soldiers on patrol.
在许多国家, 当众吐痰属不雅行为. In many countries it is considered rude to spit in public.
我苏醒过来的时候是在地板上躺著呢. When I came to my senses, I was lying on the floor.
她的第一本书在文学界大为轰动. She has made quite a splash in literary circles with her first book.
她在一封长信里阐明了辞职原因. She set out the reasons for her resignation in a long letter.
她坐在那里用手指捻着玻璃杯的杯颈。 She sit twirl the stem of the glass in her finger
新的法规旨在杜绝诈骗行为。 The new regulations are deliberately calculated to make cheating impossible.
人们经常在葬礼和追悼会上见到他。 He was often seen at funerals and memorials.
在上次战争中他在北非战役参战. He fought in the N African campaign during the last war.
核武装轰炸机在危机期间负责警戒 Nuclear-armed bombers were put on alert during the crisis.
我的自行车在凹凸不平的车辙道上颠颠簸簸. My bike bumped over the ruts.
惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。 The penalty clause was hidden in the small print.
他径直前往拉各斯, 未在内罗毕停留. He went straight to Lagos, without stopping in Nairobi.
他因卷入丑闻, 在名誉上留下污点. His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation.
现在不是奢侈花钱买新立体音响的时候. This is no time to lash out on a new stereo.
这件事发生在河南一个偏僻的农村。 The thing happened in an out-of-the-way village in Henan.
我觉察到我在时他们有些拘束. I was aware of a certain constraint on their part when they were in my presence.
她赢了100英镑, 都挥霍在买新衣服上了. She won 100 and then splurged it all on new clothes.
作者把她的主人翁安排在第七章中死去。 The author kills off her hero in Chapter7.
我看到两个小孩正在一个小海湾里玩耍。 I saw two children were playing in a cove.
狐狸躲在猎狗抓不到它的灌木丛中。 The fox hid in the thicket where the dog could not reach it.
在那黑暗的年月,他受到种种歧视。 He suffered all kinds of discrimination in those dark days.
他的遗体被运回,埋葬在一个公墓里。 His remains were shipped back and laid away in a cemetery.
麻雀在我们这个城市里是一种常见的鸟。 The sparrow is a common bird in our city.
他把钱都输光了, 现在可真狼狈了. He lost all his money gambling and now he's really in Queer Street.
总统在电视讲话中阐明了他的计划。 The president set forth his plans in a television talk.
吉普车很适合在高低不平的路面上行驶. A jeep is ideal for driving over rough terrain.
在再装烟丝之前,他磕出了烟斗里的烟灰。 He knocked his pipe out before refilling it.
汽车刹车失灵撞在墙上了. The brakes failed to grip (ie engage with and stop the wheels) and the car ran into a wall.
请勿在生气的时候去办如此重要的事情。 Do not go to such an important business in a temper.
他把一辈子的积蓄保藏在一口旧箱子里. He's got his life savings stashed (away) in an old suitcase.
线条和色彩在肖像绘画中都很重要. Line and colour are both important in portrait painting.
我们队在这次比赛的预赛中遭淘汰。 Our team got beaten in the preliminary rounds of the competition.
自古以来该部落就把死者埋葬在这里。 From time immemorial the tribe have buried their dead here.
蒂姆成了传播媒介的焦点, 却也满不在乎. Tim appeared unabashed by all the media attention.
据报道一项改组计划正在拟定之中。 A plan of reorganization is reported to be now in the works.
这些衣服还是湿的,把他们在太阳下晾干。 The clothes are still moist. Dry them in the sun.
东道主队在6局中的击球打得十分出色。 The home team were very good at the bat for six innings.
把酒搁在架子上放一个星期好让它澄清。 Leave the wine on a shelf for a week to settle it.
我板球曾打得很好,可惜现在已生疏了。 I used to be good at cricket, but now I'm out of practice.
他们之间存在的分歧应通过协商解决。 The difficulty among them should be resolved by consultation.
领队告诫我们在大赛之前不要太激动. The manager warned us not to get too keyed up before the big match.
在聚会上, 你最好同你的对手和睦相处。 It is better to be at peace with your rivals at the party.
所以他们在执政的最后一年就彻底崩溃了。 And they go to pieces completely in the last year.
甘蔗渣在汁液被榨完以后剩下的甘蔗废料 The refuse of sugar cane after extraction of the juice.
我们的办事处的大楼高高耸立在城市上空。 High above the city, stood the build of our office.
没有人怀疑他在金融事务中的卓越成就。 No one doubted his preeminence in financial matters.
政府拟采取措施严禁在足球比赛中闹事。 The Government intends to clamp down on soccer hooliganism.
许多著名的人物都曾在挫折中奋争拼搏过。 Many famous men have ever struggled in setbacks.
大家正在进行一场减低城市噪音的运动. People are campaigning to abate the noise in our cities.
他在聚会上竭力表现自己使她感到很难堪. She was embarrassed by his exhibitionism at the party.
住在离城中心半径25英里的范围内的家庭 Every family within a radius of25 miles of the city center.
他们用积蓄的钱合资在乡间买了一所房子. They pooled their savings and bought a house in the country.
安葬是在大清早进行的,没有举行葬礼。 The burial was done early in the morning without a ceremony.
士兵们用铁锹在丛林中开出一条道路。 The soldiers cut a passage through the jungle with their spades.
他这个人太懒惰,真想在他屁股上踢一脚。 He is so lazy; he could do with a good kick up the rear.
在这一政治危机时期我是目睹一切的局外人。 I was on the sidelines during the political crisis.
大多数穆斯林妇女在公共场所都戴着面纱。 Most Moslem women wear veils in public places.
解放前,各种捐税沉重地压在人民身上。 Before liberation, taxes weighed heavily upon the people.
母亲把她那顽皮捣蛋的儿子按在膝盖上揍他。 The mother set her naughty son over her knee and beat him.
一个明智的候选人应该把传媒控制在手中。 A wise candidate should have the media in hand.
他对你说他没有结婚,他是在公然说谎。 He was lying in his throat when he told you he was not married.
他因为在战斗中的勇猛被授予一枚奖章。 He was awarded a merit badge for his bravery in the battle.
她在比赛的第一轮比赛中遭淘汰. She went out in the first round of the tournament/went out of the tournament in the first round.
政府正在采取措施消除艾滋病的危害性。 The government is taking measures to draw the fangs of AIDS.
依照常规大臣在这种情况下应该辞职. Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation.
他在餐桌上举止粗鲁, 在座的人颇为难堪. His ignorant behaviour at the dinner table caused much embarrassment.
她对别人对她行为的多方谴责一点也不在乎。 She cares nothing about the condemnations of her action.
总经理和董事长并列坐在桌子后面。 The general manager and the chairman are sitting behind the desk side by side.
我的小小捐献在巨大的总额中小得几乎看不见。 My small contribution was lost in the grand total.
君子协定通常不能在法律上得以强制执行。 A gentleman's agreement is not usually enforceable by law.
在父母的慈爱的抚育下,我度过了幸福的童年。 I spent a happy childhood under the loving care of my parents.
作者在前言中阐明了他写这本书的原因。 In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing the book.
在切斯特的主教主持下举行了新教堂的奉献礼. The new church was consecrated by the Bishop of Chester.
被击败的军队偷偷潜回到它在山里的据点里。 The defeat army slinked back to its stronghold in the mountain.
他用一面凸透镜把阳光在纸上聚成焦点。 He focused the sun's ray on a piece of paper with a burning-glass.
波浪起伏的显示短而杂乱的波浪的,比如在海潮中 Exhibiting short, jumbled waves, as a tidal rip.
