
5 New HSK word(s): HSK5 + yuan2 circle; round; circular; spherical; (of the moon) full; unit of Chinese currency (Yuan); tactful; to justify HSK6 椭圆 + tuo3yuan2 oval; ellipse; elliptic HSK6 团圆 + tuan2yuan2 to have a reunion HSK6 圆满 + yuan2man3 satisfactory; consummate; perfect HSK6 方圆 + fang1yuan2 circumference
5 Old HSK word(s): A VS;n * yuan2 round/ circular/ circle B N * yuan2zhu1bi3 ball pen C VS * yuan2man3 round-full/ perfect/ satisfactory D VA * tuan2yuan2 reunion D N * tuo3yuan2 ellipse

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Grade E word(s):
膀大腰圆 半圆 大团圆 方圆 桂圆 花好月圆 破镜重圆 汤圆 椭圆形 圆白菜 圆场 圆点 圆房 圆规 圆号 圆滑 圆乎乎 圆寂 圆括弧 圆领 圆木 圆盘 圆圈 圆润 圆通 圆屋顶 圆舞曲 圆心 圆形 圆型 圆周 圆柱 圆珠笔心 圆锥 圆锥体 圆锥形 圆桌 圆柱形 自圆其说
圆 [yuan2] Kreis (S)rund, kreisförmig; komplett (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 6.42 Komposita

别为几个差错着急,迟早一切都会得到圆满解决的。 Don't worry about a few mistakes; it'll all come out in the wash.
正方形有四条边,而圆形没有边。 A square has four sides but a circle has no sides.
我们能用半径计算出圆的面积。 We can compute the circular area with radius.
教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。 The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church.
满月呈圆形。 The full moon has a circular form.
圆的轴线是其直径. The axis of a circle is its diameter.
人们一提到维也纳就会联想到华尔兹圆舞曲和咖啡馆. People connect Vienna with waltzes and coffee-houses.
圆环沿人行道滚动. The hoop rolled along the pavement.
那些男孩子为几支圆珠笔而争吵起来了。 The boys were bickering over some ballpoints.
扇形体形状似四分之一圆圈的机器零件或其他机械设备 A machine part or other mechanical device that is shaped like a quarter circle.
这些圆珠笔零售价为70便士. These biros retail at/for 70p.
柱廊有由圆柱支撑房顶的门廊或走道,通常通往建筑物的入口处 A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building.
地球的圆周长约为25000. The circumference of the earth is almost 25000 miles/The earth is almost 25000 miles in circumference.
拉斯洛·拜罗发明了圆珠笔. Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen.
不善交际的缺乏社会风度的;不圆滑的 Lacking social polish; tactless.
这些就是:一些法国法郎,瑞士法郎,美圆和一些荷兰盾。 Here it is, some French francs, Swiss francs, American dollars and a few Dutch guilders.
鲸背甲板船一种蒸汽船,带有圆形的船头和上甲板以遮蔽雨水 A steamship with the bow and upper deck rounded so as to shed water.
圆盘的边缘已用机器磨平[光]. The edge of the disc had been machined flat/smooth.
桶贮存液体的坚固的圆筒状容器;桶 A sturdy cylindrical container for storing liquids; a barrel.
彗星象行星一样绕太阳运转,然而其轨道呈狭长的椭圆形。 Comets move around the sun like planets, but in long oval course.
小火山口一种底部平坦、大致呈圆形的火山爆发后形成的盛满水的低洼地 A flat-bottomed, roughly circular volcanic crater of explosive origin that is often filled with water.
水晶石石英断片,直径4到64毫米(0。16到2。51英寸),尤指天然圆形的石英颗粒 A rock fragment between4 and64 millimeters(0.16 and2.51 inches) in diameter, especially one that has been naturally rounded.
单簧管,黑管一种管乐器,有直的圆筒形管身和一个外敞的管口及一个单簧吹口,以指孔和键的方式演奏 A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys.
你用圆珠笔或铅笔书写均可. You may write in biro or pencil.
这一切凑合起来使我们的假期圆满过去。 Everything cooperated to make our holiday a success.
脚踏旋转平台一种由一圆形小平台组成的游乐场设备,当推动它或踩其踏板时能够转动 A piece of playground equipment consisting of a small circular platform that revolves when pushed or pedaled.
镜子是椭圆的。 The mirror is oval.
凹圆形凹陷的线脚 A concave molding.
球场很大, 呈椭圆形. The playing-field is a large oval.
圆凸线一种窄的凸圆造型 A narrow, convex molding.
因为有钱又慷慨,他捐了两百万圆给红十字会。 Rich and generous, he contributed two million dollars to the Red Cross.
终止于衰竭是“死亡”,但“圆满”却终止于无穷。 That which ends in exhaustion is death, but the perfect ending is in the endless.
(曲轴的)半径曲柄、凸轮或类似机器部件形成的圆的半径 The radius of a circle described by a crank, cam, or similar machine part.
踏板一种由脚操纵带动圆周运动的踏板或杠杆,如制陶者的陶车或缝纫机的踏板 A pedal or lever operated by the foot for circular drive, as in a potter's wheel or sewing machine.
人工渠道一种用于供应能量或运送圆木的敞开的、有水流通过的人工渠道或斜糟 An open artificial channel or chute carrying a stream of water, as for furnishing power or conveying logs.
匾额,铭碑,饰板被装饰或雕刻的平的薄板、厚板或圆板,用来镶嵌在墙上装饰或安在纪念碑上记载资料 A flat plate, slab, or disk that is ornamented or engraved for mounting, as on a wall for decoration or on a monument for information.