这蛾子停在树枝上, 其颜色和树枝几不可辨. Its colour makes the moth indistinguishable from the branch it rests on.
我们社会中普遍存在著根深蒂固的保守思想. There is a deep-seated conservatism running through our society.
孩子们很羡慕故事中生活在仙境里的仙女们。 Children admire the fairies in that tale living in cloud cuckoo land.
在北京,她和老朋友米勒太太重叙旧日友情。 In Beijing, she had brightened the chain with her old friend Mrs Miller
在城里生活的人往往忙碌得连寒暄都顾不上。 People who live in towns are often too busy to pass the time of day.
在专利局, 我们还有许多的想法没有付诸实施。 In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use.
那狮子在这群鹿四周转来转去,等待着时机进攻。 The lion circled about the family of deer, waiting to attack.
在中国一张传统的八仙桌通常可容八人就餐。 "In China, a traditional big square table usually dines eight persons."
那个卑鄙小人在玩扑克牌时作弊,因此引起一场打斗。 A fight break out because that scumbag cheat at poker.
他向我眨了眨一只眼,意思是他正在开别人的玩笑。 He winked at me to show that he was playing a joke on the others.
一枚钱币的内在价值是造这枚钱币的金属的价值。 The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of.
他在那场战斗中的英勇事迹为他赢得了永恒的荣誉。 His brave deeds in the battle earned him everlasting glory.
捍卫性道德的运动正在转化成对持异议人士的迫害. The crusade for sexual morality is turning into a witch-hunt.
在某种意义上说我同意您,但爱出名是人皆有之的。 I concur with you in a sense, but love of fame is universal.
我宁愿在花园锄草,也不愿在运动场上跑来跑去。 I would rather hoe in the garden than run about on the playground.
侵略军在那里横行霸道,杀人放火,抢劫财物。 The invading troops rampaged about in the area, killing, burning and looting.
昨夜有人看见两个形迹可疑的人在校园里徘徊。 Two suspicious-looking fellows were seen hanging around the campus last night.
我们在威尼斯度假时曾到附近的几个地方观光过. During our holiday in Venice we went on a few trips/excursions to places near by.
我很走运,在最后几场马赛中,接二连三地赌赢了。 Fortunately, I picked winners back to back in the last few races.
精制石灰胶泥精制石灰胶泥,用于在灰泥表层涂抹成膜 A fine lime cement used as a finishing coat on plaster.
我是记者, 在这一政治危机时期我是目睹一切的局外人. As a journalist, I was on the sidelines during the political crisis.
这名吟游诗人在全国游历,吟唱他自己写的诗歌。 The minstrel travelled about the country singing songs and poems written by him.
在各种医药研究中, 应首先解决寻找新疫苗的问题. The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medical research.
目的是要让它在不断增长的瑞典威力中起主要作用。 She was intended to play a leading role in the growing might of Sweden.
修建校舍的计画是在增加教育经费的前提下拟定的. The school building programme postulates an increase in educational investment.
塞口物,口衔强塞进嘴里或压在嘴上防止出声的东西 Something forced into or put over the mouth to prevent speaking or crying out.
过了一会儿,我们在一些白杨树下面找到了一个遮阴的地方。 After a while, we find a shady place under some poplar trees.
在英国, 女王是君主而治理国家的却是民选的代表. In Britain the Queen reigns, but elected representatives of the people govern the country.
汤姆没有工作,身无分文,不得不在野外露宿了几个月。 Jobless and penniless, Tom had to sleep rough in the fields for several months.
船上定员行驶船舶所要求配备的全体官员和在编士兵 The full crew of officers and enlisted personnel required to run a ship.
在悬而未决的状态之下过日子是凄惨的,是蜘蛛的生活嘛。 It is a miserable thing to live in suspense; it is a life of a spider.
模子一种框架或模型在其周围或在其上某物被塑造或成形 A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped.
我曾在这里住了一年,攒够了钱以后才举家迁居国外。 I had been living here for a year before I had saved enough money to bring the family out.
富豪,政治家在商业或政治上获得杰出成绩而闻名的人 One who is known for achieving excellent results, as in business or politics.
他在生活上过于奉行清教徒式的原则,所以不能领略跳舞的乐趣。 He is too much of a puritan to enjoy dancing.
顺着马路大约100公尺。在你左方,你会看到一栋四层楼。 Follow the road for about100 meters. You'll see a seven-story building on your leave.
如果你们在墙板之间的空隙处糊上墙纸,空隙就看不出来了。 If you paper over the spaces between the wallboards, they won't show.
他极力贬低她在那项研究中的贡献, 从而独获全部奖励. He minimized the value of her contribution to his research so that he got all the praise.
这个男人被抓进了警察局,指控在一个地方徘徊,蓄意作案。 The man was taken to the police station on a charge of loitering with intent.
在师主力部队之前先行派出装甲车去侦察敌军的活动。 Armoured cars were sent ahead of the main body of the division lo spot enemy troop movements.
在加利福尼亚州发现金矿一事掀起了一场淘金者蜂拥而至的热潮。 The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there.
他第一次吃这种水果时觉得似乎在品尝世外仙果,美妙极了。 The first time he tasted the fruit, he felt as if he was having a feast for the gods.
在未来岁月里,让我们在记忆的长虹里永远珍藏对他的怀念。 Now we can bask in the rainbow of the memories that we'll nurture in the years ahead.
我们的男主人远远看到有个外表不俗的绅士站在大厅的尽头。 Our host descried a gentleman of unusual appearance standing at the far end of the hall.
她在他们三人中最敏感, 首先意识到他们处境的潜在危险. The most perceptive of the three, she was the first to realize the potential danger of their situation.
老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖他们的子女。 Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children.
手铲刀身尖突并呈铲状的小型器具,在种植植物时用来挖土 A small implement with a pointed, scoop-shaped blade used for digging, as in setting plants.
空隙,间隙允许自由运动所介入的空间或距离,如在机器零件之间的 An intervening space or distance allowing free play, as between machine parts.
我叫李华,正在办理你校1991年秋季财会转业研究生入学申请。 My name is Li Hua. I am applying for the graduate studies in Accounting for the fall of1991.
必须把一切恶感在发展成公开对抗之前,就消灭于萌芽状态之中。 Any ill-feeling has to be nipped in the bud before it develops into open revolt.
在对兴建一家新饭店的计划取得一致意见之后,我们就着手筹集资金。 Having agreed on the plan for building a new hotel, we began to raise funds.
周期律化学元素在周期表中有相似位置时具有相似特性的趋势 The tendency of chemical elements with similar positions in the periodic table to have similar properties.
上星期我儿子被考核了急救方面的知识,现在他已获得六枚童子军奖章。 My son was examined in First Aid last week. He's got about six Scout badges now.
空中交叉跳跃一种芭蕾舞动作,舞者在空中多次前后交叉双腿 A jump in ballet during which the dancer crosses the legs a number of times, alternately back and forth.
全面的,全对称晶形的具有在给定的晶体系统中全面对称的全部平面的 Having as many planes as required for complete symmetry in a given crystal system.
这种日历现在与季节基本保持一致,尽管每年仍有26秒钟的误差。 The calendar now nearly keeps in step with the season, although there is still on error of26 season, per year
大年夜,除夕新年前夕,传统上在这一天孩子们会挨家挨户地讨礼物 The eve of New Year's Day, on which children traditionally go from house to house asking for presents.
当我初次离家时,喜鹊在树上唱歌,在中国文化中这是个好预兆。 Some magpies was singing in the tree when I left home for the first time, a good omen in Chinese culture.
眼镜,护目镜镶在轻型框架中,用于纠正视力或保护眼睛的一对镜片 A pair of lenses mounted in a light frame, used to correct faulty vision or protect the eyes.
父亲不喜欢儿子在外夜宿不归,所以他斩钉截铁地禁止他再那样做。 The father didn't like his son staying out at night, so he put his foot down and forbade him to do it again.
如果是女人,在她走向刑场的半路上,也可能会要求一点时间来化妆。 If a woman were on her way to her execution, she will demand a little time to put on make- up.
杰克在赛跑中的名次排在其他两名运动员之后,而他原来是希望得第一名的。 Jack was placed behind two other runners in the race that he had hoped to win.
看到政府官员在内阁改组之前耍弄花招以讨得首相欢心是很有趣的。 It's amusing to watch members jockeying for the Prime Minister's attention prior to Cabinet reshuffle.
围棋日本的一种两人棋戏,用棋子在一横竖皆有十九条交叉线的棋盘上下 A Japanese game for two, played with counters on a board that is ruled with19 vertical and19 horizontal lines.
利昂没完成几何作业,因为他思想总在开小差,想着班上新来的女生。 Leon didn't finish his geometry homework because his mind kept jumping the track to think about the new girl in class.
挡板,调节风门一种可调节的薄片,如在熔炉或火炉的通气管中的,用来控制气流 An adjustable plate, as in the flue of a furnace or stove, for controlling the draft.
地方法官拥有有限司法权,尤其是在刑事案件中有司法权的司法官中的地方成员 A local member of the judiciary having limited jurisdiction, especially in criminal cases.
三层刺网一种三层竖向安置的渔网,由一层细目网夹在两层粗目网中构成 A vertically set fishing net of three layers, consisting of a finely meshed net between two nets of coarse mesh.
她在当地的旅馆询问打听,得知罗切斯特太太在一天夜间点火烧着了房子。 Making inquiries at the local inn, she discovers that Mrs. Rochester one night succeeded in setting the house on fire.
吊床一种易摆动的吊床或躺椅,用帆布或厚网挂在两树或别的支撑物之间 A hanging, easily swung cot or lounge of canvas or heavy netting suspended between two trees or other supports.
在这篇爱情背叛和复仇的故事中,表现了阴森可怖的想像力,真是刺激,棒极了。 A darker imagination is at work in this story of betrayed love and revenge. Strong meat and very good.
甘受贿赂,贪污腐化易受贿赂或腐败的影响性,如在使用不诚实的收益的信托状况时 Susceptibility to bribery or corruption, as in the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.
毁船打劫者引诱船只失事的人,如通过在多岩石的海岸线上打信号灯,以掠夺其财物 One who lures a vessel to destruction, as by a display of lights on a rocky coastline, in order to plunder it.
函数两组元素一一对应的规则,第一组中的每个元素在第二组中只有唯一的对应量 A rule of correspondence between two sets such that there is a unique element in the second set assigned to each element in the first set.
第三位在有机分子中从一指定碳原子后第三个位置,在此一个原子或原子团可能被替代 The third position from a designated carbon atom in an organic molecule at which an atom or a radical may be substituted.
柴油潜艇在水下只能航行非常短的时间,而核潜艇在水下航行的时间要长得多。 A diesel submarine is able to cruise under water for a short period of time, but a nuclear one is able to cruise under water much longer.
对我们来说,猫是热情又充满深情的动物,但是在鸟儿和老鼠看来,猫是恶毒的食肉动物。 Cats are warm and affectionate creatures to us, but viewed through the eyes of birds and mice they are vicious predators.
在那之后,简直拦不住他,他觉得该是放弃原有的工作而全力以赴当作家谋生的时候了。 After that, there was no holding him, and the day came when he felt he could chuck his job and to all out to make a living as writer.
天体要素在古代和中古时代被认为是充满于月球空间并且是构成恒星和行星的元素 The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.
盈亏平衡点尤指在出售货物或服务的水平上,投资的收益与投资的数量恰好相等的一点 The point, especially the level of sales of a good or service, at which the return on investment is exactly equal to the amount invested.
长音节的拆分或替换一个韵律元素替代另一个,尤指在数量韵文中用两个短音节替代一个长音节 The substitution of one metrical unit for another, especially the substitution of two short syllables for one long syllable in quantitative verse.
三色性某些矿物质所具有的特性,当放在白光下从三个不同的方向观察,会呈现出三种不同的颜色 The property possessed by certain minerals of exhibiting three different colors when viewed from three different directions under white lights.
遭遇伊拉克上校的最初片刻,目睹他令士兵在我们面前劫掠我们车里的物件,我们的生命似乎危在旦夕。 For the first few moments, confronted by an Iraqi colonel who had his soldiers loot our vehicle in front of us, it seemed as if our lives hung by a precarious thread.
奇异风格,形状怪诞的图案一种自然的形式和奇异的图形以一种奇异或古怪的方式结合在一起的绘画雕塑和装饰风格 A style of painting, sculpture, and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarre or fanciful combinations.
最近几个月,泰恩经历了一系列失败的捕捞,老板对他非常不满,于是他决定在捕鱼季节结束前再一次出海。 For several months Tyne has had a run of disappointing catches, and his boss was quite dissatisfied with him. So he decides to make one more trip before the end of the fishing season.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
中立船证由联盟的外国政府颁发给船只的一种官方文件,尤指战时授权中立商船在特定水城内自由进出和航行的文件 An official document issued by an allied foreign government to a ship, especially a neutral merchant ship in time of war, authorizing it to enter and travel through certain waters freely.
哈吉司羊肉一种苏格兰菜,由绵羊或牛切碎的心,肺,肝与板油,洋葱,燕麦片和调味料混合在被屠宰动物的腹中煮熟而成 A Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of the minced heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the slaughtered animal.
这是一个应该避免使用的非正式术语。该术语有时用于一种逻辑元件,这种逻辑元件可以实现特定的功能或在变量之间提供链接。 An improper term to be avoided. This term is sometimes used to designate a logic element which performs a specific function or provides a linkage between variables.
在数据保密学中,通过合法访问数据的进程将数据传输给未授权的用户的过程。例如,编译程序在编译期间便可能泄漏专用程序。 In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data. A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled.
饮食失常一种饮食无序,在这种情况下,一个人常常处于不正常的贪食和厌食的交替状态,特点是偶尔的暴饮暴食继而又很快的引起呕吐或腹泻 An eating disorder in which one alternates between abnormal craving for and aversion to food. It is characterized by episodes of excessive food intake followed by periods of fasting and self-induced vomiting or diarrhea.
尽管有大量的宗教派别,研究美国宗教惯常做法的学者发现,在许多情况下,许多新教教派之间在信仰方面并没有多大的不同,只是在仪式方面有较小的差异。 In spite of the great number of denominations, students of religious practice in the United State find that in many cases there are no major differences in belief, and only minor ones in ritual between many of the Protestant denominations.
日本公司有能力在发展与生产方面,较美国公司投资为多,是他们在半导体方面占上风的一个主要原因。现在,英泰尔计划在经济不景气时大量投资以压倒弱小竞争者。 The ability to outspend American companies on development and production has been a big reason Japanese companies have made gains in the semi-conductor business. Now Intel plans to borrow a page from the Japanese by spending heavily through a recession to gain ground on weaker competitors.
痴愚者一个人智能迟缓发展,仅具有7岁到12岁的智能,一般在一定程度的学术或职业教育后能够进行交流和掌握社会技术。这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味 A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
在远程通信系统中,当报文发往的工作站处于不工作状态时控制站所采取的行动,即接收并存储该报文直到该工作站恢复工作时,再由控制站将报文送给它。在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。 In a remote communication system, the action taken by a control station whereby messages addressed to an inoperative station are accepted and stored at the control station until they can be sent to the destination station. The control station may be a computer in a message switching system.
危险! 正在爆破! Danger! Blasting in progress!
你的立体声音响在哪儿? Where's your stereo?
在…旁边;与…并排 By the side of; side by side with.
我在一友人处寄膳宿。 I'm boarding with a friend.
乌鸦在树上呱呱叫着。 The raven cawed on the tree.
AB线和CD线在P点相交. AB and CD intersect at (the point) P.
在来点马铃薯泥好吗? Would you like more mashed potato?
有半数卫戍部队在执勤. Half the garrison is/are on duty.
寿命存在时间长短;年代 Length of existence; age.
小心别在地席上绊倒了. Be careful you don't trip (up) on the mat.
你那个废物儿子在哪儿呢? Where's that good-for-nothing son of yours?
狐狸倒在血泊中奄奄一息。 The fox lay dying in a pool of gore.
她把图片贴在剪贴簿上。 She pasted the pictures into a scrapbook.
秃鹫正在啄食狮子的尸体。 Vultures are picking at a lion's carcass.
你在我抽屉里乱翻什么? What are you burrowing around in my drawer for?
你被蚊子咬的地方还在痒吗? Are your mosquito bites still itching?
这几项应列在哪个标题下面? What heading do these items fall under?
在这阴暗的地方她脸色黝黑。 Her face was dark in the shadowy place.
那船在暴风雨减弱後启航了. The ship sailed when the storm had abated.
我们近期的信件卷宗在哪里? Where's the file of our recent correspondence?
烛光在日光下显得很黯淡。 The light of a candle is dimmed by sunlight.
教授心不在焉地沿途瞎遛. The professor bumbled absent-mindedly along the road.
农夫正在用轭把牛套到犁上。 The farmer was yoking his oxen to a plough.
滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。 The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium.
冻结的雪在我们的脚下嘎吱作响. The frozen snow crunched under our feet.
是否可在此购买观光巴士券? Can I get a ticket for the sight- seeing bus here?
在书写时, Doctor头衔的缩写是Dr. In writing, the title `Doctor' is abbreviated to `Dr'.
移民官员在我的护照上盖了戳。 The immigration officer stamped my passport.
杰出的在同类中显著的;杰出的 Standing out among others of its kind; prominent.
别听他的种种藉口,他在撒谎。 Don't listen to his pretences; he is lying.
和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。 The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner.
那时一场大瘟疫正在该城肆虐。 A great plague was then raging in the city.
他找到住房之前, 在我家寄膳. He boarded at my house/with me until he found a flat.
我们旅行多年後, 决定在此定居. After years of travel, we decided to settle here.
他现在没有固定的(性)伴侣. He doesn't have a regular (sexual) partner at the moment.
他跌了一跤, 头部撞在栏杆上了. He tripped and bashed his head against the railing.
在经济萧条期间,银行很可能倒闭 In a depression banks are liable to fail.
侦探们又开始在那楝房子警戒了。 The detectives resumed their vigil at the house.
到现在已提名多少人了? How many nominations have there been (ie How many people have been nominated) so far?
久病後他的生命力逐渐在枯竭。 His life is slowly draining away after a long illness.
这些可怜的佃户在那个庄园里耕种。 The poor tenants farmed in that manor.
我们求生的唯一希望就在於裁军吗? Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament?
他在向小学生贩卖海洛因时被捕. He was caught pushing heroin to schoolchildren.
农夫用镰刀在地里刈出一条路来。 The farmer cut a swathe in the field with his scythe.
我还在学习, 别指望我十全十美! I'm still only a learner, so don't expect perfection!
你的名字已登记在选民名册上了吗? Have you got your name on the electoral register?
海关查出了隐藏在货物中的海洛因. The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight.
我们队在上季度的联赛中排名最後. Our team came/was bottom of the league last season.
你现在能帮我兑现这张邮政汇票吗? Can you cash this postal order for me now?
士兵在列队行进之後,很快便解散了。 The men fell out quickly after their march.
恣意挥霍的毫不在意地浪费的;极其奢侈的 Recklessly wasteful; wildly extravagant.
现售货物;现在正在衰老下去的独裁者 Goods now on sale; the now aging dictator.
兔子在澳洲是较为近期引进的动物. The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.
敌舰的影像已显现在雷达(屏幕)上. Enemy ships were detected on the radar (screen).
这种用法现亦逐渐多见於现在时态。 It is also increasingly found in the present tense.
约翰在离去前特意向女主人道谢。 John made a point of thanking his hostess before his leaving.
孩子们在沙滩上嬉戏真是乐得其所. The children are really in their element playing on the beach.
前方直接在前面的地区、部位或位置 The area, location, or position directly before or ahead.
除酒之外, 烟草在多数国家都要徵税. Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.
向后转转向反面,如在政策上;大转变 A reversal, as in policy; an about-face.
歌声虽已结束,但美妙的旋律仍在萦回。 The song is ended, but the melody lingers on.
在文明时代,这麽残忍是不能宽恕的。 In an age of enlightenment such cruelty is unforgivable.
熊熊的柴火在起居室的炉中噼啪作响。 A cheerful wood fire was crackling in the sitting room.
汽车在高低不平的砾石路面上颠簸着。 The car bumped on the uneven surface of the gravel road.
在除夕唱`美好的往日'是传统风俗. It's a tradition to sing `Auld Lang Syne' on New Year's Eve.
那个设陷阱捕猎的人孤独地生活在山里。 The trapper leads a solitary life in the mountains.
这些问题在本法庭审理范围之内[外]. These matters fall within/go beyond the cognizance of this court.
我们所有的玻璃和陶瓷器皿都放在柜橱里。 All our glass and china are kept in the cupboard.
这辆汽车後部在碰撞中造成很大的凹陷. The back of the car was badly dented in a collision.
双方在午夜停止敌对行动(战斗). Hostilities (ie Fighting) between the two sides ceased at midnight.
他在房间里磕磕绊绊地摸索电灯的开关. He blundered about the room, feeling for the light switch.
你猜怎么着:他们昨天在街上打起来了。 Guess what: they fall into fight in the street yesterday.
最早的在时间和次序上首次出现的;最早的 Occurring first in time or sequence; earliest.
工人们把沥青和沙子、石块混合在一起。 The workers mixed the asphalt with sand and gravel together.
请把你的各项开支列在这张表格上,好吗? Could you detail all your expenses on this form?
我们可否把这些项目都归在`杂费'项内? Can we lump all these items together as incidental expenses'?
把第一笔总额加在第二笔(和第三笔)总额上。 Add the first total to the second(and third).
该书的缺点在於作者未能把论证展开. The book's weakness is the author's inability to sustain an argument.
他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮. He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps.
在加利福尼亚居住的好处就在於气候宜人。 The beauty of living in California is that the weather is so good.
他在多大程度上参与了这些犯罪活动? To what degree (ie To what extent, How much) was he involved in the crimes?
别让她在你们之间挑拨--她就是太忌妒了。 Don't let her make mischief between you she's only jealous.
把文章写在练习簿里, 不要写在草稿纸上. Write the essay in your (exercise-)books, not on rough paper.
一小撮人在制定政策中已开始起主导作用. A smallgroup has begun to predominate in policy-making.
他在足球比赛结束以後受到一帮暴徒的殴打。 He is done over by a gang of thug after a football match.
她有财富便於她在社会各界造成巨大影响。 Her wealth gives her enormous leverage in social circles.
一个银行经理在街上跳舞, 那是颇失身分的! Dancing in the street is rather infra dig for a bank manager!
这幅画衬在素墙上就更加(格外)好看了. The picture may be seen to (its best) advantage against a plain wall.
电影胶片从卷轴滑出缠绕在放映机上了. The film flew off the spool and wound itself round the projector.
曼彻斯特联队在一场友谊比赛中击败了凯尔特队。 Manchester United beat Celtic in a friendly.
顶点的在顶点或者最高点的;头的正上方的 Situated at the vertex or highest point; directly overhead.
"入境时,我的提包在海关受到了检查。" My suitcases were examined at the Customs when I entered the country.
在克丽丝汀欺骗了他後,比尔评估一下现状。 Bill take stock of the situation after Christine cheat on him.
管理,统治在一个政治单位里权力的行使;统治 Exercise of authority in a political unit; rule.
我们的边防战士在敌人猛烈进攻下巍然不动。 Our frontier guards held up under fierce enemy attack.
救济人员在(向生还者)分发紧急配给品. Relief workers were handing out emergency rations (to the survivors).
名牌记有名字的牌或匾,如挂在办公室门上 A plate or plaque, as on an office door, inscribed with a name.
正在建造的核电站预计在五年後投产. The nuclear plant now being built is expected to be commissioned in five years' time.
确认确认他人的存在、有效性、权威或权力 Recognition of another's existence, validity, authority, or right.
别再让我们蒙在鼓里了, 结局究竟怎麽样? Don't keep us in suspense any longer -- what happens at the end of the story?
她在危难时总是很冷静、 镇定如常、 泰然自若. She always stays cool, calm and collected in a crisis.
灵巧的在设计和功能方面巧妙而复杂的;精巧的 Ingenious and complex in design or function; intricate.
新的新闻审查法目的在於剥夺新闻界的言论自由。 The new censorship laws are an attempt to gag the press.
在预订时交付定金是一般的[普遍遵守的]惯例. It is accepted/standard practice to pay a deposit with one's order.
工会在目前纠纷中高估自己实力有失败之虞. The union is in danger of overplaying its hand in the current dispute.
釉上的,釉面的为涂在陶瓷的釉上而应用或设计的 Applied or designed for applying over a ceramic glaze.
珀尔不得不在放弃工作和雇保姆之间作出选择。 Pearl had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.
我今天在厨房里做了一阵扫除, 现在确实乾净了. I had a blitz on the kitchen today, and now it's really clean.
丹在学校是个好学生;我们期望他经商成功。 Dan was a good student at school; we expect him to go places in business.
贞德在1429年率大军解除了英军对奥尔良的围攻。 Joan of Arc led a large army to raise the siege of Orleans in1429.
我们在上个冰冻期之後把管道用保温材料裹上了。 After the last freeze-up we put insulation round the pipes.
他在辩论中的策略是先直接抨击政府的政策。 His opening gambit at the debate is a direct attack on government policy.
玛丽的父亲动手术后需要长期在疗养院休养。 Mary's father had to stay in a rest home for a long time after his operation.
社会主义的政策有利於在煤炭工业中推行公有制. Socialist policy favours public ownership of the coal industry.
他在干一个有收益的副业----向游客出售明信片。 He runs a profitable sideline selling postcard to tourist.
花花公子在服饰和举止方面极其文雅的人;纨绔子弟 A man who affects extreme elegance in clothes and manners; a fop.
这个老战犯终于被人从他在国外的藏匿处查获。 The old war criminal is at last smoked out from his hiding place abroad.
他们在会议前争吵起来, 经劝说最後言归於好. They exchanged angry words before the meeting but were finally persuaded to agree.
在1939年,当时人人都感到欧洲处于极度危险的境地。 In 1939 everyone felt Europe was on the edge of the precipice.
在字(词)处理技术中,书信和其它文献的主要部分。 In word processing, the main text of a letter or other document.
在市中心和飞机场之间有往返的穿梭运行班车。 There is a shuttle service between the city center and the air station.
链,带系在表或手镯上以防其丢失的小链子或带子 A small chain or band attached to a watch or bracelet to prevent loss.
"我现在还不需要这些文献,但我还是要感谢你。" I don't need the literature at present. Thank you very much all the same.
我整天都在照料四个小孩, 确实已筋疲力尽了! I've been looking after four young children all day and I really am at the end of my tether!
那个芭蕾舞女演员在下台之前(向观众)行屈膝礼. The ballerina bobbed a curtsy (to the audience) before leaving the stage.
`你把剪刀放在哪儿了?'`我把它放(回)到抽屉里了.' `Where did you put the scissors?' `I put them (back) in the drawer.'
这孩子把关在笼里的鸟儿放出来,鸟儿吱吱叫着飞走了。 The boy set his caged bird loose, and it flew away chirping.
檐槽把雨水从房顶排走的水槽,装在屋檐边或檐下 A trough fixed under or along the eaves for draining rainwater from a roof.
经济萧条时期,有好几百万的失业者在街头游荡。 During the depression, millions of the unemployed wandered around in the streets.
“我们或许再也不能在湖里游泳了。"--“为什么不能呢?" "We may never swim in the lake again." --- "Why not?"
固有的作为一种基本成份或典型特征而存在的;内在的 Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; intrinsic.
没想到(老实的)他居然在三天内犯了三次抢劫罪。 I didn't expect that he should have committed three robberies in as many days.
在两个派别之间实现和平;毫无意义;没有达到定额 Made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn't make the quota.
在这张地图上公路与铁路(彼此)相交共有多少次? How many times do the road and railway intersect (with one another) on this map?
设想在脑海中构想的事物;概念、计划、设计或思想 Something conceived in the mind; a concept, plan, design, idea, or thought.
珍妮站在他面前,脸色苍白,略微有些颤动,一言不发。 Jennie stood before him, pale, trembling a little, and silent.
"我们在渡口等了三个多小时,还是不见船的影子。" "We waited more than three hours at the ferry, but no sign of a boat was seen."
该地区的农民不得不在这块贫瘠的土地上挣扎谋生。 The farmers in this area have to struggle to wrest a living from the infertile soil.
资产阶级在马克思的理论中,所有者阶层的一员;资本家 In Marxist theory, a member of the property-owning class; a capitalist.
Z字型线条在方向交替中,通过急转来继续的线或路线 A line or course that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions.
在我们办公室里可以看到有某种(令人不寒而栗的)不安迹象. You can see signs of (a creeping) malaise in our office.
(芭蕾)跳跃在跳跃中能跳到某一高度的能力,如在芭蕾舞中 The ability to achieve height in a jump, as in ballet.
矛盾,不相符不符合或不一致,如在事实和宣称之间;差异 Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference.
即使在国家被击败之後,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。 Even after the country is defeated, partisan fight the invader in the hill.
"你他妈的是谁?"他粗暴地问道。"你为何在这儿闲荡?" "And who the devil may you be?" he asked truculently. "What are you doing, hanging about here? "
`他说:  我要来. '在间接引语中变成`他说他要来.' In indirect speech, `He said, ``I will come''' becomes `He said he would come.'
他在短短的一生中, 从小偷小摸到杀人, 什麽罪都犯过. In his short life he had run the entire gamut of crime, from petty theft to murder.
是我看错了,还是这些确实是你们在那个花盆里栽的兰花? Do my eyes deceive me, or are those real orchids you have growing in that pot?
"这一家人在遭到不幸的车祸前,日子过得太平安宁。" The family had lived in peace and tranquillity before the unfortunate traffic accident.
那两个赛跑选手竞争激烈--在赛程中一直不相上下。 The two runners contested the race closely it was nip and tuck all the way.
周围一堆堆的石灰石,在彩虹一样的斑斓色彩中闪闪发光。 Round about, piles of lime- stone glistened in all the colours of the rainbow.
因飞机票涨价, 他们在度假费用中向我们增收了10%附加费. They've surcharged us 10% on the price of the holiday because of a rise in air fares.
工会认为政府禁止加班的用意是老鼠拉木 ,大头在後边。 Unions regard the government's intention to ban overtime as the thin end of the wedge.
在史蒂文森教授巡回讲演期间,由琼斯助教全权代表。 During Prof. Stevenson's absence on a lecture tour, Assistant Prof. Jones acted for him.
长在植物上面的花就是它们的生殖器官,那岂不是妙得很吗? Isn't it odd that flowers are the reproductive organs of the plants they grow on?
彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体。 The comet's ice, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacular sublimate to gas.
我们用了两个小时才计算完毕,因此我们在4点钟结束了工作。 It took two hours to complete the calculation, so we logged off at4 o'clock.
他在他们的眼光里是坍台了;他在贫民前面丢了体面和地位。 He was degraded in their eyes; he had lost caste and station before the very paupers.
今天,托马斯·莫尔爵士作为《乌托邦》的作者而留在人们的记忆之中。 Sir Thomas More is remembered today as the author of Utopia.
那场运动后,自耕农再也不能拥有并在他们自己的土地上耕耘了。 The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement.
不管你的食物是蔬菜还是肉,在咽下以前咀嚼,是最重要的。 It is most important to chew your food, whether vegetable or meat, before you swallow it down.
信念对真理、事实或某物的正确性在思想上接受或深信不疑 Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something.
先用尺在纸上划出方格,这样你就能把图精确地摹绘下来了。 Square the page off with your ruler, then you'll be able to copy the drawing accurately.
通货膨胀正在缓解,失业情形正在改善,形势确实已好转! Inflation is coming down; unemployment is coming down; things are definitely looking up!
由於发动机突然出现故障, 飞行员不得不(在爱尔兰海上)紧急降落. A sudden engine failure forced the pilot to ditch (in the Irish Sea).
英国广播公司在播放那部电视连续剧以後,即将出版一部有关的书。 As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book.
女王在群居的蜜蜂、蚂蚁或白蚁群体中,可繁殖并发育完全的雌虫 The fertile, fully developed female in a colony of social bees, ants, or termites.
"那些男孩一直在花园里点火堆。""他们又在搞这名堂了,是不是?" "The boys have been lighting fires in the garden." "So they're at it again, are they? "
品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的。 Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes.
千瓦-小时电功率的单位,等于在一千瓦功率下一小时内消耗的功 A unit of electric power equal to the work done by one kilowatt acting for one hour.
边缘装饰在桌子顶部、托盘或书架边缘处的直立的装饰品或造型 A decorative upright trimming or molding along the edge of a table top, tray, or shelf.
在优化问题中,一种表示若干变量相互关系的方程(式)或不等式。 An equation or inequality relating the variables in an optimization problem.
你曾否想到用你的视觉去探视一位朋友或认识的人的内在本性? Does it ever occur to you to use your sight to see into the inner nature of a friend or acquaintance?
踢进了那个球着实让他高兴,你看他的教练伸头大拇指在鼓励他呢! He's absolutely delighted to have scored that goal! See his coach give him the thumbs up!
在这个可怕的地方呆了将近4个星期的时间,我完全依靠自己的力量生活。 During nearly for weeks in this glorious place I have lived on my own hump.
他们在苏格兰有一村舍, 在伦敦有一所房子, 在巴黎还有一套备用公寓. They own a cottage in Scotland and a house in London as well as a pied-a-terre in Paris.
他在得知这消息时所发的议论不宜见诸报端(语言粗俗难登大雅之堂). His comment when he heard the news was not printable! ie was too rude to be printed.
他所执教是一所规模很小的大学, 他想摆脱存在於其中的地方主义桎梏. He wanted to escape from the provincialism of the small university where he taught.
调查人员在飞机残骸中搜索, 希望找出造成这一悲惨事件的原因. Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy.
粒面的在明暗区间有显著分界的;不平滑的。用于相片和电影胶片 Having sharp divisions between light and dark patches; not smooth. Used of photographs and film.
在树林中走了一个小时而没有见到什么值得注意的东西,这怎么可能呢? How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note?
但是能否以这样的方法把激光发展到可以在空,凤摧毁进攻的导弹呢? But can laser beams be developed in such a way to destroy attacking missiles in space?
循环,周而复始结束在其起点或持续重复其自身的系列或过程;循环 A series or process that finishes at its starting point or continuously repeats itself; a cycle.
外形似镖的事物物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体 An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect.
隧道,地道地下隧道或通道,如在洞穴内的或为军用、采矿而挖掘的地道 An underground tunnel or passageway, as in a cave or one dug for military or mining purposes.
海上养殖在海洋生物的天然栖息地养殖这些生物,通常是出于商业目的 Cultivation of marine organisms in their natural habitats, usually for commercial purposes.
事情的真相是:这样一种工作不仅存在,而且极易招致行贿受贿事件。 It emerged not only that such a job existed, but that it was particularly subject to bribery.
警察发现琼斯躲在鸦片馆里,和那里的其他人一样被毒品熏得昏昏沉沉的。 Police found Jones hiding in an opium den, among other men all hopped up with the drug.
明信片上只写了“祝你过得很愉快”,“真希望你在也这儿”或诸如此类的话。 The card just said"Having wonderful time.""Wish you were here" or some such things.
当欧洲人还是居住在洞穴中的野蛮人时,这些地方的文化早已十分繁荣昌盛。 These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves.
但是你曾经有过用你的视觉去看透一个朋友或相识的内在本质的时候吗? But does it ever occur to you to use your sight to see into the inner nature of a friends or acquaintance?
生物群落一组生活在特定栖息地且形成一生态群落的一组相互影响的生物 A group of interacting organisms that live in a particular habitat and form an ecological community.
梅伦格舞起源于多米尼加和海地民间的一种适合在舞厅跳的交际舞,以滑步为特征 A ballroom dance of Dominican and Haitian folk origin, characterized by a sliding step.
这里摘登一封'亲爱的爱毕'的回信,刊登在一九七三年三月九日的'费城公报'上。 Here is a letter adapted from DEAR ABBY, Philadelphia Bulletin, March9,1973.
我试图将账目核实一下,但变更或销掉账目实在太多,真是令人头痛。 I tried to check the accounts but there are so many entries altered or crossed out that it makes one's mind boggle.
解说员在伊丽莎白戏剧中朗诵序言和尾声以及有时关于演出评论的演员 An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.
在阴极射线管显示器中,用电子束激励后荧光物质光发射的持续现象。 In cathode ray tube display, the continuation of light emission from phosphor after excitation by the electron beam.
磨房过去使用笨重的石磨把麦磨成面粉;现在它们使用的是比较现代的机械。 Mills used to use heavy stones to grind down the wheat into flour; now they use more modern machinery.
"一位在钟塔上工作的油漆工把一桶油漆挂在一根指针上,把钟弄慢了。" A painter who had been working on the clock tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!
于是,村办学校继续办下去,至少暂时能这样,让我们为现在的职员高呼万岁! So the village school stays open, for the time being at least, and long live our present incumbent.
为本城父老乡亲医伤诊病近四十年后,现在,我打算退休,并迁居弗罗里达。 After nearly40 years of patching up the folks of this town, I'm planning to retire and move to Florida.
玛丽错把老师的书拿回了家,第2天一早她便在无人知晓的情况下将它归还了。 Mary took the teacher's book home by mistake, but early the morning she returned it with nobody the wiser.
夜里在乡村小路上,他的车子两个轮胎漏气了,又没有备用轮胎,他肯定难办死了。 He had two flat tires and no spare on a country road, which was certainly a pretty kettle of fish.
在(文献)资料复制机中,感光材料曝光以后的处置,以显现和保留图象。 In a document copying machine, the treatment of sensitized material after exposure so as to reveal and to retain the image.
场后围栏用于阻止球被投出或打出比赛场地的一种屏障或栅栏,如在棒球比赛中 A screen or fence used to prevent a ball from being thrown or hit far out of a playing area, as in baseball.
现代的新闻工作,以“最庸俗者生存”这伟大的达尔文式的原则来为自己的存在辩护。 Modern journalism justify its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgar.
走读生凡拟在校用午餐者希于10时前通知总务管理员,今天你在家吃午饭还是出去吃饭? Non-resident students who wish to lunch in should inform the Bursar before ten o'clock.
工农业生产停滞不前,粮食匮乏,更为糟糕的是,中央政府已完全不复存在。 Agriculture and industry are at a standstill. Food is scarce and to crown it all, there is no central government in being.
事务式的,有条理的显示或具有在生意方面有优越或有用特点的;有条不紊的和系统性的 Showing or having characteristics advantageous to or of use in business; methodical and systematic.
你们在外面享福,我却一直在这里辛辛苦苦守着火热的炉灶。可我又得到了什么报答呢? Here I've been slaving over a hot cooker while you have been out enjoying yourselves, and what rewards do I get?
约瑟醒来马上起床,连夜带着母子俩逃往埃及。他在那儿一直住到希律王死去。 So Joseph rose from sleep, and taking mother and child by night he went away with them to Egypt, and there he stayed till Herod's death.
昼盲(症)一种视觉缺陷,其特点是在明亮的光线中和在阴暗的光线里一样无法看清东西 A visual defect characterized by the inability to see as clearly in bright light as in dim light.
回忆或遐想指与另一人、物或观点联系在一起的记忆中的或想象的感情、情感、观点或感觉 A remembered or imagined feeling, emotion, idea, or sensation linked to a person, object, or idea.
在我还未结婚之前,我有过六项养育孩子的理论;现在我有六个孩子了,再没有什么理论啦。 Before I get married I have six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children, and no theories.
脱轨器,转撤器通过在不同大小的扣链齿轮间移动链条而转换自行车齿轮(换档)的装置 A device for shifting gears on a bicycle by moving the chain between sprocket wheels of different sizes.
在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。 People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land.
在计算机程序设计中,将主存某些单元的内容复制到同一主存中的其它单元中去。同transfer。 In computer programming, to copy from locations in main storage into locations in the same main storage.
没有一件事情比得上有朋在远方更使这地球显得如此广大的了;他们构成纬度,也构成经度。 Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make latitudes and longitudes.
一雄多雌(配合)在一个交配季节里,一个雄性个体与一个以上的雌性个体进行交配的一种交配方式 A mating pattern in which a male mates with more than one female in a single breeding season.
附注列在一篇文章、一个章节或一本书尾的注解,对文中指定部分做评论或引述参考书 A note placed at the end of an article, a chapter, or a book that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
变迁,盛衰在人的一生中、活动中或者周围环境中会碰到的忽然或者想不到的变化或变迁 One of the sudden or unexpected changes or shifts often encountered in one's life, activities, or surroundings.
当飞机向前移动时,机翼上方的气流产生向上的力使飞机飞离地面保持在空中不坠。 As the air craft moves forward, the air flowing over the wings produces lift to raise the aircraft off the ground, and keep it in the air.
贴花转印法把印在(尤指)准备好的纸张上的图画或图案转印到玻璃或金属等材料上的程序 The process of transferring pictures or designs printed on specially prepared paper to materials such as glass or metal.
芽,萌芽茎或枝上小的隆起物,有时被包在保护性的介壳中,内中有未发育的根、叶子或花 A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.
我已决心应该让我的孩子们在他们的父亲的宗教里抚养成人,倘使他们能够了解何谓“宗教”的话。 I am determined my children shall be brought up in their father's religion, if they can find out what it be.
坐在窗边的那个老家伙不太引人注目—人们记不起他是什么时候开始就每天晚上光顾这家酒吧。 That old fellow by the window is part of the furniture—he's been coming in this pub every night for longer than anyone can remember.
换码,转义,退出,逸出,中断执行尤指用来中断一条指令、停止程序运行或者在同一个程序中改变层次 A key used especially to interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program.
公社一个比较小、常在乡村的公社,它的成员分享公共财产、工作和收入,并常集中自己的财产 A relatively small, often rural community whose members share common interests, work, and income and often own property collectively.
未来学一门以当前状况和趋势为出发点,对如科学、技术和社会潜在的发展作出预测或研究的学科 The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.
时机掌握掌握发生、步伐或协调以达到最理想效果的艺术或操作,如在音乐、戏剧、运动或机构中 The art or operation of regulating occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve the most desirable effects, as in music, the theater, athletics, or mechanics.
作者设法追溯了许多事件,在这些事件中,由于离奇的机遇,使女主角与这一家庭有了短时间的接触。 The author has managed to trace many incidents in which the long arm of confidence brought the heroine in fleeting touch with the members of the family.
与电子业有关的另一项新发展是电子“中间站”的出现,这种中间站正开始在全国各地涌现出来。 Another development related to the electronic cottage is the emergence of electronic" halfway houses" which are beginning to crop up across the country.
匾额,铭碑,饰板被装饰或雕刻的平的薄板、厚板或圆板,用来镶嵌在墙上装饰或安在纪念碑上记载资料 A flat plate, slab, or disk that is ornamented or engraved for mounting, as on a wall for decoration or on a monument for information.
埃米特,罗伯特1778-1803爱尔兰爱国主义者,他为爱尔兰天主教的权利而战,在反对英国的事件中,因失败而被处决 Irish patriot who fought for the rights of Irish Catholics and was executed for his part in a bungled uprising against the British.
水产养殖在控制条件下,科学、艺术及商业性培植海水或淡水食用鱼或介壳类,如牡蛎、蛤、鲑及鳟鱼 The science, art, and business of cultivating marine or freshwater food fish or shellfish, such as oysters, clams, salmon, and trout, under controlled conditions.
"亲爱的,我今晚会早早回家的。""那好极了,"她机械地应了一声,就在门关上时又补了一句,"我就算你会早回好了!" "I'll be home early tonight, darling." "That'll be nice, " she answered mechanically, and, as the door closed, added, "I'll bet! "
我想现在我明白你的意思了。如果你所说的“正直”就是我所说的“一贯性”,那么我们刚才的争吵就是彼此误解了。 I get your drift now, I think. If you mean by"integrity", what I would call"consistency" then we've been arguing at cross-purposes.
在光记录技术中,指光道上两个凹槽之间的区域。在制作母盘时记录激光束不照射这些区域。参阅pit。 In optical recording, refers to the areas of the data tracks which are between the pits. These are typically the areas not touched by the recording laser beam during mastering.
英格兰这国家过去和现在一样,到处可碰见这样的人:他们喜欢发号施令,但对正在发生的事情却似乎知之甚少。 England is, and has always been, a country infested with people who love to tell up what to do, but who rarely seem to know what's going on.
服这器官妙得很,它从你在早上起床的一刹那时就开始工作,而且直至你进入办公室为止,是不会停止(工作)的。 The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office.
贝西奖一种自1984年以来每年由“纽约市舞蹈剧院创作室”颁发的奖项,为在舞蹈和表演艺术方面取得的成就而设立 An award given annually since1984 by the Dance Theater Workshop in New York City for achievement in dance and the performing arts.
其他共和国现在公开抱怨新俄罗斯帝国主义,同时以前的那些头儿们也假惺惺地为违反“人权”一掬同情之泪。 Leaders of other republics mutter openly now about a new Russian imperialism, while former chieftains shed crocodile tears over the violation of"human rights."
语素一种含有一个单词的有意义的语言单位,如人或一词素,如-ed在单词walked中,不能被划分为更小的有意义单位 A meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word, such as man, or a word element, such as-ed in walked, that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts.
英国习语,英国特有用词,英国式的语言现象英语,尤其是在英语口语中所特有的单词、短语或习惯用语;英国式语言现象 A word, a phrase, or an idiom peculiar to the English language, especially as spoken in England; a Briticism.
链球由重16磅(7。2千克)的金属球和一条长链或木把手组成,人手持链端或把手在田径比赛中将其投远以争高低 A metal ball weighing16 pounds(7.2 kilograms) and having a long wire or wooden handle by which it is thrown for distance in track-and-field competition.
历史可以证明,德国人在1944年12月的反攻巴尔吉之战中使出了最后的力量,从那时起,他们的失败只不过是时间问题而已。 History may prove that in Dec.1944, the Germans shot their bolt at the Battle of the Bulge; after that, their defeat was just a matter of time.
痉挛一种由于紧张或寒冷而导致的肌肉突发性、无意识的、间歇性的紧缩,能导致剧烈的疼痛,通常发生在腿部或肩部 A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill.
用于修饰或说明经由通道到通道适配器连接的处理部件,通过这些适配器在处理机之间传递控制信息。参阅tightly-coupled。 Pertaining to processing units that are connected by means of channel-to-channel adapters that are used to pass control information between the processors.
工会与资方的最后谈判行将终结,双方努力争取在限期前达成协议。否则,发行187年的《纽约邮报》将被迫永远停刊。 Last-ditch talks headed down to the wire as union and management raced a deadline which could force the New York Post to close down today for good after187 year.
国际商业机器有限公司昨天又在华尔街宣布了一项骇人听闻的消息,警告分析家说他们可以预期第二季度盈利至少下降百分之八十。 IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an80% slide in second-quarter earnings.
在计算机程序运行过程中发生的一种不希望有的或意料之外的停机,一般是由于编码失误、硬件故障或操作者的错误而引起的。参阅run。 In computing, an unwanted or unforeseen halt in a program run, due to faulty coding, hardware errors or operator mistakes.
据说惊人的大量有毒物质正堆在英国最大的化学物品废品站里……当地政府……对……堆在它门口的垃圾理所当然地感到忧虑。 A frightening brew of poisonous waste is said to be accumulating in Britain's biggest chemical dump… The local authority… is rightly worried about the… tip on its doorstep.
过去的已经过去,且一去不返,而聪明人总是努力着眼于现在和将来的事情,所以对过去耿耿于怀着无非是在捉弄自己罢了。 That which is past is gone, and irrevocable; and wise men have enough to do, with things present and to come; therefore they do but trifle with themselves, that labor in past matters.
盖鲁萨克,约瑟夫·路易斯1778-1850法国化学家和物理学家,析出硼元素(1809年),并且确切陈述了解释气体在固定压力下的表现方式的定律 French chemist and physicist who isolated the element boron(1809) and formulated a law that explains the behavior of a gas under constant pressure.
地雷,水雷一种用来摧毁敌军部队、船舰、碉堡或装备的爆破装置,通常安放在隐蔽处,由于接触、靠近或定时而引爆 An explosive device used to destroy enemy personnel, shipping, fortifications, or equipment, often placed in a concealed position and designed to be detonated by contact, proximity, or a time fuse.
用多半尺度衡量,1988年对波音公司来说都是极好的一年。这一规模庞大的航空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。 By most measures,1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders.
费尔菲尔德康涅狄格西南的一座城镇,跨长岛海峡,在布里奇波特西南。于1639年建立,主要是住宅区,有多样化的轻工业。人口53,418 A town of southwest Connecticut on Long Island Sound southwest of Bridgeport. Settled in1639, it is mainly residential and has varied light industries. Population, 53,418.
韦伯磁通量的国际单位,等于当磁通量在一秒钟内被统一地减弱为零时在它联接的一圈电路内产生一伏特电动势时的磁通量 The SI unit of magnetic flux equal to the magnetic flux that in linking a circuit of one turn produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as it is uniformly reduced to zero within one second.
有氧健身法旨在增强循环和呼吸功效的生理调节体系,包括有力的、持久的锻炼,例如慢跑、游泳或骑自行车,从而提高肌体对氧气的利用 A system of physical conditioning designed to enhance circulatory and respiratory efficiency that involves vigorous, sustained exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, thereby improving the body's utilization of oxygen.
走马疳,坏疽性口炎嘴或生殖器部分严重的经常为生疽性的发炎,通常在感染了传染病后发生,最常发病于卫生条件极差或营养状况不良的孩子 A severe, often gangrenous inflammation of the mouth or genitals, occurring usually after an infectious disease and found most often in children in poor hygienic or malnourished condition.
将近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。 Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.
海涅,亨利希1797-1856德国作家,自1831年之后生活在巴黎。他的浪漫主义诗歌及社会论文充满了他对自己祖国土地和人民的热爱,对众多德国现代研究机构的嘲笑 German writer who lived in Paris after1831. His romantic poems and social essays are marked by his love for the German land and people and derision for many modern German institutions.
据悉,在审理戈蒂时,格拉瑟对联邦调查局、检察官、被告律师以及媒体毫不客气。他打了好几通电话给塞申斯,要他必须查出《每日新闻》的消息来源。 Glasser, who rode roughshod over the FBI, prosecutors, defense lawyers and the press during the Gotti trial, made a series of telephone calls to Sessions demanding that the sources for The News story be found, sources said.
在计算机安全学中,一种计算机程序,表面上或实际上有某种有用的功能,而含有附加的(隐藏的)可能利用了调用进程的合法特许来危害系统安全的功能。 In computer security, a computer program with an apparently or actually useful function that contains additional(hidden) functions that surreptitiously exploit the legitimate authorizations of the invoking process to the detriment of security.
经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq, warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents.
麦迪逊美国威斯康星州首府,位于该州的中南部,密尔沃基的西边。它于1836年被选定作为该州的首府并在同年移民于此。威斯康星大学(建于1848年)的主要部分就在这里。人口191,262 The capital of Wisconsin, in the south-central part of the state west of Milwaukee. It was chosen as territorial capital in1836 and settled the same year. The main branch of the University of Wisconsin(founded1848) is here. Population, 191,262.
不过,任何解决[苏联经济失调]办的法都受到权力危机的影响,在改革与开放,经济与政治之间产生一种自相矛盾僵持不下的情况:任何振兴经济的办法不过煽起民众的忿怒并损及政府威信而已。 Any solution [to Soviet economic malaise], however, is hostage to the crisis of authority, creating a catch-22 stalemate between perestroika and glasnost, between economics and politics: any measure to shore up the economy only fans public anger and reduces the authority of the Government.
一种安全设备(通常是终端的一部分),它可以读取插入槽中的标记卡上的信息(这些信息往往以磁条码的形式记录在标记卡上)。用这种办法,在允许操作员进入系统前,可以防止对一个显示工作站的非法使用。参阅badge。 A security device(often part of a terminal) that reads information(often from a magnetic strip) on a badge inserted in a slot. In this way, it can prevent the unauthorized use of a display station before allowing an operator to sign on.